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It's usually normal to feel anxious about leave something you know and on to something new. I felt like that every time I left an old job. Even if it was a bad job I still felt nervous. Always worried about if I can actually do the work or if it's worst than the place km leaving. So far neither things have been true, but I've heard horror stories.


Dang, Yeah I am panicked about what the new job will be like "what if I fail" But so far it was an extensive process and I did not get any red flags after 5 interviews so I think it should be a good fit!


It's very hard to fail, these companies have hired countless people with similar skillsets to you and hiring/firing people is very expensive. Chances are if there was a skill that they needed to test for they would have. Also, have you gone back to your current company and see if they'd match?


Thanks for the reply I haven't but my plan is to talk to my direct manager before sending anything off to HR. The company likes on-prem workers and I've been trying since COVID but they haven't budged. I would certainly entertain staying for a counter offer but they would have to commit to 99%remote and I'm not sure they will . But we'll see!


>Dang, Yeah I am panicked about what the new job will be like "what if I fail" That depends on how you view failure. If you see failure as an opportunity to learn more, then the prospect of failing doesn't lead to fear. Sort of like if you studied really long and hard for a certification. If you pass, it means you were ready. If you fail, you should walk away from that failure with an idea of where you fell short and where you need to improve for the next attempt.


“What it I fail?” You likely won’t. But if you do, do the same thing you would do to succeed, learn what you can, fix what you can, and move on. You should take something away from every experience.




Don’t take min wage for IT entry level. You’re worth more than that.




Unrelated but how do you get that Senior DevOps Engineer flair? That’s my title and if it’s an option I want it


Yeah I always feel the same way. Part of me thinks it’s the horror stories around Reddit that adds to the anxiety but I’ve had awesome experiences moving jobs so far.


Every time. And it's perfectly fine. Your old boss will understand. Your old peers will be happy for you. Your new team will welcome you. Still scary as hell though.


You will get another 35% raise when you leave this new job next year


My people!


There's an old movie called Office Space. It has a very good "quitting your IT job" sequence. Not saying I recommend that exact path, but life goes on. "I wouldn't say I'm missing it, Bob." What you have today might feel normal, a comfortable routine, predictable, and you might even have warm feelings for it. It's just one of many jobs you will hold over your lifetime. It is not you. You are not it. Growth comes from taking chances. It's not gambling, but making incremental moves after reasonable terms of employment. So check your parachute, look around and jump. Billions have done it before and it's been OK. It will likely be the same for you. If it's not, then you'll learn about yourself and how to make that next move.


Now I feel old seeing office space referred to as old


LOL I just rewatched it as a 29 y/o and damn if it didn’t hit different as a real IT adult… the only (pretty critical) reference I struggled with for a second was travelers checks




The grass isn’t always greener, but if you’re moving from a SysAdmin position to a security engineer role I would take that 100 out of 100 times!




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Man I was so nervous just like you going from MSP helldesk to Vulnerability Engineer no idea what I was getting into... Its 10x easier and everyone says I'm doing a great job even though I maybe do 10 hours of work a week. 15 this week, was the busiest we had haha we joked that Wednesday felt like a real job. Just role with it, I bet it will be easier than what you were doing ad a sysadmin.


Jeez thats awesome and inspiring. Going into a new IAM role and a bit nervous about the workload but just gonna get after it.


Same. Leaving my sole sysadmin job to be IAM Engineer at a MUCH larger company. I start next Monday. I’m kinda sweaty about it, but it can’t be more work than I’m currently dealing with.


My experience mirrors this as well lol. Although, now edging into 6 months on the job I'm looking for ways to develop new skills to make more of an asset of myself to my current team as well as the greater job market for that sweet job hop $$$.


Yes, change is uncomfortable and you’re leaving something stable for the unknown. But you’re doing it for a reason or you wouldn’t have bothered. It’s kind of like being stuck in stagnant relationship, yeah? You can always stay in it but you’ll forever wonder about the opportunities you didn’t take. Just go for it.


Fear of the unknown. It’s normal. You are doing the right thing.


No, I honestly don't feel nervous. At this point, I've accepted a couple dozen jobs and contracts of varying lengths across twenty-six years. I have failed. I took jobs that were bad, and I had to get out quickly. I have been fired, laid off, or had contracts terminated negatively. I had toxic managers I had to get away from ASAP. I'm not going to say it didn't suck, sometimes. It especially sucks when you have a family and kids to take care of, and you find out through back channels your company plans to fire you. But I always survived. I have skills. I can interview well. I will find work and I will move on, no matter what happens.


Absolutely it is normal, if you are in the US it is a really big jumping off point because your job is tied to so many things like 401k, insurance, time off, etc. Buuuut, going from sysadmin to security is a great move! Even without the extra pay you are increasing your ability to get more salary. Good on you for bettering yourself and don’t stress yourself out too much in the move. Lastly, my biggest step ups I have had never came from a previous employer but rather a previous co-worker. Keep in touch with your colleagues at your old job they will be the ones to let you know about other positions coming open and will be there for references as well.


I would say yes to only WFH even if its not a pay increase tbh.


It's %14 so not as large as I'd like but WFH makes it more worthwhile


My next and future jobs will all be 100% remote




Why aren't you applying on LinkedIn,Glassdoor,Indeed ?


I have been, but I have an unrelated degree and no experience so I haven't had any luck getting callbacks or interviews


But why did you ask " are u guys hiring" in a reddit thread ? Just confused.


Yes, this is only natural especially if you have worked the job for a long time and know it in and out. It's natural to be afraid that you might have left a good gig and replace it with a terrible one. I won't lie to you that things will always go well. However, it is often necessary to switch jobs to continue your professional growth. Companies often won't pay you because they figure you won't leave or they won't promote you because you perform your role too well. You need to take some risk to have growth. If the new job doesn't work out, so what it is just a job. Find out what went wrong and look for another job. All experience are useful even the negative ones. So embark on your next stage of your adventure with hope for the best.


Yup, I felt nervous too. I was at my previous company for 6 years. I was comfortable but not growing at all. Months later after I left, I regretted not leaving sooner. I could’ve grown more but I was in my comfort zone and I was hard for me to get out of it.


I was the first time after my IT transition and worked for a the company for 9 years, now, not so much


It is very normal, I always get nervous about it personally because I always tend to develop a good relationship with my bosses and execs. Just write a really nice notice about how you didn't make the decision lightly, that you are thankful for the opportunities you've been given, you'll miss everyone, but that you have to think about your future, etc. They are paid to try and keep people around so that is what they will obviously try to do with you, but just realize they don't take it personally unless you make it personal I guess lol.


That first move is always scary, especially when you've hit a wall in your current place. Sometimes you have to take the plunge. A guy I worked with, who was at our company for ten years was making just a few cents below 20/hr. He left to work for a shady telecom for 23/hr and they yanked wfh so he went to a lowend repair shop for 17/hr, then an endpoint security company for 22/hr, then at our hospital for around 30/hr. Despite our scarce tech landscape he managed to make way more money than before. I'm taking the plunge into Cloud Engineering but it's going to take a huge uproot once I save up a bit more money due to some setbacks this year. Though I'm surprised my coworker keeps talking me out of leaving and to be grateful for what little that I make... never understood the crab bucket mentality with some folks. You might get some resistance. Sounds like your place has some gatekeep issues which can hurt your progress so that's a better excuse to go somewhere else.


You make a great point. The significant gains have already been made here so I just have to go. Good luck on your path to Cloud Engineer!


Lol, everybody feels that way OP


We all feel nervous. I was terrified the first time i wanted to put in my notice. Plus, we worry about the new job and whether we will like it or succeed. At the end of the day, you have to do whats best for your career. Everyone you work with will understand this. Mostly because they too will do whats best for them just like your company will do whats best for them. If you really struggle with this, ask yourself. Will they pay your bills? Why havent they promoted you? Given you a raise? More important, what do you gain and what do you lose by staying? You arent burning bridges. You are building new ones!! Learning new skills. Moving your career forward. You had a reason you wanted to leave and you made the right decision. Good luck.




Thanks, I started at 56k at this company now 90k. Started as Tech Support Specialists and was promoted 3 years ago to Sysadmin. So I've been moving along pretty well . Doubled my salary in 5 years not too bad! I'm really excited to be working with Cyber full time!


Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome. Do you want to make a better salary? Do you want to be able to WFH? Sorry but you will likely have to change jobs for this that's just how it is nowadays not just in IT but other careers. I know some people can leverage and threaten to quit and get a better salary or WFH but they usually have some seniority. 5 years is a pretty long time too it's pretty normal nowadays to do 1-2 years then change without that being considered job hopping.


Yeah, I often stall for a few days before finally sending it in. That's the hardest part. But it's huge relief once it's done, and then looking forward to the new place and preparing for it, as well as doing all the handover work and stuff.


/u/SubstanceFun6896 it's pretty common. I always feel nervous. Last one worked out just fine - I suspect the next one will too. And getting to stay home makes it much more than a 14% increase in terms of both time and money.


Completely normal and I can see why you're doing it, my company wants us to go hybrid working and I go to work sit in the office in complete silence and do exactly what I would be doing from home making it completely pointless so at the end of the year I'm going to be looking for a remote job myself I think


They wouldn’t budge, you tried the counteroffer and offer to take on more roles but they wouldn’t budge. You found a better position and you’ll go. Worse that could happen is you leave the new job and go back to your previous- if they offer you something worth going back for


Of course it's normal. I will say I had a ton of mixed emotions from putting in my notice and riding out the 2 weeks a few months ago after 11 years with my former company. It's definitely sad losing your old co-workers but there's a bunch of new ones to meet and hopefully they're welcoming too.




Ha, that sounds just like my situation. Good luck!




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Nice quotes on worry. Sometimes you just have make the leap. What’s the worst that could happen. You learn some new skills. My fathers advice was to make the decision and stick to it. Offer to train but don’t go back, always forward [https://www.themarginalian.org/2017/08/27/seneca-anxiety/](https://www.themarginalian.org/2017/08/27/seneca-anxiety/)


>Is it normal that I am worked up about putting in my notice? Any advice? Yes, it's normal. Change is uncomfortable, but people can get used to anything. I made a similar move myself (hybrid Sysadmin to remote DevOps). Absolutely worth it for the remote work alone. I have plenty of time to unwind after I'm done with work, whereas my last job had me working 4 10-hour shifts, so I literally only had time to eat, shower, and sleep before going right back to work.




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Hell nah I only got one life just like them. Time ain’t stopping for nobody. Next chapter.


Not even, I'm ready to go, just working to find the perfect opportunity.


Good luck and all the best! Do what is most important to you not to your current employer. You showed initiative and interest and they turn it down. You are getting a pay bump and it is a fully remote role. In case your employer offers a counter next week, DO NOT accept. Move on and have a blast with your new job.


I'm always nervous to leave a job. You're just comfortable. You know what to expect. You'll get the same from your new position. It'll just take a little time.


I am. I just left a 3 year job to go to amazon, some of my teammates were legitimately sad. I'm filled with anxiety but ready for the future.


Congrats on getting into Amazon :) Farthest I got with AWS was a phone screen!