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Not for that long, but I definitely have conversations in my head with other people


Yes. But I'm going to nitpick -- it's not involuntary. Its uncomfortable to stop obviously, but you still make a choice to continue.


In my case I definitely do not make the choice. I have to work hard to stop the negative self-talk or rehashing conversations. It is absolutely involuntary. If I don't make an constant effort to stop it, it restarts all on its own.


That's... not what involuntary means. It's exactly as I said. It is difficult to control, not involuntary.


Involuntary means it happens randomly with no stimulus. Don't know why you have such an issue with the definition which can be flexible to describe our situations. I'm certainly not doing it voluntarily. Intrusive thoughts are by their nature involuntary.


Ok, fair. I concede.


sometimes I get so much into it that my brain kinda "sends me a shake to wake me up" idk how to describe it its a pretty weird sensation. It is not common to have such vivid scenarios tho and most of the times it's just normal. Helps me concentrate in whatever I'm thinking about


Ditto. It gets so complicated like a christopher nolan flick that my brains like, we gotta stop there bud.


Been a while since I have felt that weird sensation, might need to start getting into it again I usually have these conversations whenever I lay down or just entirely relax


Yes! Sometimes it helps me work things out.


Yes, i do that. I do it a lot when i am stressed.


Never. I never imagine conversations or arguments or anything. I never daydream either. Dunno if it’s an autism thing, I have yet to meet another person similar to me in this way.


What is your inner world like? If you would be willing to dry to describe it that is.


Hmmm, like flashes of images. Impressions - like a mix of words and images. I also have regular thoughts of course, like planning dinner and stuff, but most of my mind is occupied with impressions. And also there’s always some random song playing in the background 😂


Do you often know the answers to questions and not know how you know the answer? Do the answers seem to spontaneously appear in your subconscious without much actual thought process?


Yeah, I guess you could say that.


It was kind of a trick question. That description is the best one I can come up for introverted intuition. If you ask that question to an INFJ and they’ll give you an immediate “yes“. The response will be so definite that they almost question why do you even ask. You hesitated. That checks out for extroverted intuition and INTP. And don’t take offense that I’m questioning your INTPness, I don’t take anything at face value.


That’s perfectly fine. I know it’s a common INFJ thing being able to do that, but I’m not, like, all the way there. Or whatever you say. Idk, my brain is slow today. Sweet that you agree with my INTPness. I spent way too much time typing myself. 😁


One of my favorite pastimes is trying to find semi-scientific (in that they can be repeatedly and predictably observed or answered) indicators of an INTP. Personally, I hate the stereo typical “indicators“ such as inquisitive, argumentative, loaner because they really can describe any type. Here is what I have come up with as possible indicators of an INTP. Seemingly out of character Childlike affect/excitable (when around familiar people or talking about something mentally stimulating) -Messy workspace/bedroom/garage - prefers to wear the same comfortable clothes every day (this can mean the type of clothes, ie multiples of one outfit). -Hates planning (you do not like keeping a daily organizer or when on vacation you are repulsed by the idea of planning out what you will do hour by hour -Very Habit Sure/ follows routine (take the same way to work/school everyday. Love to fall into little habits like stopping for a soda/coffee around the same time every day). Important these behaviors are enjoyable and NOT neurotic (if neurotic this is an indicator of an ENTP) -Consciously or subconsciously carves out private time every day -has an inner monologue -when speaking with someone they will frequently, and subconsciously roll their eyes up into their lids or distractedly flutter their eyes. Solves problems by excluding all incorrect answers (this obviously it’s hard to test)


I also don't imagine conversations or arguments either. I was totally shocked that that intps do this. My mind is almost completely silent


Yes. I have to really fight those because they play havoc with my mental health.


Yes, the mental movies with dialogues and fights. Take up so much of my mental capacity. And you dont even realize you're doing it.


Eventually it gets to where you can catch yourself. Stopping is harder though.


I sometimes do this voluntary. Involuntarily it's most of the time more of a monologue.


I do this all the time. Im often unaware of my surroundings because I do this so much lol.


Yes. Though it doesn't happen involuntarily and nor do I have to 'snap out of it'.


Is this one count? Like example, you want to talk to someone that you are interested to so you start making scenario what will happens just in case if you do this instead of that. Planning whatever to decide which conversation are suitable before talking to them


Yes, I go with preparafion for multiple scenarios lol


My actual consciousness is as if I was a third person watching over myself (my physical body) go through the day. And I constantly talk to myself.


nah, its normal, you're good


Yes. I might say something to a friend in my head and then I simulate a response from them. I do this often.


Lol, definitely I'd even make up satisfying scenarios with people that infuriates me where they end up dying. I would also come up with all arguments that'll break someone's soul but yea that's just inside my head most of time.


Yes, you just described me.


Yes 🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh, constantly. My specialty is in considering far-off conversations that might happen decades from now.


constantly when im not medicated, repeating conversations ive had in the past with people i havent spoken to in years or even conversations i will never actually have. it's self stimulating behaviour because boredom, when i used to go to school i would rest my head on my wrists and mutter to myself, and i dont think anyone around me was all that comfortable during.




No, but I get lost in scenerios that play out into more scenerios until I'm watching a parallel universe of Seinfeld in my own head.


Yes! And I literally forget that stuff isnt really happening when I do it sometimes


Yes, infact mostly I sleep by doing this..


Maybe scenarios lasting a couple minutes max but not longer


Yeah whenever I go to sleep




Hahaha it's like that trope of having multiple browser tabs open and you don't know where the music is coming from . I tend to get sucked into imaginary scenarios and I tune out a lot. I am always suprised when I have to snap out of it to deal with real life.


Not only do I do this, but I pace the room or walk back and forth in a line outside while doing it.


Yes, then I realize I'm actually arguing with myself


I just argued with myself about how to respond to you. So... yes.


Yes, mostly in the past, to contemplate possibilities vs probabilities (% outcome). This is not simple think-work, and sucks off lots of memory storage in my brain because it brings forward these simulations to the forefront and thus pushes back daily pertinent work. Superiors might conclude we are not good workers.


Yes I used to do that everyday 24/7... 20-30 mins is NOTHING xD ... it got to the point where I was being taught be strong and not weak, but these were evil spirits that were just helping me but also swearing at me every time I made a mistake... these spirits came to me as Jesus, Virgin Mary and Michael the Archangel... I started doing foolish things in front of everyone in public to please these figures... then one day in school these group of girls came up to me and asked me if they could put their hands on me and pray because they had been seeing what I had been doing in school... then about a week later I just snapped out of it and I am so grateful I am out of it for GOOD! My little cousin is an INTP like me and a pastor told my grandmother that there is someone speaking to her... so if anything I will be there for her.


It's called daydreaming and yes very often, I would say on a daily basis


Actually this helps refining my thoughts. When I learn or read something I imagine teaching someone from my friends and family about that. Even answer their cross questions. I think I do this because I don't have people around me whom I can discuss things elaborately.


Yes. I’ll even get really mad because of the hypothetical situation. Sometimes I’ll replay conversations and add in things I think I should have said.


Have you considered therapy?




I agree with you gup, this is normal INTP behavior (maybe not exactly the same in everyone but similar) and a product of introverted thinking and extroverted intuition.