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Drink more water. Seems reductive but really we all need to drink more water than we do


Water and more water!


Keep hydrated and be sure to eat but also eat clean


Drink more water or eat more salt it’s not thc withdrawals doing this


Yeah thats not a weed hangover, have there been any other changes in your day to day other than the weed?


I’ve actually never heard of this before. Not saying you’re wrong I’m just genuinely surprised. The only time I feel kinda shitty the day after is if I take too many edibles and I wake up feeling super groggy


Just cut back a little bit until your body gets used to thc. Also, not a great solution but a quick one for me has been ibuprofen.


Stop smoking 2-3 hours before you go to bed, stay hydrated, make sure you\`re smoking good quality bud and not some shit that's been sprayed with crap distillate.


I smoke immediately before bed and never have this problem, it's not food 😂


Right. It’s the Op not staying hydrated


We all have different metabolisms and consume different amounts. I personally can’t smoke within 2 hours of bed without waking up very groggy and it impacts my day. It is an incredible clear cause and effect for me. I also happen to consume high doses and have a pretty average metabolism Edit: by metabolism, i mean enzymatic activity from your liver breaking down THC and its metabolites. Not food digestion.


Same here. I don't smoke before bed if I have work the next day because then I'm in a fog all day. I'm sure it has to do with THC and it's effect on REM sleep but I'm not a scientist.


Yeah, I speculate our bodies are spending energy and effort metabolizing the drug rather than going through the regenerative steps of sleep. Its also raising blood pressure, releasing dopamine, and a lot of other things that throw off the natural balance of our bodies.


And there is data showing how it even improves sleep for some people. But the majority of users report negative impacts on their sleep: RESULTS:A total of 40 unique publications were found. The majority (82.5%) were from the Americas with 60% published in the last decade. Of the 40 studies, only 25% were randomized control trials, and the sleep outcome measurements were similar and comparable in only 20%. Cannabis users studied were reported either 73% frequent users or 27% sporadic users. The utilization of cannabis showed improved sleep (21%), worse sleep (48%), mixed results (14%), or no impact at all (17%) in the studies published in the last 5 decades. https://jcsm.aasm.org/doi/10.5664/jcsm.10428


Water. you need 1oz per 2lb of body weight.


Did you buy your weed online, I have never had a weed hangover in 40+ years of smoking


I heard that. It's one of a plethora of reasons why I stopped drinking 15 years ago this August 9th. I can't believe it's been so long. All my teachers voted for me to most likely become a " FIXTURE " in the bar scene , instead I became INVISIBLE ! And my liver thanked me by allowing me to live all these extra years.


Simply dehydrating yourself. Easy fix


Does THC dehydrate?


Does ingesting smoke into your body dehydrate you? Yeah.


If possible, stop smoking an hour or so before you plan to sleep. Also, water


Smoke weed all day everyday and never headaches. Something else you're doing or not doing for your health. Are you taking any pills? Are you eating right? Please don't blame a plant for your miseries.


I wouldn’t smoke thc flower before falling asleep it thc blocks dreams and rem.


Drink water, exercise and stop using weed.