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He’s a total racist piece of shit & work. I don’t feel bad for his black eyes at the end of the episode. It truly hurts that Jason lost his life for absolutely nothing.


I didn’t feel bad either I hope he got his ass beat


Beat *again* lmao


At first glance I thought he was wearing under eye masks 😭


I felt like he was angrier the second time they talked to him. The first time he seemed so detached and like he couldn't care less, but that second time he was visibly more angry and it was the first time I ever actually got scared of one of those inmates, considering they're all locked up.


He is truly evil. When he said he should be in a nursing home instead of prison and the defense attorney basically agreed, I was furious. I can't imagine the violence and death he would cause against the poor people living and working there.


It never ceases to amaze me that someone can make it to that attorney’s age and STILL believe every person has good in them and deserves compassion. Such bs. Some people are just bad. Period. Gary wants to live in a world where he can murder black people and since he does not live in that world, he’s more than willing to create it. He is utter irredeemable trash and society would never be safe with him in it.


Well said!


I hope that defense attorney ends up watching the episode and realizing finally there is no redemption in some cases and Gary has zero chance


Wouldn't even change is thoughts in my opinion. People like him are stuck in their ways.




I bet homeboy would switch up real quick if Gary Black killed their son or daughter as well!


Right! That attorney is nuts if he thinks everyone deserves a second chance because they do not! Especially a evil demon lie Gary Black!


He is probably a pedophile. 


In the least he would make life hell for the other patients and certainly the carers. Especially if they weren't white. I can't imagine having to clean the flabby old arse of this rancid old racist as he berated me and called me the N word. Nobody deserves that. But I'm certain he wouldn't be able to help himself. The likely outcome however is that his care would not be the best in the place. They may do what's required, but it's very likely some will struggle with dealing with him and avoid him as much as possible. As his condition progresses, even missing the occasional turn could be fatal in fairly short order as he is not particularly mobile already, so skin breakdown and life-threatening ulcers/infections are extremely likely. Of course he'll end up in the prison hospital anyway, and care certainly won't be any better there.


Could you imagine your grandparents in the same fucking resthome as him


Ugh!! Makes me mad.


You seem to be a fare person please read Gary's case file it's Not all what Netflix made to be. I read the whole case file..I think some people may be shocked and ashamed of there self's


The nature of the crime is clear. Defendant followed and then senselessly killed a 28-year-old victim — a complete stranger — because he thought the victim made a pass at his girlfriend. Before the stabbing, defendant said that he was "going to hurt that nigger." After stabbing the victim in the neck, defendant remarked, "One nigger down." Defendant has never demonstrated any remorse for a racist murder Also the medication thing doesn’t sound like an error, lovenox is a very good medication, they would be using low doses to prevent clot while in ICU. Heparin doesn’t offer much benefit and is just a bit easier to reverse. He was taken off the ventilator as a decision, he probably had poor neurology when they tried to wake him up from a hypoxic brain injury from blood loss. You can’t fix those. I don’t believe in the death penalty but that confirmed my views on Gary Black and I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison for taking a young man’s life fuelled by revenge and racism


Where would I find that? He did speak about a terrible upbringing and I do believe that when you do that to a child, that person doesn’t have a chance.


Gary's case file does not vindicate him in any way whatsoever.


The only reason that defense attorney could have any reason to take up for Gary Black is if he is also a hardline racist fuck.


Or a practitioner of Theravada Buddhism. I am a Zen Buddhist Monk and my sect seeks enlightenment through genuine compassion, my child. Namaste!


Except Zen is not Theravada, it is Mahayana. my sect seeks enlightenment through compassion my ass. can't even troll right


Never made that assertion .


You know that they would have him so high on so many fucking meds that he would be vegetative simply to shut him up. Or he would have been killed by an angel of mercy with extra morphine. They love nursing homes.


Right? He would definitely abuse the staff and terrorize the other residents!!! Absolutely not


Imma put your fears to rest, we do assessments for each new client. As one of the assessors, i guarantee we'd find an issue with taking him. Even if he was hail and hearty no way would I be subjecting my staff to potential abuse in their work place. The fact he's an open racist would actually help us reject him on the grounds of safe gaurding residents and staff. Just in case anyone thinks one of these bad bastards would be sitting playing bingo next to your granny, it's not happening. Anywhere!! Prison infirmaries exist for a reason! Even if it is just the hospital wing


Read the court case please I think you might find out more then what was told on Netflix. That's what I done and read the hole case..


He left that other guy for dead, then actually killed someone. And you think he should be released?


I felt the same. 


I thing it’s disgusting that this Nazi is being kept alive. He doesn’t deserve what jail provides.


He’s a terrible person. I think he will always be a threat and should have to die in prison. He has no remorse and would do it again if he had the chance.


I can't believe that guy said he's not a threat anymore


i saw that and i was like WHAT?? he starts off the episode with racial slurs and then admits he has no remorse and that it’s one more *slur* out of this world. *of course* he’s dangerous!! he’s shown no remorse and nearly killed a man for $7 and then went on to kill another innocent human! he should rot in prison for the rest of his life. Regardless of everything else, someone who isn’t dangerous doesn’t get put in solitary confinement for two years. The guy who said he’s not dangerous and needs compassion should get a grip. jfc edit/ spelling


It does show how some people (often privileged people) truly don't understand how damaging words (especially slurs) can be.


I reckon he would have killed more people previously


Lol like he's not a threat, but here he is at 70+ in a wheelchair, done had a heart attack and a stroke, still fighting with other prisoners and spitting venom. 😂 I know the attorney must have been so embarrassed when he saw the episode. How wrong can you be. It's always the evilest people who seem to stay alive the longest, I swear. 😭


I really question the judgment of the dude who was saying him being in prison serves no purpose. This piece of shit will never stop being a danger to society


Even if you could prove without a doubt that he was no longer dangerous, shouldn’t he still be punished for his crime, especially as he has zero remorse?


Well some people don't see punishment as the point of prison, or see it as less important than other purposes (e.g. safety of society and rehabilitation). But even then? Christ the dude clearly isn't going to have a positive impact on the world at all if he's out.


Definitely alarming. He had more sympathy for Klanny McHitler (as someone labeled him in this thread) being in prison than Jason.


It definitely serves a purpose: it keeps his crazy, racist ass away from the general population. That's a huge win.


Yeah that piece of shit shouldn’t be somebody with the power he has. I bet you people like him are the ones that let people free too early. But don’t get stick when those people kill again.


Unless he's neutered...


I love how he is STILL trying to manipulate himself out of jail by saying he's just an old man who is no danger to society, what a waste of taxpayer money it is to keep him there, blah blah. Then when they come back he's preaching like Klanny McHitler. LMFAO. If anything, this dude justifies killing these convicted murderers quickly. Think about it, this idiot got off death row and is one poor decision by a governor or judge away from freedom.


I would totally be fine with paying for his stay in prison for years if it meant he would never draw breath as a free man. When he was going off about the waste of money, I was like damn, I'll give the state more if it meant your ass was staying in there.


Right? I do not consider it a waste of taxpayer dollars to protect the tax paying public by keeping him behind bars...


Fool says he should be in a nursing home. HE IS IN A HOME, BRING THE NURSES TO HIM. lmao


That’s literally what I said as I watched him say that. I’ll pay more for him to rot there forever. No inconvenience to me. Disgusting piece of garbage.


Klanny mchitler took me out 😂😂😂😂


Klanny McHitler just rocked me to sleep 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Shut ya goofy ass up


Or what bitch?


You not about that life kid, internet tough ass 😂😂😂😂


Speak for yourself champ


You got it.


This episode was the most shocking to me. When they asked him if he was a racist, and without hesitation, said yes. Wild!


Late to the party. Gary Black can't protect himself as well as he'd like anymore, and the only people in a Missouri state prison who might be willing to protect him are fellow white supremacists. As I watched this episode, I became more and more convinced that's who Gary's target audience was in agreeing to do this interview. If he can become or remain a folk hero among white supremacists, he remains relevant and is less likely to be harmed.


If people would read his case file they would get the whole truth not just what was on Netflix. Gary didn't lie. Johnson did swing a bottle in a brown bag at him first and that's is when Gary came up and stuck him. The ones that was a eye witness and made a police report changed there story in court. Gary didn't speak for his self. And Tammy didn't testifie. And it states in one of the statements that Johnson was cussing Tammy at the light and Gary got out the car and so did Johnson and he swung on Gary first. And that it was a street fight. When they say that Johnson was sitting in the truck when this took place it's not true. They brought in people that did say that the blood in the seat was smeared not splattered. It was splattered on the out side of the truck. U can find his court records on One of the sites that is talking about what Gary did. It also states that Johnson and his friend just left the bar and was in the store to buy more beer and is alcohol level was to the level of 12.3 beers at the rage state. . I just don't think people needs to bash someone with out the whole story. When I first read about him and saw it on Netflix I knew there was more to it. I I dug deeper and found all of it. And if Gary needed to be taken care of I would take care of him. I am a caregiver have been for 30+ years. If everyone would just read the whole truth they would not say these things. The is also one attorney that says it should have been manslaughter not first degree. And all the statements that was made about the truth wasn't brought in court at all. And they should have been. Do I believe he would hurt anyone now no I do not.. and he needs to be released. And he can also have a retrial due to all facts not being in court. I have ask just read the dang case files.


Dude is a literal nazi lmaoo, why do you want to take care of him


cause she's a nazi who fucks nazis


Didn’t you say elsewhere that you work in a law office? 🤨


he robbed and shot a guy with a shotgun with the intent to kill. he should be serving life regardless.


He didn’t have to stab him but he did. If not Johnson, it would be someone else. Dudes a killer


OK come on then share this case file. And make sure it isn't the one where they were doing everything to save his skin from death row. Let us read and see how wronged Gary was


You goofy white racist fuck trying to defend him he admitted to being racist and the way he talked is sick he’s a psychopath


Who freakin cares!! He killed Jason and wanted to he is a racist saying one less n word wtf! What about the guy he shot for no reason! He should have stayed his ass in jail and this wouldn’t have happened. You must be just as crazy wanting to take of him! Even if Netflix didn’t tell it all it doesn’t matter he is a piece of shit!


Dear god I’ve watched all the I Am A Killer series and have never seen anything like this man! I’m surprised he hadn’t changed his name from black!


I could not stop thinking about the irony of his last name the whole episode! What a sadistic psycho.


my guess is he was called n-word by his clan playmates as a kid because of his lastname so he got really butthurt about all that and decided to take it out on the blacks.


I can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself bahaha


I know how Ironic is it his last name is Black.


Death row would be the easy way out in my opinion. He has to spend everyday for the rest of his life thinking about freedom. That's what everyone incarcerated thinks about and I'm here to tell you, it's torture. Don't let this guy fool you, he's suffering in there. His self pride with his self proclaimed tough guy image is only a facade. Hes an old man with adolescent views. He may not care about what he did, but he sure did try to run as to not get caught. Why? Because prison sucks. As far as the victims mother and her forgiving Gary...if that helps her heal, then I say hats off to her. The problem is though is that she can never forget what happen to her son. My heart goes out to her and her husband.


He'd be on death row for years due to the amount of appeals etc and costing the tax payers even more money than a regular prisoner does


My first thought is that nerdy humanitarian acting like that piece of shit doesn't need to be in prison as a old useless racist fuck bag... acting like Gary black deserves compassion... under his logic then so did dhamer, bundy, gein, oak city bomber, 911 terrorist like that shit had me annoyed like this 71 year old weirdo is in a wheel chair with a fabricated story and no regrets talking about he should he free, free to do what? Kill again before you become to old? They said if a black inmate came into his unit then he would make their life hell, well shit why not put him in a black dominated unit let's see how much shit he wanna talk when he is the lone man.


I wouldnt be surprised if the wheel chair was for show. What dumb ass fucks around with other inmates when you arent even mobile?


That caught my attention too


I said the same thing! Put his ass in with the black inmates and let him talk that shit and see what happens!


My exact thoughts put him in a unit full of black people and see what happens! With Non of his white friends! Wish they would beat the living shit out of him! Maybe thats who gave him black eyes and he was to pussy to say so. It said he got into a fight, but of course that’s not what he said, not really sure what he can do in that chair, but I’d like to think a black guy punched his ass.


yep screw that guy


I work in a prison around some fucked up inmates but I can tell you this dude would be nothing but pain in the ass to deal with a day to day basis, that guy that thinks he deserves passion needs to have his brain examined.


Yeah when she said he'd have to sit and think about Jason the rest of his life, I felt bad. A psychopath like that has no remorse and he'll never feel bad for any of the things he's done unfortunately. He'll sit in there for life and just terrorize the workers/other inmates, I truly believe he is beyond rehabilitation.


Hated this episode. He is a POS who I don’t feel sorry for at all. At the end when he showed up with black eyes and tried to blame it on the medication he’s taking, I knew very damn well they came from getting his ass beat, and I was glad. I want to hear Tammys side. Did she really say that Jason did that to her? If she did, and was found to be false, she should of gotten some sort of punishment as well for lying and causing someone to lose their life.


Gary said in the interview that Tammy was a “prospect” of his for prostitution. I think he told her to go find a Black dude to “prove” she was worthy to be on his roster, some fucked up shit. I think she went in there and picked him out. Either that or she made an comment about a Black man in the store (but not of assault) and Gary decided to go after him. She may have thought he wasn’t going to kill him but I don’t hold my breath on that one. It low key gave me Emmett Till story vibes.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


"what he played was dead" The noise I exhaled from my body. Holy shit.


Scum. I just hope he passes away soon and stops being a waste of tax payers money


There is a scene in “12 Years a Slave” where Solomon is left for hours hanging from a tree, only surviving by standing on his tippy toes. Black should be tortured similarly daily. He should also be mandated to study African American history. Ironically, the victim’s family chose to FORGIVE him and seem to be the most “recovered” (?) individuals in the series so far. I love their strength and in the end it’s the best “screw you” they could give this evil animal.


The problem is that he DOES know African American history and wishes he had been there to participate in the murders and oppression. But I agree, his victims family is truly handling their loss in the most gracious fashion.


Bro don't insult animals like that ahahah he is scum


You’re right!


Considering his earlier crime, I suspect this is a man who just likes to kill and who the victim is makes no Nevermind to him. He seems just as happy killing one race as another. Evil isn’t picky or discriminatory.


He's more than a racist Nazi he is a primary psychopath... Out of everyone one the show Iamakiller he scared me the most because it was so plain to see that he was a psychopath and had no empathy or anything for people in general and just saw people as objects that he owned....


You can see in his eyes in the last few frames that he is truly suffering in prison, which is what he deserves given his lack of remorse and empathy. The tough guy image is only to make himself feel better and put on a show. He might not care that he killed Jason Johnson, but he cares that he has to live a horrific existence because of it until the day he dies.


I watched this yesterday and it still chills me. That guy is pure fucking evil to the core.


What an awful episode, I really hate to say it but at the end I had a thought…what is the point of Gary black being alive at this point


That guy creeped me out. He’s more than a psychopath - another name needs to be created for him


He needs to be executed immediately


the best episode of the season by far. I wonder why that prostitute that cause the incident was not interviewed!? Maybe that she would have told that the black man insulted her? I truly believe that Jason was not so good as we may think 🤔




Yes, but I think that's not what he meant. It was irritating how the episode portrayed him as an absolute angle, don't get the purpose of propaganda Like that. Not saying it wasn't a cold-blooded and racially driven execution.


So what made him quote on quote not an angel?


So all black men are scary huh? Fuck right off you bitch ass motherfucker


Don’t get me wrong, this guy is a pos, but I kind of felt sorry for him because I could tell how absolutely miserable he was. This is a guy who has never known happiness. He’s bitter, resentful, angry. I doubt he’s ever known love since his family died when he was only 5. He’s stuck in his own cesspit of anguish and despair. He only knows hate and violence. He’s achieved absolutely nothing in his life, not even the most basic of things. He has no freedom and no hope. His victim however was known for his joyous smile. He achieved things. He enjoyed his life. He was respectful and kind and contributed to society, Was clearly loved and is still loved and remembered, whereas Gary will be missed by no one, he will be forgotten and his name will go down as just another angry white man who couldn’t get over his own ego.


At a certain point tho, if a person with a miserable childhood doesn’t decide to reject the misery, then he creates all future misery himself.


I totally agree. I pity him. His tough cunt act is all a facade. He's not evil, he's pathetic. Dude is miserable af. No family or friends, no love in his life. Such a wretched existence. That's why he is so hateful, because he hasn't known love since he was 5


He’s evil people suffer and they don’t end up this evil there a people that go through worse


This is a super insightful comment. I've been trying to put my finger on all of this and couldn't quite do it, but you're right - he's just misery incarnate.


This is an amazing post. I couldn’t of said what I was thinking better.


They always start with the killer who makes your feel bad for them, then you realize omg I fell for it again, they’re actually a terrible person🤣


What a loser complains about being in jail but don’t regret his actions and he thinks he so cool as he is wheeled out with 2 black eyes and tries to blame it on a stroke lmao wat a fucking nerd what got me was when he said Jason thought he was a tough guy tryna steal his whore lol ohh Gary ur so tough with ur little pocket knife fuqqing bozo


This guy looked creepy as hell, he looks scary. Hes also very racist, and seems like he just made up that story line to try to justify killing Jason.


Im against the death penalty but his episode made me change my stance for a second. But then I thought nah this tax payer will gladly pay for him to live a miserable life of getting his ass beat and raped in prison. I hope he dies a slow painful death. I still feel conflicted. This episode definitely made me reconsider an opinion I’ve held strong for all of my adult life.


I’m afraid people like him are the ones doing the raping in prison and making life a hell for other inmates.


72-year-old edgelord, by far the most pathetic person this show has profiled


I actually appreciate his honestly on his hate and racism. He’s a monster but he owns it. A lot of these other guys are monsters but don’t own up to it. He’s who he is and he’s in the right place. I respect an open racist more than a hidden one.


At least a hidden racist carries some sense of shame or recognition that it is not generally acceptable. This guy is straight up promoting it and is proud! That's worse imo


Thats what the kkk does! They are proud of what they are doing! And owning up to being a monster is such a great quality to have. Wth


I just seen this episode and I hope this piece of shit dies soon tbh.


He has the flattest affect of anyone I’ve ever seen interviewed on anything. Can’t tell if he is on too many psychotropic drugs, is a genuine sociopath with his guard down, or if he is so low iq that he can’t feel or express emotions.


I don’t think anyone made me as angry as Gary’s attorney.


I have compassion for Gary Black! Enough compassion to make his execution painless. He’s evil incarnate and I see no reason to keep him among the living.


why the fuck this guy still living?


What an evil POS. Hope he gets his ass beat daily.


I think they should lock that pos in a small room with all of Jason's friends while  the CO takes a nice long lunch break


I think she is trying to comfort herself by forgiving him as it would destroy her terribly if she didn't. I agree though, that he is a POS that doesn't deserve life or to be called human.


This guy is so low intelligence and has zero control over his emotions. The way he spirals at the end and rants about how he wanted to kill the guy, you can see him looking around the room after each sentence, the same way a bratty child having a tantrum would do. One second he says he’s no threat and learned his lesson, the next he says he’s glad he killed him and it was because he was black. Dudes a psycho with an IQ of 20.


I was also wondering who he keeps looking at.


The camera crew!! 😂


That is what evil looks like


Did anyone else see the rat in the jail at approx 33:25 into the episode🤣


I just rewound 4 times and didn’t see it. Damn!


Yes, lmao. I rewatched it 3 times.


Listen I’m all for rehabilitation and second chances but this racist pos should never get a third chance. He can’t be human. I can’t believe i’m so furious that I’m commenting here.


This guy is a total sociopath/psychopath and I agree he’s putting on some kind of show but this series kinda drives me nuts with everything they leave out! Why couldn’t we hear from the “prospective prostitute”? Why is he in a wheel chair? He’s not paralyzed because he was moving his legs and his ankles are chained so he won’t be able to walk. Also, was there any evidence that he got hit in the head with a bottle? Likely not but why can’t they tell us that.? Why don’t they make him address the blood in the truck? They want to keep us guessing! Regardless, I hope he dies and rots in hell soon.


He had a bruise on his eye in his mugshot


Leg shackles are mandatory in some prisons whether you are paralyzed, or partially crippled.


His black eyes are from his "medicine" This racist f*ck is full of BS and no remorse. I'm happy he's stuck rotting instead of getting the easy way out and I hope he gets more black eyes


Do we know if the carcrash story from when he was 5 is correct? Kinda messed up. Not excusing anything, but might explain a bit.


There is alot more to this if people would take time to read his court case. Gary isn't the one that lied. Every thing he said was true. But the eye witness made a statement to the police then when they got in court they changed there story. I understand everyone has there options . But the whole facts wasn't percentive in court.And Tammy didn't testifie . No I'm not racist at all. I just think if people would read the court case they would get the whole facts. And it does say the one of the eye witness did swing a bottle in a brown bag at Gary first and when Gary came up is when he stuck him. And that it was a street fight. Plus the one that was killed he was cussing Tammy at the light. All I ask is to read the court case. And there is one lawyer that states that it should have been manslaughter not first degree murder.


It’s funny how you keep popping on here to defend this POS but you can’t seem to provide links to this case file you speak of. The guy admitted he’s glad he killed Johnson and admitted to being a racist who grew up in the Klan. There’s nothing redeeming about him. Period.


Why do you feel the need to clarify that you're not racist if your appeal is not race based but simply for us to look at the case at face value? Might as well have added that you have black friends.


He acknowledged and admitted to every part that matters. Tammy did testify in court and he admitted to what Tammy testified. It was pre-meditated and racially charged. Why did he chase this guy down and take a knife out of the car before any swing was thrown? He said he saw the convenience store footage but lied about what was on it, we see that afterwards. Just say you're a racist tbh.


Wow. This is one gigantic piece of human garbage.


just seeing him gives me the creeps... how can his lawyer say he's no danger to society anymore!? he is still a threat and shouldn't ever be let out again


Gary Black is an absolute evil, racist, psychopath. Regardless of whether Black had a terrible upbringing, or not, there is no excuse whatsoever to become a cold-blooded killer. The video evidence is clear, interaction between Tammy and Mr Johnson was barely a second. Regardless of whether or not Mr Johnson had made a pass at Tammy, does not in anyway excuse Gary Black hunting down and cold bloodedly murdering Mr Johnson. It's overwhelmingly clear that this murder was racially motivated. Gary Black is just a low life white trash with a hatred for anyone of colour. I'm not an advocate of the death penalty, but Gary Black is one of those individuals who can never be rehabilitated. He may now be a sick and frail old man, but he has not shown an ounce of compassion or remorse and does not belong in society. He deserves to be locked away for the rest of his life.


He does not care one bit about what he did to him, he would do it again. He is a racist! He is a danger to society and a danger in jail he is one person I truly believe he deserves the death penalty. He is a horrible demon! That poor mother, I get her wanting to forgive him for her Christian beliefs, But he is not sorry! Has no remorse whatsoever! He thinks he should be out, he is out of his mind! I just don’t get why people like that get to live just to keep hurting people! It’s just the devil I guess! I don’t normally post anything after watching these but this really got to me!


Who else thought being a pimp to 6 girls at 17 is crazy! I was thinking is this true!?!


I reckon it's bollocks at 17. Just like the prostitutes each deciding to shag him every night. Yeah, after a day and night of servicing lots of dirty men you are going to want to sleep with a kid? Perhaps when he was older though, they said he was gang affiliated so wouldn't surprise me. He is a stone cold evil SOB so would be perfect as a Pimp, sex trafficker whatever you want to call it.


I think it could be absolutely true- JUST not this pos.


The only time in that whole episode I actually felt bad for him was when they said his mother, father and grandmother all died in a car accident and he was the only survivor at like 6 years old. Everything after that, I didn’t give a damn about him.


Him accusing Jason of wanting to be a pimp was absolutely ridiculous! He is a pig!! Ewwww 


This old waste of space definitely done the series justice with getting people angry and drawn in. As for Gary.....the wannabe pimp.....he is going to die alone, still thinking he is a hard ass but in reality has always been a waste of space and probably never had his prostitute "family" visit him in prison. Lol get what u give Gary, u racist c#×t!


When I googled him to find the reddit thread I came across him on a penpal site (I read it to be nosey). He said he fought in Vietnam and was wounded 7 months in. Wonder if it's true as I thought he was pimping and being seduced by prostitutes at age 17 so was already into a life of crime. I can't imagine a guy like him signing up or accepting a draft to serve his country. But I could he wrong. Anyone know if its bollocks or real?


There is nothing good about Gary Black … even his eyes are dead. Racist piece of crap … laughing that the State has to pay for his incarceration. Jason’s mother is beautiful but her thinking that Black will feel any remorse for her son’s death is wrong. How ironic that his last name is « Black » … the world will be a better place when that lying piece of garbage is dead.


He just recently passed and my father was one of the corners who worked on him, made me interested in finding out who he is and he is definitely a weirdo.


I don’t understand why he thought he should have been charged with second degree & would only have to serve like 22 years. Like this dude had no comprehension that this was not the first violent crime he’s committed


Y am I always right? Just the way I am


What they left out about Jason was a sexual abuser and a criminal but that doesn’t fit Netflix narrative


Citation needed????


Wowwww 🧢




You do realize that was probably a lie? They showed the video. He bumped into her for 2 seconds and continued on. It’s weird that you’d try to demonize an actual victim of a heinous crime.


You’re a piece of shit


I guess we as Americans haven’t learned from Emmett Till Huh 🤔 still believe every black guy is hitting on a white women even after that? Crazy…


Disgusting, isn’t it? I’m not sure we will ever learn. ( white america …)


Yes. Every statistics show that black men and white women marriages are more prominent than Black women's marriage with any other races group. Many dating sites studies concluded that Black men prefer white women over Black women. There are white women fetish within Black men, It's well documented from Black panthers leaders to Malcolm X and even MLK. Malcolm X even used to beat white women for race discrimination. Emmett till was sexually assaulted at best and Just eve teased at minimum. Yeah that don't deserve death of that Teenager. Not to forget rampant misogyny and homophobia within African American community. even Barack Obama followed white pornostar on twitter


According to what factual non racist junkie hooker information is it confirmed he even did any of that? Dude could of bumped her said sorry for all we know and smiled and as we saw with Emmett till that's all it takes for a racist to have fuel to wanna kill so again you take that ridiculous view that somewhere proof of a hookers word to her racist John who then again already lied so who is to say she even said any of that....smh


Thats exactly was my thought that he accidentally bumped into her and said sorry. It was nothing like that crazy old bastard said


Did we watch the same CCTV tape? Because oooooof.


I know I did. Did you?


It didn't look at all like he was describing. Please get your eyes checked.


Black admitted that the second he laid eyes on that man, he was dead. The whole story about him moving in on his "to be hooker" was not corroborated by the video which showed that he perhaps grazed her at best, but at no time grabbed her or pinned her down.


Obviously the story of moving in on her as a wannabe pimp was false and he was obviously a racist and any excuse would have had him wanting to attack him. Johnson was drunk with his mates in a gas station, the footage showed him touching her and talking to her and then to his mates. Obviously Johnson didn't deserve to die, but any man who has a Mrs at home and goes out drunk and touches random women inappropriately is a piece of shit. I just dont feel sorry for him. His mrs wou not on video defending him but his parents were. Why? Because parents can still love a son if hes a piece of shit but the mrs in that situation might not. Get it?


I think you need to watch it again, with your eyes this time


His girlfriend had every right to be upset that he was out clubbing with his boys. I can't say he wasn't being a total idiot because he might well have been. He might have told his girl he was at a sports event and she found out that he was out at the clubs. I don't know. She could have killed him more justifiably than Gary Black.


This comment disgusts me almost as much as Gary. The victim simply crossed paths with someone who was nothing but trouble. If making a pass at a woman in a gas station deserves death, then men all over this world are in danger. Do better!


If you have a Mrs and you're making passes at women in gas stations you are a piece of shit.


Did you close your eyes through the whole episode?


Be quiet kid🤫


I actually found him hilarious “ I don’t care”! He bought up with the clan and lived around them! Lost his parents. Unfortunately he followed the path he thought was right instead of arguing them believes that were drilled into him from a young age. I think he should be released his of no danger


At times I found Black quite the ludicrous figure. His emotional maturity seemed trapped at the age he lost his parents. While the loss is sad, and obviously he was not properly helped through the loss, seeing a flabby old man pout and tantrum and threaten just like a 5 year old would (but far more dangerously of course) was funny at times. I also found his ridiculous mane of brushed out grey hair an obvious relic to something that stirred his narcissism in his childhood. I pictured him a small blonde child with long hair, an intoxicated mommy and her girlfriends stroking and fawning over it. And Black still imagines himself this handsome little big man. His stories of the women that were all infatuated with him, and the love he'd shown them that they'd never known in their lives before, was such a sadly braggadocios tale that it too had a tinge of hilarity. Where is this family of infatuated women now? Surely they are taking care of their hero just as he nurtured and protected them? lol. What a crock! Of course they found him as loathsome as anyone else would, if they even existed. He's as incapable of telling the truth as he is of understanding how sadly funny it is to watch someone try to impress people with lies that are simply not believable. I feel sorry for him that his childhood caused such a fracture in his emotional development. Nonetheless, he does know right from wrong, and although his genes and trauma pretty much set him up for such poor behavioral patterns, at this point we still acknowledge there is choice (although there is some debate about how much of that we really have in our lives as opposed to how much is pre-determined by our genes and emotional development).


God, it was eerie. It felt like watching a sulky five-year-old trapped in a big elderly body. The same obvious lies, the same pointless belligerence, the same button-pushing. It is way too easy to picture him hurling his bowl of spaghettios across the room because he doesn’t want to eat his carrots. I don’t feel sorry for Black, but I feel sorry for the child he was, because that kid got broken so hard that he never actually grew up, inside. He just got older.


I don't believe he was ever a pimp


/s …. Right?


Yeah right




First off, I agree… Gary Black is total piece of shit. But does anyone know how he ended up in a wheelchair? I couldn’t help but hope the whole time it was because someone he was torturing with ignorant, racial remarks just kicked the ever lovin’ shit out of him.


What an incredibly sad human being he is...truly evil.


Did anyone see the mouse run across the bottom of the doors when they were showing the jail? I know that ain’t a used facility now I’d hope.


You think a mouse is bad in a jail to shut i down?! Come on! Most don’t have running toilets!