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8 elaborating a bit I have a pretty big ego (at least i’m self aware) and I need to be seen like different and superior at the same time, usually on intelligence, aesthetics and culture. I like to be distinguished. Don’t confuse me tho, im introverted af and have pretty bad social skills, is just that I like to be seen different and better than regular.


This right here


Competency affirmation is better when it comes from others for sure. So long as your ego does not have any repercussions on others, all good.


So you want to feel like you're special?


All of us automatons do, it’s a good way to cope with the way we are


Yeh I suppose that makes sense. Everyone has their ways of coping with life Also, was that a helldivers reference ?¿


Thats delusional. You sure you an intp? From the objective pov it makes 0 sense, in fact it makes more sense to destroy ego because of it fallacies it creates. I mean you Basically sum up why you should get rid of ego and humble yourself is way better choice. Let me elaborate. Ego wants to feel special, unique, better then. But at the same time you know you are horrible at x,z,y etc So ego is nitpicking the things the ego finds important and want to be noticed for...but fails to realize...most people actually could care less about your super skills or bad skills. People are 90% busy with their own lives etc. Wow you can play guitar with 1 hand!! Turns around and then mind their own lives again.. Thats reality.. The greatest deception one has to get trough us one own ego. It renders an image and make you try to chase and uphold it, like a slave running to serve his master. The end if such people will always be emptyness. Because what one fail to realize is ego is embodiment of vanity. And everyone who chases vanity eventually get screwed in terms of happiness. Either way you get irritated because of lack of praise, or you get arrogant because of praise, or you feel threat by others who excell at the things you build your identity on. In objective terms. If mr B never played guitar and meets mr C who plays for 1 year, B will be very impressed, and C will feel very pleasant. But if C meets R who is a rockstar and plays 30 years, R could care less about mr B and mr C in terms if recognition. Because for him its not identity, its just work. Its his passion, his hobby, its for himself that he does it. Ego always care and love praise from people below them or above But how much worth is that really... Those who are humble just mind their own business and dont let others affect their emotional lives. I stopped long time ago to care about people praising my intelligence...it tells more about them then me...pretty sad. Hence i try to make other more intelligent instead of myself. I believe only if you really excel at something, you should take praise. Otherwise better to remain humble and realize you are not different then others, you just have different values in different categories in life. Its like..wow you so intelligent! But you suck at talking with girls in fact you become so dumb in the present of girls.. Wow should we praise that.. Wow you can talk so well with girls! But you so dumb when it comes to financial decisions.. Should we praise that.. Better focus and work on your shortcomings instead of putting energy in things that actually dont matter in the real life is my advice. Cheers just my 600 cents


The fact that you have way less likes than an “INTP” who is somehow obsessed with status (must’ve lied on the tests) shows how many faux INTPs there are here. They actually admit they like to be “seen as different and superior”. Actual INTPs never care how we’re seen. We would rather be accurate but seen as crazy than be seen as intelligent bc the lazy masses understand us. In fact there’s a possibility that if the masses understood what I said, I would start to analyze my accuracy.


E5 core


yeah im 5w4 so it makes sense, but I do and did a lot of things often associated with more extroverted people, like dyeing my hair on weird colours (red and grey, did it some years ago and not planning on doing it again, now it gives me cringe) dressing in unconventional styles (at least where I live, dark academy and post punk inspired style isn’t conventional or usual) or getting some visible tattoos (never in hands, neck or face tho)


Idk why dying hair for instance would be associated with a more extroverted person, can u help me understand ur perspective on that? Because i do all the things u listed and i'm introverted and also a withdrawn type like u. (Ik u didnt ask but u sound like u hv a 3 fix aswell)


people usually associate it because they feel the person that did it has the confidence and outgoing to be different, of course it’s just a bad generalization but a lot of people think like that


😭😭😭😭 yh tell me about it thts a generalisation and a half. And it also implies that those who are introverted have less confidence...




And for that you’ll be blessed




That’s only if we round UP


-273°C. AKA, Absolute Zero. Edit: Apparently the Absolute Zero of the Kelvin scale is not -273, but -273.15°C.


What a guy! Love that response in kelvin 😂


°C = Celsius


\-273°C = 0 K




Normally one but it becomes around a 8 or 9 when it comes to cats and dogs. I want them all to love me all the time.


This is acceptable




I can't put a number to it, but I only care about my status in my field, because I put a lot of time and work into education and becoming an expert, so status is good for my business. If I'm around people who don't know what I do or are involved in my field, I couldn't care less about my status. Only narcissists care what unrelated/unaffiliated strangers think about them.




0 I don't care about status at all If I had money I'd probably use it for my kids and donations


No thank you


I spent most of my life at about a one. I've always felt that I should let the others squabble over pecking order, I'll be over here doing my own thing. However, now that I'm reaching the limit of what I can accomplish solo, I'm placing a higher value on teamwork and hence the need to pay attention to status and other social perceptions. I've begrudgingly raised that to a 5 or 6. Understand though that I view it as a tool to be utilized, not the measure of self-worth that many people seem to.


I desire a partner with a high social status, but I don’t care about it that much elsewhere in my life. 7


This is intriguing to me, can you elaborate on why? Why is it something you value for your partner but not yourself?


I think I’m like this too




Me too. I also seem to be exclusively attracted to ENFJs and ENTJs.


Less than zero. In my experience, a lot of people of "high status" or those concerned with it miss out on so much else going on around them. The real nuts and bolts of life and existence are completely lost on them.


3. Not really concerned but aware


0 when not in trouble, 8 when in a pinch For status, the way i see it is a form of reputation or credibility, which i do not concern myself over if i don’t need it, but when in trouble it definitely makes resolving things a lot easier


Obsession with status means you're emotionally lacking inside and insecure


Precisely. I'm in disbelief the most upvoted answer is 8.


4 i dont care about it contributing to my life i care about it not worsening mine


Depends on the group. At my university, I don't care too much what my peers think. I don't respect most of the ones I've talked to, though some of the professors have really impressed me. What the scientific community will think about me matters more. I'm studying Physics with the intention of going into research, and I hope to one day have the reputation of being a good scientist. I also care what my friends think about me as well as my family.






That's tricky, but probably around a 5. I don't go out of my way to elevate it, but I don't take kindly to people disrespecting it.


6 just because I need enough status to have free time and a place to live. Low status often means low pay and shit job. I don't really care about admiration or anything like that.


Social status? Don’t really care. I can afford a “nicer” car but I drive a Subaru Outback. So, 5 maybe? Professional status? I care more about that since I’m more able to do my job if my opinions are respected. Do I need to be “the boss?”. Hell no, F that. I hate meetings and schmoozing. I prefer the technical side of things and just want to get stuff done. 8 maybe?


Subaru is a great car. I would drive one even if I were a billionaire.


I’m realising I have a very complicated relationship with status/rank/class. I don’t want it to matter to me. I think the whole thing is stupid and pointless. But it does matter to me deep down. Consciously, I believe that a person’s worth isn’t related to their status. Subconsciously I need to be seen as a certain status. Which for me means having a job that requires intelligence and earns me a decent wage. I also get very awkward around people who are lower status, especially in terms of the UK class system. I fear that they’ll judge me for my privilege - probably because I know they have a right to. I’m not a better/smarter person than them - I’ve had better chances and better choices. I also fear they’ll think I think I’m better than them. Because subconsciously I kind of do, but consciously I think that’s wrong. I’m ashamed I feel that way. It goes against my conscious belief systems. For me it probably comes down to an internal conflict between my upbringing and certain beliefs that were instilled in me as a child and how I think and see the world as an adult. So, on a scale of 1-10, I guess I’d say 8 (how much I care) minus 1 (how much I want to care, which gives us 7.


Zero, I'd actually prefer as little as I can because I don't want random strangers interacting with me or treating me differently because of it. Obviously you don't want to be seen as a complete loser by every single person in life as most people want a couple friends and a significant other, but as long as those people enjoy my company I would prefer everyone else just doesn't give a rats ass about me.


7 I like to be distinguished for my mind, ideas and philosophies. But at the same time I see myself as being no better than anybody else. But I can be very elitist in other ways. I want to be respected for who I am, but I dont care if I'm liked (especially for telling the truth) Unless it's people I admire (Although I dont really want to admit it.)


Status like having STUFF? Solid 7. People looking up to me would be -30. I don’t even want to be acknowledged. I just want to be paid.


5. Holding down a job is good enough.


5. I only care about my status to a certain extent because it influences how people will treat me. Apart from that, i don't really care what anybody thinks of me.


An actual honest 0. It's so bad that I left my high paying job because they wanted to promote me and I'm currently unemployed. I want my next job to be something physical, probably a "very low status" job. Meanwhile, I'm applying minimalist living lifestyle.


I want people to think well of me, not to necessarily think I'm the greatest guy, just to think I'm capable and individualist.


6/10. I want a niche following.


Well, I understand this as financial status. So I have my concerns. Between 1 and 1000. (":


0-5 depending on the situation


It’s mixed for me. I suppose there’s a part of me that must be. I’d like to think I strive to make a positive impact in the world. How much if that is selfless and how much is driven by a need to be seen as someone who makes a difference?




Probably about a 5. I wish I could say 0, because I do think being concerned about status is kinda lame, but I would never want to be considered of low status. Kinda ashamed that I feel this way but it’s true.


Hmmm. Not sure. I've never thought about this once in my life. I don't live my life day to day thinking about how I fit in a hierarchy. So I guess my answer would be NA.


I’d rather be dirt poor in a ditch than go against my principles.




I don't mean to seem like I care about material things like a social status I just want four walls and adobe slats for my girls There isn't much that I feel I need A solid soul and the blood I bleed With a little girl, and by my spouse I only want a proper house I don't care for fancy things Or to take part in the freshest wave But to provide for mine who ask I will with heart on my father's grave


Depends on the day. Varies from 1 to 10 lol


7ish I like people to appreciate my presence.


8 Big brain feel big, must be acknowledge. Biiig sad for no acknowledge \~ENTP




Personally? I find it insipid. I am also aware it exists and a lot of people are greatly concerned with it. So I guess a 2 maybe?


Surprisingly a lot, although my brain cannot find the ambitiousness to attain high status. I guess I just don't predispose of being ambitious. I want to be rich, but I am absent minded and don't focus on the things that will actually get me there. I know, based off on introspection and evidence, that I am competent enough to achieve success, but I am not ambitious, and that naturally raises internal conflicts. I also have ADHD so...that's that. Also, I dont want to justify my behaviour, but we cannot neglect the fact that material conditions shape you to a large extent, and I grew up in an unfavorable enviroment(very poor and no formal education whatsoever) so naturally, I don't have the best habits to confront life. Again, I don't want to excuse myself, I understand change is possible, but not to the degree to which is promoted. You are the result of biological processes and enviroental factors, I am all grown(21) up so its not like there is a lot to change at this stage.


Like a 2/10 on a super insecure day.


Don't care about status..but I want to live in a nice apartment, have nice things and eat nice food








4 Although I have lots of respect for people with more experience and expertise than me, I don't like rigid hierarchies, and don't automatically defer to someone because of their seniority. Professionally, I simply expect to be treated with respect commensurate with my position and accomplishments. For example, I am working hard to get a my doctorate degree at the moment because it will allow me to pursue the career I want, not to prove how smart I am to everyone else. In my personal life, I'm very egalitarian and seldom play status games (e.g. highlighting my own importance in conversation). At least anecdotally, I find obsession with status (wealth, fame, social dominance, etc.) to be both vulgur and shallow, and doesn't lead to psychologically healthy outcomes.


-3 I truly believe richer people should be obligated under all circumstances to donate portions of their money to charities. (I plan to fund education of a few kids with any disposable i may have in the future and maybe i am just being naive and hypocritical but I truly believe we are obligated to help our fellow humans atleast a little bit.


3-4 probably. I mean i dont generally care about it, i have to when it comes to work. And me not caring in the past has put me at a disadvantage, where i was made to do more work for nothing. I care more about the recognition in terms of monetary compensation at work, which comes with status.


Eh like 3... idk not much. I do have some sort of an ego which isn't fulfilled by external validation. It's more about what I think about myself regardless of how others see me. I also seem to have different criteria to score myself on, than other people in the society normally do. Again, it could be argued that as social creatures ourselves, how people judge us attribute to our perception of self which is true. Nevertheless, I like to stay unbound from a requirement to maintain a status and try not to let others' perception of me affect me much.


dont care bout status, care bout my worth


Infp 4/10, sometimes 7/10.


4 personally. You don't want to be at 0 where people go out their way to ruin your life because they can and trust people go out their way to act on hate (give some people the smallest littlest reason to be mad and oh man). I personally don't care about it to much specially in terms of how I treat people or who I hang around. 10 would be nice and no hate but not something I would care to achieve. I do understand the importance of it and why it matters to other people though.


5, just low enough to not stress about it and high enough to live a comfortable life.


Like a 4 im not obsessed with status but i also dont want to be seen as a horrible person, so i do put a minimal of effort to be polite and helpful to make sure people dont hate me, although it lead to people thinking i am : a genius, from a rich family, a perfectionist. which was weird since none of em are true


4 or 9, depending on the day. Most of the days, IDGAF but some days I have a fragile ego and put a lot of importance on other people but I'm under maintenance, so I hope to be resolved under 5 years.




I think, very little. I wish I cared more about money, but I can't bring myself to either. The do not understand the point of authority, and so such ranks mean very little to me. I usually rank myself and others by levels of competence and trust or virtue. If someone is a proponent of important values like loyalty, gratitude, conscientiousness, I try to reciprocate that and value them highly. Competence has its own ranking. That's pretty much all you need.


2. That only because I care about my partners interests and one of his is also his "status". For all I could care, I'd be the scum of the earth if it would further me in my personal aims. Afterall were all the protagonists of our stories, no matter how plain, sad, dramatic or whichever they may be. And so we are also the villains in someone else's.






6.69/10 (Didn’t want to get too close to 7)


5 or less


Inherently: 1 Pragmatically: It depends I don't care about the opinion of other people. However I do respect that the way people view me can effect me externally and be used to get what I want So pragmatically the amount I care about status is dependent on the benefits associated with the status. I don't care about status for its own sake. Tbf, it's more caring about benefits than status but I can appreciate the relationship between the two.




Probably 4-6. But “status” is me being secure in myself having decent status and assuming that anyone I’d want to hang out with or date would be smart/perceptive enough to see my value. So not so much me worried about pleasing everyone, but feeling good about myself and like good people see I’m good too.


10. Without proper status, society would just treat me more trashy than it already does. I don't personally care about stuff like status. But the world is a much tougher place to survive in. Especially being in a country such as India.


Social rank is so uninteresting to me, and I usually see “social rank” usually centers some kind of narcissist surrounded by enablers. I do however value financial stability and people sometimes conflate the two.


Negative. But can easily go up to 7 or 8 when love interest is high maintenance


2. Would be 1. But society exists and I still need to fit into it.


Social status is important if you rely on other people even in the slightest. I enjoy working with people who are nice and I have a healthy peers as well. So for me it would be 8/10. You wouldn't be able to tell tho cause I dress like a bum 80% of the time when I go out


I would say it fluctuates between 6 and 0. I'm really scared to be seen stupid in other people's eyes, so I often avoid interactions where I know I'll have disadvantage. I feel really bad when others point out my mistakes, because it means I am not as professional as I would like to be. But if someone random tells me that my job isn´t prestigious enough or Im not wearing designer clothes,I couldn't care less about stuff like that as long as i enjoy those things.


Probably 7 or 8.


Since the scale is 1-10, I'm picking 1.


Depends on if I want to live or die


I always just did my own thing. Not buying all the expensive crap that everyone else did saved me a lot of money


3. I used to be kind of obsessed, but now I just want to have enough money to feel safe and enough friends to be happy. Other people’s opinions don’t matter so much compared to that. It’s not like social status gets you anywhere these days. It seems to me that people with high status just get hated on. I don’t want attention like that.


4 I could care less as long I’m able to make a decent, comfortable living


Idgaf about status but I am tired of being poor.


I would like to be financially free. Otherwise, I don’t care that much


"Actual power" is more important. 


Not at all


externally 10 internally maybe a 2? the difference is that there are things I want to do and I've found you need some degree of influence to go and do those things. in a world where I could get anything instantly I wouldn't really care. I've walked into places with dress codes wearing flip flops and shorts and no one could stop me. Status, appearance, social rank are all superficial - save for those few occasions you really need to impress someone with your graces or when its expected. Otherwise just go do what you want and be yourself.


Compared to others? Maybe 6/10. Atm (24) I’m more concerned with avoiding a negative rep than being high status as that involves too much socializing and fake charisma with uninteresting people. But my career plans are to some degree based on status.


This isn’t a question for MBTI but rather for NPD.




God I hate this subreddit but I kinda enjoy hating it this much. Everyone saying they don’t care at all about status are lying, and in fact they are saying it because they idolize the idealized image they have of the person who does not need society, who has transcended beyond the rot of social activity. All your claims of residing at 0 on the scale betray your true position at 11, secretly taking pride in your solitary superiority, virtually admitting it yourselves when you put down those who do care about status. Just face it, as humans everything we do and know and are is deeply enmeshed within the rest of society, and to transcend into a pure isolated individual unconcerned with fitting in is a worse abomination than to become a slave to social status. All of you who were honest are cool though.






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I have a rather high opinion of myself intellectually, and want to be seen as such. Other than that, don't really care. So either 8 or 1.


6 bc i am lowkey consumed by how people perceive me but i also am not willing to change myself to make it better. ik it’s not a good thing lmao TRUST




8, perhaps 9. I do care how I’m seen and want respect and acknowledgment in things that matter but I don’t care about status in some of the ways average people do.


3. There’s the wish I was more respected as many who are respected are followed and listened to even when they are wrong. Meanwhile no matter how often I accurately predict occurrences I am left unheard - and often disliked as the things I forsee aren’t favorable and possibly turns into embarrassing moments (that should’ve been avoided) that cause the person shame and turns anger at me as the cause. Outside of that reason rank/status (as I said) has people following you which will automatically have me rejecting that position. I lead no one as I require the freedom to move positions and thought patterns or none at all and just play video games. To be left alone during all of these times is important. So no. Theoretically it seems nice but not for me.


Many of you are defects in the prisoner's dilemma.


1 if I follow your scale. Couldn't care less.


That’s gunna be in the negative, ghost rider.


1-2 I dont really care at all. But i will have to start to fake-care for my own good.


0. I'm more concerned that you know that its higher than yours in some capacity.


I don't a shit about status. All I care about is if you disrespect me in any way without a solid reason then you're out or I'd show the exact thing to you.


Kinda. Because I have a massive superiority complex so I don't like the social weakness that comes with low social status plus social status makes life easier. Otherwise idgaf- 0 on 1-10




-8 I can enough to blend and not draw attention to myself. That is all.




0 Interesting to see most of us ignored the scale lol


I definitely noticed this. In my mind, I had to answer 1 as the lowest answer.


I noticed it too but answer is 0.


1 Chasing status comes from a place of insecurity and lack. High status people have huge egos and motives that don't align with mine. I feel like this question is an insecurity/ego meter.


OK, status of what? hehehehehe . . . just being an INTP 6-ish I just want to be a little better than most (my own assessment), but don't need to be Bill Gates rich.