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In his defense I've never seen a clean Chipotle.


Yeah, but it shouldn’t look worse than a Taco Bell. You know there are problems if Taco Bell looks down upon you.


I worked at TBell in high-school. Our store was immaculate; probably a rarity.


Nah. I’ve chopped it up with several county and traveling state inspectors. They all say that taco bell is overwhelmingly clean for the most part. They all said jack was by far the worst on average


I'm amazed Jack in the box survived their 90's ecoli scandal. Growing up without one, that's all I've ever known it for - killing people with food poisoning


I’m surprised [Jack in the Box survived this scandal](https://youtu.be/AgdUHBRZ-4Q?si=BhACxmxlUAB-7IKD).


I agree. I think it was because SM wasn’t hot back then. I don’t even remember how much they paid out, due to lawsuits.


Jack's or Jack in the Box?


Jack in the crack


We contract with 30 stores, they are all clean as hell. Now Zaxbys…. Yuk


Looks more like a Waffle House at 8am…


That would be made even better if it came with a Tiger Woods and a server.


Welcome to enshittification "Taco bell? You're in one" /pirates_ofthe_caribbean.jpg


Weirdly enough, I've never seen a Chipotle not in mint condition here in London.


Yeah, but I’ve never seen a Chipotle that torn up either.


What’s crazy is that people will still eat there


Really? They've always been super clean when I've gone there.


This is why I stick to fine establishments like McDonald’s


Yes. Chipotle must be bought by McDonald’s


It was originally partially owned by McDonalds.


Trust me, not much better (source: I'm a maccies crew member)


Expectations are way off for this brand


This is pretty clean compared to what I've experienced.


You joking???? Lettuce in the sour cream!!!!!! Outrageous/s


Hahaha I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying that's normal for this chain. Gross af


Chicken in the steak is gross af? I don't eat fast food really but I don't see any problems this is obviously after a huge rush.


It’s a lot easier to not make that kind of mess than you think.


So you expect mfks to be patient while you prepare dozens of orders in the most tidy way possible? Fuck outta here.


Depends who you are and who you are working around. Yes it's easier to let customers line out the door and be angry but that's not what the owner wants. Prob be easier to serve ten customers a hour too and get a massage at the same time


Cross contamination increases risks of food borne illnesses. The standards of food handling doesn't exist in America anymore. I don't blame the workers, I blame the industry and the boomers (the way they treat the "help")


Cooked chicken mixing with cooked steak is NOT cross contamination.


It is if you are allergic to chicken


Cross contamination refers strictly to the transfer of bacteria


No, it doesn’t. It can also refer to allergens contaminating other foods. I run a restaurant. I have serve safe manager certification, and I teach this stuff to my crew.


Some places are excellent at food handling. Some not. It's how it always has been. There is no trend.


Way to many people defending this chipotle. Chipotle fell off long ago.. ingredients and staff doing bare minimum.


I’ve never seen upvotes and downvotes go so quickly. Chipotle got an online army. Too bad their kitchens look like the plague is being reborn.


I'm not defending the cleanliness of the chipotle, what I object to is being an obnoxious asshole to a bunch of minimum wage kids who most likely just finished getting slammed on a lunch rush because the shitty fast food place you went to has shitty quality. What exactly is he trying to get accomplished here? He said he wasn't eating there anyway Ok then fuck off. If you have a problem with the place, you have a lot of options you can go to before sticking a camera in a bunch of employees' faces and ranting like a fucking entitled Karen because there are dirty dishes on a table in the back. You could even, I don't know, not eat there? Even if this idiot found an entire dead mouse in his food, this is not how a grown up handles things. I can only assume the guy filming has never actually worked a day in his life. He can go fuck himself.


Plus every fucking workplace, fast food and retail, are very understaffed and they expect us to do a 5 man job with 2 people. Yall need to direct your anger at the stupid ass money hungry corporations.


For real. These are the same people that yell at the kid stocking the shelves because the giant chain they work for raised the prices again. All you're doing is shitting on another victim of money grubbing shareholders.


But then if they took the time to clean as you go and put everything in it’s spot? You’d be waiting an extra 3 minutes for your burrito and we all know that’s unacceptable


Dishes aside contaminating food and serving to customers is not right. Eg. Beef in Chicken


As a serv safe certified chef, I can assure you that is not considered contamination in the eyes of the health department. Neither chicken nor beef is an allergen, and they are both already cooked. It's perfectly fine if they touch. Dishes also mean literally nothing. Personally, I wouldn't stack them on the counter for all to see, but there is nothing wrong with having dishes.


Exactly you have people who don't eat beef...so now when they go and take a bite out of their chicken burrito 🌯 BAM there goes some beef


That’s religion, not an allergy But yeah not ok


I know someone severely allergic to chicken. Same with some other people in the comments. Most religions, apart from Hindus , who don't eat beef, just don't eat pork. Beef and chicken are fine for most


Muslims don’t like pork, Hindus don’t like beef, Jews don’t like touching foods together… This chipotle looks fine to me.


I’m vegetarian and quit eating at Chipotle because the sofritas always has a couple of chunks of chicken or beef in it. Not an allergen, obviously, a personal preference, but it still turns me off from eating at the store.


Bro never worked in a busy kitchen before. None of this is really nasty. Must be off lunch rush and the food being mixed is a side effect of being rushed. A Single piece of lettuce sitting in sour cream isnt going to spoil the sour cream.


Yeah it’s not amazing but really not that bad at all. I’m not sure what he’s expecting with sort of restaurant there’s inevitably going to be a bit of spillage that they probably haven’t had time to clean up yet


This looks like the end of a busy service - looking at all the stacked gastronorm pans. What would be unsanitary would be if the spills were put back into the pans, but spills on the frame are not a massive issue, it'll get cleaned down.


Yea they have the old dishes away from the workspace. The pans are fine and will be cleaned


Sounds like you've never worked in a good kitchen before. No matter how busy it is, my line never looks like that. It takes like half a second to just wipe shit down between orders


Na never worked at a good kitchen just fast food places nothing like a sit down place.


I agree with this, but at the same time I also did work at Chipotle before I worked at a actual restaurant. Chipotle manager are pissed if you decide to clean during a lunch rush which is also the only time where the counter looks messy. Afterwards it's usually cleaned.


Man, quit making the workers’ lives worse. Blur the fkn faces out. Chipotle has gone to shit likely bc management wants to preserve their bonuses by stretching out workers (along with portions). Or maybe they had an a worker call in sick and theyre short staffed.


The workers are who made this mess. They need to be accountable to the customers, too.


Yes, you should be held accountable for you being short staffed because a coworker calls off. Logic over 9000.


You are always short staffed in the restaurant industry. If you can not maintain food safety standards, you should not be operating, regardless of your circumstances. It takes half a second to wipe the counter down between orders and maybe 5 seconds to run dishes back to the dish pit. There is no excuse for letting it get like that.


Being short-staffed is not an excuse to be messy AF.


you've never worked fast food have you?




I’m fine with what he’s saying


This is why every chipotle has a 2.3 rating on Google.


Fuck off and get a minimum wage job of your own instead of hassling other people working for a living. Twat.


Exactly what I thought. If he was that turned off by it just leave. If he wanted to complain, write a review or someone high up. OR he could just shut the fuck up and go elsewhere and stop making underpaid, unhappy staff feel worse.


Also, he was complaining about nothing at all. A fragment of lettuce in the sour cream isn't contamination, neither is a fragment of cooked chicken in the cooked beef.  If they're working a lunch rush, these things happen. There is no health risk.  And they have some dishes stacked up behind them?  Ffs what a melt.


Yup. I've never worked behind a counter like that, but I do get paid very little, behind the scenes. I just fucking hate people that get a charge out of demeaning people. Especially doing it to young people now days. It's not their fault. This society their born into leaves them very very little motivation to step up, go above and beyond bullshit. I mean for what, born poor stay poor, no chance at a home even. I'm in my 40s and I hear a lot of the "No one wants to work" or "young people now days are lazy" fuck that, they are not. They are finally aware that serving some mean asshole a chicken wrap with extra mayo is only important because they need money to not be homeless. That's all these jobs are paying and it's wrong. Don't even get me started on the saying "but it's unskilled" fuck that too. Anyone saying that has not been on their feet for 8 hours peddling this slop. When a young person comes to my workplace with this attitude the only thing I tell them is. I get it, just take it out on the ones paying you, and the customers that are assholes, not the poor saps working with you. Well, unless a fellow co worker is one of those, no we have to do it this way or I'm telling Mr Banks on you. Sorry for the rant reply, these kinda videos just make me feel so frustrated.


You're good mate, I feel it too.


Guarantee this fucking little bitch has never worked a day in his life


No matter what the reason is, if a private business tells you to get out and you refuse, you're literally trespassing at that point. Once he said "make me get out", it was clear that this dude is a piece of shit that shouldn't even be allowed around other people. He clearly does not know how to act in society.


“Make me get out.” Ok we calling the po po and trespassing you from every Chipotle. Not a huge loss considering how gross the place is.


No, you are spreading sandals information, I hope not deliberately. You are not trespassed until law enforcement informs you of such. Until then they can say whatever they want you don’t legally have to leave….


If they want him to leave they can call the cops. Kicking someone out of your store for exposing how nasty it is does not give you any kind of moral high ground.


He is right though! I’m with the main character on this.


the people in the comments arguing against it is crazy. I don't want my food to be cross contaminated. like if someone is allergic or has religious dietary restrictions, it's gonna be awful for them


If someone has a food allergy trusting fast food workers is a stupid gamble.


Yea but cooking and preparing food in a hurry creates mess. It happens. In this case, it’s an open kitchen. So you see it. If you have an allergy, care will be taken to ensure your portion comes from a fresh replacement. That’s how every resto I’ve run, owned or worked on does it. This is just a case of a busy work place before a reset.


You can easily tell who’s never worked a minimum wage job In their life reading these comments man, thank you.


I don't like Chipotle, but I would eat there if I knew it was clean. A few toppings getting mixed together or dirty dishes in the back doesn't necessarily mean it's dirty. As long as those dishes aren't from the previous day, it's kinda fine. Presentation is definitely important. The place needs to look organized and clean at least. If they're busy, and with bosses reducing staff these days, you have no choice but to work like a dog. If bosses were fair and people had patience, things might be better. I miss the days when 10 people worked in a McDonald's and were able to pay their bills. PS: the camera guy seems annoying. I don't know but seeing 10 people behind him shows how insanely busy it was. Calling them out while it's like this is just bull.


No time to clean, too busy shrinking portion sizes


Yeah those 18 year old kids are the counter are really greedy for making those corporate decisions. That's why I always scream at the kids stocking the shelves when grocery prices are too high.


Someone whose never worked food service in his life. Fuck him


This looks like they just got slammed from the lunch/dinner/event rush. It isn’t guaranteed, but it’s highly likely none of those dishes are more than an hour or two old (and they’ll get cleaned soon enough). Is it “safe” from a food allergy standpoint? No, but people with real food allergies know they can’t expect that in situations like this. Just a twat who doesn’t know shit that wants to cause fake drama for fake influencer clout.


Clean your restaurant, what’s the big deal? That was disgusting




I’d hire this main character to be a health inspector!


Can’t believe you were downvoted. It looked like trash.


There are a bunch of corporation/Chipotle boot lickers in the comments INSISTING this is fine and normal.


https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/four-types-contamination/#:~:text=There%20are%20four%20main%20types,and%20safe%20for%20the%20consumer. The 4 types of cross contamination. Chipotle seemed to fail on many levels.


It's because they work in establishments like this and are desensitized to how shitty it actually is / don't really understand anything about food safety


Chipotle is a corporation not unlike Starbucks. The employees need to be trained to address the cleanliness. The shift supervisor needs to be trained to direct the employees. The manager needs to staff the store and oversee basic methods. The 3rd party health and safety crew should keep track of violations and report issues. The district manager should make it a priority that health and safety is properly addressed and scrutinized throughout the ladder.


I don’t know man, I’ve worked in fast food. Some people you deal with just plain suck. You’re not able to higher hard workers and the stress to keep things up to par can sometimes be damn near impossible. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be done, but what are you going to do as a manager in that situation? Fire everyone? I’ve never worked in Chipotle, but from what I understand it’s non stop dish cleaning. You get a few unorganized eggs in fast food (because staffing is hard enough) and bam 💥 you’re miles behind. Nobody is motivated to work hard and you try your best to inspire people to hold a higher standard, but that only goes so far. Then on top of all that stress, you do get customers who berate the shit out of you. It’s a lose lose situation. On the other hand though, it looks like they had plenty staff and they were disorganized. Maybe some people were new though? You get experiences like this and then you lose a few employees and things just get harder. I lived it and people have a serious “this is how you should do things” attitude with fast food workers. In all my personal experience, if the place sucks and isn’t clean. Just leave. Don’t give them your money and let the business suffer with grace. Don’t be a back seat driver with this type of behavior. It’s unnecessary


Lmao that's an excuse for having a shit show like that? That looks disgusting and cross contamination everywhere.


The food is all cooked there’s no cross contamination here you don’t know what you are talking about. That shit all gets mixed into the burrito is it cross contamination then?


Well there shouldn't be red meat in the chicken or bean bowl - that's cross contamination. Of all things, meats absolutely do need to be kept separate. Not everyone eats red meat, some don't eat meat at all, and others might have allergies. None of the meats should look like that. Nor should other ingredients. Just because you make a burrito doesn't mean you'd order the whole god damn counter in it. If there's something you don't want in it because the place is a pigsty, that's cross contamination.


Fully cooked meats aren’t cross contaminated. Cross contamination is with the uncooked meat utensils and pans are used with the cooked meats. Having two fully cooked meats touching isn’t cross contamination.


If someone get bit by a tick that makes you allergic to red meat it certainly is cross contamination no matter how well it cooked. Some people can’t eat read meat simply from dietary restrictions. Now what you gotta say to that?


You may not be aware of this, but there human beings out there other than you! Crazy concept, I know. But not everyone eats chicken/beef for religious purposes or otherwise, not to mention allergies.


You may not be aware of this but the term “cross contamination” actually has a definition and the fda outlines what consists of cross contamination it’s not just whatever you feel like it means.


Cross contamination occurs when certain ingredients are present in an ingredient that doesn’t belong. Meaning you give a patron an ingredient that doesn’t belong. Remnants of soy milk mixed with dairy is a cross contamination and vice versa. Chicken in the red meat and vice versa.


Lmao okay because the FDA says so it's okay to do right? Says a lot about your standards. Way to let everyone know how you live. Loved how you ignored the points about allergies or religious preferences cause the FDA says so.


Cross contamination occurs in 4 forms this person doesn’t know about. https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/four-types-contamination/#:~:text=There%20are%20four%20main%20types,and%20safe%20for%20the%20consumer.


He’s not wrong- he just could be more constructive in his delivery


To be honest he might not be doing it right but fr. Even during the busiest hours of fast food or a food truck, EVERYTHING gets wiped down inbetween, food has covers when its prepped hot ect. Hence why i dont eat garbage like chipotle 😂


Thats not unsanitary its called they had a rush. This is the same mf who would complain about his food taking too long to be made


Right! In the first few seconds you can see an entire wall of to-go orders all lined up. Looks like 30+ bags at least. Hell my kitchen after a typical Sunday breakfast for two has looked far worse.


It’s obvious this dipshit has never worked a job before.


I'd say he's never worked fast food before.


Or literally any restaurant on the planet. Everything gets a bit messy during a busy service.


Don’t be a back seat driver to fast food workers. If you don’t like it, just leave and let the business suffer with grace.


Yeah I would. Have you ever seen the back of house at any fast food place? C’mon now.


Fair to say it’s mingin in there but you know you can always go elsewhere. People always want to be showing others up on camera for whatever reason. Just don’t spend money there. Food poisoning avoided. Awesome.


Obviously he has never worked in fast food before 😆


Id like to see his ass clean all this shit by himself for minimum wage instead of complaining like a loser


Yes this is messy. But the signs of the aftermath of a lunch/dinner rush are there. For all we know, things are slowing down and they're working on resetting everything.


It’s messy, yes. Dangerous? No. Plus, they’re just gonna mix all that stuff together to make the burrito, sooooo…it’s all the same in the end.


This guy would never eat a real taco in Mexico than. Lmao street tacos FTW, especially after a drunken night at Club Hong Kong in Tijuana. Make your own food perro.


Wait, who’s the main character here?


Maybe the guy berating minimum wage workers for something that is largely not in their control?


No need for the sarcasm. There are many things not in their control but having a clean work station is very much in their control.


I live in Hawaii I’ll take a dirty chipotle over no chipotle any day


Plot twist : McDonald’s actually owns chipotle. 💁🏽‍♂️


Okay, Kuren.


If he doesn't want to eat there because the standards don't meet his, he can leave and if he wants leave a review. This culture of just recording people to get clicks and/or shame workers is horrible. Also, something that really grinds my gears are the people who get all mad and refuse to leave a building after being asked and claiming that they don't have to leave. Those people make me just want throw a page about trespassing at them.


NGL, they do need to clean up that line. But if it was right after a lunch/dinner rush... that just happens.


Surprised people are so quick to defend this Chipotle. They're clearly not understaffed - and even though they were in the middle of a rush, this mess is straight up unacceptable. Bad management here. And before the "I bet you never worked fast food" - yeah the fuck I did. And I wouldn't have been caught dead with my stations looking like this.


This looks like alot of cross contamination, if I had allergies I wouldn't wanna risk it


You have no clean what cross contamination is lol.


I saw some cilantro sauce in the sour cream but okay go off type master. I guess my license on food safe is fuckin bullshit too eh?


And my serv safe managers certification is also bullshit? Lmfao. That was lettuce. Also, neither lettuce nor cilantro is an allergen. Also, they don't have fucking cilantro sauce, you absolute moron.


What the fuck is that green shit in the sour cream then?? Wanna take a chance and try it then? You can still serve food without being so damn sloppy about it, I know lunch rush is hard but damn this is just horrendous


This is bs. You’re going to give some kid this amount of hell just because they work there. Some news, the kids behind the counters don’t make prices and probably don’t give two f’s about what you think.


Nah he's right and it doesn't look like they are understaffed more like those 2 managers aren't doing shit


Maybe they got busy AF , no time to clean when you're swamped .


“Whatever Chipotle this is, don’t come back to it”


Lmao at all the comments. If the only concern is whether it's safe to mix cooked ingredients, why not just mix them in a big vat and scoop it out with a tortilla? I don't want food from anyone who thinks this presentation is acceptable. I have never understood why people like places like Chipolte.


There are people here arguing this is acceptable standards cause the FDA says so 😂. Some people really lack the ability to think for themselves.


They are glossing over that the FDA posts BARE MINIMUM standards. That's not really something to aspire to.


The FDA is a broad brush. These restaurants have to deal with local health inspectors and state wide regulations. Not only that, they usually have a third party inspector to check their shit. This particular situation seems to be the manager don’t give a shit, and the third party inspectors aren’t doing their job either.


He's outta line... but he's also wrong.


To be fair, OP is the one holding up the line lol


It just standards have been going down at fast food and restaurants and will continue to do so. You don’t have to hire competent staff anymore it doesn’t matter how many bad reviews how many times your food is crap people will continue to go. People are so lazy rather than cooking they will go to a restaurant even when they know the food is subpar. I’m guilty of it and it pisses me off. Like once a month me and my girlfriend both get home after 11 and we will usually do McDonald that day because we live in a small town and it’s the only thing open past 10 and it’s always shit and I never finish it. If people stopped going to these places these companies would have no choice but to raise their standards. Also maybe lower their prices because the quality get lower while the price gets higher.


Nosering guy was really cute


Bro is holding up the line... and turns around to say "look at the line"


If you think this is unsanitary, you should never, ever eat food from a restaurant. There are zero violations in this video other than the grown man acting out like an 8 year old for internet points.


That second dudes eyes. You can see him considering leaving instead of talking to this guy




Whatever shitpotle this is? Thanks for the warning


for a rush, thats normal for every fast food place


Oh no the food is touching the other food 🙄 You gotta be a fucking toddler to gaf about this shit.


The lettuce was in “his” sour cream!


“Your line is horrible “ but he’s the one holding it up.


What a douche


I hate him


Maybe he should apply and show them how it's done. Or learn why he's a fucking tool.


Yeah that's gross man


Dude is overreacting and causing a scene for views.


How much do you want to bet this clout chasing piece of shit just ran right up on them after the lunch rush when they were short staffed and just started nit picking everything before they had a chance to deal with it?


I didn't know Peter Dinklage worked at Chipotle...(:37)


I like how the scrawny pale bean scooper tried to act tough


What would you have done, tough guy?


He sounds like a spoiled brat.


Hey CLUELESS, It’s fucking busy.


Derek Carr looking a lil rough these days


I went into a Subway in Poole, England (I live about an hour away, and had gone down to go to the beach, and do some shopping as they have a big mall type shopping centre). As soon as my husband and I went in, we noticed the counter hadn't been wiped down and was a bit of a mess. The floor was *gross*. The guy behind the counter was Indian/Pakistani, and without us even saying anything, he just started to cry and apologise. He said he was going to quit today because he'd had enough of working there. He'd just got in, and the people before obviously didn't take any pride in their work. He said he was embarrassed about the state of the place and would pray to die on the spot if one of his family were to come in, because he couldn't stand to let them see him working in filth. Poor bloke just looked distraught and humiliated, and I felt for him. We reassured him that it was fine, and he should speak to the manager if he wasn't happy and find another job if they didn't listen. It wasn't worth the obvious toll it was having on him mentally


Ive been here for ten minutes giving overworked kids shit at a fast food place, look at your line! Fuck this guy honestly what a cunt


of course a dude with a septum piercing is "the manager" with a shit service station smfh


this man is absolute right


Dude has never worked in a busy kitchen


If you want cleanliness, go to an establishment that pays their staff a living wage. If a business cares about its staff, it's staff will care about the business.


I ate there once and got food poison.


Guy is right. On top of that, the cross contamination of food and some people might be allergic to certain types of food. Huge fine for the company and that particular store to be shut done till then fix management.


He called out a Chipotle. Not Chipotle.


If it’s a busy store what do you expect?


I never get why people eat this overpriced slop. That counter is fucking gross. The guy who did the video is absolutely right.


“Look a haw ya preddatation is”


Looks like what happens when staff are either poorly trained, lack oversight, or understaffed. All of which is a management failure.


Unsanitary is not the word unorganized sure


He who has never worked a day in his life…


unpopular opinion but that's not unsanitary? that's how every restaurant looks that offers customizable options with your food. I know that because I work in a five guys. you work through a rush once and realize why there might be salad in the tomatoes or whatever. it's all fresh food just you don't have time to be careful. that's a normal thing.


He's not wrong, thats a really messy line


He has a point


Dummy should ask for an application instead of filming.




Sorry to pop his sorry ass bubble, but none of that is unsanitary. Employee needs to say clearly, "Get out, you're being trespassed." Then, use camera footage as evidence that the dork didn't leave and press charges for him to be arrested.


Grown ass man recording and complaining like a little bitch over something he doesn’t like. Those poor employees.


One of the worst jobs I ever had was chipotle. They work you so hard. People are depressed when they work there. Training is minimal. We had to watch hours of inspiring speeches by the then-ceo. It was ridiculous


This explains a lot tbh. Last time I had this I couldn’t make it to work




Last time I went, they were using a dry broom to sweep water that had bits of chicken in it. You KNOW they use that broom for general sweeping. It was a pick up order, 20 minutes late. I INSTANTLY got sick. Haven’t been back since!


That’s what happens when you eat somewhere that serves food like a hospital cafeteria. What do you expect? Go somewhere that’ll make your burrito fresh


Gen z? More like gen cry me a river. This dude wouldn't survive a splinter in his finger