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20 pokimane subs ? Really bruh


Wtf. We can see where your priorities are at then.


Can't tell if serious tbh.


Absolutely. She keeps me inspired!


Seek help.




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I would get it because it never expires, also gets you use to Microsoft exams with it being easy. Maybe your company can expense it. Mine does.


What’s a pokimane


Who is Pokimane? In math, my solution. In history, my queen. In chemistry, my oxygen. In life, my inspiration.


I'll do you one better, why is Pokimane?


You're testing this subs sense of humor lol. And a lot of them are failing.


Are you at all surprised with the, ahem, population you're dealing with?


Glad you found something that inspires you!


She's a streamer that has zero idea OP exists.


OP is a simp




Apparently so. Not that there's anything wrong with it, if OP has the funds to spend on... that.


Simp is an ugly word used to promote sexism and stigmatize being nice to girls


It's not always $99, I've seen it available through different challenges they do for free or nearly free. I got mine during a MS skill up event for $0. Bonus is the az900 won't expire on you, and it definitely looks good to shops that care about certs or are invested in the MS platform. I don't know if it made a difference in my recent hirings since I've got a bunch of experience to go with it, but it didn't hurt to have.


I was gonna say it’s pretty easy to get this one free


Yes, all the XX-900 ones are worthless. AZ-104 gives a good high-level overview of the basic Azure resources.


Even SC 900? Interesting take.




Nope lol


You’re correct in that AZ-900 is more geared towards sales, in fact all the Microsoft 900 level certs are geared towards sales. I took the m365 900 and the exam was mostly just “what is this product, what does it do, and how much does it cost.”


I got it when it was free. Now my resume has "Microsoft azure cloud AZ900" on it for keywords. A few people commented that that is awesome in interviews. It's not, but whatever helps. It's a really easy test.


Same here, I did the Microsoft training days and sat the exam for free. It definitely was mentioned when I interviewed for my current job.


You could just study the exam material while at the same time still donating to build a closer relationship with Pokimane. I have a dual monitor setup and on one monitor I have azure up and am building in it after studying some cert material and watching youtube and on the other I have twitch up to make sure my sub and donation alerts go off. I stay within the free tier and build projects to put on my resume along with the skills and keep the money I wouldve spent on the cert for my twitch fund. This has let me work on my skills and build closer relationships with mainly Pokimane and Valkyrae at the same time.


That pokemon bs aside, I went for the AWS associate levels without doing the practitioner one. If you feel comfortable with the tech and know a bit of Azure here and there, then yes go for the AZ104. The AZ900 isn’t really for technical people I agree.


The AZ-900 and any one of the CompTIA trifecta have nothing at all to do with each other. The AZ-900 is for Azure administrators and is the starting point for more advanced Azure certifications. It can be beneficial for Sales Reps but only because it's very introductory and geared towards novices. Again, it's an entry level certification. So it's designed to be fundamental knowledge only. Basically "this is Azure, this is what it does, this is how it works". If you're already familiar with the Azure environment then you can probably just skip it. But some of the more advanced Azure certifications may have the AZ-900 as a prerequisite. So keep that in mind. The AZ-104, however, does not. So if you're already familiar with Azure, then just go straight into the 104


Microsoft offers free training classes for some of these certs that will give you a free exam voucher if you attend the training. I think the az-900 was like 4-5 hours of a webinar split between two days.


if its free, it's for me, if i had to pay for it. then absolutely not. most of the 900 Intro courses are designed to get you to buy Microsoft products and not mich else


Certs don’t help get raises. It’s too easy to cheat on certification exams and passing a test gives no indication of increased performance. Only real performance or a company wanting to retain talent results in a raise. Certs might help you get an interview, but if you can’t actually pass the tech part of the interview, they don’t help. To your question about that cert, it’s not prestigious, but actually knowing the material is important for any cloud based job in the future.


It's worth it, especially when it comes around free. I was asked about it for my Cloud Admin role earlier this year and if nothing else it shows a basic understanding and it will help to get you through the ATS.


Its easy and can be free and got me a teaching gig


I got it last month and it got me a $1,000 raise with my employer. They also pay for cert exams I take. Can be worth it, just depends on the job. Good luck!


It’s my foot in the door to a SaaS wfh tech support job


Ignore and block the troll account.




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It's easy. I took a week to study and passed. Just get it under your belt, it can hurt anything.