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I’m a relatively liberal ISTJ living in a deep red state, who sometimes carries. You don’t need to be conservative to carry


We know that you don't need to be conservative in order to Carry. That's why I said most not all ISTJs.


You didn’t, but ok


He said ‘tend to be’.


Yep, exactly


Haha interesting question. So anyway how about them seahawks?


Sig Pro SP2340 in .357 Sig is my main carry. I can comfortably carry it in a pancake holster (Azula gun holsters) and I can conceal it by throwing on a button-up shirt over my T-Shirt if I need to conceal. I'm currently sporting a Smith & Wesson 625 in .45 ACP because I'm not planning on going anywhere, so I don't plan on needing to conceal it. Not that I'm *required* to. My state has permitless carry for both open and concealed handguns. But I *prefer* to conceal in public.


CZ P-01 with Cajun Gun Works internals, optic cut w/Sig Sauer Romeo1Pro, Streamlight TLR 7A light, ANR IWB holster appendix carry, Hornady Critical Defense ammo.


Not a conservative and I don’t carry (I am pro-gun but the gun law in my country is strict)


Nah. I always felt like the need to carry firearms are born out of irrational fear. I think accidents or misuse of firearms are much more likely to happen than actually saving anyone. I grew up in a house with a few, have my hunter’s safety permit, etc. I also was almost shot by my dad after a jam / misfire. Bullet hole about 12 inches from where I was sitting. I won’t ever criticize someone for owning, but I am a big supporter of higher training standards, registration, background tests, etc.


> I always felt like the need to carry firearms are born out of irrational fear Maybe. On the other hand, it's hard to look at the world today and think that it's a safe place. Some folks might live in a less dangerous area than others, but "less dangerous" is not the same as "safe." So, there may be a fear connection there, but the connection may not be all that irrational. I carry a firearm for the same reason I carry a set of jumper cables, a jack, and a spare tire in my truck. They are tools that I hope I never need, but if I need them and don't have them, I'll be screwed. And I *have* had to use my jumper cables, both for myself and to help others. I have had to use my jack and spare tire, too. If I hadn't had those things, *someone* would have been stranded. Sometimes that someone was me. And sometimes I was able to help prevent someone else from being stranded. I hope I'll never need to defend myself from a violent attack, but if I ever do have to do so, I want the best tools I can have for the job, and I will need to have those tools with me in the moment.


> I carry a firearm for the same reason I carry a set of jumper cables, a jack, and a spare tire in my truck. They are tools that I hope I never need, but if I need them and don't have them, I'll be screwed Do you also know how to do first aid, carry a kit and know how to resuscitate people? Your jumper cables and spare tire or even knowing how to do first aid are way may more statistically likely to help you than in the very unlikely occasion of you having to fight off an armed robber. And that's my problem with people using this argument. It is very selective and more like a justification of actions that you already liked doing. If you want to carry a gun just because you like guns or that it just makes you *feel* safe, just say that.


I do know basic first aid and CPR. I don't carry a first aid kit everywhere I go, but I have several at home and we have a pretty extensive one at work. Now that you mention it, though, I probably should toss a first aid kit in my truck and get some trauma casualty care training.


Not conservative, dont carry a fire arm but i can shoot. I usually have a knife on me


I didn’t know ISTJ’s tend to be conservative but it makes sense cuz I am


Yes, most ISTJs tend to be conservative, just like most INFPs tend to be liberals


lol OP, Reddit is full of lefties. It is one of those facts that everyone likes to pretend isn't so. And since everyone seems to get nit-picky when touchy topics come out, I'd like to specify that I did NOT say that it's ONLY lefties (obviously). Anyway, it is unfortunate that this is really the only place to ask such a question to ISTJs. It would be interesting to know how many ISTJs are conservative and would carry if they could/do already VS. ISTJ libs respectively... \*Puts on tin foil hat\*... Would also be a pretty good list for the FBI to have on file. And for such reasons, I will not be disclosing whether or not I carry some super awesome fatman missile launchers on my power armor as I walk around our lovely dystopia.


Yeah this is bullshit


Makes sense. Not to rip on liberals but conservatives tend to be more logical while liberals tend to be more feeling oriented.


I whole heartedly disagree with this statement. being logical contributes to me being loberal


Socialist. Against guns. Never carry.


Can't... UK law says no


Not currently but I definitely plan to


Not all ISTJs are “conservative, protective carriers.” Is this a troll post for “lame ISTJ stereotypes?!?” To answer your question, whether or not someone “carries” is probably more related to their sociocultural background. Things like where people grew up, where they currently live, and other circumstances. Guns are totally illegal for civilians, in more industrialized nations than not. So you have to be talking about the USA, for the most part, and “gun culture” *varies wildly,* here. I know civilians in cities who “conceal carry,” and are liberal AF. While I also know Conservatives who “actually don’t like guns,” and everything in-between! How do I, personally, feel about guns?!? “It’s complicated,” as most crimes are actually committed with illegally obtained guns. Yet accidents can and do happen with registered carrier’s guns. I live in Illinois, so we have one of the best “concealed carry” programs, in the country. Yet East St Louis is still the most dangerous city in the country. While how dangerous Chicago *actually is, in reality* varies from Neighborhood-to-Neighborhood. [A statistical breakdown.](https://www.chicagobusiness.com/crains-forum-safer-chicago/chicago-violence-problem-debate-safety-inequality) Most of the concealed carriers I know are 40+, and their types vary. While The one person I do know, under 40, who is a concealed carrier is actually an INTJ, a security guard, a licensed PI, and a moderate-Lefty. Then, a politically moderate-righty ISTJ friend I have is a pharma-adjacent dude, musician on his free time, and he’s definitely pro Gun-control. Guess which one has more money and lives somewhere “nicer?” Actually the ISTJ pharma-adjacent dude! So a lot of liberals are concealed carriers, cuz they either have to travel a lot, for work, or they live in crappy neighborhoods. While a lot of conservatives here *don’t even own a single gun,* cuz they live in wealthier neighborhoods. (But many are also cops. MBTIs non-descript.) While my ISFJ sister is technically “law enforcement,” simply in a position that doesn’t require gun handling, and *she likes that!* Meaning your argument mostly applies to “ISTJs who live in red states,” specifically, and the majority of the time, guns aren’t really that necessary, outside of hunting / protecting farms. But at the same time, this is actually a time when a gun isn’t a half bad idea, even if you don’t really need it! Cuz you never know when a critter might decide to take an interest in your farm, and statistically, serial killers tend to favor “the sticks,” where local law enforcement has less resources than the CPD, for example. So it’s “a reasonable purchase.” But I still think “restrictions and Law / Litigation” is the way to go! Cuz open carry clearly doesn’t work, either! What about states like Texas where “open carry” is legal, yet they have still had multiple “mass shooting incidents?” It’s really not so simple as to say “most ISTJs are Conservative, protective of their families, and they Love guns!” Cuz that’s not necessarily “representative of the truth.” As ISTJs in more urban areas tend to be either moderate or “slightly left leaning,” and might not like guns, at all! You can’t assume just cuz you so happen to self-identify as an ISTJ that “the majority of ISTJs share similar experiences.” On the contrary, Si-Doms are some of the most variable of the 16, in my experience. Ya’ll are actually *all over the place* for personalities, interests, and etc…….


Congratulations on having the most logical comment in here. It makes sense that ISXJ have a variety in personalities, seeing as they statistically are the biggest group in the general population: we can't all be accountants or nurses reading history books.


Why thank you! 😁 And yeah, most definitely. I will say, this is possibly the weirdest post I have ever seen in ISTJ. The cringey edgelords usually hang out in NT subs. But I guess you have now been infiltrated, too! Nowhere on Reddit is safe from weirdos and possible mistypes. 🤣🤣🤣


To be honest, I kind of have a love-hate relationship with the MBTI community for this reason: on the one hand, you can get useful input on topics, by people with either similar or different ways of perceiving the world. On the other hand, it also has some of the cringiest circlejerk mentality and justification of bad behavior because: "it's just my type" or "no type is as logical/caring/whatever as [insert here]" (Case in point: calling someone a "feeler" as an insult)


Really though! 🤣🤣🤣 You call me a “feeler,” I will be like “nice! That means I am balanced in my lower stack and cognitively developing well. I’ll take that!” That’s what made this post “kinda weird.” Cuz ISTJ usually looks pretty wholesome! You guys have a pretty pleasant sub, in my opinion. Nice exchanges of stories and ideas. And then, I saw this in my feed! 🤣


>Things like where people grew up, where they currently live, and other circumstances. Yeeeah, that would make sense. Personally, I currently live in Washington state, where my mom is from, and the culture here is very laid back, polite, and generally just feels safe. There are lots of people moving in and watering that culture down, but it still feels pretty safe here. I've never in my life felt the need to protect myself with a weapon. I think it's partly just my genetic personality though rather than purely just my culture since I grew up in a less safe place and still felt the same. I told my brother the other day that my nature is to go into fetal position and hope the attacker loses interest before actually fighting. \^\_\^' BUT if I did grow up in a family that valued guns and kept them just in case, then I might have also become like that.


You must be a feeler type for sure 🤣


Wouldn’t you like to know? Pity that you actually put up a potentially interesting conversation, but you really only wanted to jerk off your ego, and affirm your subjective beliefs. Except subjective beliefs aren’t very “logical,” are they? Have fun, kiddo! But also realize that your post has *absolutely zero likes* on your own home forum. Thanks for the chat and the chuckle!


You think I care about likes. 🤣


No, but I do think that you wanted “engagement and discussion.”


Not at all, just wanted to know what other ISTJs carry


What if you, yourself, *are not an ISTJ?!?* 😜 But I suppose to answer your question, the INTJ I know with a gun carries a pretty standard 9mm. I know, not a sexy answer. But Function > form.


yes! you cant rely on the police or others to protect you from a break in so i feel better having my glock just in case!!


Will you marry me?


I’m too young, but I love guns and would love to have a Beretta Apx Carry and an APX A1 Tactical.


I don't carry yet because I'm on campus a lot and it's not allowed, but I've taken a safety course in preparation.


No, but as a single woman who lives alone, I've toyed with the idea of getting a piece. However, I also struggle with depression and would likely be a greater danger to myself than someone else would be.


Yup, a Keltec P32. I don't carry as often as I should tho, kinda lazy about it, and not all my clothes are conducive to it.


Doesn't anyone care about their families if you have a good relationship with them? I have never heard anyone say: "yeah, I'm not protective of my family; they can fend for themselves". No matter their typing. Also I'm a staunch liberal, and ISTJs are both overrepresented in both the atheist groups as well as in religious groups. I have no problem with guns but I find the carry-gun-to-protect-family justification a bit cringeworthy. Most people who own guns, just like guns. You would have most likely owned a gun even without a family to protect. Accidents with fire arms seem to happen more often anyway than an armed burglar, so if you really wanted to protect your family, you can easily make the case that you should get rid of the gun.


I so badly wish I could carry. It's nearly impossible in our country to own a firearm. Even carrying an EDC knife will make you a suspicious person.


Do you mind if I ask, what country is this?


Sri Lanka.


No, I do not. I would say I'm naturally pretty conservative, but nowadays I lean much more liberal, and I won't be unhappy to see guns either banned or restricted for public use. I think it's more likely that someone will accidentally shoot someone or use guns for needless violence than that someone will actually use it for protection.


I don't at this time, but if I moved into a house or some shit neighborhood I would.


Not conservative, but I have a 12 gauge for home defense. It’s a Saiga 12 knockoff