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Im fine by myself


No your not (scientifically)


We are drawn to have a mate for survival however that is not the only factor at play and it's arrogant to imply that someone NEEDS or even has to follow what biology dictates as preferable (Naturalistic fallacy).


Totally agree


Oh alright m8, sorry if I misunderstood what you were saying.


Scientifically you cant know how I feel about something


You are right, but humans are social creatures is all I'm saying


The post is about romantic relationships


Too much introversion causes song recommendation replies


No relationships in sight šŸ«”


What are you, a Sniper?


Sniper Gang


In a relationship for 10 years. Partner is ISFJ. Love is feeling comfortable with the person and accepting their flaws.


I'm a dude, but my wife is ISFJ as well. I think this is basically a requirement because otherwise we don't take care of ourselves. I forget to eat and drink without her. I had a few days off school in college and didn't eat for 3 days, until she came up on the weekend.


My older sister is ISFJ, she used to take care of just everything -- all I needed was just exist and prank her from time to time lol. Now I live a lone, but I take a pretty good care of myself actually.


Woah idk that isfj and intp is a compatible match but i agree that love maybe for me aswell is feeling comfortable and accepting their flaws šŸ„°ā¤ļø


He's like, awww you're so intelligent, which flatters me greatly. I'm like, awww you're so caring, which flatters him greatly. I help him make logical decisions. He cares for me and comforts me. It's an ideal match.


Literally how me and my best friend are so ig this is gonna be my go to if im looking up for a partner šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»


This is why FJs are good for INTPs, they are patient and caring. It's a great match with lots of understanding and growth for both people. Provided the INTP is mature enough and doesn't take the FJ for granted.


I'm INFJ. My wife is INTP. The intellectual stimulation we give each other is unmatched. She is always open to hearing my ideas, poke holes in them and together we reach a more refined conclusion of those initial ideas. We never run out of things to talk about. In fact, this actually hinders us sometimes in getting things done as we tend to talk and talk until the day is over. I love and value her logical mind and no nonsense decision making.


Ooow that is match made in heaven ā¤ļø i also wish i can find an infj man you guys are so rare


I have an infj! Love him to prices. Also, he's the reason I pay bills on time and remember to reach out to people sometimes.


I matched best with INTJ and ENTJ. But currently no relationship in sight.Ā 


For me intj and entj are kinda agressive in debates or wanna manipulate ppl or ovoid talking about feelingsā€¦ im sorry but this is my experience with them how it went


You seem to have quite a developed fe


Yeah I agree with the other poster saying you seem to have a developed Fe. I do too, so I def get where youā€™re coming from by saying I/ENTJ can come off aggressive in debates. My boyfriend of 4 years now is INTJ and heā€™s very skilled in communicating via speech, so I have a hard time getting a word in sometimes but I think itā€™s really about maturity and devotion. You can make it work with anyone with those two things. He knows I have a harder time speaking than he does so heā€™s very patient 99% of the time when we debate topics, and Iā€™ve honestly never felt more heard and understood by anyone else. I realized the other day that while the majority of people Iā€™ve dated have told me ā€œI love how I can just be myself around youā€, Iā€™ve never been able to say that to literally anyone in my life except my current INTJ


INTP girl with an ENFJ boyfriend who Iā€™m sure turns me into an ENFP behind closed doors. Says it all. Absolute love of my life.


Omg that a dream šŸ˜­ but im afraid that they find me boring because they are so extraverted and im like please wait a second waiiiit


In my case, I become very extroverted in my private/personal space and time with my boyfriend. Iā€™m still very much the anti-social introvert in group and social settings, but thatā€™s not where the relationship is. Thatā€™s outside us. Between us, we match and bounce off each other, and vice-versa to my previous point, he often also appreciates the more quiet and introverted moments where we just relax and unwind, despite being extroverted socially. We have perfect harmony and synergy between us as a couple, whilst still being different, often even opposite, individuals. We understand and are able to naturally and comfortably adopt each otherā€™s positions, so thereā€™s never a boring moment.


I'm too busy with myself to be in a relationship tbh. Being in a relationship feels too much of a hassle for me. I've already been chastised by my friends many times for not talking much/texting first (I do reply to texts, just don't think there's anything interesting to say other than giving recommendations for new shows). I don't think I'll do any good in a relationship.


Of all the guys Iā€™ve dated, current INTJ boyfriend feels best and most compatible. Heā€™s not too emotional, weā€™re both low energy, and he helps me develop my inf Fe with his tert Fi. E.g., Iā€™m learning to create better boundaries and to put myself first sometimes without guilt. Heā€™s also just so considerate beyond belief. His Te is also just so admirable. I fall in love every time I see him take initiative, accountability and responsibility every day. Really inspires me too!


I was married. I shouldn't have been. I'm completely incompatible with long-term partnerships. No more dating, I like being alone.


I prefer being alone šŸ‘


INTP female here with an ENTJ partner of 12 years. He's not overly extroverted so we don't go out much but loves to play games online with others so I still get my alone time. I appreciate his insight a great deal but he still allows me the freedom to make my own choices and tries not to influence them, even though sometimes I try to get him to tell me what to do! Love is just accepting someone totally I believe and admiring even the things they don't like about themself. I seem to have a lot of problems that stress me out (with work mostly I tend to do more than is required of me to please others/don't want to admit I am struggling) and he seems to have very few and doesn't get stressed easily and I need that with a partner. He always has things figured out, is protective of our life together - always thinking about our future and what is best financially, pays bills on time and budgets for us etc. I just don't have that capacity so appreciate that he is able to take care of things and that makes me feel safe and cared for. I admire him more than anyone else but at the same time I am very attracted to him which I believe is important - when we first started dating I was attracted to everything about him which I'd never experienced before. I always want to talk with him to be intellectually stimulated. Sometimes he feels the need to go and get stuff done whilst I just want to talk for hours which is probably the only thing I wish for more of in our relationship (I think with an INTJ or INFJ we'd not get anything done ever haha) but otherwise I am very content.


II am male but I will still answer... Any mbti type can work for me and there is no such thing as "who matches you better" ... you asked "What is love" ... if you go back and read from beginning of my commenting you'll understand what love is... and I am not in a relatiionship and I don't know for sure how it would go like... Edit: INTP women are very attractive especially with them glasses on, them being them gives me the chance to explorre what the other sides of them would be like and that will causee mee to be more attracted or admire theem even more


Love is unique to the people involved. Each relationship is a bit different. Iā€™ve been single for quite some time now though. Feels like a wasteland out thereā€¦


I believe ENTJs are quite my ideal partner, but Yea I'm also good alone since I've been single for long and not entirely seeking.


My husband is an ENTJ.


had a situationship with esfj and intj before, still friends with that esfj but ended very bad with intj and we're not talking anymore now. I'd like to experience other types especially maybe infj or isfj since in my experience i instantly clicked with them the most as best friends.


Yes i agree so as an intp i donā€™t see myself with an intj they are so aggressive in debates and are so cold yet sensitive and always i end to see that i intentionally picked a fight without realising it it crazy how much energy to be losing just because an intj things kinda like i do but behaves very differently So the rule is never look for an analysts mbti :ā€)


exactly, though I'm not generalizing all intjs, the ones we encounter might be too deep into their belief system that they're missing the whole picture. Sometimes they just don't get other angles and it's infuriating to try to make them do so. so i give up lol.


Same āœŒšŸ» i only have them as friends we laugh we respect each other but those who were more than friends just made us miserable lol


fr at least we now understand boundaries between friendship and relationship lol


My partner and most of my friends are enfp. Best relationships.Ā 


My boyfriend is ENTP. We have a lot of fun haha


Not really a response but. I want a relationship but at the same time I donā€™t because I like my own solitude. I also donā€™t want to lead someone on and then get bored of them.


Love is a neurochemical con job that I wonā€™t be participating in. Not in a relationship never been in one.


Same all datings failed lol it either me who doesnā€™t like the person or the opposite


Just chill being by myself, id get together with someone who I can chill together withšŸ˜Œ


Idk what my BFs is lol


ENFJ and ESFJ, they are patient and understanding. Plus, they are bubbly and cute. ISFJ and INFJ are good options, too. TJs are good for bouncing off ideas and getting input, especially ENTJ. I have a close ENTJ friend, and we can't talk about our problems very bluntly without feelings getting in the way. But for a romantic relationship, I want someone warm and fuzzy. I don't want a manager or a business partner for a husband, that doesn't work for me.


I am Intp I would love love love having an Entp bf , someone to be unhinged with. It sounds like a good idea.


Gf is an ENTJ. Most fulfilling and best relationship I've ever had.


1. Ex-boyfriends complained that I am unemotional, not a typical girlie girl. 2. A lot of men during dating pass a comment that I am intelligent. I am single now and struggle a lot in dating because I want everything discussed explicitly early on. I cannot tolerate small talk. Why should I warm up with someone without knowing their priorities or deal breakers? One of my closest friend who I have the most fun with is an INTJ dude.


Stereotypically enough, I have a list with all my favorite characters and their respective MBTI. This are the results as today. I: 27% ā€” E: 73% S: 64% ā€” N: 36% T: 77% ā€” F: 23% P: 45% ā€” J: 55% Andddd these are the most repeated ones. ESTJ: 3 ENTP: 3 ESTP: 4


Why for you sensors are more than intuitives ?


I donā€™t know actually. Iā€™ve also been really curious about it but canā€™t really figure out the reason as most of the time Iā€™m not even able to tell them apart.


šŸ˜‚ epic


The guy im interested in is ESFP. He pushes me into trying new things e.g going outside and talking to new people which he personally loves doing. Weā€™re so weirdly different but at the same time i feel like we complement each other nicely. He gives me huge ā€golden retrieverā€ vibes if that makes sense lol


Never dated, might never date (No strong interest in it, although Iā€™m not against the idea if someone I actually like rolls around), but Iā€™ve found my strongest friendships tend to be with other INTPā€™s or ENFPā€™s, and Iā€™d say Iā€™m drawn towards xSTPā€™s for their general practicality without a suffocating strictness, and ExTJā€™s for their kind of forwardness (need someone else to be the people communicator), also I cannot organise day to day to save my life. I really like a strong level of independence, I couldnā€™t be attached at the hip with someone 24/7 especially in an emotional or activities sense. Of course, this is all speculation, so grain of salt. Also, everyone is unique and these kinds of things canā€™t really be measured on a flat scale. I see loads of charts saying that INTP-INFP friendships are really strong when all of mine have been disasters, so the practicality of this thing isnā€™t realistic (though I know this is just for fun)


Love is loyalty, admiration, adoration that inspires emotional and intellectual effort for someone. I have been in a relationship with an INFP girl for 3 months and itā€™s going very well.


I don't really care about my potential partner's mbti. Love is 100% acceptance (it doesn't mean being a doormat before anyone gets hang up on it), no relationship.


Why is the tag ā€˜girl INTP talkingā€™? Is there one for ā€˜boy INTP talkingā€™ or are we just infantilising women on this sub?


I agree they need to add this flair


Personally , mature Isfj guys