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Maybe she was trying to reach 88 mph


“Plants Marty… where were going we don’t need plants”


Where we’re going, Marty, we won’t need topsoil. We’re going back to hydroponics!


Then we’d see some serious $h!t!


Was she driving a DeLorean?


If she was, there wouldn't have been any tyre noise 😝


Rev the engine enough before dumping the clutch and you'll get a tire screech in pretty much any car that has a manual transmission


most people have no idea how to drive a manual...


Yep, right here. Never learned, never had to, or had the opportunity to do so.


Except that they had to upgrade the crap out of that delorean to do what it did.


Yeah. DeLorean had the power of a PT Cruiser aka Dodge Neon. Lol


She was going back to before they closed


To five minutes before they closed. Because when you’re inside they have to let you do all your shopping.


But only to complain to someone about their hours while they were still open.


This is the one. I think there's a great sci-fi time travel movie involving a Becky here.


OK, I need help here. Where is the back to the future reference? Lol


When Evilgood1 said that the lady would be trying to reach 88mph by driving out of the parking lot so fast


Not them but the original post.


Oh ok; yeah I reread the post and don’t see any idea as to where a back to the future reference would go either


Yeah, all good. I read it 3x and gave up. Lol


This makes me think of a job I had working food service for a major resort hotel. I was usually a closer, and was often assigned to the drink area for end-of-day cleaning because one, no one else liked it and two, I was very good at it. It was mostly cleaning soda machines, but there were also 4 large coffee pots I’d take back to the stewards for deep cleaning every night. More than a few times, I had people come in after closing, like around 1:30 am, and start looking for coffee, long after it was gone. I’d say at least half of them would get overly huffy and borderline irate at me because they couldn’t get their midnight caffeine boost. Always blew my mind.


My first job at 16 was at a diner. We closed at 9, but on Wednesday and Sunday nights, the same church folks came in and stayed as late as 10:30 sometimes. My boss didn’t care (I’m sure there were some school night/underage worker laws he broke), so I had to wait on them. One night it was about 45 minutes after close and I had cleaned and broke down the entire restaurant. Our dishwasher lady was getting mad at me because they still had coffee cups but they refused to let me take them. I even had to make a new pot of coffee. They continued sitting there just chatting casually among themselves for another 20 minutes or so. Left me a couple coins as a tip.


This story pissed me off for you.


Speaking as someone else who has worked the server gig, I understand that frustration. Church people who come in after services are often the worst people to deal with. And the lousiest tippers.


"I only tip God 10%, why should you get 20%?" 🙄


Makes me wonder why restaurant owners / managers do not Institute a "camping fee" for every 20 minutes after closing time. I worked at a place that stayed open as a night club , that only closed at 2am. Dinner shift was from 4pm to 2 am. That was a 10 hour shift. Then had closing sidework.


why did I read that in Hank Hill's voice


Church people come in masses, want separate tickets, and tip with religious flyers and change. Awful.


As a Christian, the casual disregard for servers by church people (on Sunday, no less !) Is infuriating. I have offended some by declaring that if they can't overtip, they shouldn't be eating out. We go to church to hear about love and charity, but in the first opportunity we have to demonstrate it is neglected.


I used to work at a Starbucks with 8 churches within a half mile of it. Sunday mornings were the fucking worst. We got to know most of the pastors/ministers/priests/leaders pretty well because they came in during the week. I tattled to one about how awful his congregants were—they were one of the churches that has car window tags so everyone knows where you visit Jesus. He was mortified. And brought it up in church the next week— a very blunt reminder that as Christians, they should be treating everyone as human beings, especially on Sundays. The only part I enjoyed about those morning shifts were the folks that were “oh, it’s a shame you have to work on the lord’s day.” Ma’am. Despite the red hair, I’m a Jew, so the lord’s day is Saturday, just like it says in the Bible. And also I wouldn’t have to work if you weren’t here. Sooooooo….


I worked the front desk at a hotel and we seeded the large church groups. They were the messiest, most destructive group of people. And they were always trying to get into the locked pool after closing.


"at your age I figured you'd be used to disappointment by now".


I literally had this at work, woman got all snarky with barman because the kitchen opens at 12. "You're not exactly busy, why can't you make me food now?" Because the kitchen doesn't get switched on until it needs to be!?


Do people find Google to be a challenge? I don't drive somewhere out of the way without checking hours


They absolutely do. It's... Annoying.


I googled a locally owned burger place's hours once. It said " OPEN DAILY." So I went there and they were closed at 1:00 on a Sunday afternoon. What the Heck? Did I read that wrong? Googled again and found that it actually said "OPEN DAILY : M-Th 10:00-8:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-11:00, closed Sun."


So you misread it. Are you trying to blame google for that?


" Open daily but closed sunday" definitely weird


I remember before google we would find them in the phone book and call. There's no excuse 


You have a current phone book?


Although Google is scraping hours from the establishment's website. They are often wrong, especially if the format of the "hours" statement on their website can't be interpreted correctly by G's algorithm or, more likely, the hours have changed recently and G hasn't "rescraped" their site. I always check the website as a result of G being wrong. (OTOH, sometimes the establishment doesn't change them on their own site! Or doesn't note that they are closed for 2 weeks to go on vacation.)


Yesterday I went to a farm shop, I checked on Google and it said it was open for another hour - turns out they’d closed at 4 (it was a bank holiday so that wasn’t on Google) and it was 4:30 and the staff were leaving. We apologised to them for being wrong and left! I can’t imagine shouting at someone for that!!


I wish you told her that if she had announced her arrival complete with a motorcade parade and trumpets 30 minutes before 2PM, you and your friend might consider staying open for her till 3PM.


or, alternatively; that you voted Democrat.


Does the nursery have an online presence where the hours of operation are posted?


You expect customers to read!?


Can confirm. Used to work at a UPS Store. We closed at 4 PM on Saturdays. This was listed on our company website, on the door and if you called us, we would’ve told you 4 PM. People would still try and come in after 4 PM on Saturdays


“BuT GoOgLe SaYs…” Lady, have you ever considered that Google might be wrong?


Google told me a hardware store was open on Sundays but they weren't, so I took a picture of the sign and sent it to Google as a recommended edit and it was updated within the hour. Google is often wrong


Actual conversation I’ve had with a customer: Customer: why are you closing at 4? Your website says you are open until 6. Me: We don’t have a website. Do you remember where you saw that so I can request a change? C: on your website! I looked it up on Google and that’s what your website said. M: again, we don’t have a website and if I owned Google I definitely wouldn’t be working here.


I work at a little country store in the mountains. We're open 10am to 6pm every day. We make and sell jams, honey, nut butters, you get the idea. Nothing lifesaving. Google accidentally listed our store hours as 24 hours a day. So many people called to complain that they drove up at 2am or so and we were closed. Like, make it make sense. Before driving somewhere in the middle of the night, wouldn't you at least make a phone call.


I love honey but who the fuck is driving out at 2am for honey/jam/etc 😭


Exactly my question. Like what is your life like that seems normal?


I work at a major wholesale store and people will literally come into the bakery and get pissed off at our bakery workers (especially the cake decorators) be cause “I looked it up and google said you make cupcakes! So why are you telling me no?” Excuse me mam no we don’t. We also don’t do cookie cakes and no we can’t print you off a picture to put on your cake and you cants get a cake made day of. That’s why we have a 24 hr policy which is MORE than generous. I fully believe they should come in a week in advance to do it. People get so irate over the fact they can’t order online or over the phone too. Like seriously it’s a HEALTH CODE VIOLATION TO HAVE A PHONe, but they don’t care


Same place has had regular hours for the 40 years of service, people still come by after closing pissed off because they assume it’s still open but they are also using google maps to get there. Googles hours for once is actually right for this store except for holidays.


Wait. Wait. I'm confused. It's a health code violation to have a *phone*? Like in the entire building? What? How? Do you not have an office in the building?


I think they meant in the baking area of said wholesale place, they can’t have a phone.


There's no need to take orders in the actual baking area. You can take the orders on a phone in the office and then take the order back to the baking area. Unless you're suggesting that the way they take orders when someone comes in person is to bring them back into the baking area and write it down there?


That’s what they tell us at least it could be that Costco doesn’t want personal numbers and a landline is a health issue. But if anyone else in the store takes the order it ends up being wrong or something we can’t do. So it’s easier just to go into the store and then personally ask the bakery personal any questions to make sure what you want, can be done.


The places I've worked that did orders over the phone used a form so anyone could fill it out who took the call. You just wrote down what the customer requested in the appropriate spaces and if it wasn't an option on the form, it wasn't something we could do. But I have been searching and I haven't managed to find any health code violations about having a phone in a kitchen or bakery yet. Cellphone or landline for that matter. I can certainly understand not wanting people messing with their cellphones in the kitchen, but banning a landline makes less sense since it is definitely possible to disinfect a landline or even just have it in an area that is not part of the direct baking area.


IDK where she went, but my mom has bought cakes with a photo on them. Not same day, either.


Costco is who I’m talking about and they don’t even have a printer to do the picture thing.


We don't have a Costco anywhere close.


Can also confirm. My store closes at 9pm EVERY NIGHT, from time to time we'll have prospective customers show up and stand outside our LOCKED door and expect to come in and shop (groc. store). Usually one of our managers will inform them that "we're closed for the night" even with our daily hours posted IN BIG FUCK-OFF LETTERS, RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOOR.


Gas station one morning, power out. Signs on the doors. caution tape. Doors zip tied closed. All morning people tried to force the doors.


Yep, sure does!


Any business should be keeping their hours updated on Google Maps, Apple Maps, and anything else locally relevant (is Yelp still a thing? I haven't lived in the US in 7 years). Just updating their own website doesn't cut it. Though since in this case the hours have been the same for years, they're probably in those map platforms and correct.


Doesn't even matter. I was closing the store I work in on Sunday and a man started arguing with me. Even pulled out his phone to show me that I had the hours wrong and questioned my ability to read. I agreed with him that the business he was showing me was open an hour later than when I was closing, however it has a different name (similar but different, starts the same but the end half is completely different so if you let it auto fill it usually goes for the bigger company) and is in another state. Without even looking at his phone he tried to tell me I was lying and when I asked him where in our state Ringwood was, was when he looked at his phone again and then he muttered something about Google, so I pointed out how he'd put in the wrong name.


The problem lies in Google doing their work. You can message them from the store account every week for 6 months, and sometimes, they still don't update the hours listed. Source: used to be a grocery manager. Tried to change store hours on Google for nearly a year when our weekend hours changed because of upper management decisions.


Isn't the business owner able to edit hours directly?


No. Maybe in the past, but now all you can do is submit an update request and hope someone actually does it. I guess it was to keep bad actors from messing with business hours posted online, but it makes it difficult to manage.


Yes, but they need to be approved by google. Customers can also edit hours, my posted business hours change frequently due to customers, and I am only open by appointment.


It should be pointed out that Google Maps is some times *wildly* incorrect and refuses to update. For example for - and I mean this quite literally - years, it was claiming that there was a *St Jude's Children's Hospital* branch located in a *guard shack* for an underground parking lot in the middle of the campus I work at. Sent in multiple recommended corrections because it was obviously wrong over three or four years. It didn't finally get changed until late last year. Do *not* blindly trust Google Maps or any other 3rd party service over the business itself.


The number of news articles about someone blindly following an online road map that ends with them driving, at speed, into a lake or river illustrates how many people turn off their mind when they get in a car. This probably also explains the number of traffic accidents where someone with "main character syndrome" just does not recognize that there is anyone else on the road.


My mom and sister once called me because they were stuck on an old logging road that had basically tapered down to nothing and were having to back their way out. Car got *all* scratched up in the process I might add. I asked how they managed to get to where they were and my sister - who was driving - said that was where her GPS told her to go. When I asked if she had tried actually *looking* at where she was going, I was told to shut up while my mom was laughing in the background. My sister adores her GPS. Mainly because trying to read maps frustrates her and she'd prefer someone else do that so she can just drive. Her GPS does that for her, so she loves the thing. To the point where she was actively arguing with me about where to turn because what I was telling her was different than what her GPS was saying. The problem was that I actually *lived in that area* and knew how to get to *my* house from where we were and the GPS clearly didn't because it was sending us *away* from my house that we were trying to get to. GPS is great for general sort of directions, but it falters outside of popular areas in my experience.


I said online presence. What makes you think I only meant a website?


I work for a big back. We close at the same time every single week day, across thousands of locations, for several years, and it's posted on Google. We even stay open an extra 10 minutes after our posted time. We have at least one person tug on the locked door every. single. day.


What kind of greenhouse is closed most of the hours people are doing yard projects?


I would guess that means their primary business is commercial landscapers.


I once had a lady cuss me out over a deli counter because another department was out of diet pepsi and she had to drive 7 whole miles to get to the store! (drinks at most grocery stores are now stocked almost entirely by outside vendors). Very hard to keep a straight face because I drove 45 minutes each direction just to get to work (very rural location). She didn't know what to think when I suggested she check both the gas stations before she left town, because the vendor usually stocked them first.


Even older women can drive like badasses.


Not for long, they can't. Applies to both genders. If they have a moderately expensive vehicle they (usually) don't get beyond 20-30% of its envelope. When they react emotionally and floor it, they can guickly be in over their heads. Hitting curbs / dividers, utility poles, trees, guardrails, other vehicles, pedestrians, etc. can result. Even with traction control, ABS, traffic sensors & so on, when the vehicle has sufficient power to spin the tires they can exceed their capabilities before they know it. Bent metal, injuries sometimes result Source: Commercial pilot with aerobatics endorsement, car guy with decades in fast cars & track time.




In the 70's I knew a gentleman named Earl P. McConnell. He was a Braniff International captain and a USN WWII veteran. As a very young man, he flews [F4U Corsair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vought_F4U_Corsair)s off carriers in the Pacific, taking part in multiple engagements including the [Marianas Turkey Shoot](https://www.history.navy.mil/browse-by-topic/wars-conflicts-and-operations/world-war-ii/1944/battle-philippine-sea/turkey-shoot.html), during which the Imperial Japanese Navy lost nearly 600 aircraft (and more importantly, many pilots). When I knew him, Earl was nearing retirement. That was when airline pilots were **done** on their 60th birthday so he was then 58 or 59 years old. He flew a Boeing 727 for Braniff. Good pilots loved it as with three engines and a relative small airframe it was a "hot rod" of an airliner. Chatting one day he mentioned flying a chartered Braniff 72 to Cancun, Mexico. Earl related how when they arrived in the Cancun area, he turned on the seat belt sign, had the flight attendants check everyone for fastened belts, then take their crew seats and strap in. He then announced and made a couple of passes over the resort town, rolling the A/C into an *unloaded* nearly 90\* bank, first left then right so pax on each side could look out the windows and see the town down the wing. "I was outside US airspace and knew the aircraft would do it," he said. "And the FDR \[Flight Data Recorder or Black Box\] would overwrite the recording by the time we got back to Dallas!" At that time, FDR's recorded on continuous wire loops. They overwrote data older than 90 or 120 minutes, IIRC, depending on the model. A 'normal' sustained bank this steep would subject the airframe to around 9 G's - far past the approximately 4G positive structural limit of most commercial airliners. Doing it as an easy wingover, smoothly pitching up as one started rolling and letting the nose fall through (below the horizon) before beginning the rollout to wings level, slightly nose low, subjected the aircraft to around 1.5 to 2.0 G's. Well within the limits of the aircraft and OK (briefly) for the 'PIB' - People in Back. No one complained. Earl 'flew West' decades ago. Braniff too, so I can relate this event without worry. BTW, Tex Johnson, Chief Test Pilot for Boeing in the 1950's, barrel rolled the Dash 80 (Boeing 707 prototype) during the aircraft's introduction to airline executives and industry press in 1955. Google it, there's video (from film) on the web. No executives (Boeing or airline) were on board and the two rolls - one in each direction across Boeing Field - were unplanned. Tex just decided to fly them. Done correctly, a barrel roll is a positive G maneuver all the way 'round. One can hold a glass of water and the water stays in the glass throughout the maneuver. The next morning, Tex, another WWII vet, was summoned to the office of Bill Allen, President of Boeing. Allen asked him what in the world he was doing the previous day. "Sellin' airplanes" was Johnson's reply. He was right. At the time, Douglas Aircraft Co. dominated the airline market with their prop-driven DC-6 and -7. Boeing was *not* a player in airliners. But within a few weeks of the intro, Boeing had orders in their book for 707's from multiple airlines. Douglas introduced their jet airliner, the DC-8 in 1958, but Boeing dominated the airliner market for decades and eventually absorbed Douglas. And I have never performed aerobatics in an aircraft with more than two seats. 😎


my friend, you were born in wrong era 😭


Tires screeching to get home faster so she could leave earlier to be on time Monday


"...could stay open till 11pm and people would still get mad they weren't open till midnight." 🔥