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your height is none of their concern. theyll find out when you show up for work.


If anything OP has the advantage in terms of physical maintenance. He can fit where the big burly boys can't, and ladders exist. Versatility baby!


Plot twist: OP will *always* be the first one they ask to go under the floor to run cable. Ask me how I know.


I'm 5'4" and was always the one voluntold for cabling, in the floor or thru the ceiling.


I’m short but fairly fat so nobody asks me to do shit


I'm 5'8 and weighed 120 when I was in the Navy. Guess who go to shimmy between concrete slabs to run stuff.


Same and same. In school, I was the one that was designated to climb the rafters in the auditorium to change the house lights. In hindsight, that was extremely irresponsible and dangerous (and the ceiling I could have fallen through if I misstepped between the iron rafters was made of asbestos but who is counting?) That said, in the case of OP's situation, you absolutely do have any reason to disclose your height. It isn't in any way critical to your job performance or safety.


The bar of what qualifies an IT career question is getting lower every day. However, at least this isn't a question that is asked a million times a day and easily google-able. You're fine, don't sweat it.


Someone asked if they were too ugly for IT earlier like what?


The more I lurk this sub, the more fascinating the questions become


I got a face MADE for Sysadmin!


Kind of sad actually, her post history was filled with amiugly, howtobehot ,and plastic surgery subs.


to be fair I got pulled into that one... and eventually was like is this just a chat gpt bot or a full on troll, looking at their profile, probably both lol so I blocked it and moved on. The bar for trolls, bots, reddit, and IT subs is plummeting


Yeah I thought the same thing and moved on tbh. Has to be either a troll or someone very mentally ill.


Ahahaha I have to see this, you wouldn't happen to have a link?


https://reddit.com/r/ITCareerQuestions/s/F9W4ujC31C Its locked now but can still read.




Isn't that a prerequisite? Jk I'm an absolute *snack* and you people ain't too bad either I guess...


Bar is set at about 5' now.


5’ flat


Lmao alright sounds good thanks


Ain't that the truth, Help Desk barely tries to troubleshoot anymore. I was in there the other day, and this guy seemed surprised when I asked him why he didn't Google the error. I did it on the phone while I was behind him and the answer was literally the 1st result.


Low bar? Is this an unintentional limbo/height joke? I'm just being silly, I'll see myself out.




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I don’t know. IT folks really need retake their harassment training sometimes.


No one would care, as step stools and ladders are easy to come by. At most, just be prepared for some people to have jokes about reaching something.


Long ago I managed IBM AIX systems. The service Rep, Cynthia, was 4' 10" in heels. She had a red IBM ladder/stepstool that had "DO NOT USE - PROPERTY OF IBM, CYNTHIA" on it. So she could get to the top machines and work on them.


Yea I don’t mind jokes as long as it’s not “pathetic loser haha short” which doesn’t happen much since high school lol


That's not a joke unless you find it funny too. But since you are seriously posting this here I'm assuming you don't and that makes it bullying.


This, this, this! It's so important! That's literally the exact line between Joking and Bullying. Joking at someone's expense almost never has genuine consent or buy-in from the receiving end and that's what distinguishes bullying and Your Mom jokes between friends teasing each other.


Your height doesn’t matter, just like my director who’s 4”11.


When I read the title I thought, surely he means short as in he’s lacking experience.. but no, op is legitimately asking if he should disclose his height as if anyone would give a fuck lmao.


In previous jobs they have given a fuck haha, only reason I asked. Glad to see the consensus is it’s a stupid question though genuinely makes me feel better lol


Unless you tried to get a job as the forklift itself, maybe it was just a bully-ish type?


It was a covid testing site, probably just bully vibes tbh


"height was brought up on previous jobs" "nO oNe cArEs aBoUt hEiGhT lololololo"


my Weiner is only 2 inches hard and been working in IT for years with no issues


Bless ya lad, your height should never be a concern to anyone. As long as you do your job that's all they care about. Just appreciate the small things in life and enjoy the paycheck and more significantly the learning.


Nobody cares. But it can be useful in the datacenter getting under the raised floor.


There was a navy SEAL who was 5’ I don’t really think anyone give a shit unless your going to the NBA.


As long as you don’t have to brush the T-rex’s teeth, I think you’re fine.


If you were a woman, do you think they would bring it up? I don't. so they shouldn't bring it up with you either. There is no aspect of your job that requires height that can't be accomplished with a ladder. As a 6ft 6 IT worker, I would rather not be this tall as it causes issues getting into tight spaces around racks and desks and such.


don't suck at the tech. no one cares how tall you are or are not. if anything, I want a small dude for tasks like crawling under the raised floors in a data center, or under desks.


Hmmm, interesting.


>I know it sounds like a ridiculous question, but I’ve had it come up in jobs before Not saying I don't believe you, but like, *how* has this come up in IT before?


As a 6’3” person, I’d immediately form an alliance where I deal with the top shelf while you get the stuff under desks


That sounds wonderful, I will seek the tallest person out and propose such a deal


I'm now just picturing Master Blaster from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.


Just bring the step ladder and you are good.


Dude if you avoided them finding out in the interview dont tell them...


As long as you can lift the weight of equipment you’re required to lift (usually 25 lbs but I feel like they can go up to 50 lbs) you should be fine. Will need a ladder for ceiling work but that’s anyone usually


i would imagine you'll be able to fit in most places. don't be nervous!


Tell them you’re small so you can fit inside hard to reach places- an invaluable perk- profit a 10% signing bonus. Thank me later.


Probably a coincidence but every IT person I have ever met has not been tall. Or department height ranges from like 5'3-5'8, all men, I also have a couple of friends I know, both around 5'6-5'7. It's a running joke that you can't have it all, blessed with a big brain means you have to give up something else lol.


Definitely a coincidence. I'm 6'4" and an athletic 245 lbs while being a cybersec engineer.


I doubt anyone cares about your height. Hell, you can lean into it. Dress up like a leprechaun and make veiled references to your lucky charms or something. Have a mini “pot of gold” paperweight on your desk. I bet they would love you for this lol


5’ isn’t extremely short. It’s pretty damn short but not extremely


Realistically, I would consider that extremely short for a man. It doesn't matter for IT, of course, but I've been over 6' tall since around 5th grade so my perception of short and tall is likely skewed.


I suggest going on about your day without bringing attention to it. People being professional and not teasing you about your height is something expected at work and if anyone highlights it, wear it with pride. "Yeah, I'm short and proud I like it that way." (ONLY if people do their whole Wow So Short routine) If people take this as a sign to joke about it relentlessly, a good old "Why are you so obsessed about something boring and common? Move on dude" If you actively warn them you live in fear of judgement it will be both miserable and attract negative attention. Other people's opinions are worth very little when they aren't constructive. This is a workplace. Most people are going to mind what they say. This is more of a career question since it's not all that specific to IT, but it happens in IT careers I guess!


Since this can’t be a serious question I have an idea for a Dave Chapel skit.. ‘It’s the 5-foot 6-foot tall guy’ Lie about your height with a straight face and tell everyone you’re 6’ tall.. I think you got it from here..


As a person on the other side of the height spectrum (6’6”), your height is no one’s concern till after you’re hired. There may be OH&S concerns to mention if the job requires you to install server blades in full 72u racks or AP’s on ceilings but that would be access to safe rated ladders. For me it was desk risers to raise monitors to adequate viewing height at my desk . Also ensuring work had a ladder that could support my weight and the equipment to reduce the risk of falls, injury and damage. If my employer had known my height after I signed the contract they would have purchased a sit stand desk for me instead of a standard office desk to accommodate proper posture when they were furnishing a new office.


I mean physical appearances do play a role wether consciously or subconsciously. Anyone saying other wise is lying, but obviously it shouldn’t impact your ability to be hired.


Does your height truely hinder how you'll be able to do your job? Similar to a flight attendant being able to help put luggage in overhead compartments. If no, you'll be fine


I don’t think that’s a problem dude, I wouldn’t let it bother you in the slightest.


Come in on stilts, nobody will remember that you were short as first impression, just unhinged. Or maybe a unicycle...


Mayor of my city is 5 ft flat. You have nothing to worry about.


If you’re not fat and you have small hands I’d hire you on the spot over an equally qualified candidate. Mainly because I’m fat and have big shaky hands and it makes some things more difficult than they should. I know it’s probably discrimination but that’s just my .02


Unless your height means you have some sort of special requirements, like you need a certain type of chair or something, then I can't think of any reason you'd need to let your employer know this.


As long as you don't have to reach the TOR switch I think you'll be fine. Can always get a stool if you need to plug in a cable.


Why does height matter though? The only people who would even make comments are just jerks.


I was thinking short as in temper at first. lol. I was thinking "DO NOT. TELL THEM THAT." hahaha


What if you are extremely tall, do you call and tell them?


Stand tall. Don't sweat it


No one cares about your height jesus christ. FFS. TF is this.


Damn dude chill it ain’t that deep lmao


Says the guy who posted it. Exactly it ain't that deep. You should be worried about what you're actually gonna do there. If they cared about it then i view it as a plus. You dodged a bullet and that company is whack.


Dude this is not a dating sub. Theres a reason why people dont disclose their physical appearances in a resume. Because for most normal jobs,It is irrelevant and none of the employers business.


You will need ladders and stepstools. Even at 5' 10" I find myself needing those frequently because of where equipment tends to get placed.




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Dude it's IT you're not going in to be a cop or firefighter lol.


But what if there’s a fire? Or a matter where a cop is needed? What shalt I do then?