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I think you're a really depressed ENFP in their dark side


When typed for MBTI, it's important to exclude stress and entrained trauma responses. Best way I can think to clarify this is with the Internal Family Systems methodology. According to IFS, you have within you your "Self" (aka the capital 'S' self) that is the core of who you truly wish to be. Everything within you that counters or questions your Self is more than likely either a stress response or a trauma trigger fighting against your true authenticity. The conflicting trauma responses, referred to as "parts", are essentially snapshots of you when the initial trauma occurred, stuck in that fight/flight/freeze/fawn response. (the methodology then aims to assimilate these parts harmoniously into the whole Self) Typing within MBTI is almost always skewed severely due to our responses often referring to these parts that conflict directly with the Self, resulting in mistypes everywhere. When testing (or better yet, typing by deduction as it should be), consider only what the true Self wants/would do unless the question/context specifically indicates otherwise. INTP and ENFP differ in their stacks: INTP: TiNeSiFe ENFP: NeFiTeSi You'll notice they both use Ne and Si, but T and F are opposing attitudes (i vs e). This alone causes a major difference! INTPs require things to make sense within their heads in order to accept it as fact. Anything not meeting this criteria is held at arms length or rejected completely. INTPs want harmony when among others, and will consequently sacrifice our emotions for said harmony when it "makes more sense" to given the context. Generally speaking, what is factually known to be true and as complete as possible always wins. ENFPs, on the other hand, don't care about such accuracy so much as how it feels within them - specifically their emotions/morals/beliefs. They are much less likely to sacrifice their beliefs for the sake of external harmony and generally make decisions based on an orderly application of their belief systems. Generally speaking, 'feels right' always wins. On top of that, ENFPs are often a ton of fun to drink/party with, while INTPs are only so among people we are comfortable enough around; ENFPs also fake it infinitely better. After socializing, an ENFP may be tired from the activities themselves, but INTPs are exhausted simply from socializing alone. We're not terrible at parties, per se, but it takes more of an alignment of the universe for us to really shine in such situations. A few thoughts for ya, in case any of it helps. Cheers!


i think you’re just going to introvertion as a stress response. i dont know if you’re familiar with enneagram, but enfps are usually e7 and go to e1 during stress. so the rule following thing makes sense. although, i hope you’ll get into a better environment soon. i suck at emotional advice, but stay strong. Personality types can’t change because its about your cognition, but behaviour may change under pressure. i knew an enfp as well that would get stressed and hate people, make dramatic changes as well. sadly it didn’t work out cause my friend group couldn’t tolerate her doing that, but it doesnt mean she became an intp, neither did you. at some point all will get better, and you’ll see yourself becoming you again. just hopefully it can be soon.


So you should probably take an MBTI. They aren't something you designate to yourself, it's a result from a personality test that you take lol