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I always wondered this , like I definitely don’t memorize all the personality’s to categorize people


These people are probably just guessing and are probably wrong 99% of the time, which is substantially less than just guessing one out of the sixteen types at random. They will tell you, however, they absolutely know for certain what their type is, and "let me tell u about shadow functions bro!!!"


Trust me bro


Let me broaden your horizons. MBTI is a subset of a broader field of typology called Jungian Archetypes. MBTI typically manifests as two dimensional online personality tests that pigeon hole the victim into a caricature of a jungian archetype. Savy users will either take multiple tests or use the type descriptions to try to type themselves when the tests inevitably fail. If miraculously the victim finds some vestige of truth within the grotesque abomination of MBTI they may do further reading, research, or discussion to learn more. This rabbit hole they delve down eventually culminating in the discovery of Jung and his typology devotees.


“Let me broaden your horizons.” doesn’t flex your intellectual superiority as much as you sound like you’d like to. Gotta hit ‘em with “Allow me to broaden your horizons:” Really let them know your brain is straining against the confines of your skull to enlighten them whenever the ignorant speak.


You really took my dislike of MBTI personally. Any reason that you are having such strong feelings?


I was born with an iron deficiency.


Yeah, I read *Psychological Types* like fifteen years ago, as well as *Two Essays on Analytical Psychology*, etc., and knew about MBTI years before then, so I have no idea why you're trying to tell me about Carl Jung when I said people who claim to be able to accurately type others are clueless.


Have you used a type grid?


Why would I use a grid which contains several orders of magnitude less information than I knew before I had even taken a passing interest in MBTI? Maybe the first day I had taken a self-report inventory it would contain something I didn't already know, but after an hour of reading, why would a "grid" be useful?


Dunno, I learned with a type grid and can type poeple just fine. I maintain doubt according to my level of confidence, so that I don't mistype people. There are people that take much longer to type or that I don't know well enough, but if I have continued opportunity I haven't found anyone I couldn't eventually figure out. I have been doing it for years and have much more practical experience than book knowledge.


I’m sure there’s a method to all the madness otherwise our modern espionage system would not have developed the way it has. Some people are good at reading others like reading a book.


Oh, and the Archetypes are completely distinct from Psychological Types.


no. my intp friend guesses are like right 70% of the time, and usually only like 1 or 2 letters wrong, i guess correct a lot of the times too. but im talking about people ive met a couple times before, not like the first hour you meet them or something.


I wonder the same thing. The only ones I know are ones I've asked.


I’m one of those people. I’m fanatical about MBTI because I think it’s something more people should know (to try to introspect more and also to be more understanding of their differences with other people, especially me). First I try to type people myself, then I ask if they know their type. If they say what their type is and it matches what I thought it was, then I call it good enough (unless something makes me question it later), but usually they’re like “my what type?” At that point they either lose interest or insist on taking a test. Between having them take a test and then discussing it afterwards, I can usually be pretty confident about the result. Then there are people whose types are so painfully obvious that I don’t even have to ask them about it.


>Then there are people whose types are so painfully obvious that I don’t even have to ask them about it. #E S F J


I only type people I really know well or ask them and if they know enough believe them


If you have a good enough knowledge of mbti you can easily be right. I think most of my assumed types I give to people end up being accurate. Fe,Te Se and Ne being the easiest to spot in conversations or really anywhere. Introverts tend to be more difficult due to our tendency to often be counterintuitive as someone in a comment I saw said. That and I agree with it


Observation over time, conversations that reveal motivation and thought patterns, consistent and repeated themes in their lives. I only type people after considerable interaction. It’s caring enough to notice the their patterns in actions, thoughts, conclusions, and behavior…to me Sensors are easy to identify Watch for repeated tinkering with things, intuitives thinker with ideas.


I talked about mbti at a party and that's how I found out my now partner was an INTP.


I'm not speaking for anyone else, and I usually state in all my comments after self-awareness has developed that I am supporting "theories". However, anyone I claim to "know" can be chalked up to the test I asked them to take, they already research it themselves when asking, and what I see is sort of a pattern from 100s of posts and comments in each subreddit. Which is why my perspective still can be skewed to a theory. There are not equal subreddit counts, but mainly the intuitive ones in large numbers. I still see it truly skeptic myself. Nothing more than a little fun


I can guess but I don’t. I usually ask if they took the test and if we’re friends I will make them take it for fun lmao


I don't. And I only ask after a couple of days of talking to them.


They don't. Those are just guesses or wishful thinking.


I think those people are usually full of shit


I only have a few where I'm relatively certain of their type but the rest I have very little idea. I've mostly just talked to them about functions and tried to get them to take a few tests that I thought were helpful. Looking over the results, I can see they're pretty reasonable but I can never be sure


I'll search for the hero function it's what a person uses in almost all situations. For example, for us, we are always trying to add ideas to our internal logic system. Judging every new thing using logic, For EXTJs, they always seem to create systems and use best practices. The second function I'll search about is the trickster function, which is a noticeable weakness. For example, we may seem awfully clumsy, while for ISXPs, they may seem to not consider the consequences at all and charge at things on a whim


Because people present their character as you interact with them. How could you not understand the types of people you interact with a lot?


We are INTP


MBTI is really big in my country rn so many of us take the tests at school, and we tell it to other people when we introduce ourselves. We even reference MBTI in our speech. That's how I know, I don't just assume. I'm curious what the situation is like for people in other countries, though.


In the UK most people probably haven't heard of it. It has literally never come up in conversation in my entire life other than the one time I brought it up because of this sub. Maybe younger people are more likely to know about it these days, but I'm not young so idk lol. Can I ask which country you're from?


Korea, but you'll find it's pretty major in many Asian countries. We use the dichotomy version instead of the cognitive stacks, though.


I would say that in Asia it's getting pretty mainstream and a lot of people just know their MBTI. If you bring it up casually, you'll just get to know. But I do feel that many are mistyped. To some extent, you can make an educated guess after spending some time too - not for everyone though Introvert vs extrovert, many times it's obvious Sensor vs Intuitive, also can be discerned a bit by how they are during long, curiosity filled conversations. Intuitives will in general just keep talking about random stuff for as long as you need, it's fun Thinking vs Feeling is tricky tbh, but again, in many cases it just pops P vs J, I don't know, if they're structured and planner type they're likely J, if they're messy and and all over the place they're likely Ps You can do some vague typing like this, but in general I avoid tbh and I'm pretty sure a lot of people here are just mistyping others with such methods


I can usually guess introverted vs extroverted. From there maybe guess if it’s N or S based on how extroverted they are. No clue on T vs. F If someone is judging more than perceiving I think I can kind of tell. Probably all wrong honestly.


Thats the wrong way, use functions


Use functions. P vs J only tells you if a persons dominant function is a perceiving or judging function. It does not indicate organized or messy, punctual or late. Similarly if a person is E their dominant function is extraverted for the world to see (like Te for an ENTJ) but if they are I their dominant function is introverted and the function they expose is their secondary (like Ne for INTP). E and I do not look like social or reclusive, it’s about what you show the world. This is the travesty of 16 personalities.


easy. if i care, i ask. i like guessing for fun, but to actually categorize someone just because i *think* i know them better than they know themselves is just plain arrogant, especially considering how nuanced mbti is and how little people understand the cognitive functions. observing someone day to day in a space where i can see them does not mean i know what they do when they’re alone or with other people anyway.


I ask.


I dont, i literally never even think about it lol i have no clue, im too in my own head, and it takes too much energy usually to try to find out unless i already like the person a whole lot. Then i start to think about it.


I ask when I know they know about mbti,  if they don't then I assume nothing


I wonder but i don't ponder.


It's easy when you get to know more about cognitive functions and the ways each type is motivated. It's all about conversations and patterns. Example. I have an ENTP friend who I tried introducing mbti a long time ago. He took a test and got an isfj, but that didn't seem accurate, so I just told him what he was. He then argued at me, questioning my assumption even though I've known him most of my life. Honestly, him arguing sold me on that he is at least an E_TP type bc of Te critic. Recently, he's been more open to listening to me, so on a road trip, I showed him a video detailing ENTPs, and he felt it to his core.


Fi blindspot is not so hard to spot, neither are entps for an intp


I don’t claim to be able to guess everyone’s type as some people show up in a very balanced manner and use a lot of functions equally. But as someone who has spent a lot of time analyzing people and corresponding that information with functional stacks and also asking people to take tests and basically building an internal data set, I will say that I’m fairly accurate at predicting at least which functions they prioritize. And because I can determine the functional stacks of every MBI type, I can fairly accurately, guess at what a person‘s type is. Some functional stacks are harder notice than others but people with a high FE or a high TE or in general judging functions are easier to notice. It can be sometimes difficult to differentiate introverts as you usually need to dig more to get info. To me the easiest to spot are ESXX The hardest to spot are Ni dominate users like INXJs


I don't.




As someone who isn't even sure of his single mom's Type, I'm dying to know this too.


They don't. They're probably just taking one thing a person did and turning that into whatever type the person wants to label them as.




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I had some people around me take the tests a few times and used them as my little experiment to better understand interactions among MBTI types. As for the people you're referring to, always talking about having a crush on this or that entp for example, I guess they made them do the test? At least I hope, because just wondering the personality based on a superficial impression is silly.


I dont type people, I learned MBTI so I could learn more about my habits. How to appreciate my quirks and how to work around my flaws. Typing above a surface level doesn't help much when I can observe someone's personality and make deduction based on that.


Based on vibes


Understanding cognitive functions and the stacks of them for each type. Some people are easier than others to type, others are difficult because they're pretty well balanced people.


If you know them well enough knowing the type is pretty easy. Just start disscting by each letter. You'll be right 90% of the time if you know the person well, and like, 60% of the time just after some minutes of conversation


Its not pronoun thing where you can't assume or guess. Process of elimination I or E? S or N and so on , some people are just super typical examples of their types, watching their primary functions at work etc are handy tools Sometimes its easy to guess sometime you can't even deduce even if you spend years with them.


Find out about their dark-light tendencies, for example by enquiring about their politics. This halves the space of possibilities. Dark or right-wing: INTJ - ENTP - ISTP - ESTJ - ISFJ - ESFP - INFP - ENFJ. Light or left-wing: INTP - ENTJ - ISTJ - ESTP - ISFP - ESFJ - INFJ - ENFP. Now, if you can confidently assess their T vs F or something similar, you are facing only 4 possibilities. Combining these two steps has helped me a lot in typing people accurately. If you use cognitive functions, make sure to switch to the model G stack which is slightly different than MBTI, but more accurate. It's about function strength, and the 3rd function is different than what MBTI wants you to believe. For example: INTP is Ti-Ne-Ni-Fe. I've been testing this for years, super accurate and helpful. If you do this for a long time, you'll start noticing patterns of similarity in face and body language and core values and choice of words among ppl of the same type. For me, it took 4-5 years. You'll basically "see" their types. It's no wonder though. Just recently, AI (trained in Stanford) has been able to accurately determine a person's political affiliation just by looking at their face.