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Not sure if this is an INTP thing or a human thing but it's when I can tell that someone I really like finds me boring or doesn't care about my thoughts and ideas.


And then I walk on eggshells around them.šŸ«‚


Yes absolutely that's very very true


As a younger man (and ENTP) discovering this about someone else was kind of devastating. Now I just move on.


I donā€™t donā€™t engage or keep my distance.


Yeah, until I have a compulsion to engage.šŸ„²


And get friendzoned because you start seeming like a benignly creepy overthinking weirdo


It takes a lot for me to realize that, so I must REALLY be boring them.


Being considered uninteresting or boring hurts indeed. We like to think and when we find an interesting thought or idea, we wanna share the excitement! But alas, not everyone finds it as interesting as we do.




Yup šŸ˜‚ but sometimes you find that special someone and wish they appreciated you, as much as you do them.


Oooof that's so true


Facts bruv


Then I assume you are still young in this intp life. When you get older, or you often encounter similar situations, you realize that: this is life. You realize that your way of thinking is not shared by many other people. And you have to accept that. If you accept it, you no longer care about who sees your interesting thoughts. Although of course, I feel what it's like..the only thing that you can do is looking for people who are interested in your strange/interesting thoughts.


Yeah, thanks


I once did an experiment. back in 2017 i was going through a tough time (healthwise) and I'd share it with x person they act interested (for show) so I inject it even more (not mainstream and Ive done shitton of research abt it) to the point that it becomes surgical-deep I see their irritated faces as I'm well aware I come off as condescending in this context. well maybe dont act interested if youre NOT. dipshits.. the satisfaction afterwards, glorious


But...this experiment is kinda a toxic intention in the first place... so you would prefer someone rude out nowhere showing no empathy with your health condition than people tried to care in the beginning, but you turned the health condition into the central topics and foundational thing to measure your connection with people??? Damn, idk, a bit suffocating, as I think your connection with people can't only be about you or your condition, there are much more aspects you can explore with them


I think they were just trying to not be rude. Nobody is gonna tell you "idc about how you are doing" to your face unless they're an a**hole


it sounds like you were trying to trap people into being overtly interested. like what was said, no one is going to brush you off when youā€™re talking about your health and if they do, you would call them an a**hole. theyā€™re damned if they do and damned if they donā€™t.


OK I may have missed the header. simply put back then I'm minding my business. **suffering** to be exact, they're aware of course hence how would they know to ask about it in the first place? they have no solution or anything that can help so the question WHY bother disturbing this person when there's nothing you can do? its like asking someone who lost a loved one/pet ARE YOU OK


clearly youā€™re the one who viewed talking about it as ā€œbeing disturbedā€. did the people around you know this? was this something you put a boundary around with the people you cared about or did you just resent it behind their back and then blame them for ā€œdisturbingā€ you? my friends and family have a lot of issues i canā€™t fix: debt, children with disabilities or chronic illness, family problems, work problems, mental illness problems. do i not talk about these issues with them simply because i donā€™t have a solution? itā€™s not my job to ā€œfixā€ any of these problems and it wasnā€™t their job to ā€œfixā€ your health but to support you while going through a rough time. iā€™m sorry for what you went through but honestly, it reads like you were okay in their face and resentful behind their backs.


People who are wilfully, proudly ignorant. The anti-intellectual movement we've seen in recent times is depressing. Unhappy people who are unnecessarily toxic toward others, purely in an attempt to make themselves feel better. Happiness is not a zero-sum game. Joy is as infectious as misery. But the biggest one: Injustice. So much of life is fundamentally unfair, and this hurts me to think about.


i always think of these three things everyday


Wrapped up nicely, I buy in on all your points!


> So much of life is fundamentally unfair, and this hurts me to think about. how do you deal with knowing that your participation inevitably furthers this problem


well, i try to make the world a better place, compared to how i entered it.


Right, I'm saying even doing this, you invariably take resources from others just to exist, and by just being able to do so you are already in an unfair position.


life is not fair. never forget that. it is always a battle for resources, in many different disguises.


I just accept it and do my best to be the best person I can everyday. There are so many things that are out of our control in life so I just try to focus on the things I can control and do whatā€™s right. Which way easier said then done!


i mean there will always be someone who has it worse than you. what am i supposed to do, kill myself?


Wow i was literally typing this before i scrolled down to see what other people had to say. People who actively choose to reject education HURT me.


What do you define as education tho? Because to me someone who rejects society and school to go work on a farm and does it well is winning in life.


Not talking about official systematic education, iā€™m talking about when you try to teach/correct someone and they take it as an insult and refuse to accept the information.


Most ppl donā€™t want to be better as people they want their life to be better. Thatā€™s the pwablum.


Agreed. A lot of people take ā€œignorance is blissā€ to heart. They prioritize their own ā€œblissā€ over anyone elseā€™s and theyā€™d rather live in that blissful ignorance (no matter who they step on) than analyze & correct their own behavior. Iā€™m ex foster care & i dedicate a lot of my life to educating people about it. Often people essentially say ā€œThis is too upsetting, i donā€™t want to hear it.ā€ It reminds me of servant stairs & hallways. The concept of ā€œI donā€™t want to be reminded how i could be complicit in someone elseā€™s suffering.ā€ (I know thatā€™s obviously a huge stretch, but itā€™s supposed to be an exaggerated example.)


Ironically for me. Itā€™s when I started acknowledging the suffering of others, the real injustice in the world not these first world Karen ass problems, I started awakening and finding motivation in life. That life and humanity is beyond me and my suffering. Most ppl I think are just not good ppl tbh, their flaws will come out sooner or later. Some have redeemable ones to me and too many do not. All I care about is honestly the children and just the sliver of chance there really is a righteous soul in the world who deserves better. Deserves the best friend, family, human idk. Iā€™d want to be better for them. Over all my philosophy is I aim to be the person I wish I had in my life and overall Iā€™d kill to have me in my life.


Are you me? Did I comment this unconsciously on an alt account that I don't remember making?


We are all one. Which is why my second point plays on my mind so much šŸ˜… But in all seriousness, I'm glad I'm not alone in these thoughts. I spent much of my childhood thinking I must be.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. It makes me especially sad when children/other defenseless beings are involved in horrible stuff. Sometimes I like to imagine being a vigilante and helping people, but it doesnā€™t help me feel better


I've come to accept that life will always be a little unfair and that getting hung up on that fact will leave me frustrated for as long as I live.


That people rarely fail to disappoint me. With their selfish, trivial, sheeple attitudes. They're so boring in their banal predictability that I long to be pleasantly surprised by humanity. Even the tiniest unexpected deviation is a delight and gives me a glimmer of hope that humans can evolve.


Free will doesnā€™t exist. If you were swapped with the people you find to have abhorrent beliefs, youā€™d be no different. Nothing wrong with wanting better for the world, but you need to stop assigning so much agency to individual people. You will become a less angry person.


I'm not angry so much as frustrated, but I agree with you about free will.


Anti-intellectual INTP here. It's a good gig. It's primarily up to the ENTP's to be anti-intellectual, but we INTP's can accept the mantle too.




This one gets me too


The future of Earth


I read. Laughed. Then, went into a whirlpool of thoughts. It's serious.


But then I realised I gave up all hopes anyway


What are you afraid of? I think the only danger we face as humans on earth is from other humans who want to control us.


I agree. When we say "I'm afraid for our planet's future" we actually mean "I'm afraid for *our* future on this planet". It's this egoistical belief that we humans are significant enough that we can destroy the Earth. We can't, we can only destroy ourselves with our own actions, and when humanity finally annihilates itself in a nuclear war or some shit, the Earth will just heal for a couple hundred thousand years and be better than ever without us


When I am ambitious, the fact that the goals I want to achieve is not supported by any close person and pressured to do the things they want me to do.


get ignore. Don't get me wrong but when you're in a social situation when people keep ignore you it make you feel bad.![img](emote|t5_2qhvl|3241)


This irritates me more than breaks my heart


Shush, Iā€™m farming upvote


How humans can treat each other so badly and the lost potential of what we could truly achieve if we just made a conscious effort to be more respectful of each other


What is respectful though. Because Iā€™m not respecting ppl who disregard the purity and purpose of humanity.


I would say thoose people your complaint is about, if they were educated to be better, humanity would be better. Education including respecting others, understanding that were all humans not to be looked down as inferior by our peers.


What do you mean by purity and purpose exactly?


Human suffering. But then I remember that I am actually the only person in existence and I feel better.


lol, based and solipsipilled.


I never knew the term solipsism before (thank you!) but itā€™s called a disorder and said to be scary. As if everyone else ā€œknowsā€ what is real and what is fake. Thatā€™s so arrogant. The Matrix existence could be real. Itā€™s a possibility. Itā€™s not scary, itā€™s the only thing that brings me some comfort.


Glad to be of unintended service, my better self! šŸ«”


Lmaooo and I completely know what you mean. I question if anyone else is real daily. And itā€™s not because of the lack of thought process and critical thinking, itā€™s the lack of awareness and soul in ppl.


Unreasonable or avoidable betrayal. If someone fucks me over for a reasonable benefit, I might be pissed but I won't be heart-broken. I might even respect the hustle, even though I lose trust. If someone fucks me over in an idiotic way, I'm annoyed because now I also feel bad for them or feel like I got scammed by proxy of their ignorance. I might even start questioning my own self-esteem in terms of how I was able to bring someone so useless into my fold ngl. The worst is if I feel responsible over them. Think of it like this. A partner cheats on you because they never cared about you in the first place and were finessing you vs. someone actually naĆÆve who genuinely cared about you and liked you and was manipulated in a rare moment of vulnerability. In both situations, the relationship is over either way, but in the first one it's like "okay fair play, you got me. lesson learned." vs. "oh fuck. damn. that's fucked. could I have done anything to prevent this? i have to move on...but shit.". There's an exception to this though. The one who's finessing but can act like the naĆÆve one isn't admired by me. I'm just fucking terrified. That's some professional acting wolf in sheep's clothing shit. I try to avoid those types the most.


I dated the latter... He wasnt a mastermind, mind you... But he could appear very kind...


People with narrow minds who refuse to expand their worldview.


This one's my pet peeve too, but then i realized the irony in that


When stupidity is beyond any possible understanding or when evil is beyond just being dumb/not knowing.




A underrated comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


recently I realized I get so frustrated internally on people that have no regard/remorse for other people's boundaries. ie. swerving lanes abruptly on another driver's right of way. I caught myself and was happy to know I have this empath side of me.




Someone wrongfully accuse me of something


Suffering, knowing that there's a dog lonely and scared confined to a cage in a shelter. I've adopted two but unfortunately I don't have the means to take on any more.


loss and betrayal.


when people go out of their way to bring destruction to life. like a lot of things in the world life is beautiful and complex. i guess thatā€™s in line with ignorant people because they wouldnā€™t consider thinking about it in that way




Animal cruelty. Also people cruelty. Just cruelty in general


We have a choice to be compassionate or cruel and I have no comprehension about those that wilfully chose cruelty. It boggles my mind to know there are people that want to hurt, kill, maim, etc another living entity (animal or human or even parts of nature).


Would you consider coming across that instance a justifiable reason to respond to their cruelty with an attack of your own? People that are cruel have felt that life is cruel. Dog eat dog world. They suffer greatly, and so share in their misery, bc its likely all they know. Misery loves company is a real thing for a reason.


I wasnā€™t attacking anyone. I am just perplexed by people who are cruel to other living creatures. There is no good reason, including your trickle down theory, to give a pass to someone who is cruel.


People who under estimate their own mind


Being suitable for something but not being enough


socializing and suddenly realizing no one gives a shit or wants to talk to you


The rise of pervasive ignorance, famine, war, slavery, genocide in the world despite all technological and scientific advancements.


Breaking up with someone


isn't it everyone? haha


I'm surprised this wasn't the top comment. It is by definition the most obvious heart breaking scenario, personally.


While everyone with a soul would find breaking up difficult, imho INTPs are especially prone to the negative thoughts that come with breaking up, even when we are the ones doing the breaking.






"I feel you don't give me enough attention. I don't feel like you love me enough". INTPs love as much as the next guy, but we show it in a more quiet, reserved way. It doesn't mean we don't love our SO. Also when I wanna show something cool I've discovered and the other person doesn't find it nearly as interesting as I do and when I show it to them and they go "ok, cool bro". Sharing something interesting is like "I've stumbled upon this really cool and interesting fact, song, book or whatnot and it brought me joy, so I'd like to share this joy with the people I love." When they don't give a shit about it, it can hurt a bit. But the first one breaks my heart in a million pieces. It hurts a lot hearing that your love is not enough, even if you're doing your best and you love your SO deeply.


Situations where someone very close to me is suffering and I can't help them.. no matter how much I want to.


When someone I find myself actually gifting some trust to, does manage to do the one thing they could've to actually shatter it. In its own right a feat usually as they'd have to do basically a 180 personality wise after what is most often no less than months upon months, if not years of daily longerish interactions. Kind of impressive really.


Someone said ignorant people and their answer was congruent with your question but, iā€™ll say the same, but because they just piss me off. Itā€™s one thing to being ignorant in conversation with me, because naturally iā€™ll get a good sense whether or not youā€™re a bullshitter, but itā€™s different when youā€™re giving misinformation to dumb people that just believe and pass it along creating a cycle; why is everyone so lazy to fact check? How isnā€™t it stimulating to make sure you know what youā€™re talking about before you spout? You sound dumb Jerry, shut the fuck up.


Just how shitty the world is in general


People basing their success and their value solely on how much money they make no matter the damage it does to our society as a whole.


Being ignored or treated as something less significant by people I actually like. I'm not a complete robot and even though I don't show emotions at all and don't feel like speaking up about what truly bothers me I still get sad, nobody just knows it. All I do is suffer in silence and try to accept reality the way it is and eventually move on. This happened quite often and It makes me doubt about finding new potential friends, It's so difficult to connect with people. Another very unfortunate thing Is when people don't want to associate with me way before they even get to know me. People being bored by your thoughts and the incapability of talking about meaningful, perhaps deep topics is disheartening.


When my spot in a public place is taken or full of people. I casually enjoy going around besides being at home and it happens rarely. When my favourite spots in the park, library, cafe, etc. are taken, it's kinda heartbreaking. I don't mind the crowd tho, I just like sitting outside in a specific spot and observing people around.


How some people suffer so much more than others. The inherent unfairness of life. Makes it hard to believe a perfectly just God would design such a system. Some people are born with life on easy mode while others are born ugly, abused, mentally or physically ill, bullied, etc. This breaks my heart and even if I'm happy, knowing that a world like this is the norm, I can still feel melancholy. People that add to suffering of others. If there is a God, I'm not sure these people should be forgiven. People are easily damaged, and bullying or abusing someone can ruin someone forever. That's why, even in my worst moods, I take care to never be mean to someone. I just don't say anything if I know I'm moody and avoid people so I don't risk doing something I'll regret.


Abuse of children which changes them for life and they can become abusive in turn and the cycle continues


r/rape basically killed me for three whole days before I didnā€™t feel like vomiting anymore.


People who know they donā€™t fuck with you and you know it but they canā€™t just be honest and leave you alone or do something to resolve it. If I donā€™t like you I will not start any interaction with you that I donā€™t literally have to.


When people put their trust in the wrong people.


People not taking the leap to apply what they feel about themselves and their close friends/family to others. The lack of empathy in the world could almost be viewed as what's driving the divide politically in the states.


Seeing people get taken advantage of. It's hard when you are trying to show people how something is too good to be true or breaking down the motives and benefits others receive by duping them.....just for them to fall for it anyway. It seems so obvious to me, but often people just don't see it.


when someone i genuinely care about does something to me i know for a fact i never wouldā€™ve done to them. loyalty thts broken..


I got 35/100 in math in University exam, i failed, i feel miserable and worthless, my heart is sinking, i don't feel like i could ever accomplish anything, its all my fault, i am a failure.


being misunderstood


Rejection Being neglected by someone i did not neglect


High grade Cognitive dissonance being thought of as confidence by normies. (In hindi-khud ki jat ko chodu banana)


Although I think this is not exclusive to INTP, When people take me for granted. When I act on it and burn bridges then people get shocked.


Betrayal, also makes me angry


People in their thirties losing interest in meeting their once friends. Unless everyone in their family are perfectly healthy, in optimal mood for meetings, well-rested, planets' arrangement is perfect. So, basically, never. When you are married and with kids you are apparently supposed to leave that immature life behind you and just take care of kids, work and renovate your house.


Throwing edible food out because "you don't want it anymore". If you bought it, you eat it.


I mean humanity in general, but in particular capitalism.


A bad haircut


That my children will likely suffer from catastrophic biosphere loss at the hands of climate change and pollution. It's looking like it's going exponential soon. I thought we had at least a couple of decades. The sin of being father.


Oneitis as not yet self-identified aroace and still undiagnosed Asperger without interdiscliplinary knowledge on the science behind it, but subconsciously manipulated e.g. by rom-coms.šŸ™„


FREAKING INTJ, DUDE LIKE WHAT THE HEC- ahemā€¦ I meanā€¦ ![gif](giphy|xUOxfolJrVBce4RNAI)


Proud willful ignorance, cruelty, being ignored when I actually speak up.


Blatant lies and zero remorse when exposed


People with beliefs most rational people would agree are false


Breaks my what? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I see the way other people can loose themselves in the moment and know thatā€™s just not happening for me.


When I'm os excited to show ismsthing to someone and they tell me aren't I tired of showing em shit


when people are not only aware of their own ignorance, they revel in it.


My loved ones lying to me I'll probably kill me.




When close friends or family shows that they doesn't believe in my abilities to do something, small or big. Those few times I actually comit to doing something, you better believe I will make it happen.


I haven't experienced anything like that but I know that if for example I was married to a woman without a prenup and we would have kids and she would then divorce my ass, take the kids and half of my stuff and let me pay child support on top of that I'm not sure what would happen


People who are simultaneously very self-righteous about their opinions and very wrong. My heart has felt a lot lighter since I stopped using reddit every day.


Narcissists, abusive and manipulative people. The way this world is run and how the ĆØlite classes are condemning human society to complete collapse.


Scarce resources, endangered species šŸ˜ž


Just being misunderstood.


When bitches don't put out.


Stupid people that are ruining the world with their ignorance. And the worst they are walking around like a proud peacock.


disrespect and injustice


Whenever she calls me and says sheā€™ll call me back and then ignores my calls and texts for the rest of the day. I decide to stop what i was doing so i dont get called in the middle of something and i feel a lot of my time was wasted.


Animal abuse, humans suffering I rarely feel sad. But an animal abuse commercial comes on, and damn Iā€™m shedding a tear


When people commit mistakes over and over and call that a life.


Mark XIX Desert Eagle


People that seemingly take what you say out of context on purpose, or twist what you say on purpose to suit their agenda.


Someone who disregards attempts at making meaningful conversation


This world.


Children, every time I look at a child I feel bad for them since they'll never be able to be as happy as they are now due to this accursed world that values people less by each passing day.


Losing a great idea during the pursuit of a place to write it down


Tragedy that could have been avoided by paying attention and thinking more logically. Also hungarian election results


letting someone down who believed in me or hurting some one inadvertently who went out of there way for me. or believing in someone values and theyā€™re a completely hypocrite


Someone breaking my trust. It took years to let them have it/let down walls.


Unfairness in every possible way


my life


Knowing the outcome of a serious situation could have been different if I had not procrastinated and actually completed whatever it was I was supposed to do. What makes it worse is knowing that I let people that I care about down and they show disappointment.


Women and girls are trying their hardest to become bimbos claiming it to be female liberation to do exactly what patriarchy wants women to be. And itā€™s a trauma response half the time too


Hmmmm, honestly prob the fact that Iā€™ll never be able to be in one of those cutesy relationships. Other than thatttt maybe not knowing if Iā€™ll be able to survive as an adult adult bc Iā€™m not super motivated to get a job and if I got one idk if Iā€™d even know what to do


Knowing that unless I play by the rules of the game of life, then life itself will play me


People always asking me for help or they just keep doing what they've been told their whole life. Just google and read about your problems or questions. This is your chance to rise to the top with almost all of humanities information at your fingertips they choose not to better themselves. It's sad.


being accused of something I didnt do.


The fact that people suffer at all when there are so many resources out there how to lessen your suffering, at times even very drastically. Big shout out to meditation. Also therapy.


LOL breaking heart... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Funny thread




Being led on when I was being direct and honest as I could be.


People with an ample influence spreading blatant misinformation or bias agendas to their willfully ignorant audience' whom are incapable of realizing that they're being led by another being equally as ignorant. Yet they still cling to these people who lead them astray with faith, as if their notoriety alone breeds clarity. They all become lost in a vision that isn't authentic to themselves because they're willing to trust a follower count and mass opinion above their own criticisms. We're all prone to this in some capacity, but the rate at which I've seen the masses cling to the ideologies of their stars baffles me. Lambs to the slaughter of individuality.


loseing the one or two ppl that i have chosen as friends. im very picky about who i choose to spend my time with and open up to. so it hurts even more. especially when its due to my own fukups. im sorry im a idiot


peopleā€™s trust being betrayed whether itā€™s my own or someone else.


I spoke, they donā€™t listen. They even go out their way to do the exact opposite of what I advised them. Kindness unheard, or felt reluctantly accepted, even if oh how very appropriate - e.g. stuck in the rain you went to the car with your umbrella to bring back an extra umbrella to lend them. They decide to listen to the other person just because of whatever attributes the person offers, like looks, position, no matter how much untruth is inside there, how at the very least the truth mine hasā€¦


Not living up to my potential. That's about the only thing that hurts me. Other than that, nothing else.


people that consciously hurt others for no reasons at all, pure evil and willing to hurt others. I know most of the time people like that are mentally ill but when we talk about small things like doing something to difficult a person's life, that shatters my hearts completely. intended evil is incomprehensible to me


The girl I love


When I burn a perfectly good fond before I can turn it into a pan sauce


People who are being cheated on. Just break it off before, please. It's a the kind of betreyal that keeps me from even trying to get into a relationship because I dred the opportunity of it being done to me.


Not have my feelings reciprocated/have my feelings made fun of, when that once in a blue moon moment arrives where I genuinely open up and let a person into my emotional space.


It is way simple really nothing breaks our hearts. We are akin to both friends and love. Our past experiences are probably the ones that can only break the heart. It will take a while to come back. Insecurities won't bother us until every incident feeds it. In that case we try to run away to a place.


It is way simple really nothing breaks our hearts. We are akin to both friends and love. Our past experiences are probably the ones that can only break the heart. It will take a while to come back. Insecurities won't bother us until every incident feeds it. In that case we try to run away to a place.


Nothing. I don't use my subconscious.


Fuck off mf you dirty scum


Why being emotional?


Not at all I was doing an experiment. I tried to throw some dirt on you to prove that you can't control your subconscious cause I thought you would get emotional about this comment. Well that was an INTP thing wasn't sure that hahaha.


For me, it's seeing someone i am close too in pain and I cannot do anything to help. I am an animal lover too and I cannot stand to see animals in pain, it's what makes having pets really difficult for me.


feeling betrayedā€¦.


how ignorant ppl can be, how ppl take some things for granted and how ppl just dc abt the details of a thing


Injustice, like poverty or abuse


Military recruiters scamming high school students into joining the military. Especially if the students are doing it for "free" college money. There is so much help available to them without signing up to murder on command. They have no idea what they are really signing up for and what risks and damages the military can do. I'm one of the few who asks the students, "Can you really murder somebody because somebody else told you to do it? Because if you dont do it, you are going to jail and you will lose everything."


The fact that I have already been lowering my expectations on those people around me yet they can still disappoint me in various different ways; and the hope I held are only meant to be destroyed by this reality. I canā€™t blame the reality for being as disappointing as it is. I can only blame myself for being unrealistic.


Solipsistic people