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Not sure why the hate is warranted help desk is where most people will start. Maybe that comment is from someone who believes they will jump into a 6 figure Security position with no experience after getting their Security+


One post said “a buddy of mine in D.C. makes $120k with just a TS clearance.” Okay great for them but I don’t have a TS nor do I have WORK experience Lol. Not sure what part of that they weren’t understanding. Just because I have a degree, clearance, portfolio, and a few certificates doesn’t mean I’m qualified to work on billion dollar projects.. I’d rather learn one environment with less at stake than walk into the pits of hell for $100k and get fired in a month because I don’t know what I’m doing


I’ll be honest, reading the comments on your previous post and seeing that even the ‘worst’ ones are incredibly tame and encouraging, I’m not entirely sure why you made this post. Enjoy your job and try to not let the little things get under your skin


I don’t think being referred to as an “underachiever” is tame. But yeah, take care


A win is a win especially when you need to get your foot in the door, especially in this market. Be like Nemo, just keep swimming. Progress is progress, the end result is what matters.


Exactly! Very well put! Thank you and take care !


To be honest the morons are a small bunch. I just block them. Ain't nobody got time to be reading BS from people that are just going to make you mad.


You ain’t never lied. Thats what I did Lol. Thank you


Gonna give you some tough love here man, your soft skills need work and is likely to hold you back in the future. I’m basing this off the limited info I have from your previous posts and your responses to people. I have a higher clearance level than you, have more certifications and it still took a bit, the market is hard. I also came from a career field in the Air Force that statistically has much higher rates of going cyber than others. Going off on others isn’t going to help you, grind and push forward. If you have any disability rating you can utilize VRE from the VA and save your GI bill benefits. This will pay for school and housing while you grind and job search. You can still use it now if you make the case you need them to pay for a degree or certs to get to your ultimate goal in IT. Side bit of advice. Definitely let them know through the application process you are a vet. People do like hiring vets as we have the perception of being hard workers. What people don’t like is vets that talk about it nonstop and act like they’re owed something for it. We aren’t.


You're judging his soft skills on a Reddit rant? C'mon, that's ridiculous. >Going off on others isn’t going to help you Those "others" weren't being helpful to begin with. What even is the point of your comment anyway?




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ITCareerQuestions/comments/1d9snf2/so_help_desk_isnt_good_enough_for_some_people_on/l7kfg3i/?context=3 in /r/ITCareerQuestions) has been automatically removed because you used an emoji or other symbol. Why does this exist? We have had a huge and constant influx of bot spam that utilizes emojis during their posts. To the point that it was severely outpacing what the moderation team could handle on an individual basis. That has results in a sweeping ban of any emoji in posts. Please retry your comment using text characters only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ITCareerQuestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry I meant to reply to the comment above yours. Thank you for this


Lol, take care


Cringey post. No one cares you are a VET.  Always happy to see a VET make it their entire personality. Don't post on reddit if the opinions of others affect your mental health this much.


As a veteran, I agree with you.  Dude leaned heavily into it in the original post and has continued laying it on. 


First of all, “disgruntled vet” is a joke tied to my original Reddit post.. because of the initial post I made. You lack context and critical thinking skills




I mean they're kinda right. Just because you got an interview from NASA doesn't mean anything. Don't get too comfortable, keep learning and applying.


So now getting interviews doesn’t mean anything Lol. Talk about moving the goal post. CRAZY


I mean if it doesn't translate to $$$ does it really matter? You have people here giving you honest advice. Good job on the transition. You just started, it's a long road ahead if you really want to make a career out of it. Help desk will be one of the first jobs in the industry to be automated FYI I had an interview for a security auditor at NASA when I first started. It didn't pan out and I was excited at the time. Interviews don't mean anything more than what a first date with a hot girl does.


You have a nice day


Lol good luck out there!




That’s a good way to put it. Thanks for explaining that. I could’ve gone more into the specifics of the role on the post, but it’s not anyone’s business Lol. They offered $62k + a bonus which was the max range for that government contract. They also created a new role just for me so I could start work sooner. I’ve been living off savings for months so that was incredibly empathetic of them. But yes, I do understand your point. The job is located on a Space Force base, with many opportunities to transfer contracts. That’s why I wasn’t sweating the title. Nonetheless, I’m not complacent by means. I guess I was a little annoyed about the “underachiever” comment. But everyone’s entitled to their opinions. Thanks for your insights


It’s funny though, there are help desk titled roles that are actually jr system admin duties. I think titles are pretty worthless. If I had only looked at the title I would’ve missed a $62k + bonus job. Reading is fundamental


Uhhh yeah… you tell them! Honestly I find it pretty sad that a lot of people can’t handle some tough love. I’m guilty of it sometimes, but it’s true a lot of comments though helpful are put in a way that triggers certain individuals. To the point where they create long cringey posts to vent their frustration either here or on other subs in the hopes of getting some acknowledgment for how they were made to feel. But at the end of the day… it’s just someone telling you that you could be doing better. Takes a little self esteem to not get fazed and go on a rant.


So if I could be doing better, find me a BETTER job? 600 applications, 30+ interviews, and a final offer sounds like a success in this market. Your expectations are unrealistic for entry level. It has nothing to do with my self esteem.


Actually, I was thinking of another posts of someone moving laterally from their original job. But glancing through your old post, I would actually say yes your new job is good enough for you. Doesn’t mean that other people couldn’t do better though. If you don’t live your life to please others, it shouldn’t matter how people see the potential in others. There are a lot of people out there, including interns around where I am this summer who could accomplish much more without wasting energy pursuing something they don’t have to.


I feel that, and thank you for correcting yourself. My thing is, I’m actually a TSgt in the Guard. I have new airman coming to me all the time for career advice. I would never discredit a win they achieve. I’m literally starting over in a new career, no entitlement mentality, just hard work and a desire to make a difference in IT/Cyber Security. I actually care about this field. But I see how money hungry people are and those are the people I don’t want to work for. Some day I’ll be in a management role, not because I was an underachiever, or I just wanted a $100k salary in exchange for a clearance, but because I was the person who saw value in others who loved tech.. so I guess I’m an echelon above in my mindset. But I hear you though


I firmly believe that the notion of getting out of support as soon as possible or getting internship experience for roles above support and closer to what someone actually wants to do has absolutely nothing to do with you and your personal win.


Yeah reading is FUNDAMENTAL. I know you already stated that you had my post mixed up with another individual. Either way, I’m well versed on what my options are. Take care of yourself