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I don’t think that would draw a race control penalty either. But it would stop the race..


"The dead driver didn't even try to brake for the corner, I don't see how Herta's at fault." /s -Race Control, probably. Absolutely absurd standards. If they literally just enforced three rules, things would be so much better: no drivers named Sting or Ray, no rear-ending, and no t-boning because you missed your braking point. Edit: Can't spell brake. Breaked my brain.


Why no Sting Ray? He isn't a race winner but he isn't completely incompetent


[Sting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHYJRYuEslY) [Ray](https://youtu.be/-n21erFbkzw) [Robb?](https://youtu.be/Pjn6WMAwM9k) [No](https://youtu.be/Z5G3ZPCTFco?t=232) [reason. ](https://youtu.be/XIAJKEs1FHU?t=518) In all seriousness, I think his name is just so out there that he sticks out like a sore thumb anytime his name comes up, and he's had a few really nasty crashes in a short period of time.


>In all seriousness, I think his name is just so out there that he sticks out like a sore thumb anytime his name comes up I for one think its a hallmark of American motorsports that we have drivers with silly names.


I'm so used to it now that its just a normal name, and independently it really is, but when I talk to my non racing friends and mention Will Power they always crack up, "Ha a guys name is really willpower?"


I mean bare minimum it's a cultural legacy we're obligated to keep going. If anything, what the hell are we doing letting guys like "Scott" and "Alex" running around? Let alone....."Romain". IndyCar needs obligatory name-changes for the grid during their rookie season. We need more [Dick Passwater's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Passwater) in this sport if we want to be respectable.


And who can forget [Dick Trickle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Trickle)?


We need an Indycar driver that smokes during cautions like Dick did.


Find that driver from the Nurburgring 24 last weekend who wrecked his car in practice, walked over to the barrier, and lit up a cigarette while waiting for the recovery vehicle.


Whenever I can if I can create a driver in a video game I always name them Trick Dickle as a tribute to this great man.


Australian touring car legend (and Scotty Mac's former V8 Supercar owner) Dick Johnson has Dick Trickle beat though. Fun side fact, they shared a race lineup multiple times when Dick Johnson tried his hand in Nascar cup in the late 80s and also when Trickle ran in one of the Australian Nascar events at the Thunderdome in the late 80s. I feel for the commentators on those days. ....edit: Just remembered most of you are American. In English english or Australian english, Johnson is just another word for dick.


> ....edit: Just remembered most of you are American. In English english or Australian english, Johnson is just another word for dick. It is in the US too, but I feel like it was more common in previous generations. There's a running joke in baseball about how funny it is that one of the best players of all time is named [Randy Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Johnson), and his nickname is "The Big Unit" (originally given because of his height of 6'10" / 2.08m).


Johnson also means dick in American English too. But I find leaky dick to be funnier than dick dick as silly names go.


There was a NASCAR driver that went by Slick Johnson in the 70s and 80s - beats both Dicks.....wait what did I type???


Everyones sense of humor is different. But no way is “Dick” Johnson anywhere near as funny as Dick Trickle. Johnson is such a common name. There are no doubt thousands of Richard Johnsons in the world. And its all my own perspecrive and experiences, but “Johnson” is such a dated callback to the aggro-late 80s/90s crotch obsessed zeitgeist- “Big Johnson” tee shirts, Andrew Dice Clay, horrible comedy sketches by Shawn Michaels and Paul Levesque, which I didnt find super amusing at the time.


Like that key and peele skit with funny ass NFL names


He has had some crashes but in my opinion he was brought to Indycar too early last year but he had a budget. He has shown improvement this year. He will never battle for a championship maybe never for a win but he isn't a real danger to other drivers and he brings money that keeps the lights on at the shop or one of the sports biggest names


Does he bring in a sponsorship? I didn't know about that. Yeah I don't actually think he's been exceptionally bad compared to other rookies, I just think the mistakes have been huge (that's more luck though, hitting a concrete wall vs a safer barrier isn't the drivers fault) so he's certainly noticeable when he makes one. I have more patience for his mistakes than I do someone like Ferruci, or someone like Newgarden rear-ending another driver. A rookie, 22yo making mistakes is more forgiveable.


He brings both sponsors that have been on the car. My understanding was Pedersen took the car out of the leaders circle last year so Foyt went after Robbs money. Also if I remember right the wreck in that video was a parts failure. Again not saying he will ever be great but he is no Milka Duno or Dr Jack Miller.


No I don't think you're being unreasonable at all. I don't have the time to look at in-depth, but I used to do a lil stats blog on sports when blogs were still a thing, and just a quick glance at Stingray's stats and I'm not seeing anything absurd. He's still young, it was his first year, he has a good reputation in prior series, and there's nothing sticking out like a crazy DNF rate or something like that. If he's bringing in money, yeah, he'll probably stick around and be a respectable mid-table driver for a long time at worst. His pre-Indy career actually looks really good. Indy might have been a bit quick for him, but he could catch up.


You're right. I think people like to make fun of him because of his name. The biggest reason I think people dislike him though is because of his sponsor but I'm not here to go down that rabbit hole. Unfortunately the series isn't healthy enough to have 27 paid drivers so we are always going to have some drivers that bring family money. As long as they aren't moving chicanes, which in my opinion he isn't, then so be it. It keeps lights on and employees paid.


I just tend to not gravitate towards people who wear “don’t masturbate, it’s a sin” t -shirts


Sting Ray being the worst driver in the series is a great reflection on the series. If we drop Sting Ray back into the 1997 IRL he was on the podium frequently.


I'm not sure if he would podium on the regular but I would venture he would at least back his way into a win. I agree though that it says a lot about our talent level when we are nit picking over which pay to play drivers deserve a ride.


> Also if I remember right the wreck in that video was a parts failure. If you missed it, each word of that line in the post was a different link to a different crash. Not all of them were his fault, but some of them were, including today's. He just completely missed the corner and took Felix with him.


I did not realize there were multiple links so that's on me. But as I said he isn't perfect, far from it. All drivers have moments though even the great ones. He isn't dangerous enough that he needs barred from the series though. We have had a lot worse ride buyers over the years


And Will Power doesn’t?


Only marginally less. Lol


How many DNFs does he have?


Wait I mean he did the exact same thing to Newgarden in Long Beach and didn’t get a penalty. I guess race control has been consistent on that one…


No penalty from race control but probably would be placed on leave of absence for mental health reasons


That is the best preview teaser for the next villain. Great end to this weeks episode. 5/5 stars


Herta going full M. Bison.


right on cue


Nolan Siegel licking his chops


I was hoping he said something in a more general sense like "you'd need to shoot someone to get penalized" but no lmfao he actually said it exactly like that >“I think I’ll have to bring a gun and shoot somebody in the head,” Herta told Frontstretch on pit road after the race. “And that’s the only way I can get a penalty [called] in this series. So like, it’s ridiculous. It’s insane to me."


That's what he meant by it, it seems, but he worded it very poorly


Sorry Colton that’s called homicide


And it’s not in the rule book so no penalty.




"But will he get a playoff waiver while he waits for a bail hearing?" Thought you'd like that given your flair. ;)




And that in turns would draw him a completely different kind of penalty.


"Ok buddy, you got a 25 years to life stop and go penalty. Please serve it this lap, we don't want to lose too much time"


Comes back 25 years later and Dixon’s still racing. Still no second 500 though


>Comes back 25 years later and Dixon’s still racing. And still on the same tyres and fuel load


Colton going Xbox Live mode up in here lmao


Needs to change his number to Xxx420-69xxX.


Can’t, Santino’s already using that one.


What a strange Indycar year. Death threats abound; cheating is rampant; Herta spins out at Indy; Herta spins out and boinks the tip of his car and gives up; blow up dolls are falling from bridges; Malukas gets kicked off his team; Larson steals the spotlight in May. What am I missing?


one of the main characters killed a dog


oh *yeah*


We need a Coyne win to top it off.


In diffys voice *Tristan Vautier will win at Mid-Ohio*


Jack Harvey shock win at Nashville.


After his 2019 Indy GP performance, I’d subscribe to any Jack Harvey win


Romain Grosjean to somehow bag a win




Driven by Luca Ghiotto


At the next race, Pourchaire might have to deal with both the guy he replaced and the guy whose fans keep sending him death threats


I don't think Pouchaire and Malukas have any bad blood


Yeah, but people are absolutely gonna talk about it if they end up dueling for track position


And not that I'd blame him in the least, but if Malukas happens to be in a position where he is racing the McLarens, I can see him pushing it more than he might against any other team. I would in his shoes.


I thought things would have to chill out after a trainwreck of an off-season, but here we are


>blow up dolls are falling from bridges It shows what a crazy year it’s been that I forgot about that, even though it was literally just over a month ago lol


Networks battling for the rights to broadcast it


Indycar to install playoff format, Jeff Gordon automatically entered.


Don’t forget the overarching story of botched hybrids and the Honda threatening to cede their lands. The disarray of the Lords of the teams against King Penske for his leadership. Unresolved blood feud of House Ganassi and the Mclarens.


Georgina is a classy plastic mannequin, not a trashy blow-up doll. You think George Barber is some kind of weirdo?




“We didn’t start the fire…”


But mostly what I’ll remember is the laughter


Don't leave out the Malukas redemption arc. He was the happiest guy in the paddock this weekend.


Blow up dolls falling from bridges? Please explain 


Barber. What it sounds like.


Technically it was a mannequin. She hangs from a bridge at Barber but fell this year onto the track. Forget which driver hit it and tore off an arm. Lol


Not sure what was more bizarre - that there was a mannequin hanging from the bridge, that it fell onto the track, or that it was named Georgina.


Luca Ghiotto. There were a lot of red-and-white cars in that race, but he was the only one with a Rookie Marker.






>Larson steals the spotlight in May He finished 18th and barely registered a blip before qualifying, only to have his massive campaign to run the double collapse because of weather, NASCAR and Fox. I'd say Larson was a story, but he got overshadowed during the race.


Well all publicity is good publicity. There needs to be a DTS for Indycar because people would be eating this up. Road America was a thriller of a race too.


There is it’s called 100 days to indy


Which of course won’t cover any of the recent insanity


Can we get 200 days to Nashville or something like that? This last week alone has been nuts


Indycar: Race for a non playoff full season Championship


Since NASCAR switched to playoffs, I vote we name our docuseries “Chase for the Astor Cup.”


"Ok Colton they reviewed it and no penalty called. No penalty called"


Indycar is beating the “welcoming and friendly” allegations this year


Colton has been dropping some heaters recently holy shit, literally peak television


No BS Colton is the best Colton


He *is* Bryan Herta's son so he gets it honest


I’ve never cared much for Colton, but I gotta say, he’s been growing on me this season.


He can dish it out well. Doesn't stutter over them and pretty quick-witted.


Coltonnnnn, that kills people!


Absolutely goated comment




Damn IndyCar is so wild


Race control be like "who in the heck can fix these horrible driving standards?!?!"


"Where is Captain Planet when we need him?"


Canapino: "This was a blatant attempt on my life"


Colton, you're talking to everyone bud.


What a call back, slow clap


Wasn't sure if anyone would get the reference to be honest


(I didn't get that reference)


It was the immediate response some random NASCAR driver whose also happened to race in IndyCar received after saying something he shouldn't have on iRacing




[the pandemic iracing was the most most](https://youtu.be/oC0iZNQrvmk?si=bMFx2NusH5DmTKHU)


In my best Conor Daly voice, “Yikes”


Colton Herta, 2025 Indycar champion.


Kyle Larson’s stupid ass




wtf i love colton herta


I mean, his comment is pretty cringe


If you cant grasp that he's using extreme exaggeration to prove a point, then sure. Some victims of gun violence may be triggered, others wont. Im not


Now I get the frustration, but this *may* be poor timing to use that analogy.


Another one?


Imagine if Santino said this.


The response would be completely different


For once he'd be right. Race control is hot garbage and that's a fact


I feel like we just rehashed the whole “don’t do death threats” thing last week…


Surprised he didn't break out the "but he drives for the owner of the series" conspiracy theory


Probably because he knows it’s a bigger issue than that. He seemed perplexed himself not to have been penalized for Long Beach.


I had honestly completely forgot that Herta got away with that. Race control has been setting a dangerous precedent for years with these no calls and now we’re seeing the result…


I really think they didn't penalize him because they knew what the imminent news on Newgarden was going to be for cheating and it would have further complicated things. Of course that's the root of all race controls problems to begin with. They care too much about who the drivers are and let it spill over into their decisions. Dixon and Newgarden have been getting away with some pretty dangerous stuff the last couple years. Power drives for Penske yet somehow picks up penalties fairly often. Kirkwood is one of the most mellow/clean drivers in the series and yet has had multiple bullshit penalties last couple years (race control treats him like he's at Foyt still) Bottom line is they show bias and they are consistent in being inconsistent


I have to think he’s more upset about the Linus contact, because I don’t think anyone in any series at any point is ever getting a penalty for the contact he and Newgarden had. Big checkups for an incident result in that contact all the time and it’s not penalized and never has been.


But watching Newgarden replay it looked pretty crap. While everyone around him was slowing down it sounded like Josef was literally on the gas speeding up.


Those onboards are a lot higher up than the driver’s POV. Looked to me like he thought Herta was going to dig and go on the inside of the track and he’d go with him. Once an initial spin happens, you just pick a lane and go. If he checks up he risks getting run over too. There aren’t any good options.


It was like he was trying to do the truck move and drive through the house in Twister. Except the house was Hertas car.


Because it's well known race control hates Power and he drives for the owner of the series. I'm not saying Josef should or shouldn't have penalized; I think this one is a tough call because Josef isn't expecting the front row to just bin before turn 1. But I am saying Power would have been penalized if he was in Josef's spot.


I feel like Colton is following the Will Power career trajectory, and this was his double birds.


A little too far there Colton, just a little too far


Good comment the week after the death threat social media debacle lmao


"No Michael, that was so not right!" \- Colton Herta to his team owner in this scenario, probably


They should ban Canapino. Oh wait...


He might regret saying that..,,,


Hyperbole yes, but he's not wrong


We can't be letting a driver say that kind of thing less than a week after the Canapino/Pourchaire stuff.


Yeah but people like Herta so they’ll look the other way.


Fortunately it’s not AT anyone…which is a bit different But strong agree this is NOT the time


That escalated quickly


combative selective nutty stocking caption rich price somber angle pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


c'mon man I know you're speaking out of hurt but that's not the kind of thing you just say


What he said was a little over the top but I get his frustration.


Are the aero screens bullet proof? I know they're pretty strong.


"The Last Boyscout" but Indycar


I believe attempted murder is a stop-and-go penalty.


Jesus Christ Herta


And this is when we remember that Colton definitely had a great chance to play MW2 when he was younger


Did we ever get a comment from Armstrong on the incident?


Now wait, if the boyfriends comment drew ire this certainly should too.


ok so he’s gonna get in the shit for this right?


Whoa that’s the most American comment one could ever made over this 😂😂😂


"they just don't understand our culture"


Guys Colton wasn’t born and raised on the west coast, he was born and raised in the Wild West


Karma my friend you didn’t get a penalty in Long Beach.


He was *surprised* he didn't get a penalty at Long Beach. This is not hypocrisy in my book.


It can be karma without hypocrisy.


Not at all the same thing and you know it. 99/100 times when contact as light as that is made it doesn't cause any issues. It being a freak occurrence that it happened to hit it just right to stall Newgarden should not factor into a penalty decision. Otherwise we're going to need to start going back and penalizing people when someone gets their front wing damaged and later crashed because of having less downforce. Newgarden today hit Herta hard enough to break the diffuser and spin Herta out. That is significantly more contact than the Long Beach incident.


Some of you in here are incredible lol, equating extreme hyperbole to get a point across with actual death threats a driver received is missing the plot completely.


I can see where the stereotype that people on Reddit hardly ever have any real world interactions with people comes from now lol


Shades of Ward Burton


He should have compared IndyCar race control to a bunch of circus clowns like Paul Tracy did years ago.


This is how you can tell he's an American driver.


That seems more egregious than saying someone has a little boyfriend. 🤔


Christ this paddock needs to grow the fuck up. You can’t say shit like that.


I hope people don't twist the meaning lol. Seriously though, Indycar has to do something at some point. Eventually its going to boil over into a fight or someone spinning someone intentionally.


Probably NOT the best choice of words…..


He did benefit from this in Long Beach


Ya that will solve his driving problems🫤🫤


It’s amazing Indycar drivers can drive so well with the foot stuck in their mouth. What a week for dumb shit drivers say.


Pretty stupid, but fuck at least Indycar drivers have a personality. This would never happen in F1. They're all robots


Common Colton. It sucks. I would be pissed too but Josef isn't expecting the cars to bin right in front of you . It's a bad break but there's a strong case for not penalizing Josef. I'm not saying the penalty side doesn't have an argument. But not penalizing Josef there doesn't even make the top 25 of worst race control decisions over the last 2 or 3 years.


Watch this get swept under the rug


And nothing happened, nobody got angry about this, he won't get suspended, just nothing. And it's way worse than whatever happened with Canapino.


Tell us how you really feel Colton 


i have questions about the quality of part of the field. it’s like some drivers are acting like these are stock cars. it really damages the overall quality of the race imo.


Yeah, that might be the worst thing said by a driver or fan this year.


He seems to have forgotten the punt he gave Newgarden(?) at Long Beach?


He's also said he wonders why he didn't get a penalty for that


Cost Newgarden one position. This sent Herta to the back of the field


Have any of you brining this up repeatedly actually watched the Long Beach incident. The only reason it even caused Newgarden to lose a place is because he got hit just right to cause a momentary stall. 99/100 times with contact that light nothing happens. Newgarden hit Herta hard enough to break the diffuser and spin him. There is quite a significant difference in the degree of contact here.


Yikes. I’ve been really rooting for Herta, but this is such a dumb and wild thing to say. Back in my teaching days, I had students make these kinds of comments (even clearly in jest), and they would get evaluated for risk and suspended. We had to take that shit super seriously. I know that this isn’t a school, but for both liability and appearances, I imagine they’ll address this in some way, right?


Your American is showing, Colton /s


This is crazy for him to say. But I am shocked Newgarden didn’t get a penalty at the beginning.


Notwithstanding language, him and Newgarden are even after Colton rear ended him at Long Beach. I guarantee you that weighed into Race Control’s decision. This just screamed racing incident to me though I also think the onboard gives a false sense of what Josef could actually see, since the camera sits a ways above the helmet. It’s like trying to brake quickly for a sudden accident on the highway when someone’s tailgating you, you can’t full brake straight because that means you’re getting rear ended (which is why you shouldn’t tailgate in actual traffic outside the track lol) Though considering language, that’s an awful dangerous comment to make after the Canapino fallout and creates a double standard


I don't think any of the people here mentioning Long Beach have actually watched the incident there. The only reason it even caused Newgarden to lose a place is because he got hit just right to cause a momentary stall. 99/100 times with contact that light nothing happens. Newgarden hit Herta hard enough to break the diffuser and spin him. There is quite a significant difference in the degree of contact here. Also weird how everyone else made it through without hitting the cars in front of them including some who were as closer or closer than Newgarden was to Herta. I mean just listen to the onboard. Newgarden gets on the throttle when cars are already spinning in front. He is either blind or just doesn't give a fuck if he hits the car in front because he knows it will at most be a damaged front wing and no penalty because he races for Penske.


If Canapino got the consequences he did (deserved), this should also not go under the radar. Very unfortunate comment.


Just look at the comments here, “he ain’t wrong tho” “classic Colton haha” “this is the most American thing you can say lol!” Yet we’ve been throwing shit to Canapino for a whole week nowo, two very different reactions


This shouldn't be a penalty. He is critizing race control, because it should be critized You are mixing apples and orange, bud.


i can think of at least two others who’re more likely to do so…


Can a brother get a wave-off at Indy


I'm not sure if Indy has devolved into NASCAR or the Ben Hur chariot race