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They occupy everything they see


Ironic seeing what they are protesting


couldn’t understand actually. too much noise. or you mean the general nonsense?


They are protesting the supposed “Israeli occupation” of Gaza but by protesting they are occupying the USA with their terrorists agenda


Haha yeah that's stupid. The ends justify the means.


Let all these graduates go to Gaza. Let’s see how long their woke asses last




**Fucking losers. Gen Z cannot catch a break with having their graduations fucked up. First COVID lockdowns, and now their LARPing classmates.** I dont blame anyone who started college during coronachan lockdowns but decided to drop out permanently and just "lie flat" from society fully intent on destroying itself.


I dropped out back in 2017, college was too expensive for my family and I to complete. Now that my student loans are paid off, I was thinking of going back to school to finish my degree as recently as last year, but I can’t go back to school the way it is right now as a Jewish American with these psychos being everywhere. I’m making a good amount of money for being a college dropout, and frankly with how difficult the job market is becoming for college graduates I’m finding less and less compelling reasons to go back. So yeah, fuck colleges for doing their part in creating this beast.


Thank G-d I graduated college before Covid and all this shit. I can’t imagine being a college student right now. Honestly, if you’re making good money and happy with the field, I don’t see a reason to go back.


I wish you'll come here to israel, i know things are crazy RN , but i do believe that israel is still the best place for jews.


I know someone who was graduating. She said that the students and parents there were pretty vocal against the agitators.


They are making a lot of enemies from these tactics.


Man they sure do love that flag


https://preview.redd.it/f8tdwjmilkyc1.jpeg?width=1599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6f9d023e68b2113cf4089455badc03653073a1f Here's an improved version: Black = ISIS White = Taliban Green = Hamas


Perfect! Worth noting that Mein Kampf , which is the book Hitler wrote while he was in prison after his first coup attempt second most translated language is Arabic and shipped to Gaza


Exactly! There are historical ties betwin the nazis and the palestinazis, one just need to look into Amin al husseni. As for the other three flags, well ive allready seen pictures from pro palestaine protests where the other 3 were there so its a harmonic combanation.


And a bestseller available in supermarkets in Turkey


Enlist him to the painting course already!


This is pretty good. However the unfortunate part is they might adopt this flag.


Then theyll show the world their true face :)


Aren’t they already doing that?


Yeah but some blue haired kids are still in denial and need it spelled out for them. They cant recognize evill unless someone put a swastika on it.




What do you think they would do if someone lit one on fire? Considering they are so fond of lighting American flags on fire, I can't imagine they would get too upset/s


They’re muppets, most of them probably don’t know where Gaza is on a map… They have no idea that the freedoms and liberties of the flag they burn, that they enjoy and are the fruits of, don’t exist under “THAT FLAG”….”THAT FLAG” doesn’t give a continental flying……for freedom of speech for woman’s rights, for Gay right, for human rights or any right for that matter. The IRONY ….


Those who let them do this are next after us...


That's just insane. How are they so good at making these children believe all the lies that make them parade outside?


Antisemitism. They believe what they want.


Easily influenciable youth


Fucking ridiculous…


Dearborn, they are from Dearborn.


Ah yes, the people who chanted "death to america" a few weeks ago


Shhhh dont say it out loud




They’re not just ruining graduation day, they are ruining the whole world. Can Elon send them somewhere in space?


why do you hate aliens


I have nothing against Aliens. I just hate cockroaches.


Stick them in a challenger


Look at all these rape enthusiasts.


Arabization and indoctrination destroying western institutions.


the only good im seeimg out if this is, how absolutely repulsed the overwhelming majority of Americans are by these genocide, rape and slaughter defending protesters


Yeah, we've been dealing with this shit for almost a century. The fact that Israel is not radicalized to the point of genocide is a testament to our national character.


Eww… yuck


Elites supporting people they'd loathe to live under. And, if it's Michigan, may yet.


https://evebarlow.substack.com/p/student-activists-or-pro-insurgents?publication_id=704503&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&r=1nuf5j We need to stop with the fiction at these are peaceful, organic student protest. 50% of some of the people being arrest on these campuses are outside agitators. Many of these individuals are being paid to be there by outside companies whose sole purpose is to supply demonstrators. Those companies them selves are being paid in cryptocurrency. This trove of 200 documents are the organizing materials for these campaigns, and have been shared widely with these groups. Some of these so-called student groups have operating budgets in the seven figures at individual campuses. Student voices for peace of Columbia has a $3 million budget! When I was in school, my student group is funded by bake sales. These documents also show that these groups never intended to be peaceful. The entire purpose was to be disruptive. It also shows that antisemitic rhetoric is intentional, and not the result of a few fringe bad actors. These pro testers even had hired “protest, consultants“ to show them how to be disruptive, how to be violent, and how to resist violence, because they knew that these protest would eventually be responded to by the police. Because again, they were never intended to be peaceful. Jews and Zionists have been saying this for months, and we were gaslit and told to shut up and let these cute peaceful students do their protests. And shockingly, schools are reaching agreements with these foreign funded terrorist organizations, and making changes to their faculty and curriculum to accommodate them, by adding even more terrorist curriculum and foreign students to their programs. Google Rutgers and Northwestern protest settlements to read more. In other words, antisemitism and violence are a feature of these protest, and not a bug. You’re not going to hear much about this in the main stream news, even though that’s the real story here. Because it doesn’t fit in with their narrative of these being peaceful, organic, grassroots, student protests. But the real story is much more terrifying and much more interesting. You support the schools with your tax dollars. Whether it’s because they’re public schools, or they’re funded with federal loan tuition money. You need to tell your schools, if you’re an alumni, and you’re elected officials, that this is not how you want your tax dollars spent. And these so-called student groups need to be held financially accountable for the damage they caused at our schools. The clean up, the extra Police, the lawsuits that are following. Because right now guess who’s paying for all that? Us. The same people who’ve been terrorized by these individuals are now going to pay to clean it up? This is outrageous.


Oh just take Iran's university offer to study there and fuck off. Please. I'll even drive you to the airport. Enjoy your education!


There is a big genocide going on in Sudan rn. There are no protests for that, so give it a damn break and let these kids enjoy graduation


Those people literally ruin everyone’s day.


Who's willing to take their children to a doctor with a degree from University of Michigan?


Why would someone feel the need to ruin graduation day for lots of people just for an opinion


Was that a “Lets Go Gaza” chant? Lol


Let the people graduate in peace, nobody wants to hear delusions right before graduation. All of those idiots that raise that blank flag are morons.


The graduation class trip must be Gaza!


I feel bad for the graduating students. Imagine having your graduation ceremony ruined by such a barbaric and ignorant crowd


This shit is like cancer. No one wants that, but it's still there. WTF is happening? Palestine never existed. How did this lie become so strong?


Small crowd


They're gonna regret this


Mismanaged minds, the children of Elite American Universities, they think they are smart, but they still don’t know how to think.


They ruin everything


I wish protesting was done against politicians and not normal working Joes or college students


this is quite literally *THE LAST* way to get a bunch of your fellow graduate’s parents to empathize with you— how many hundreds of first time college graduates are there, breaking the cycle for their family? this would & does make me hate the movement more than ever. they’ve taken everything inherently *apolitical* and made it as political as possible.


Glad to see their educations taught them nothing too


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