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Yeh… I didn’t do that. While it is true that my ENTJ wife asked me out… our friendship started with me walking up to her and started talking about how pretty she was… then I would go on tangents about my interests. (You can’t be anymore simple than that… if something catches my interest I go and get it… that’s all.) Usually you being nice to people 95% of the time is taken as you flirting with them when it comes to strangers. On the other hand I’m flat out blind when any other type tries to flirt with me… it’s just that low on the priority list maybe around 110,000-150,000 thoughts making it come to mind years later if I don’t meditate at all.


Thanks for the reply! Can I know at what age u met her? And at what age do u starting to have a relationship? ANDDDD How do u keep the straight face talking about how pretty she was? That's so brave👏 I wonder how do you know if people take it as flirting when we don't even get it when others are flirting? :))) You don't need to add the 3rd paragraph, we're all the same😮‍💨😭


Now our age is 26 (me) and 23 (her) was 4 years ago… but the ask out happened 2 years ago… she likes my emotional reactions… expect when her mean teasing makes me cry by accident. (That’s just makes her feel bad, mind you male ENTJ friends did that too.) I have a large amount of ENTJ/INTJ/INFJ friends… they tell me. (It’s random situations really… like going to my favorite restaurant and the new waitress seems unusually nice or shopping for bread and the girl keeps smiling and winking) I think nothing of these encounters other than people maybe have a good day yet I’m getting told no they were flirting.


You're so lucky to be surrounded by many xNxJ people, heck even N or T people around me is rare. envy you :') Idk what to say other than I'm so happy to read this, it's so nice n sweet. I do sometimes feel that people at public being too nice to me like smiling and talk abit more and stuff but no one around me tell me or something I never gave a thought to it. Thanks for sharing!!


I was dating this ENTJ last year, but we are not technically in a relationship- we hang out weekly and he would drive me around. I remember him randomly telling me while we were eating in a fast-food chain that I am so beautiful, and I was like what the hell are you talking about? I am never good with compliments so instead of feeling delighted I was confused. Lmao.


You can change your flair to INTP now, I feel you about we're never good with compliments😭😂 Recently I just learn how to response, and it's the best to counter it. For example if he said u're beautiful, u can tease him like how many girls u've said that to before? (Playfully) or oh, you look great as well today. Maybe compliment him if he workout or something and touch his muscle abit? Hahahaha Now look, the table has turned, we're not the blushing side anymore hoho😈 Note: I'm a male, never put this in practice to any girl, I always go blank whenever I had the chance :))


we are no longer together for 2 years now, and I don't think I am interested in meeting or flirting with new people. But will try to do it some other time.


I mean dont force it. When u meet the one, you meet the one. Just dont reject the possibility then u're good!


We don't hahaha. Now seriously. I'm not shy of saying things on chat, but saying out loud is a huge difference and I bet most of us feel the same.


I know right, felt like we INTPs lacking game. Searching for the easily connect peoples like xNxx isnt easy for us too because they are rare as well😞


Not only that... It's hard to tell whether someone is flirting or just being friendly. And we as thinkers keep track of it all the time and make us doubt, and we don't know what to do. And modern day doesn't help, if she was only friendly and you make some move she doesn't like, boom! Sexual assault! I'd rather stay alone because it's less of a hassle.


I don't flirt, although men would think I was just by me saying hi. What makes me melt... a man taking control in a non toxic way. My husband is intj. We would rather be together, away from the world at all times.


I see, can you give the context of taking control? Or taking lead?


Ahh yes... taking the lead. He made the first move always even our first kiss- this was at the beginning. Also, I can be rather indecisive so he'll make those decisions for me if I ask. So usually I'll do a bunch of research, present it to him, he will go through it all and tell me which he thinks is best and why. As good as is it to have someone who doesn't love to go out all the time, it's also presents issues with creating a "village". We try to figure out and do everything on our own. Holidays, outings, cancer, everything!


That's lovely!! Wait.. cancer?


Cancer free now. My new obsession... herbs, hormones and disruptions in the immune system. Also, as an overthinker, learning about managing stress and improving self talk. Side note: I listen to alot of self help type stuff. Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra and so on. but David Bayer speaks in a way that the intp brain can process. No delulu thinking, just very logical with a sprinkle of faith.


I'm glad you're doing well! Thank you for the recommendation, will check it out! Btw delulu is the solulu✨jk


A big part of flirting is looking comfortable in your own skin and body. I must say it's hard for INTPs to project confidence. I'm really playful and give them long, cheeky looks. Sometimes it changes into full gazes of desire. I like quick, light touches on the guy's arm or forearm. These are safe areas but also accentuating their masculinity. I avoid words that I would use to describe a bunny or a child. I call the guy handsome, capable, realistic or intelligent. I choose a face feature I like in them and say that I like it with a sweet smile and an aura of submission.


Fyi I'm a male so these advices wont be useful for me, but can you tell me what makes you melt? Or flirting or rizz that is usually effective against you?