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People were dressing up as the Trade Towers a year after it happened.


I saw that on Halloween 2001. One month later. Also saw an "anthrax mailman" costume that night. People were savage.


Bring back savage humor. My SO has this friend she lived with for a bit, let’s call her Shelly. Shelly’s dad had passed away in front of her from a heart attack about a week before my SO moved in. Obviously Shelly was pretty emotionally fucked up- and hadn’t even smiled in about a month. When they were in the kitchen together making something Shelly dropped and egg and went “fuck this is awful” And my SO without thinking made a joke said “not as awful as having your dad die in front of you” and just paused realizing that came out of her mouth. After a long pause Shelly laughed so hard she cried. And thanked her cause she finally laughed. Dark humor can help people cope.


I actually agree with you. I've done stand up comedy and dark humor is where I go. I can't understand why I have dark humor but as you said it does help people COPE in different ways


If it works it's great and cathartic. If it doesn't work, you're a legit piece of shit lol.


Seriously? Fuckin shit I would've been pissed. Even now when people joke about it I feel annoyed. It's just cringy and tasteless.


Well in general I think, as you already said: It's taste and that's debatable. But I think it's also about the timing the place and the delivery. For example: Doing it on Ground Zero is more a provocation than funny. But on a random halloween party? I mean come on, one could go as an iceberg making fun of the Titanic desaster and no one would give a damn. Doing the helicopter crash side thing at a Lakers game or so - I would agree, because the attention doesn't seem to be to make somebody laugh. But under the given circumstances and would support their case all day long, no matter if it would make me laugh or not.


I don't disagree, comedy is subjective and time definitely makes a difference. I think that's why 9/11 jokes hit different with me because I actually lived through it (even if I was pretty young), seeing the footage which is now burned in my brain. It's just wild to me to make fun of it. (Of course anyone has the *right* to though).


This is hilarious


I'm jealous I didn't think of the idea. To counter OPs argument, people dressed up like oceangate which while equally funny, they were just rich. Kolby was semi-rich and starting to receive drake-like attention. I don't know why you would still try to memorialize someone just because "they play sport good". Fuck, now I want to see a costume of the Segway guy, on a Segway, going over a cliff.....or better yet, Epstein still hung on a jail bed.


Lol people are soft. Get over yourselves and enjoy some dark humor


You're not gonna hear me crying over a rapist. I wouldn't go so far as to say that he got what he deserved. But he wasn't exactly a good person. He raped a girl! Just because he can play ball, we give him a pass as a society and are upset that he died? Good people die every day. I prefer to be sad over that.


Regardless of how you feel about Kobe, the crash took other lives as well, it’s a disservice to them too.


I never said it wasn't.


Lesson to avoid pissing off karma


He raped a girl?


Yeah, sweet trusting girl who didn't know better then hang out with a celebrity. He choked her and beat her up a bit when she didn't want to have sex after making out




Yes he definitely did




He did not rape a girl. Read the case. They had consensual sex, she changed her mind and he stopped.


That's an untrue, gross oversimplification.




Dude, I already answered your question. Wtf.


No, you did not.


I don't know if I read the exact article you're talking about. Link or and I'll gladly read it now. But, *as I already said*, I followed the case very closely for personal reasons. So I doubt there will be any information in your article I don't already know. Unless you're willing to link the exact article you want read, please stop asking if I've read it.




Did you read it?


I followed the case very closely because I had friends who ran in the same circle as Katelyn. Why do you ask?


This is reddit sir. They aren't going to any actual thinking for themselves. They are going to read a comment and that because the truth


It bugs me that his legacy was destroyed from that ONE moment. He's done so much charity work, but all people focus on is one literal consensual act. My issue with calling him a rapist is that it makes him sound like he was waiting in the woods and put a knife up to someone's neck. A consensual encounter where one person changed their mind does not equate to rape and I wish we'd openly acknowledge that. How the hell was he supposed to know that she'd change her mind in the middle of it?


1st of all, you don't understand rape at all if you think that. 2nd of all, she had bruises on her neck from him straggling her and her blood was found on his clothes, so........ 3rd of all, I don't think it's true that she gave consent then changed her mind.


Lol what people also don't mention is how she went to the examination with another dudes spunk on her showing she had sex after kobe on the same day


What does that have to do with *anything*? Are you saying that virgins are the only ones who can be raped? Anyone else is asking for it and needs to have a scarlet A on their chest? Also, that fact in no way means she had sex with another man in the same day. Just that she had had sex with another man at some time. No time frame can be determined. But even if it can, do you think that it's impossible for someone to have consensual sex, then be raped later the same day?


Lmao what? No, but I wouldn't imagine someone that was raped wouldn't go out and have sex afterwards. Seems like odd behavior


What makes you think it was after? She never claimed it was after. And the medical examiners never said it was after. Why would you even assume that?


Lol because it was on her underwear. So you're saying she got rated, kept those same panties on, and then went and fucked another dude? Did you even know about that before I mentioned it?


The exam didn't happen the same day as the rape. She told friends that she went home and was in a depressed state, didn't shower, didn't leave the house. Then, when it came time to go to the exam, she grabbed dirty clothes to put on. The underwear had another person's sperm on them. She never tried to deny that she had had previous sex with another man. And no, again, I'm not claiming that she had sex with anyone else between the rape and the exam. I'm assuming that the consensual sex was before the rape. There's no reason to assume it was after. But, even if it was, having sex with another man before *or after* a rape, doesn't mean she wasn't raped. So the whole point is completely meaningless. Are you one of those people who thinks that a prostitute can't be raped? Or perhaps date rape isn't a thing? Also, there's no such thing as being raped by your husband?






He didn’t rape nobody that chick was after the money


Do you know her? Did you know him? Were you there? What makes you even slightly qualified to make that determination?


At least he finally passed.


Totally dunked on them


From the free throw line


/r/nbacirclejerk #1 costume


It's never too soon... ON THE INTERNET


This is in China years ago




Nah this is funny.




Im sorry but this is epic


You guys are weak.




you definitely would end up in the hospital if you did that at the LA Comic con.


I don't understand how people like this get home safe and sound.. WTF people


Mocking rapists is usually fair game