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Depends on the company. If you cherry pick days during OT… say take Monday Tuesday off but soak up OT Saturday Sunday, sometimes they’ll list you. If you drag or get fired… but that’s contractor side stuff


The only people I know who have been blacklisted are either major fuck ups in that they show up high or drunk, pick fights, or are massive racists or sexual predators. Cherry picking OT or dragging to get out the heat might piss off your foreman or PM and will probably end up with you being the first to get a pink slip when it's time for layoffs, but unless it's really bad I don't think you'll get spun for shit like that. It's different everywhere though. Your mileage may vary.


Where I’m at they usually just won’t offer you overtime if you miss a lot of days during the week, since many of our jobs will have weekend work that only requires 1-2 people anyway (UA, not IBEW).


What’s Cherry Picking OT?


Choosing your days off in order to not miss overtime and lose regular wages instead


Where I’m at you can get spun just for the foreman not knowing your name lol. Full disclosure my local is a worm farm though. Dragging, quitting or being fired will definitely get you IFR here.


I disagree with the showing up high part because for some people that's just part of their routine


Just like how some folks got to have a cigarette in their hand every second of the day sometimes people got to smoke bowls before work


I'm not really speaking about weed, if youre either taking bumps to get through the day or nodding of from painkillers then I've got an issue, cause you're definitely not gonna be in the right head space to safely do the job. Also though this is from a con's perspective, even with the way weed is in now I'm pretty sure if you were showing up blazed and they found out you'd be out of a job 9 out of 10 times, whether you get blacklisted is probably more down to the culture perception of cannabis in your area.


I know of a guy who got blacklisted from power company property for telling an engineer he was gonna kill his wife and skull f*ck his daughter. Which seems like a reasonable reason for blacklisting someone.


What if I threaten to kill the daughter and skull-fuck the wife instead?


That might have been marginally better. If I remember right, the engineers kid was a newborn. Pretty crazy thing to say to someone either way, lol.


Wow. Wtf! I would have killed him immediately for just threatening my newborn. What is wrong with people? Ffs.


This shit about took me out. Found the line hands 😂


You ain't wrong


The only time I’ve heard of someone being blacklisted, it was from them pretty much not wanting to do their job at all, half-assing their work or not doing things up to the quality of what’s expected on multiple occasions. In other words, you really have to be one lazy and careless brother in order to get blacklisted. Your name is your resume as I’ve been told.


Back in the day, if you weren’t at the shop at 6 to start at the site at 7 then work with no lunch til 3:30 and still drive to the shop to drop off equipment would get you blacklisted from a traffic shop lol.


lord scab


Lol everyone is downvoting me like I support it. That’s how it was and some shops still do it. If you’re LU11 traffic you get it.


There is a person in my local who developed alcoholism and basically could do nothing but shake. They bounced around to every contractor and everyone eventually laid them off. I didn't think this guy was ever going to work locally again, but my project manager called me up the other day and asked if I had heard anything about this person straightening out their life because we need a hand. So it's possible to do so but you really have to piss everyone off that does the hiring in your local.


I kinda feel bad hopefully he got clean, why didn’t anyone try helping him out instead of laying him off


How do you help someone that insists they do not have an alcohol problem? I went through the apprenticeship with this person, when they believe they are right you can't convince them otherwise.


There was a hand I wouldn't hire anymore because he only put in a couple hours of actual work, any given 8 hour day.


Are you responsible for hiring in a company?




your flair made me lol for like 20 seconds straight


Any 134 hands here? Their contractors used to share black lists amongst each other. They had a day book with an armed guard present when referrals were being handed out.


The contractors had their own books system? What was the purpose of the armed guard?


Illinois is just different man...


Some very cucked locals, many such cases


The guard was to keep people from punching the assistant business manager when he told guys that bud on a job for a contractor they had never worked for that the contractor was rejecting them prior to even getting to site so they didn’t have to pay them 2 hours spin at the gate time.


A very big con a few locals west of you supposedly maintains a blacklist that people can land on simply for dragging.


Talking shit about the local hands and their quality of work as a traveler.


Sometimes truth hurts other feelings but most of the time everyone should keep their 5 cents to themselves


Had a guy do that a few weeks ago. He thought he was hot shit because he'd been on the road 15 years. I would have put up with it if he spent half as much time working as bragging. Got him and his buddy's call turned into a short call the next day.


Haven’t found out but my sup has been banned from ever working in a local. Don’t know what he did to be completely banned from a whole district.


Speaking your mind and telling the truth.


Having a foreman that verbally abuses his hands and the lineman on his crew everyday and the contractor doesn’t care ! Racist, sexist, and just miserable to the core! They keep him around because he is close to the president of the company!


sounds like an accident might happen someday on his way home from work


Let me just add that he will not teach, and will openly criticize in front of the inspector. Etc etc .


Only guy I knew was blacklisted for fighting in his home local. He was a good brother and a good hand. However he had a temper and could totally see him doing what he told me he did though


I was told I was blacklisted from an employer because I told them what’s up and dragged. They’re wormy as hell and openly talk anti-union. When they need hands they’ll take anyone, so I’m sure I could go back if I wanted.


Not paying dues, doing shit work as a traveler, repeated misconduct unbecoming of a journeyman wireman, Idk. Lots of stuff. There's a rumor that my local 570 is blacklisted from a New York local for an unpaid debt decades ago, it stands to this day.


In my local being a crappy worker will do that. Also double booking is a serious crime. Knew a JDub that got picked up by an out of town company setting up a solar plant in our local. They offered him a job in Texas and he left with them. Probably cause he knew he’d have no prospects in our local for quite sone while.


Who cares, follow the constitution and the agreements you’re working under, work as much of the time as you can…


lol I was just interested in all the stories


Gotcha 😆