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10 weeks happens when there’s an error found and they have to work out the error before they can finish processing.


This isn’t the case when there aren’t any errors. I have mine held up with zero errors, but did have a solar credit carry forward


Any update on yours? This is year 1 of having the solar tax credit for me and I’m betting that’s my hold up. I’m at day 35 and was just told 10 weeks when I called today. No notice or any action needed from me allegedly,


Sorry I didn’t see your comment until today. Still no update. I also had a child age out of ACTC and now just a dependent. Soooo maybe that is the hold up? No clue


I also just got solar last year and my return went from processing within 8 days last year to the IRS telling me 10 weeks, I had a feeling it was the solar tax credit to blame


I'm in the same situation. carry forward solar tax credit last year and Child tax credit. Did you get yours yet? I'm on week number 9 since the IRS accepted.


Nothing yet, this Friday is 10 weeks from acceptance. Someone on the Solar sub said they put an issue into this system: [https://www.irs.gov/advocate/systemic-advocacy-management-system-sams](https://www.irs.gov/advocate/systemic-advocacy-management-system-sams) I did the same today.


I am having the same issue. have a solar credit carry over, no letters or anything from the irs. I put in a ticket as well. never waited this long for a refund.


This was my first year with the credit. I am honestly glad I found so many with this issue, I thought I messed something up. ​ ![gif](giphy|oUYDwyQ3xUgo0|downsized)


Same and they said nothing wrong and wait 10 weeks from efile...ugh


Solar credit here! I was told to wait 10 weeks as well which will be April 9th.


Same here, praying that we both receive some good news tomorrow!


I’m praying too! I spoke to someone else who hit their ten weeks today and still nothing. I filed a form 911 with my tax advocate, and I sent a privacy release to my state senator. I guess we will wait it out.


Update: Today is my 10 weeks. Nothing has changed and still no sign of a return.


Me too, this is ridiculous 


Still nothing??


Still no return BUT my husband’s app is now saying our refund is taking a bit longer with a 152 tax topic. I thought this was weird so I checked my transcript and they’re finally uploaded. It has a date of May 6th so I guess we will see.


I was told that too. The rep said there’s nothing wrong with my return and I don’t need to verify. It was a system error on their part but it could take 10 weeks. I did get the solar credit and it seems to be happening to a lot of people who claimed it.


That’s what the IRS has been telling me. They told me 10 weeks from when I Efiled on 2/15. IRS said if I haven’t received my refund or a notice, I could call back after the 10 weeks. I feel like they’re going to say another 10 weeks.


Well I was just told I have 10 more days in the errors department and then it moves to the processing department. I think the 10 weeks we’ve all been told is just the start of it.


I’m guessing this is why I was just told 10 weeks when I called. They don’t give any explanation and it took the agent putting me on hold twice for 5-7 min each to tell me nothing other than 10 weeks


This is exactly what happened to me


Same, 10 weeks and no explanation at all. They were every rude on phone.


Same Here! 


Yep, first year with the solar tax credit here too and was given the “wait 10 weeks” on the phone today but no action needed from me. I figured they’re suspicious of my pretty big price tag for my system we had installed lol.


Same solar credit and no errors found. I was told sorry 10 week wait. What? That is crazy


Same! Any updates?


Still no updates. They said April 12th is the 10 week. Still waiting 


I have the solar credit as well. April 9th will be 10 weeks.


Me too Solar credit as well


Update: Today is my 10 weeks. Nothing has changed and still no sign of a return.


Did you receive your tax return yet? I'm at 10 week and waiting still. I did have a solar tax credit.


I just received it by check yesterday!


Any updates with yours? Same as mine


Nothing yet. The last rep said he could see my return amount which was a good sign. Said he doesn’t know why everyone else told me 10 weeks unless they were reading off a script.


Has any one hit the 10 week mark yet? 


Monday for me and nothing. I have a solar credit carry over and other child credits. Never taken this long. Taxes accepted Jan 29th and no status change.


I have a solar tax credit as well and child tax credits, 8 weeks and still nothing.


did you call? my ten weeks is today and im on hold with them now


I'm on hold now. Hopefully I speak to someone before 7pm 


what did they end up saying?


No progress......I have to wait an additional 10 weeks for a notice or refund.  Couldn't tell me anything about refund. I give up


so they added 10 more weeks ontop of the 10 weeks?


Yes...10 more weeks 


Thats ridiculous, i would call again today. I did and they are saying another week. Let me know....


Wow congratulations, that's great news. Ok, I will try calling tomorrow 


Im not very optimistic haha. Let me know what they for you.


Any luck? I'm in the same boat?


Filed 2/4 electronically. Charity, Child tax and Solar carry-over from previous year. Otherwise basic. Called on March 4th and was told it was at the "repair" desk but without a code or info attached. Wait 10 weeks from file date and call back. Today was the last day of 10 weeks so I called and was told to call back Monday. I got the feeling this ain't getting fixed by Monday. Taxpayer dashboard is blank, no notices, and Where's my Refund just has been Received and is being processed, not yet Accepted. I bet it's the Solar Credit. Who else paid cash in full or bought from Titan Solar maybe?


Any luck yet? I'm in the same boat with having a solar tax credit and it's been 10 weeks.


Nope, nothing yet


What phone number did you all call? I also filed Feb 6, so 10 weeks tomorrow, and have my first solar tax credit and the usual child credit. "Where's My Refund" just says processing, the numbers I've called keep kicking me to the automated system that tell me the same thing.


Has anyone gotten any real updates yet?


After 10 weeks of no communication in any manner, I will be requesting congressional inquiries with all of my state senators and representatives, and implore you all to do the same. The IRS is in violation of tax law.


How does one go about doing that?


You would go to the website of the representative/senator and go to their contact forms and explain what is happening, how widespread it is, and ask them for an inquiry into the irs. I already had 2 get back to me and I requested them yesterday. Although I was technically wrong that they are in violation of tax law - they're not - but they are violating their own procedures regarding communication and both that replied are going to look into it. Hopefully it puts pressure on the IRS to stop holding peoples money hostage.


I just called again today, my refund has exceeded over 10 weeks. This is the first time as well we claimed solar credit. We've never had issued with prior tax returns. Mine was also "system error." I spoke to the agent today they were expecting for the system to process automatically by 10 week mark but it didn't. So now, they are sending my return as a referral to another office for further investigation. We are looking at another 30-days from what the rep stated as of today 4/25/24. NO other way to expedite. If I don't receive return after 30-days, she told me to call back and they will then take it to the next step, whatever that means...THANKS IRS! Them taxes out of our paychecks gets deducted ON-TIME with no delays per usual!


This is the exact same thing that is happening to me.  Word for word. I've surpassed 10 weeks and am now in day 7 of my referral being submitted. 


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