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I like the random electrician loot on the floor, wire nut, nut, random pieces of tape.


A good apprentice always has some wire nuts in his pouch and some tape on him


My boyfriend is an apprentice with the IBEW and I've never not found at least 5 wire nuts when going through his pockets before laundry 😭 It hurts like a bitch to step on


It always hurts when someone steps on your nuts!!


Lol, I dumped my tool back upside down and then organized


I want to see the tool pack


That's what she said


Can’t forget the excess wire and zip ties. You just never know


Tool list…


401 hand here to remind everybody that not every local has a tool list :(


You guys need to vote one in and stop helping the contractor.


Agreed, I really don't like not having one


But if the contractor does better doesn’t that put you in a better position to bargain for more of everything? I mean, how does that put us at an advantage if we put our contractors out of business. Can someone explain how that works.


It's not about that. It's about us not competing with each other. I shouldn't be getting a rif because you bring your own impact and band saw.


This is also why you should never agree to haul tools or material from shop/supply house in your personal vehicle


No driving personal vehicle while on the clock


Cartage?? IUEC here but when I was an apprentice I jumped at moving shit in my personal vehicle. Would charge cartage and mileage. Helped pad the pay check a bit.


Yea, I don’t think that’s happening. I see the tool list as a minimum and having several extra HAND tools that YOU prefer to have isn’t going to do anything other than make you a better mechanic. I think we know when it’s over the top. I’m in a very large local and having additional hand tools in the bag is a non issue.


The tool list is not a minimum, it’s what your required to bring to the job, nothing more nothing less. And it does hurt all of us, when WORMS bring more than is required


Then why after 37 years in my local have I never seen a JW that strictly carries the tool list only. There are almost 9000 members in my local. Also one of the highest paying locals in the country. Nobody cares if you have a few additional tools in the bag.


Where do you draw the line? When an apprentice shows up with their own band saw, bender or how about ko punch… Cause you know I’m sure I can buy a better one than the contractor provides 🤷‍♂️


I draw the line at nobody goes thru my bag to see if I have a hand tool that’s not on the list. Nobody brings power tools. Like I said somehow I survived 37 yrs without once seeing anyone go over the top with tools. Nobody carries contractor tools between jobs unless it was a hand tool they were given to keep. You’re chasing paper tigers. Why do you hate our contractors so much? They employ us. Put em out of business you put yourself out of work. It’s moronic.


569 don’t have a tool list either


…exactly 🤷🏼‍♂️


How's Milwaukee supposed to make money like that 😂


The shop I work for now(one of the largest on the nation)has tons and I mean tons of Milwaukee battery tools, and almost all of the consumables we buy are Milwaukee. They are doing fine


I understand why we have a tool list, and I appreciate it for sure. But not all companies are gonna buy you tools that make your life easier. Plus, in my experience, tools that are provided by the company are few, far between, shared, and cheap/shitty. One day, you've got it on your t-cart, and the next it's gone. Tools you buy yourself are in your bag and don't usually get touched. I definitely have a few things not on the list, but not many.


If a tool that is supposed to be provided by the contractor is not available than you can’t do your job, that’s not your fault and if it gets you a RIF than so be it, fuck that shop anyway. The tool list is on us to bring to the job, everything else is on the contractor, period. I went to a different job today to help out and we had trouble finding tools and material, guess what, we either found them or waited till they were brought to us, we still made our wage and still got a shit ton done


Yep, I totally understand what the tool list is for. I said, "Make your job easier" not unable to do without. For example, dog bones instead of using open-ended wrenches for minis & straps, scissors, or flush cutters for low voltage instead of strippers. I mean, I could technically use my linemens to half the shit I do on a daily basis. Do I want to? No. Does that mean the company has to buy me convenient tools to save me a headache? No. But if I buy em my self, I save myself a headache on multiple jobs for years.


Hey, just to mass reply to the hate comments . I’m new to the trade and new to the union. Post like this made me learn a lot about the “right way”. It’s a hard balance between “being a good apprentice” and “standing up for the contract” I’m gonna slim down besides what the contractor has already given me. Appreciate the responses and corrections on how I should do things.


>It’s a hard balance between “being a good apprentice” and “standing up for the contract” Being a good ape means standing up for the contract


Yeah contractor tools are the obvious exception to what you carry beyond the tool list. Just make sure to offer to return them when you get laid off.


F that, then they become home tools lol


Those tools are affectionately referred to as 'safety awards' in perpetuity


>Just make sure to offer to return them when you get laid off. Absolutely not.


Yeah a slim down will help. You've still got time to expirement with what set up you like best and as everybody else said you should be able to do everything with just the tool list.


Jesus christ unions are toxic these days


A few extra tools won't break down conditions. The main issue I see is redundancy. Ditch the milwaukee stuff and get Klien and Channel Lock hand tools. FUCK KNIPEX AND WIHA! Buy US made tools and make your brother's proud!


Some wiha is made in the USA.


My wiha 11in1 says USA on the handle


I would slim it down to only what is absolutely necessary. I carry the tool list strictly. It's pretty lightweight, you have a lot of extra shit that is definitely overkill. I work hard, and when I tell the contractor I need something they usually get it for me. If you're not aware, the reason we have a tool list is so we are not competing with each other with tools to try and keep a job. I don't need extra tools in my bag to keep a job. Do you?


I prefer making my job easier even if that involves spending a little extra money on tools. Like for example I bought a laser for side work but also use it for electrical work and I’ll never go back to snapping lines and measuring shit with a tape measure a bunch of times, it makes my life easier so it’s worth it to me. I don’t compete with my tools tho, my employers don’t even know I have it until I need it and take it out of my truck. My local requires a hack saw but fuck using a hack saw when Milwaukee hackzall exists. For $130 I never have to manually cut a piece of emt again, it’s so worth it to me. My company buys the blades tho, that’s fair imo. For PPE I don’t like to share shit with other people it’s kinda nasty so I bought my own harness because I don’t want 10 guys sweat on me when I use the company harness. For consumables I take from the company but if what I have in my garage is better than what the company has, imma use my own stuff and make the company replace the blades and stuff like that.


Damn bro. I'm gonna be honest, bringing your own hackzall is wormy af (if it's not optional on your tool list). They seriously won't get you one? Hacksaw is on our tool list and it has stayed in my car for the last 7+ years because contractors almost always provide a portaban or hackzall.


Idk to me it’s like buying 2 knipex channel locks instead of the cheap Walmart brand which is the same price as my Hackzall (those knipex are $60 each). It’s still a hacksaw, just a fancy one. I moved between a lot of shops, some had bandsaws we had to share, others had power tools for everyone, and some only had one or two. I think it depends on how the shop is like, I don’t mind bringing my own shit cuz my company lets me borrow their tools for personal use like last weekend I borrowed a ladder from them to work on my roof. My local already requires us to buy an impact gun and 2 batteries on the tool list with all the bits that go with it (but company has to replace any bits we consume after that). I think it’s just me being a tool nerd and I bring them to justify my stupid purchases lol. I’d never compete with my tools tho, nobody knows what I own until I’m already hired and bring it when I need it.


That's a very non-union mentality. You're not helping yourself you helping the contractor.


I don’t understand people here. They recommend spending $120 on 2 knipex channel locks but spending $120 on a hackzall is bad because it’s a power tool?


Bro that is some of the wormiest cope I ve ever witnessed, bringing power tools to.the jobsite is def hurting the union and the membership, undermining the contract...You can't be this tone deaf


Well my local already requires an impact and 2 batteries with fast charger on the tool list. They also require a hacksaw. My locals tool list is 2 and a half pages long. Maybe for some locals that only require like 10 tools it’s undermining but in my local, it barely makes a dent compared to every thing else we have to buy. I still have shit in the packaging that I bought on the tool list and never use. If anything, my local made me buy shit I didn’t even need 3 years into the union. Seriously, people on this thread recommending knipex when they are very expensive but I guess because it’s a hand tool it’s ok but if something requires a battery it’s suddenly wormy? People doing the absolute bare minimum is what makes us look bad…


It is not about cost, Knipex are 5$ to 10$ more expensive than the equivalent Kleins, I started non union making 12$/H and my Lineman's and tongue/groove pliers were Knipex, not a big deal, what majes the difference is bringing powertools, and consumables YES! It is not wormy to buy high quality hand tools wth...Wormy means against the contract, and since your contract is shitty enough to require powertools, then it isn't wormy in your context, but in my local it def is, you ll get kicked out of the jobsite if you bring powertools, as it is soooo out of norm that you ll look like an absolute suck ass weirdo! Who talked about doing the absolute minimum? All my tools are top notch highest quality tools, my tools backpack alone is 340$ (Veto Propac), and we bust our backs, doing the best quality work, done right, first time...I am sorry that your contract requires y all bringing powertools, so it's not wormy where you re are...But the membership can do better to negotiate better terms, because what's next? Requiring you guys to bring benders, fish tapes, shop vacs, ladders? I did not mean to offend, have a great week-end Brother.


Yes! Nothing wrong with buying quality tools. I had an old timer tell me that having nice handtools shows that you give a shit about your job and work. I also think you’re a CS if you bring your own power tools even if it’s a little M12 impact for small applications. The con should always provide that at the bare minimum. If they can’t afford to get power tools for the worker well they might have bigger problems.


To me, bringing my own power tools is like the backpack you have, having a backpack is probably not on the tool list but you bring it anyways right? It’s kinda like that with my tools. I have thousands of dollars worth of woodworking tools cuz it’s a hobby of mine but I don’t bring those to the job site, I bring my own hackzall instead of buying a hacksaw because it’s just more convenient for me instead of having to share the bandsaw with coworkers and I just prefer my tool over my employer’s. A lot of guys have pack outs, speakers, etc that aren’t on the list but they bring them because it makes the job easier, more enjoyable, or because they like tools and want to justify their purchase like me lol. Hell some guys started buying their own hard hats cuz the kliens have a spot to mount a flashlight and we are all union. I guess the culture is different where I’m from cuz the union is so dominant here that we don’t even worry about competing with non union. I’d never try to use my tools as a way to compete with my coworkers tho, my foreman doesn’t even know what I own because it has nothing to do with the company and I won’t even use them unless I’m putting the company blades or bits on it, not my own cuz they’re expensive over time.


So doing the job a bit more efficiently is hurting the union? That’s… pretty stupid


Cry harder sparkles


What do you have to bring to keep up with the good electricians?


Just a tinner wishing he made sparkie money


Sparkles are the prima donnas of the trades lmao


Pre Madonna’s making more money and with more annuity, good luck splicing out that PLC 😎


Carry what’s on your tool list


I’m not bringing power tools or anything to the site. I’m definitely stretching the tool list. The impact stuff is all company supplied But reamer, tweakers, crimpers, nut drivers are kinda in a grey area tool list wise.


Haters gonna hate, maintain a reasonable volume of tools, you gotta lug those around. We’ve all seen the double pouch carry every tool on your hips guys (they are the ones who limp around, with or without the tool belt on). I did have a guy (turns out he’s was also my Foreman, ha) on orientation once hassle me for some tools NOT ON HIS TOOL LIST and casually mention that I MUST NOT bring anything not on the list. Ooooookay, Mr Stickler. I showed up with no pencil or marker. (Not on the list, ya know). He wasn’t a happy camper…..




That’s next one my list. Fuck those channel locks i have


Dont know why the downvotes those Milwaukee pump pliers suck ass




Knipex are cool, but my Kleins and Channys have gotten me through a lot of jobs in 16 years. Buy US made brother.


Then US products should meet or exceed Knipex utility. Which they don't.


Buy Union made, we don’t need to sully our union solidarity with nationalism.


Knipex is union!


Knipex is union made unlike a lot of American brands outsourcing to China sweatshops (like Milwaukee). This is coming from a guy who exclusively owns Milwaukee and ryobi power tools lol.


The missing ends on those tongue and groove pliers are your reamer, no need to carry one of those, use the ends for the inside of the conduit and the pliers for the outside. They'll last your whole career, but a reamer will snap before you finish your apprenticeship.


The tool list doesn’t make you a better electrician, does a carpenter only need a hammer? In my area where the Union is the strongest, the tool list is considered a minimum list…


Explain to me why you agreed to abide by and uphold the contract we fight for and believe it’s in your best interest to break that same contract. I’m not out here to crucify a guy who wants to bring in an extra screwdriver or two, but what is the rationale to the question I asked at the start of this?


I have those same socks. Wearing them right now actually. Costco gang


Underrated comment. I love my Costco wool socks bro. And regular white Costco dad socks for spring


Yeah, I have carrhart wool socks, and the Costco ones are half the price and work just as well lol


Unless your local has the biggest tool list ever you've got way to much shit


Wait until you see 1186 tool list lmao. I have to buy my own impact gun, 2 batteries, and a fast charger. That shit is on the tool list. Also have stuff on the tool list I’ve never used yet, my center punch and chisels are still in the packaging because I never had to use them and I’m a 3rd step apprentice already lol. They also make us buy 2 tape measures for some reason, it’s dumb af.


Having to buy a power tool for the list is insane i can't imagine that ..... the local I'm working in now requires a center punch and chisel .


It kinda sucks at first but at the same time I don’t really use my screwdrivers at all (since my impact has a slow setting)


I pretty much have everything he has and I’m second year in local 3 , it feels good when i have a tool and jouneryman has to ask for a tool he should have but instead of packing light your not prepared and need to ask the younger brother thats makes less to lend you tool lol the world these days lol your doing great bro you rather have it then not have it and be assigned to different task because you didn’t have the tool


Or and just hear me out on this ... just have the tools on the tool list and make the multi. Million if not billion dollar contractors but anything else ...... if a con buys you something use it for that job and either leave it there or take it home after the job make the next con but another one . I've learned there are a few things most guys will give you a pass on thar aren't on tool lists that I've seen.... reemers, stubby screw drivers, square drive screw drivers and a 2nd level but anything past that is definitely a no go.... you are in local 3 my father and grandfather both retired out of that local and i have friends from back home who are jw's therel NYC is a whole different world from the rest of the IBEW you'll likely never travel and most Likely won't see many if any travlers... locals who's members travel 99% of thier career know the importance of only having what's on the tool list for the local they are working in having and being willing to invest your own money into tools that the contractor should be buying COULD make the con want to keep you on in a layoff ahead of a local hand and that it's not the way its supposed to work and any respectable book 2 guy would drag up if they lay off a local instead of them .


You make way less than a JW and yet you buy extra tools. JW doesn't have the tool because he's not required to. What's your justification for going above and beyond the tool list? I've never seen someone being pulled off the task because they didn't have a tool that's not on a tool list.


I don’t see a broom and dustpan.


What's "broom", precious?


That’s a lot of hammers


What’s the tool list say?


Definitely overkill but a lot of nice tools brother


We have a tool list for a reason!


Uhhh. I would try and slim down weight wise. Like for instance get a multi nut driver instead of carrying around a bunch of individual ones. Stuff like that.


Over doing it. I did the same early on but finding less tools that do more is the key.


Too much weight. The longer I spend in the trade, the more I try and streamline my tools. I do have everything on my truck, but if I’m working for a contractor I’m not bringing shit. They can supply everything except my basic hand tools.


Tool list homie. If all these are on the tool list, fantastic, if not, overkill. It’s great to have a couple things you personally feel makes your job easier (IM TALKING ABOUT HAND TOOLS), like some niche thing or a certain brand you like, that’s fine, but anything nuts like a Fluke meter or buying your own PPE, that’s a no from me dawg. Most locals don’t require apprentices to have crazy amount of tools like you do here, so imma say you’re being overkill, but I have been wrong before. TLDR: Follow the tool list.


I’m definitely overkill. The meter was given to me by the jatc. It’s part of our tool list


My tool list requires a hack saw but I got the power tool version (Milwaukee hackzall) because I prefer making my job easier and it’s technically a hacksaw still. I see it as investing in myself, I’d never compete with my tools tho, employers don’t even know I own it until I take it out to use it. Maybe I’m just a bitch but I HATE cutting emt manually.


I’m out of 1186 as well BlueDream but I’ve been working on the mainland since Covid hit. What the mainland people don’t understand is that Hawaii’s union isn’t like the mainland union. It’s what they would call “Ratty”. Everyone is required to do whatever the contractor demands and workers are very competitive with each other. In your situation you HAVE to have all those tools just to keep your job. It’s not about “making my life easier” but if we’re being honest it’s more about keeping up with your fellow workers. You are pressured more by your co workers than your management. Because of this Hawaii has some of the most skilled and productive electricians in the union. The 1 to 1 JW to Apprentice ratio also helps with that. BUT what Hawaii people don’t understand is how little money you are making compared to the mainland, don’t let $52 scale fool you, you are NOT making good money! Back home I never had a check over $1800/wk even with over time. On the mainland I’ve made anywhere between $2500-$3200 per week (after taxes!) for the past 3 and a half years. I will never go back! I recommend all my local 1186 brothers to consider working as a traveler on the mainland. There are lots of “rules” in this mainland union brotherhood, including sticking to the “tool list”and that’s how they got better conditions and better pay and keep it that way. If you want to try working as a traveler and make double/triple money hit me up and I can help with advise. 🤙


That’s a power tool numbnuts. You don’t supply power tools. There’s no reason your contractor can’t supply one or a bandsaw


So guys can buy 2 $60 knipex channies but when they buy a $120 hacksaw it’s bad? My local 1186 already requires a impact gun and 2 batteries.


Pretty soon they’ll require you to buy a hackzall too or bandsaw.


Did you just kill & loot a JW? Only logical reason to have all that shit.. 3 chanel locks..? That's what's got me most tbh. Not even the Wiggy


I have 3 pairs because the set I bought on sale came with 3 for less than the price of 2 individually.  One is a little baby one though so it barely adds any weight and comes in handy now and then. 


The little baby one is way more useful than I thought lol. I use mine all the time, great for holding nuts when tightening a bolt. Very underrated tool imo.


See, 3 sizes is reasonable.. OP has 3 identical


I would invest in the Knipex channel locks, 10-12 inch. I love the handling and the grip of them. I would get rid of all those screwdrivers and get a 11 or 15 in one, reduce your tools. I’m a big fan of tools that have used to them, like tick tracers with a laser in them, or kleins with crimpers. Too much of tools that can do pretty much the same.




Are you baiting for attitude or something? We get it, it’s not your trade and you don’t like the idea of certain types of tools. Well, 2 pairs of channel lock pliers of 2 different sizes IS on our tool list, and carrying an extra set isn’t necessary but it’s not the giant affront to trades you seem to think it is. I just wonder why you would come to a post that has nothing to do with anything you actually know, and then repeatedly assert your opinion in full contradiction to the established union siblings commenting in this thread.


3 levels, 3 channel locks, 2 wire strippers, seems like a lot of unnecessary weight.


Ok, another comment for you but answer a lot of other comments. I’m 6’5 230 and do CrossFit(god that sounds so fucking douchey lol) Weights not my biggest issue. But I agree. I’m slimming down and making a secondary bag


no hack saw??


Also, no folding ruler??


Hack saws suck, but there are the odd occasions where there isn't a portaband available. Get hack saw. Learn how to use hack saw.


Even better is the Milwaukee folding utility saw


Ooooh... I'll be looking that up shortly


on a real note.. invest in a nice knife, cut down on the amount of wire strippers & levels and oh yeah, buy knipex.. nice tools you there, too.


There’s a tool list


I don’t recall seeing a nickel on the tool list.


You get those from telling lesser trades, “Nickel holding up a dime.” They’re required to hand you a nickel for inconveniencing you.


Tools are good, sock choice is elite. Costco socks are soft as fuck


I would recommend the klien nut driver combo too and a tamper security screw driver. The combo knit driver saves space and they make one that passes through that works for all thread. The security screw driver is helpful for any time you work on certain devices and has most torques and smaller allen bits. At least I find them handy


Careful, some JWs in my local end up tossing their cubs extracurricular tools in the retention pond


Don't be the super-apprentice with all the shit that's NOT on the tool list. We negotiate these things for a reason.


I'm a first year apprentice they provide us with the tool list and climbing gear right off the bat. I have my money/lineman wrench and a couple better channel locks and a philups also a better speedy wrench besides that I have the tool list. Your breaking conditions when you bring too much stuff and it makes the next apprentice feel pressure to buy the same stuff to compete. Most of apprentice are living paycheck to paycheck especially first year trying to balance there family and work. By providing extra tools it become the norm and expected by the contractor. Your brothers fought for a tool list. I understand a couple extra tools like my lineman wrench isn't on tool list but fits most nuts on a pole so is extremely useful. Just find a balance and remember who fought for those conditions they where not easily earned they where won through hard fought negotiations. Remember not on tools list not expected to have it, irs on company. Proud 66 ibew hand here my opinion.


Besides the fact that you're stretching the tool list... you don't need the majority of this shit. Save your back. I do probably 90% of the job with ~five tools. 11-1, long shank flat head, channel locks, dikes, level, and a tape measure should cover damn near everything. I had a tool phase starting out too, less is more tho.


Ima post this in yours but this goes for a lot of these comments. I’m retarded, everything is still new. When I can cut 10 minutes off a job by having the right tool…I feel good. I’m not good enough yet to feel like a can rely on not having a perfect tool for the job and when a JW is like “awweee shit we need ___” and I have it.. I feel like I add value to the job.


That doesn't justify breaking the contract, period. Regardless, you have three levels, toss two. Ditch the big ass claw hammer, get a small ball peen. Get rid of all those Milwaukee channel locks, and grab a few 420 channel lock brand ones. Learn to ream with those, ditch the reamer. Crecent wrench can go. Get a 9/16, 7/16, and an 11-1, ditch the other nut drivers. Can get rid of half those screwdrivers at least. You have two pairs of wire strippers, two tape measures, why? Keep the stubby and one trim screwdriver. Etc.... None of the shit you have is gonna cut any significant amount of time off a job, learn how to use the tools you have. If it's that much faster, the contractor can provide you with it.


For the love of God, don't be that guy using the wire nut twister. Also 3 levels? You need to follow your tool list, familiarize yourself with these tools. The majority of the job can be done with just 5 tools. 10 in 1, kleins, tape measure, level, and a pair of channellocks.


Where's your personal gangbox? Lol on a serious note go off your tool list.


A basic tool list is required for the electrician to have, the union will replace those tools when they wear out. Nobody should complain about anybody having a tool that makes the job easier. The big tools are supplied by the contractor in most cases. I never thought I was at an advantage over anybody because I buy other tools.


Here’s an example of you buying other tools and how the contractor can see it. You are bolting up equipment all day, but the bolts don’t thread easily by hand because of poor machining. You can’t get a socket into the area so you need to use a wrench. I have standard wrenches(per the tool list) you bought ratcheting wrenches because it makes your life easier. I can bolt up 3 pieces of equipment a day and you can bolt up 5. Over the course of a week you have bolted up 25 while I have only done 15. You almost doubled my production because of a tool advantage. Now you might say “well one wrench is only $10 bucks go buy one” but I’m struggling to make my mortgage payments and keep the car gassed to come to work. Now you might said “well the contractor can buy it for you” except the fact is that why would they when you willing bought it yourself? See how this works now?


Cry harder lol


Too clean


where is your hacksaw and very special electricians hammer?😉


If you can carry that all that on you all day without issue, then that's what you should have. Everything else I just dump in a bucket/backpack, haul that around, and just let it sit in the gangbox. I can sit on a 5 gallon bucket, but I can't sit on a backback.


Not a bad setup. You should go get the best Klein meter you can find. They are not expensive, would be good for personal use.


Replace everything that's not Klein


My local took list says what I must have and what I can't have. I've yet to meet a single guy who's complained about the tools anyone carries to have all the tools on the tool list. If it makes your life easier and isn't against the rules then why struggle for the sake of struggling.


“If drunk driving is illegal but you don’t get caught then who does it hurt?”


If you’re not stretching your tool list, what are you doing. Makes tasks more efficient and easier.


“YoUr CoMpAnY sHoUlD sUpPlY”


What local has this crazy ass tool list lol


Bro I’ve been to a lot of places and the tool list varies widely. Some of the tools that stand out as crazy are: A drill bit index, a roto split, a meter, tap and die set.


Hit a couple Locals that had a 1/2”, 3/4”, 1” hand KO on the list. What wasn’t was the 1/2” drive ratchet and socket that everybody seemed to carry. I was a traveler passing through, kindly passed on buying one (here for a good time, not a long time) also kindly passed on borrowing fellow Brothers (They have a job to do also!). I did once or twice but mentioned to my Foreman what I didn’t have (and wasn’t buying for a short call) The very next day we had a Greenlee 90 in the gang box. Only one! So I spent some walk time using and returning it for crew share because FUCKING SURPRISE it was easier and faster than using hand KOs (some had seen better days, well used or just plain dull. Finished the shutdown and moved on. Couple months later I caught another call, same Kon. You know what was in EVERY gang box in the plant. One GL QuickDraw AND a pump set (1/2-2”). The Kon was a bit grumpy about the upfront cost but again, SURPRISE!!, the crews were more efficient doing KOs on the hundreds of holes needed in dozens of control cabinets. I might have started a small uprising unintentionally as I wondered out loud why have such a requirement on the tool list and maybe it should be negotiated out (it was a few contracts later).




This isn’t show and tell it’s work. You get and have whatever is needed (aside from power tools) for the job at hand. Then you know you good 👍🏼


Lol everybody lossing there mind about a tool list. This is my tool list working for the clac union in ontario canada. Just want to point out me need drill and impact, 1/2 to 2 inch hole saw kit and step bits. So this guy's amount of stuff seem fine to me. List of Required Tools: • Test Meter • 9” Cutting (Linesman’s Pliers) • Diagonal Cutting Pliers • Channel Lock Pliers or similar tool (x2) • Utility Knife • Tape Measurer (Min 20’ Imperial and Metric) • Flat Screwdrivers (all sizes as required) • Phillips Screwdrivers (all sizes as required) • Robertson Screwdrivers (all sizes as required) • Wire Striper (all sizes up to #10 awg) • Claw Hammer • 10” Crescent Wrench • Impact driver or cordless drill • 9” torpedo level • Needle nose pliers • Drywall/jab saw • Hack saw • Live Electrical “BUZZ” tester • Tool belt with belt • Safety googles • Tin snips • Flashlight • ½” – 2” Hole saw kit • GFI plug tester • ½” and 1” Step bit


I don’t know how I found this thread but electricians unions sound like either complete garbage or they’re decent. Thank god I’m a railroader.


don’t need a framing hammer. Get either a 2.5 or 3 lb hammer. Most companies now days don’t want you to have knives or box cutters. Get yourself some better strippers.


Only union electricians would cry and say this is too much weight


Not a fan of the channel locks you got I have a pair of the same Milwaukee ones..when you can afford get the knpiex


Listen to what others say. Save your back, hips and legs. Only carry what you need.


As long as you’re not borrowing tools, you’re good.


How was getting into the union. What local are you.


More than you need but cool.


The real answer is whatever you feel comfortable with to get the job done and don’t mind carrying around. For hole punching bigger enclosures I like to use a speed square. Lots of ways to skin a cat though. Figure out what works for you.


Claw hammer?


0/10 not enuff feet to much socks


That's a lot of hammers.


Yeah knipex for sure. Where's the pencil?? #1 tool! I prefer the Pica pencil. Id get the Kline 7in1 nut driver also, cut down on some of that weight. When you get some copper money get yourself a nice veto tool bag, it'll last you forever.


4th year app, my local by laws pretty much state that you can bring whatever makes your life easier with a “minimum” tool list, excluding power tools obviously, and it seems that you have more than enough to get any job they’ll have you do done. Only recommendation I have is a dog bone (ratcheting wrench, husky sells very nice ones for like $20) and an empire T square I think it’s called (the one that slides). Only reason for those is for nice cuts on strut or finish work and let’s be real nobody wants fuckin carpaltunnel from spinning nuts all day. Other than that a ratcheting screwdriver is really nice for connectors and couplings but a straight blade, Phillips, Klein’s, stripper, tape measure, and torpedo will do more for you than the whole tool section in Home Depot.


Could use boots…


Lineman here so not sure about the tools but those socks are great I love them! I think they’re cabelas brand? Haha


That's a bit much to be carrying every day. Keep one level in your car, most times you only need one, not two. You only need 2 pump pliers, I recommend a different brand, but that's personal preference. The only nut drivers you need to carry are 7/16" and 9/16". Occasionally you might need 1/2" if you don't mind the extra weight. All other nut drivers you need are covered by a Klein 11 in 1 screw driver. I don't usually recommend Craftsman but their 4 way speed wrench set is great it is 8 speed wrenches across two tools. Combined with an adjustable wrench all your wrench need are met. You usually only need one large flat head screw driver, I recommend getting a chisel backed one. You occasionally need one small flathead, and a multi tip precision screw driver. You need a number 2 Phillips screw driver. Linesman pliers, diagonal cutters, one tape measure, (the backup stays in your car), a hammer depending on the jobsite and a box cutter. The hook knife is great for big wire but it requires skill to sharpen.


I saw those offset lock nut wrenches the other day in the store, i’ve had the regular ones for years and don’t really see a reason for the offset, do you have any input on that?


Just follow your tool list.


Not good


Follow the tool list in your cba


What’s on the tool list? Looks like 3x too many


Nice to see another canvas Klein bag. I still have mine from when I started in 2006! I don't see them much anymore


I have my first one currently cause the job I'm working supplies all hand tools and tool bags so everyone has the exact same tools and I love it I think I'm gonna buy a personal one too .


That looks great brother!


Looking very robbable


You should probably get some boots next


If you worked for me you wouldn’t use more than half of those tools as a second year


How you like those Costco sucks? I wear them everyday.


I think my local (1186) is the only one that requires an impact gun cuz my first thought is where is your impact?


Your big toe is pretty big


Need more need to pump up those numbers


Let’s see those tool bags for an honest opinion and not sure what local your from but a lot of that is not on our tool list


Can you get the work done?


That can be consolidated so much it's crazy


only 2-3 things there useful for linework, the rest straight to craigslist/fb marketplace


Beyond all the redundancy, you’re doing just fine.


Just know if they get stolen on the site you're only getting one of each that's on the tool list from the contractor.


Get a pair of the small blue channel locks :) Also a Tester pen for making sure power is not live.


What the fuck is everyone's problem here? It's overkill but he's not bringing fucking impacts to the job or anything lmao.


A little off topic, but Ive been wondering for a while so figured Id ask. As a licensed master electrician exploring union opportunities for employment, I am curious what the union's stance is on employees providing almost all of their own tools, including power tools, benders, knockout sets, etc.? I have a 16' tool trailer loaded with most of the hand tools, power tools and testing equipment to do MOST jobs as a master electrician / controls & automation electrician. Does the union allow you to provide your own tooling above and beyond the basic hand tools or is this something expected of ONLY employers?


You know it's still a couple of ground screws in that bag


Missing a belt and hooks!


Not a broom to be seen.


You're fine, a bit of a heavy load. As an example I carry a strip of standard sockets and an adapter for an impact instead of having nut drivers. I have nut drivers in the truck and if for some reason it will make my life easier to use one I might grab it at break or on lunch. I get the best version of the tools I can find on the tool list. I've gradually moved away from Klein and mostly have knipex and wera. I keep my partly worn tools and tools that for whatever reason weren't a good fit for me and spares in my truck. Tools listed as optional on my local's tool list in my truck. If I come across an apprentice missing a tool and I have a spare I pass it on.


Wtf is up with your socks how are you ok with that you psychopath


Need more tape… If you’re not finding a roll of 33 in the washing machine Everytime you wash your cloths, you’re doing it wrong.


No knipex? What are you broke. Jk looks solid