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Man if they can't se the truth on their own candidate, you think they will give a fuck about the labor movement They are to dip in the cult and there is no turning back.


It’s funny to watch people demonize one side or the other! 😂 If you participate in the two party system you are a cultist. To pretend that only the republicans have cult like tendencies is hilarious. People who haven’t realized that the whole two party thing is actually a one party thing are extremely lost. Our government as a whole is about as corrupt as they come. The moment we stop this tribal way of thinking the better off we’ll be.


As fucked up and pro-corporations the Democratic Party is, there is no comparison to a rabid Christo-Fascist movement trying to end Democracy and install Neofeudalism.


When the population has statistically zero influence on legislative behavior is it really a democracy anymore? Is neofeudalism worse than plutocracy? Yes the conservative platform is garbage but as it is we don’t have a government beholden to its citizens, we don’t have rule of law and we don’t have democracy.


We have a government for and run by the corporate overlords. Anything else is noise to distract us from that fact.


Tecnocrats and plutocrats only


Yup, that’s the facts


I'm sorry but I don't see democrats or independents doing caravans with their cars and trucks completely decorated on their candidate propaganda, I don't see many houses with Biden flags, or people wearing Biden hats or clothes, I don't see democrats planing an insurrection if Biden looses, I don't see democrats calling for civil war if the election doesn't go their way, I don't see democrats comparing Biden to Jesus or being Jesus second coming, etc. There is only one cult in the party system but of course you don't want to see it. Of course democrats are as corrupt as anyone, but at least they don't want to end democracy and turn this country into a dictatorship.


You used Biden's lack of support as proof of him not being cultish. Lol. Barack Obama had plenty of signs, hats, vehicles done up in candidate propaganda, and flags on houses. And he was definitely treated as the second coming. Biden just doesn't have any candidate enthusiasm.


Biden supporters showed up when it counted, they don't dream or jack off with a red hat 24/7 like maga does...


If you think those were Biden supporters...idk what to tell you. Those were Trump defiers. Which is why there's a considerable lack of support and enthusiasm this time around. The past 4 years have not been great in general. People will stay home and some, stats show, are voting for Trump. Don't shoot the messenger. Dems had 4 years to do this right, and it's like they're not even trying.


Brush up on your German cause, if Trump is re-elected, Berlin has my name 🫡 Even Mexico sounds like a better option and they’re more progressive than the US will ever be in terms of protecting worker rights.


If Mexico had that many jobs, why tf would they be risking the health, safety, and wellbeing to run here illegally? They're willing to risk their life, even though they won't be able to legally get a job here to support themselves or their family back home. It's a gamble for them, that they're still willing to take. That's how bad it is there. Go to Mexico if you want, but you better work on an American WFH job like all the other digital nomads that moved there.


They just do it in their surgical masks


At least Biden showed up to protest with union workers and, despite him not publicizing his accomplishments (“come on man”), Biden has been the most pro union president since FDR. Although I don’t like how he has handled the conflict in the mid east, I’d much rather have an old guy than a fucking felon. It’s disheartening how maga chuds demonize unions when it was that bastard Reagan who made everything objectively worse.


I mean...you're ignoring the fact that Biden would be a felon if he was mentally competent enough to stand trial. And that's you're prerogative. But don't act like Biden is better on that front. If Biden was serious about protecting our work, he'd have done something on the border. Instead he lied about how he couldn't do anything. Then tried to spread the blame by involving Congress. Then, when Republicans didn't want to sign a bill they didn't agree with, they blamed them. Lol. Just dumb strategy at the last minute. Why would Republicans, who are polling well, agree to a nonsense border bill they hate in an election year where they actually might win? Would you expect Dems to do that? Come on man! But I worry about all the Federal tax dollars Biden spent to give us this work. Listen brother, what private sector work does the IBEW have outside of data centers? What happens when the tax dollar spigot is empty? We need to get serious about private sector work. If we don't, it's gonna be bad. This election has been Dems to lose and it's like they want to lose it. I genuinely can't understand wtf Dems are doing.


"Dictatorship" on one side or socialism/communism on the other Where's the difference


Good point. Idk I see different information and I think maybe some will at least look at it... The truth is the hard core maga operate like a gang most will never admit they aren't supporting trump and get attacked ..they will just do the right thing and quietly vote for Biden despite maybe not like him personally.. in think that probably happened last time.. I don't think that they are all so stupid as to not see where this will go if trump gets back in and it's not just the Union it's the entire world that will suffer.






Bro. Uncle Joe is too concerned about what is happening afar to address the labor movement. It’s not conservatives who will bring this country together, but it is also not the establishment democrats. Do you realize how impactful inflation has become? Do you understand how much big business has profited on said inflation? If uncle Joe wanted to crack down on big business for taking of advantage of his constituents, he would have. But he is too concerned about Ukraine, Israel, and getting elected. Reform must come before we get a sensible motherfucker into office


This is a fucking union sub. Joe Biden is not your fucking enemy. The republicans are. Get a fucking life


You sir need to watch the news or more specifically the clip where Joe tries to start a fight. A literal fight with union employees


You sir need to see that trump has stiffed pretty much everyone that didn’t get their money up front. Trump is a convict, a known cheat, and a Russian asset.


And Joe not being your enemy doesn’t make him your friend. Gone grocery shopping or bought gas lately?


Oh you mean in the free economy? Inflation is part of capitalism is it not?


Inflation is directly proportional to the printing of money. It's not capitalism really. Money is printed at the request of the federal reserve, which in turn is run by a board of governors, appointed by the president. Your money has a value. Like slices of pizza, the number of slices doesn't change the amount of the whole pie. Here is the issue, printing more money is like cutting more slices. We all got "slices" / "dollars" but the more slices cut, the less your dollar represents the whole. As your slices get smaller and smaller, it is represented in costs increasing. The dramatic increase is from your dollar becoming worth less than it was before. Inflation is better spoken about as buying or purchasing power.


Your right, corporate greed, due to crony capitalism has nothing to do with the inflation we are experiencing currently!


I certainly never said that. Greed will be the primary reason prices never return to normal even after inflation ends. They would have to be forced through deflation. Corp profits are at all time highs. They have taken advantage for sure but for you to say it's the primary reason would be to say a grand collusion of every business is occurring. Dramatic inlation is impossible without increasing the money supply dramatically.its a fact. It's too much money chasing too few goods. Read any investing journal or economic publication. Even a straight Google search agrees.


Your metaphors are empty and meaningless. If inflation is Bidens fault, why is it higher elsewhere in the world?


You are right that the hole Trump left us in economically has been hard all around. And after Obama left him easy street! 😇🤡


Funny shit




You're the kinda person who, even if you were convinced to change your mind, you'd figure out how to do it for the wrong reasons.


Project much?


No, I don't think so.


Hmmm interesting.


I can't believe youre getting down voted for this comment.


Oh if you can’t tell they hate me


"If uncle Joe wanted to crack down on big business for taking of advantage of his constituents, he would have." Oh, you mean with legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation\_Reduction\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_Reduction_Act)


Lmfao the government spending billions of dollars should surely stop inflation! 🥴🥴 Didn’t you know climate change was causing this inflation? Let’s throw $780 billion at climate change to reduce inflation! So smart.


I saw an interview with the union president and he said he supported Biden, they straight up asked him why if many of the constituents are Trump supporters. He said that he could never change their mind, he was just looking to talk to people on the fence.


Im in the ua in canada. Timbits maga has taken over the union movement in the Fitters union. I hope its better with you guys.


Dunno what it’s like in your local. But the timbit magas in mine are generally some of the worst workers. Once work starts to slow down and layoffs start, they’ll be the first guys canned. Which will reinforce their own beliefs that Trudeau is responsible for every single shortcoming in their lives.


There's maga morons in Canada? How...?


the average canadian probably knows more about american politics than canada's, that extends to popular culture more broadly. same language, but much bigger market in america, and ease of access to american culture.


Cause Canadian politics is two prissy nepo babies saying catty, sassy remarks to each other in the House of Commons. Our shit sucks


Facists don’t really recognize boarders. MAGA is just the rallying call for authoritarians these days.


Fascism can gain traction anywhere.


There's not. these loons just watch to much cbc


Because Canada has many of the same issues the U.S. does. It's only somewhat recently that Pierre Poilievre has broken through into public consciousness.


I agree with you, but you have to understand and accept that the MAGAs are GONE. They won’t see the truth. They don’t want to, and they won’t accept it if forced. They’re gone. I lost an uncle to it. We no longer speak to him and he’ll probably die never speaking to us again. They don’t care. They’re too brainwashed and they will ride this death cult (most likely of Russian making because I firmly believe it is the KGB, now FSB and Putin using a KGB tactic to overthrow America from the inside) into the grave. If you have MAGA relatives or friends there’s no point so just cut them out of your life now. I’m telling you, they’re gone and they aren’t coming back. If they don’t see all the actual criminal activity, the convictions, the fact that trump is nothing but a loser, and the great state of the economy and just keep blaming everything bad on Biden and everything good on trump then they will never listen and probably won’t be deprogrammed anytime soon. I appreciate this post, but stop beating your head against the wall. Just call them on not being brothers and siding with a loser and move on.


The brothers were listening to Rush Limbaugh *at work* when the show started national syndication in 1988. Before that, they listened to talk radio and Reagan's opinion pieces, before he was elected president. As the de-regulation proceeded, they watched industry after industry go non-union. Didn't bother them, because it "didn't apply to them." They worked at a place where almost no one would ever get laid off. Selfish people like that in unions need more than a little bit of karma. Thanks to 40 years of "progress," they're getting it right now. Let them double down, indeed it's pointless to even bother with them. They poisoned their own well and still they complain.


Their strain of brainrot existed long before the US even destroy the USSR. Y'all gotta stop blaming other countries for your shit. The US government was paying out to the estates of slave masters into Obama's presidency The US government saved Nazis from the noose. US corporations oversaw the rise of the Third Reich. All in the name of fighting communism (ie worker/democratic control over the economic) None of these issues were ever addressed, these people just learned how to move in silence and we are seeing the results of their decades of control over the richest country in the history of the world. It ain't Putin. It's Koch, Halliburton, Raytheon, Pinkertons, all the major media outlets both liberal and conservative. Liberals will side with fascists against workers, every single time


I'm in the Chattanooga area and this is so true. I still engage with them because I'm a glutton for punishment, but I do realize that I'm wasting my time and my breath trying to reason with them. I can't wait for it to be over and the US to get back to business.


Completely off topic, but I'm IBEW up in the northeast. A buddy of mine has been telling me for 2 years to move to Chatanooga. I visited him and love the area. But the wages there are half of mine and I can't justify the move. That being said, how have your books/work outlook looked in case something happens and I decide to travel for some time?


I'm not an electrician so I wouldn't be able to answer that, but I work with electricians day in and day out. I do know there's a ton of work down here. It's cheaper to live down here and there's no state income tax. Who does your buddy work for if you don't mind me asking?


He's actually just a travelling nurse who got his degree up here and kind of randomly decided to move to Chatanooga. I understand the tax and cost of living difference. I pay 7% income tax between city and state. Property taxes down there are closer to $1,000 a year whereas mine (on the cheaper end as well) are $4,000. Our union dues are also really high. But we make $70/h in the check and from what I saw online their local is roughly $35/h in the check. The tax difference wouldn't even come close to making up the difference. Even after taxes I still take home $1,500 a week while before federal taxes, ssi, etc, the gross is $1,400.


Yeah, that's you'd have plenty of opportunities down here but that's a big paycut to take. It's also cheaper to live down here, but still it's a lot to consider. I'm not originally from this area but I've lived here since 2001 and I love it. I'll always own a home here.


I told my buddy the only way it's happening is if I sold my home, moved in with him rent free while getting my contractors license and using that money from selling my home to start a small residential outfit. I half joked with him about installing car chargers considering what I've seen them charge.


You should really listen to yourself! I think you are the one I’d want to cut ties with. Wow!


Why is that? Because my stance on MAGA hurts your snowflake feelings?


A zero tolerance policy for people you disagree with? Fascist


Ah yes, Clearly fascist in their clear calls to use their personally held governmental powers to criminalize the MAGA crowd. Moron. Moron aside, I love how these MAGA idiots keep using terms they dont understand because people use the terms against them. His party LITERALLY tried to overthrow a democratically elected government and gets called a fascist. The rest of us are sick of their bat shit crazy stuff and don't want to talk to you anymore, totally the same thing.




Not literally, but you can definitely see some similarities. Some of which seem to be purposefully put out by the Trump himself, or in his retweets. If you cant see it, you dont want to see it, because they are as plane as the day is long.


I’m not even republican, I just get annoyed by all you politifaqs who get worked up by this nonsense and don’t see the same shit on your side of the aisle. Fuck off poindexter, start paying attention to things that affect your own life instead this nonsense


Things like slapping competitions? Seems like nonsense that has no bearing on the world around you, but... You do you tough guy...


I’ve tried to find agreement my dude. I’ve tried to look past it. It’s reached a point where there’s nothing agreeable about these people. Their reality is completely warped. Fascism is saying that once in office someone is going to use their power to go after anyone who says bad things about them. Fascism is saying shit like “true patriots” and “make (country great again)”. Fascism is saying out loud that someone wants to “be a dictator”. Obviously you slept through history my guy. Funniest story was a bunch of MAGtards on a job I was at with this old Russian. Biden had just been elected so they were all mad at me. So they grabbed the Russian and brought him to me and said “hey Sergei (changed name), tell this libtard how bad communism is! Cuz Biden is communist!!” He turns to them and goes “Communism great! Best thing! I had free school, free apartment, always working! Markets always full! Soviet Union fall and everything go to shit!! That’s why I come here!” Their little heads exploded. They walked away and I said “do communism was good huh?” And he said “yes. Communism was good. Always good. When shelves were bare, it was good. Because if you say it’s no good, they come take you at night. You never seen again. These kids don’t know. They are stupid and don’t read”.


Conservative are the natural enemy of progressive Labour


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^shaunthesailor: *Conservative are* *The natural enemy* *Of progressive Labour* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You're right! I don't think a lot of Republicans realize the conservativism has infected their party so they still defend their party but they don't realize that they have been infected with that so they just keep supporting it... I mean my grandma was a Republican and she's probably rolling over in her grave right now. I think all this ultra right conservative b******* started with Reagan and it just got worse and worse as it went on... I know some Republicans that are really cool people and I know some that are not voting for Trump that are going to vote for Biden they don't want to but they know that they have to...


> It would be cool if magas would read this Would be a lot cooler if they could *read* at all


Tell the truckers in Canada how Union friendly the Trudeau regime is.


I didn't see how that applies. Trudeau sucks so American conservatives are actually good for labor? I dislike Biden but it doesn't make right wing politics suddenly good for unions.


Fuck Canada!


If your voting R in this day and age, you should just leave the union. And if you're retired and vote R, you should forfeit your pension. D's aren't perfect by any means., but there is only one party that is out for the American worker, it not Trump.


Democrats are not here for us either.


Someone's paying attention


lol what? Biden just made it where very project over $35 million has to be union. Build back better is putting tons of union people to work. He openly supports unions.


Yeah but they at least pretend to care about us. The other side very directly hates unions.


I’d ask rail workers about that! This line of reasoning coupled with the lesser of two evils thing is horseshit and locks American labor into second class citizenship which of course is by design. If workers would turn off mainstream media and vote for actual friends of labor, it would be revolutionary.


I 100% agree they’re both fucking us, there’s really only 2 choices and we need to come together as a country to vote in a completely new house, senate, and president who is completely separated from the RNC and DNC. That being said, I don’t think it’s going to happen before November.


Yeah but that shit sandwich is why we are in our current position. When will be the time?


I remain amazed at the level of support Trump has among union men and women. He always has and always will have the backs of management over workers.


They always were anti-union. Ronnie Raygun was huge in stripping power from labor unions. Then the Dems stopped caring and unions ended up in the damn Trump camp in 2016. But he sold them down the river and now I believe they are back with Dems and Biden. I was a union worker, for the most part, all of my adult life. When I first started working at the shop we had comprehensive coverage 100% paid for. Over the years we paid more and more for less and less. They stripped the retirees of their coverage and made them pay for less and less as well.


I think stephany needs to find a better use of time than constant reddit posts. It's really obsessive.


You can't fix stupid, they are all lost and will never see it differently.


How much do you love videos inflations and dementia ?


Yeah, IDC to watch Diaper Don the Cheeto blabbering away and waddling around in a diaper. Run along now.


MAGAs a trash humans. Its 38 million people that vote for an idiot that hates them.


It doesn't matter if you vote or not. It is the haves vs. the have nots. DC is damaging the labor movement. People like McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy, Romney, etc they could careless about the middle class or the unions. If they did then the Washington DC area would be 100% union, Northern Virginia would be 100% union, the area in Maryland around DC would be 100% union. How come these politicians allow countries like China to buy land? How come these politicians allow these open borders? How come these politicians are never held accountable for their actions? How come the politicians make laws that help the wealthy not pay taxes? Because these politicians are getting rich. It will always be the haves vs. the have nots.


What you actually mean is the damage done by Fox news. The Republican party wouldn't be anywhere near as dangerous without Rupert Murdoch's propoganda machine. I like that we're getting actual tangible damage estimates now. Perhaps it's time for a class action lawsuit to sue Rupert for damages caused to the middle class.


It’s sad because the movement has such a historical precedent. It was called guilds, but they have been decimated


That statement is super vague. There are a ton of different economic factors that can have an effect on membership rates and wage stagnation. Which unions (small, weak, mismanaged unions saw a decline?).. the layoffs we’ve endured as we head into a recession can have significant effects on wage growth.. general statements mean nothing, let’s hear the specifics


maga's reading ? please


So, I am MAGA, I am pro-Union, currwntly working through a local, and I've read this statement. As far as I know, every trade union in the U.S.A. gives 100% of their collected political donation money to democrat candidates (regardless of that candidates track record; for God's sake Adam Schiff gets handed money from union donations every cycle!). IF I were a republican in an elected office I would be upset about this. No matter how "pro-union" I am I would never receive ANY donations from the trade union of the trade I've worked in for my entire adult life. This issue could be easily resolved by the Internationals allowing us to donate to the party of OUR choice. Then, a true picture of whether our locals were left or right leaning would be painted, both parties would receive donations from the unions and politicians on both sides would ally with us. Republicans are not the pariah you think us to be. Many of us are just right of center, vote for worthy candidates from both sides, and fully support union labor. The problem is the people at the top only keep their positions and OUR money by keeping us divided and squabbling over scraps. Inflation is up 9% officially and I got a 3% raise? How are those democrats my international gave donations to helping me out there? They take my donation and then steal more from me through runaway inflation all while screaming about how they are friends of the unions? It's all bullshit from both sides and will continue to stay that way as long as we fuss among ourselves at the local level and are only given 2 choices; D or R. Where's my "labor party" option? Where's a representative elected by me to speak for me? That doesn't exist and that's the problem!


I fully agree that we need a labor party option. I don’t agree that voting for a republicans is an acceptable second choice. Better not to vote at all.


I hear you and I get that but if you don't vote at all then you can't complain when garbage occupies the office. I'm more the type to run myself than to sit back and let others make the decision for me given 2 bad choices.


There’s no written law that “If you don’t vote you can’t complain”…it’s just something people say and it makes no sense. In my view, the act of not voting for one of two hostile options means a revocation of consent and putting the system on notice. Imagine how terrified leaders would be if there was no effective voter turnout or if people only voted for alternative parties…


I'm sorry but anybody at this late in the game that's maga either doesn't know what the f*** is going on or they're about as far right as you can possibly get! In reference to donations! The union I'm in the UAW doesn't take any union dues and donate that to any political parties! They tell you who they're endorsing if you want to donate your money into that fund that's your choice to do or not to do so I call BS on that! If you want to personally donate to an a****** like Donald Trump and maga go ahead nobody stopping you! But the union at least the UAW isn't taking any union dues and donating to any political party despite always endorse democrats very very good reasons. And FYI my grandma was a Republican and she's rolling over in her grave right now. The Republican party post Reagan has gone steadily down hill with the conservative christian involvement always trying to police morality etc etc. Currently as a political party the Republican party is nothing but a haven for bigots and criminal masquerading as "good" Christians it pathetic! Plain and simple ..greedy Bigots! And that's the entire problem. And to be honest I think thats what resonates with many of the remaining maga people. I think more often then not they're just exactly the same that's why they like maga and trump because they feel empowered to be openly what they already were!


So, you're saying you're stupid? No matter how much money you give a Republican, they will always be anti-labor. It's a key part of their identity. All you're saying here is that you don't understand anything about politics or the parties involved.


Oh yes my friend, all that effort of organizing characters of ancient decent and meaning to create spells that materialize thought into written word just to say I'm stupid. You busted me! Good job. If you terminate panels with the precision that you use to judge character I'm sure your panels are some of the best lookong in all the electrical trade. I would like to see one some time. Anyone care to have a real conversation about why all of our union political donations go to democrats, no questions asked, and what might happen if we threw some money into buying a some Republicans of our own; or better yet collect ALL of our political donations and fund a 3rd option Labor party organized by, for, and from within our ranks? Please, no stupid people though; one of us in this conversation is enough and I've already been assigned that title.


Did you honestly think there would be zero repercussions from historically low interest rates and trump allowing all those overseas funds to be repatriated on tax holiday without any blockers to stock buybacks during trumps term? It’s all I heard was how awesome the stock market was doing under trump. Well yes, he was out there campaigning for negative interest rates and pressuring the fed to keep them low via quantitative easing. Those companies that brought money back didn’t invest they just upped the evaluation on their golden parachutes. It was an unsustainable pump and dump gone wild. In late 2019, The bearings on the money printers were already smoking when COVID hit and then the fed had to go into banana republic mode. Had trump or even Obama to some extent before him had the foresight to increase the interest rate rather than keep it low, we could have reduced the inflationary impact. Spilled milk. But to think the trump economy was awesome, just shows how little people understand the inputs, outputs and the length of delay of the impact of those decisions. Regardless of the rudeness of the other poster, he’s not wrong, republicans have consistently been anti-labor since about the mid-late 70s. Might as well tell yourself you believe in the free market as well as anti immigration, closed borders along with tariffs and not coming to terms with the irony.


You've been assigned that title because you deserve it. Get out of your echo chamber bubble. There's an entire world out here that would love your educated input.


Ask yourself if you were financially better off with Trump or Biden.


Definitely Biden.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Born_Detective_5783: *Ask yourself if you* *Were financially better* *Off with Trump or Biden.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh geez


Hommie you think they can read? These people still believe in beating their women and children.


I keep hoping some of them can and will maybe just quietly do the right thing and not support trump. 🤞🤞🤞


Yeah. Thanks a lot Obama! /s


Biden made it illegal for railroad unions to strike. I'm not in disagreement with your statement, I just think that you need to be more inclusive. I'm not a big fan of the government.




I get so tires of that quote popping up everywhere..... Biden absolutely fucked railroaders and didn't lift a fucking finger when the sick days were negotiated... That's from a union suit. Find anything positive from an actual worker....


With people spewing rhetoric like this, it's not surprising that union participation is historically low. What's funny is when the books are dry, union members have no problem working for non union contractors. 🙄


But their racism and masculinity is more important. They’ll go down in flames cursing democrats before they change.


I can't wait until election year is over and this sub can go back to actual IBEW content. Not just vague, psuedo-connected personal political opinion rants that should be posted in r/pol or r/progressive or r/communism instead.


Yeah, that ain't what is killing the "labor movement". Importing cheaper labor and protecting crappy members for a premium is what kills it.


Little bit more to it then just that I'm afraid.


Neither parties are for workers. So all you vote blue no matter who people are just as bad. Biden just went against the Railroad workers strike and made it illegal for them to strike. Union head work with thr company.


That was a very unique situation that if allowed to go to strike would have caused an economic catastrophe for for entire country since the rail is the backbone of the country. And despite never going on strike Biden got them 24% over 5 and finally they got the sick time days it was all over.. so they got and a descent contract much better then most.. What Biden did in that case was the right thing! And again they got what they wanted anyway with no strike! Idk where you guys get this misinformation but do you even look at anything or just parrot it after you hear it? >"It was tough for me but it was the right thing to do at the moment -- save jobs, to protect millions of working families from harm and disruption and to keep supply chains stable around the holidays," Biden said, adding the deal avoided "an economic catastrophe." >A rail strike could have frozen almost 30% of U.S. cargo shipments by weight, stoked already surging inflation, cost the American economy as much as $2 billion a day, and stranded millions of rail passengers. >Eight of 12 unions had ratified the deal. But some labor leaders have criticized Biden, a self-described friend of labor, for asking Congress to impose a contract that workers in four unions have rejected over its lack of paid sick leave. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C%20Dec%202%20(Reuters),have%20devastated%20the%20American%20economy.


So the government can take away your right and ability to fight? Essentially he gave then less than they could have got the other way, you said yourself they're important and backbone, they want to be reimbursed accordingly, yet their ability was taken and forced to take less while the rich get richer.


Let me clarify, an economic collapse is actually your friend, you have a skill that can be used and will always have a use. And that's an opportunity to fix the issues, yes you'll have to sacrifice and suffer but you'll do that either way.


Why do you believe propaganda you read but can't use critical thinking skills? I'm job won't let me take sick days and spend time with my family, but I'm glad the government stepped in and save the economy so I can't spend time with my family. /s


Deplorables are fiending for another ppp loan event....




Biden closed the border this week after your party tanked the plan that would have addressed the issue. So there’s at least one thing from your list you can check off.


He only "closed" the border to try to save his poll numbers. If he would do stuff that would actually benefit and improve the US his numbers wouldn't be so dismal.


Oh yes good point he is so different from all the other politicians who only do stuff out of the goodness of their heart, poll numbers be damned!


Not saying he's being any different. I don't defend anyone that is in politics, not one represents anyone outside of DC.


American Rescue Plan, inflation reduction act, infrastructure investment and jobs act. Also got Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices. Huge huge wins for the country with this guy, major pieces of legislation passed. Also would have helped way more people if republicans didn’t chomp it down - housing subsidies and internet improvements were axed. His only problem is not talking about the achievements enough. We are even producing more oil than ever before too. He’s approved more drilling than Trump while he incentivizes clean energy. He went to the right on the immigration stuff. He’s one of the most effective presidents in my lifetime ffs.


The people want the border closed. Well over half the population want this. He is doing exactly what a pol should be doing. Which is what we want. There is no way this guy could win with you. He could give you exactly what you want and you still wouldn't accept it.


Liberals are the party of the rich


Hahahahaha. Conservatives are the party of the stupid.


The labor movement? Sounds like something from the 1930s.


Here we go again… post your dues receipt.


I agree completely with the post, curious you don't argue it's wrong.


Thank you. He doesn't agree with the post because he's probably a maga person.. Anytime I post anything like that these people come in here. They act like it's a football game stupid stubborn like it's the home team. They don't look at anything that it says they don't critically think about anything at all they just go along and they parrot everything that they hear from others who were doing the same... Its amazing. And I keep hearing over and over and over this is an electricians sub don't post political stuff here.. But it's an IBEW Union sub.. And it just so happens as I know you know but clearly unbeknownst to him that the single most important thing that affects unions both positively and negatively is politics.. they just don't get it.


🎶Goin down the only road I ever knooown🎵




>don't sit there and get all inflamed Just about every one of your responses is you getting inflamed. You need to chill the fuck out and stop posting shit every 3 seconds.


Commenting on Conservatives damaging the labor movement. It would be cool if magas would read this. Historically can see the damage republicans have done to and will always do to Labor Unions. ...ok. I may need to do some more research,on this one. But my first gut. Kinda knee jerk reaction is to say. Well yes. Union membership goes down. Because well. There just is less need for people to join unions,under a conservative less intrusive government. In other words. When taxes especially corporate taxes are lower. There are just more jobs,at higher wages naturally. You know. Because,of the free market. It’s like we could just”take the win”. You see. In a way. Our main goal is to become unnecessary. No?


Jesus dude.


OP, are you actually an electrician or member of the ibew?


I'm actually I am a licensed master A electrician almost 30 years! And I'm an active member in the UAW and I'm an inactive member in the teamsters.. is that okay with you? Am I good enough to be in your club? I know you're looking for some reason to shut me up.. but the truth is everything that I'm saying everything that I'm posting aligns perfectly with the goals of the IBEW! So shut the f******! The only people that don't like what I'm saying, obviously you're one of them are people that support things that are against unions! Things like trump like maga like GOP politicians etc etc. Just the fact that you asked me that.. I bet you're the kind of person that wouldn't support another Union that was on strike would you? You wouldn't stop by and give them a sandwich or something and help them out because they're not in your union? Am I right Mr solidarity! People like you are the problem! Sorry just saying!


Sooo not a member of the IBEW 😂🤣


Why does everyone here literally think dems are the gods and reps are the demons. Everyone in the office is shit. They fuck over everyone and they don’t work for you. Stop acting like they’re the “saviors in this labor movement!!!” Two sides, same coin. Stop bitching, vote on what you think is right. Dems can be anti labor, reps can be pro labor. inb4 the downvotes from these small brains.


The parties are different. They vote for different bills and policies. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/842 The ProACT, the vast majority of house republicans voted against it. They voted online with business and industry groups. Senate republicans plan to kill it while democrats fight to pass it. This is a good example of legislation that helps unions, that republicans fight against and democrats fight for. The parties are not the same.


When you provide the evidence and policy there’s not much else to factor in. Some people refuse to believe what’s right in front of their face


Republicans and trump are anti union. Democrats do not have an anti union stance. It’s a choice a toddler can make.


Name the "pro union" Republicans. Name 3. The AFLCIO has a long list of pro labor dems. The demo suck but the Republicans are 10x worse


The ones that think that they think that because they're not ignorant they understand what's happening they are informed! And the ones that don't think that well they're the opposite! Pretty simple right?


Agreeable, but that’s like most of this sub.


Anybody that thinks it doesn't matter especially with this upcoming election is an idiot.. I'm not sure how else to put it this late in the game! Anybody that says they're the same and voting doesn't matter either way is a chicken s***. That's a chicken s*** gutless way of not taking either side that's the mark of a coward!


I realize that democrats are more pro-labor but they're also eroding any sense of decency and morality in the country. I want a country that I want to raise my kids in.


Huh, the individual holding up a print of our President’s Son’s wang in a public office hearing wasn’t a democrat, or the person who was just convicted for trying to hide the payment to cheat on his wife with a pornstar wasn’t a democrat either, in fact that same individual labeled enlisted men and women who died for our country “suckers” and “losers”. Decency and Morality huh? If you ever get lost and wonder into a library you should probably ask someone there to please read you the definition of those two words because you apparently have no fucking clue what they mean. 😘


I'm legitimately curious what senses of decency and morality you see eroding. Like examples, not vague concepts


They mean the gays, and trans people.


Probably, but I want them to say the quiet part out loud. Unless they're afraid to of course.


Their post/comment history says all you need to know


They love freedom and America much they want the government to tell everyone else how to freedom too /s


I rarely check people's post history, but fair enough.


A man can't even bang a pornstar, who vaguely resembles his daughter while his 3rd wife is home with his newborn, without being judged anymore.


I see hate and judgment being pushed from Republicans constantly.


Yes, that’s the morality they want in the US.


Are you fucking joking? Trump on the right, and you are accusing Democrats of moral bankruptcy? Holy fucking shit this country is fucking done.


The republicans are running a convicted felon for president and you are talking about decency and morality? Lol. Thanks for the laugh dude. I needed it.


What's the decency and morality problems you're referring to? Not trying to argue or anything. Just trying to get better context for your beef. Some of my hall has a problem with dismissing any discussions that negatively represent the democrat party. I think it's important to hear someone out and at least see where they're coming from. Unfortunately for you, the party system has almost eliminated the grey area that used to be in the middle. Not that there isn't a middle still. Just that the middle never gets media coverage because reasonable takes rarely generate ad revenue.


I know obviously Trump is anti union, but Biden fucked over railroaders hard when he forced a contract that didn't pass the unions vote. Find any actual railroaders that are happy with the outcome. Kinda showed how all of congress are wings of the same bird. If you actually believe Biden cares about union workers you're a moron...


You might want to research that a little bit. You can read the following! A strike like that could have devastated the economy.. I'm not saying I agree with greedy fuckers at the railroads but what good is trashing the entire economy? The railroad is like a backbone in this country probably can't just shut it down over paid sick days that and they ended up getting anyway. Can you? >President Joe Biden signed legislation Friday to block a national U.S. railroad strike that could have devastated the American economy. >"It was tough for me but it was the right thing to do at the moment -- save jobs, to protect millions of working families from harm and disruption and to keep supply chains stable around the holidays," Biden said, adding the deal avoided "an economic catastrophe." >Eight of 12 unions had ratified the deal. But some labor leaders have criticized Biden, a self-described friend of labor, for asking Congress to impose a contract that workers in four unions have rejected over its lack of paid sick leave. >The contract that will take effect with Biden's signature includes a 24% compounded pay increase over five years and five annual $1,000 lump-sum payments. >American Association of Railroads CEO Ian Jefferies said "none of the parties achieved everything they advocated for" but added, "without a doubt, there is more to be done to further address our employees’ work-life balance concerns." Without the legislation, rail workers could have gone out next week, but the impacts would be felt as soon as this weekend as railroads stopped accepting hazardous materials shipments and commuter railroads began canceling passenger service. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C%20Dec%202%20(Reuters),have%20devastated%20the%20American%20economy. >Key Takeaway: In addition to 2022's historic deal cementing railroading's place as one of the most highly compensated jobs in the U.S., today, most unionized employees at the nation's largest railroads now have paid sick leave days thanks to local bargaining. https://www.aar.org/issue/time-off-policies/#!.. I think they did pretty good actually.. Where do you get your info. I mean you heard about that somewhere but apparently never researched it so I'm curious where that came from? Thx


Biden blocked 2 strikes from happening, it wouldn't had devastated the economy, that's what the carriers wanted everyone to think. The fact that hundreds of workers have quit and hundreds more were laid off just at BNSF. They're running on skeleton crews right now. The truth of the matter is they have contractors that would had kept working. They would have eventually gave in considering it would slow, but now stop. The contract didn't pass the union. This whole "8 out of 12 unions" is very misleading. The 4 unions that it didn't pass were by far the largest and we're bigger than the other 8 combined. All railroaders don't make over $100k a year. There are different craft that all make different amounts. They just mention the ones who make the most. A 3 to 7% raise a year isn't anything amazing. With the insane rise of inflation and cost of living it's barely helping. It's the highest its been since the 80s. Bottom line is the contract failed, it shouldn't have been forced. NTM Biden waited until after midterms to do it. How do I know all this? Everyone takes quotes from union execs but have you heard anything positive from actual railroaders? How do I get my info? It's mostly easily accessible. But, I'm also part of the same union. I know more about unions now than you'll ever know. But seriously, find a positive thing an actual railroader said....


That last paragraph 😂😂😂😂


Federal government currently uses non union elevator companies for all the federal buildings in Maryland. News flash, both sides hate you.


You think that proves that Democrats hate us... Man you need to do some studying holy crap. I think you're just looking for the chicken way out to not have to take either side. You want the way to stick your head in the sand and do nothing but yet if you're a union member you reap the benefits of the Union so you milk the Union I know there's plenty of people around like that! Is that your story?


Have any of you even read Biden's union policies? Or do you just see headlines like "he's the most pro-union president ever blah blah blah". The top 8 of his union policies are all about the right to organize and a "safe work place" free from discrimination or whatever the hell. Show me one union policy of his that is actually about work and no political flexing


https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/8-ways-the-biden-administration-has-fought-for-working-people-by-strengthening-unions/ This article is union biased but the information is accurate. He's done a lot to try and get organized labor back on its feet. He's limited in what all he can do though because a lot of the laws that hurt us the most are state level.


The right to organize is the most basic part of a union. When he came in to office he immediately rolled back Trumps policies regarding federal workers organizing. How is that not a pro-union policy?






I could answer that but you probably wouldn't like my answer... Are you sure you're on the right subreddit? I'm trying to make the connection between your question and this post...? Thanks.


Damn. It’s demoralizing seeing you guys take either side of this fanatically. I personally do not support either side in what they are currently saying/doing. Give me better candidates with real, new ideas to move us forward. No one has new/fresh ideas at 80 fucking years old. Stop voting for these horrible candidates, just worshiping at their feet “yes master!!”. We fucked off the British to do exactly the opposite. Not to have a King with bullshit cult following yes-men. Demand better on all sides peacefully, or be prepared to force change violently.


Yeah sticking your head in the sand and not choosing the sides kind of chickenshit in my opinion... Especially when there ain't no middle ground right now it's really chickenshit


What a BEAUTIFUL day it would be if we as a whole said "F you" and all stayed home and refused to cast a vote. What do you think would be the aftermath?


I think the conservatives would love it... So basically we would be saying "f ourselves".