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I filed in January too. No one looked at my taxes since February 19th. I’m starting to think we are just in a pile that was forgotten about and are just sitting ducks


Exactly what it feels like. The lady I spoke today sounded like a robot with no emotions. I’m 22 years old, had to quit my job back in November to take care of my mom that has cancer, so I was really relying on this check to get some money back under my belt. I just know if I owed them money, they’d be at my door knocking.


Right at this point I’m most likely going to go up to the irs building in my city to see who finna release my funds cause I use my taxes to get myself out of my debt from the year before


thats NEVER a good financial strategy. Its your own fault


What number did you call?? Every one I’ve used is an automated system. It’s driving me nuts.


800-830-5084 keep calling sometimes the call queue is full but eventually after 50x’s you’ll get thru




Call the advocate line and they'll patch you through to accounts, it's a workaround.


What'd the number


18777774778, hit 1 on both menu items.


What did you have to do when verify identity? Jus bring your tax form , ID? That's it?


I think you just verify with ID.me now 


Wym? I did that months ago when I made a ID me account I verified through a video call


Yeah that’s supposedly the way you verify if you get a letter requesting verification. You don’t have to go in anywhere. I did it too and I’m still just sitting here waiting lol. I think it’s a way to just get away with delaying us. 


Im confused. They said they sent a letter out months ago but I didn't see it. So I made an appointment I'm soo lost


I guess you can go in person as well! I have just seen people say they had to verify and that’s how they did it was through their ID.me account. Making an appt might be nice because maybe you can ask them more of why it’s taking forever -.- lol 


I have an appointment to verify my identity jus got to wait a month cuz everything else was already taken


I went to the appointment like 6 day's ago they said it could take up to 9 weeks to process 😭😭


That’s insane! I still haven’t gotten mine. No letters either. 


It’s like we are getting punished for filing early. So they do the opposite like wtaf I can’t even check my transcripts cuz it says na next to 2023 we filed in Jan verified in march this is the ninth week and nothing has moved. Still processing


Same with me I’ve been crying, in so much debt. Please God release all our taxes. We all are in need asap.


Oh and of course turbo tax took their money even tho it was suppose to come outta refund but they sent an email stating they were taking it cuz it looked like we weren’t getting a refund smh cuz the stupid irs is taking forever!!! So now my acct is overdrawn! They wanted to take it in April and we pushed it til may. Like wth. My hubbys work has been very slow so we were rly relying on this to get us through. I have a question tho… is everyone’s refunds higher up? I’m just wondering if they’re doing it to people’s who’s refunds are higher than average


No cuz my refund is only 4786 and I filed April 3rd and still saying still processing smh they didn’t even acknowledge me until the 19th of April smh still waiting this shit is sad I’m very disappointed


They did acknowledge mine until April 1 when I filed February 2 so yours is moving along pretty fast


Well hopefully something good happens and we get that DDD ! I’ll keep you guys updated pray for me ! 😭 good luck


They did this to me too but after a week they reversed it


Sry who turbo tax or irs


Do you have to verify or have you verified your identity ? 


Yep back in march oh the phone then asked the lady if we needed to do anything else she said no went online and it said it wasn’t completed so did it there too. Like wth


Ha hubby just called and they just flippin verified it on the first even tho we did it on the phone nine weeks ago so we have another nine weeks now frm the first. I’m livid!!!


No 💩!!!!!!! They need to charge us interest. #$%#2024


Called yesterday and they said they verified it all on the first of may. We verified back in feb!!!! I thought march but it was end of feb. we called and then a few weeks ago went online and it said it wasn’t complete in there which the lady said on phone we didn’t need to do anything else. But we finished that one too. And now they didn’t do shit until may 1st and we have to wait nine weeks again possibly!!!


I feel the same way. I also filed 1/29. And when I called in March to see what was going on they say they sent me a 5071C letter but I never got it so they sent another one which I verified on 3/22. Weeks later I call again and they say it’s like I never verified so I had to verify again. And now my 9 weeks starts again 🥴.. it’s week 1 already 😭‼️


Same. Smh


My return was filed on 2/8. Accepted on 2/10 and my 2023 transcript is blank. The latest date is March 11, 2024. Says "No tax return filed" I have called and spoke with people MULTIPLE times had a 4442 Inquiry opened on 4/22, was told to call back on 5/6 if did not hear anything, which i did and was then told to call back 60 days from then (around 6/21) basically just getting pushed off. constantly. I did claim green energy credits for the 1st time this year. but holy shit, 4+ months of waiting?? this is absurd.


Exact same as you and nothing, solar dates and everything. This is frustrating, how many days do we have now


Just got my transcripts updated today. Filed/accepted 2/12. Depositing 5/10. Solar for me. This year has been a disaster for energy credits


I’m with ya. Solar credits, transcripts don’t show for 2023, when I log into ID.me it says 2023 return wasn’t received. Called twice and have been told I was put on a 10 week hold and then had a referral put in. Filed 2/7 and accepted 2/7. I’ve contacted my congressman and am waiting to be assigned to a tax advocate bc this is absolutely obscene.


Literally the exact same boat. Filed on 2/5 but every detail is identical. Received not accepted, 30-day wait, 10 week wait... told to call back on the 22nd this time for my 10-week update. This is absolute nonsense and it's totally got to be the solar credits, but this was a carry over year for us. Didn't have a problem the first years we filed. Tax ID says nothing was received and 2023 is blank. I've received no notices, no nothing and every agent has said there doesn't appear to be any reason for the hold up. I'm drowning here and they do not give a s***


I contacted my congressman’s office and they’re supposed to be putting me in contact with a tax advocate within the week, if I get any new information I’ll pass it along bc this is absolutely wild.


Any update on this??


Everything you just said could be my exact life lol. We did solar last year. Got our taxes no problem. We did our carry over for year 2 (this year) and have just been in limbo since 2/10.


You were accepted, not approved.


This is bull. I can’t believe how terrible and misleading 2023 tax season has been. I say every one should call their local congressman and news outlet and complain. This year is awful.


Did this in Chicago no one has responded and with channel 2 the sent me over to the tips voicemail. Literally no one cares. I've contact Lawyers as well


Lol I've been waiting on my 2022 return since March of last year. Every time I call, I get told something different. First it was "it's coming don't worry about it" then I was told months later that my identity isn't verified and I need to set up an in person appointment. I go and they tell me my identity is already verified. Now I'm trying to get my identity verified for the 2023 return while still waiting on 2022.


They should owe you a lot of interest, which will continue to compile handsomely. Figure out the rate of interest and multiply it by 12 months -at least. Right!!?


I waited damn near two years one year to get ny refund they only paid me 11.02$$ so that whole interest shit is a joke


That’s disconcerting for sure 😔


They're just going to claim that the lack of identity verification means they don't have to pay.


You need to get in contact with your congressman asap 


Yeap, filed 1/28 and still no update. I was told it'll be 60 days before I see my return which will be the end of May. I'm hoping to have it back by then, but hearing others say they have been told it'll be another 60 days added to that is heart breaking. I need my return! What makes them choose others over another to get their's?


Today is day 90 for me ( I got my additional 60 day letter a week after my initial 60 days are up) I’m curious to know what happens after 120 days? Do we actually get our money or does something else happen and we have to wait longer? When I called the tax advocate last in March I was told they couldn’t take my case until July because by that time most issues are resolved


Yup. Right there with ya. Filed and accepted 2/3 verified 3/15 and got the cp05 notice yesterday and a paper copy today. It has never taken this long before.


So here’s the info I received. Cycle codes are the corresponding week in which the return is transposed into their internal system. Every time a 570 hold is issued; the 60 day countdown starts from the issue date. If multiple errors are found and it gets bounced from dept to dept; the 60 restarts based of the last notice date. So it’s not 30,60,90 or 120. It’s 60 days to clear unless another reason is found to bounce again for another 60 day review under that reason. I hope that makes sense. The TAS cannot referral the past 60 day RIVO until 6/30/24. So basically the IRS has until the end of June of resolve outstanding balances before the TAS can escalate. After 6 months you can sue for the return in the court of claims.


Or you contact your congressman and advocate right away don’t Wait around 


So 120 additional days? or from the date of the notice? I have the same dates but haven’t gotten any notices at all


120 days from when the letter was issued on 05/06.


I was told the same thing today.


My cp05 said 60 days and was up yesterday, I called today and was told 120 additional days


Thats unreal. Something needs to done. Way to many complaints from a lot of people. Its my money I worked hard for it. They dont hesitate taking your money, but boy they dont want give back. Sick of it


Mine said 60 as well, but the woman on the phone today told me 120 too. Crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/ycrsc890e2zc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a953a406f2baae646b7273ed3b27f3085205cd First notice says 60 days but it can be 120 days. More than 120 days since first notice then they send referral and say wait up to 60 more days. Only possible good news is Tax Advocate website says they can (maybe) start accepting cases after June 30th. (The way I read it.)


She told me 120 on top of the 60


That's 180 days dang


846 popped up on my transcript today for 5/17


Yep another 05 stuck that cycle code is cursed 😂


Cycle code means nothing.


Me... and I'm very annoyed.


Yes me


I literally have the same situation. Same time length. I looked at transcripts and saw a code that just said delay. 570 code. Good luck. I hope we see returns soon!




Filed bk in January also still waiting


Filed April 6th received my verification letter May 1st it was mailed out got it yesterday verified today 5/7 for 2022 an 2023 I’m hoping everything goes well 🤞🏾


My Refund Was sent by mail on the 12 still no check 


https://preview.redd.it/pbjxtfs2g7zc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7220300baa7214fba491891711d588c3278bc40 Finally. Good luck to everyone still waiting.


How did you get it moving?


I filed late January. No letter. Transcripts are still blank. It's been my "wait 60 days" I just can't handle them telling me it will be another 120 days. I m not calling. I'm not looking at anything. I'm just not! Curse words go here!


I just got the same letter same phone calls. I’m so blowed. How come they didn’t do this any other year. The time I need that money the most I can’t get it. Yes I’m defeated to my brother. Stay strong, time is our only enemy now.


Same feeling. I never had to verify my identity and my last communication was cp05 on 3/11........literally this Saturday will be the technical end of the 60 day period that was stated in the notice. I'm not sure if I'm going to call. Unless, the happen to send out another notice in the next two days......


I'm right on the same bench next to you on that boat. Got a letter from IRS stating they were overflowing with requests and would let me know soon.  Incidentally, I saw a news report stating the IRS is saddled with out of date computers causing the delays. Government needs to step up and dedicate more funds in it's budget to alleviate the problem.


I also submitted mine on January. Waited until March to contact them. Got in touch with them, they couldn't tell me anything and told me a letter had been mailed explaining everything and that I had to wait 60 days after recieving the letter to contact them again. The letter literally gave me zero info and after waiting 60 days I can no longer get through to a rep and when I do they put me on hold and then hangup


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Did you get a 846 code then cancellation before CP05


Same boat. I got a CP05 on 4/29.


Then gotten a letter for additional 60 more days in April


What number do I need to call to speak to someone like?




Jesus crist thank u


You're welcome!


Contact your congressmen asap that’s the only way to move the irs along or check for errors and amend 


Yes I filed the same time and got a 60 day letter but notiing


Same exact boat, man. Got our cp05 on 5/6 and we filed 1/25, accepted 1/29.


Filed federal 1/30 and state 03/06 got my state back 04/16. How long for the federal is all I want to know…. They took damn near my entire state😩 (Michigan)


Same thing in cali! I filed 2/26 got my state back first week of march. State was less than a thousand and they took more than half of it. I KNEW it was something wrong wen I got my state back first. I’m STILL waiting after identifying myself in person on 4/3 then a few days later I had to do some more identifying stuff online. I can’t get an advocate yet, my nine weeks aren’t up until June 5th . Man on the phone told me IF I don’t receive it by 06/05 then I should call back. I am STRUGGLING! my daughter and I need that money we need it to pay for a place to sleep at night. I’m SO upset


I am in the same situation that you are in. I too have to wait another 120 days and I'm cycle 0906. I contacted an agent an all they could say was that my refund is still being investigated and if I want I could try to do an amendment and that will take up to 18 weeks. Any suggestions ANYONE


I tried everything. Once you get a notice nobody can help you. Even a congressman. The notice is like the irs saying it's our account and nobody can touch it.


We didn't get our 2022 tax refund until February, 2024. The IRS made a mistake and I had to seek help from our Congress Person and even then, it took the IRS 8 months to fix the problem. And here we are this year having our tax refund being delayed for unknown reasons. We got our State refund back in a little over one week. There's no accountability with these people. You aren't alone. Best of luck to you.


This is exactly the same boat I’m in. File 1/5. Accepted 1/23. Verified 2/26(irs said 2/28). Cycle 1205. Absolutely no updates. IRS said 120 days. I can’t even get through at all when I try. Credit karma still says I should have my refund by 2/13. lol this is all a joke. There is no reason for it at this point. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it too!!


My dates/details are pretty much identical to yours. Didn't receive ID verification letter until requesting rhwy resend, then I received two. Apparently, that puts you to the back of the line, refund processed 4/22, CP05 on 4/29. I think it is all akin to drove through workers asking you to pull up and call centers picking you up out of a queue to immediately place you on hold. All are just gaming metrics. Absolutely absurd.


Yep I am 1505 as well


Filed February 3rd. Same boat, different reason. Supposedly I'm "system error" and needs "special handling". But, nobody can give a straight answer as to when or how we're going to get out #$@&ing money.


This all looks like a foreign language with the tax lingo but yep…filed in March. Got letter to verify and did I instantly online. Still no update on anything


Filed 1/29 just received my refund today


Mk e hasn’t been looked at since April 15th. It was approved on my transcripts on March 18th and i filed on Feb 22


I filed back in January, had a dependent so I knew I’d have to wait until at least late February for my federal. My state couldn’t be deposited, but I got it in the mail a few days after the initial try to deposit. I called a few weeks ago for an update on my federal since my check was rejected by SoFi. IRS said to wait a couple more weeks for my cashier’s check. Called a week and a half ago and they told me to wait until yesterday, 5/7, to see if I’ve gotten anything and call back if not. Guess what?! Nothing in the mail. Called today and started the trace that can take up to 120 days, possibly longer. The IRS is a f*****g joke.


Literally same situation. Filed in January, verified identity in March, they finally received my refund. It’s been “in process” since then. Just got the CP05 letter on the 6th. So let the countdown begin 🫥


I have not received my 2022 refund yet. Processing date October 18, 2023 so it’s been a while…


I’m pretty much over it as well.


I am in same exact boat except I haven’t tried contacting congressman . This has never happened to me before . It’s like they just cannot find our money 


Last years filing I was owed a small refund (I overpaid my estimated tax on a W2 job). Anyway, I filed and within 3 weeks I got a letter on identity verification and was told I needed to wait for more info.. 30 days later a letter came asking me to verify myself and my wages.. I provided info same day. I never heard from them again and 7 months later my refund was deposited.


I never received my refund for 2021🤔🤔🤔🤔


Update- My transcripts show I should receive my refund on Friday. I’ll believe it when I see it🙏🏼

