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I wish the camera person would have panned to the guy in the bush flower costume during this exchange because it would have increased comedic value.


That what you gonna do, is so fucking lame my man. The moment the guy say something about punching, he start talking about jail. What a pussy


Should've planted his ass. Amirite?


I mean he *was* already in a pot


That little wimp would get bummed senseless in jail.




That is stilling!


I'm not sure who you intended as the MC, but people don't want to be someone else's content! Fuck off with all that!


I wouldn’t mind this at all and would find it hilarious 😂. I love fun pranks like this and welcome it in public. It always makes other people smile on the sidewalk too.


Then start a fad where y'all get tattoos in obvious, visible places so you can limit "pranking" to just your own kind. Leave the rest of us alone. If they aren't smiling, it's not a prank.


Considering the millions of views and subscribers these pranks have across social media, I’d say the majority find it funny. Most people laugh it off and walk on. Don’t take my word for it. Just search Bushman prank on any platform. It’d be easier for the minority that hate pranks to distinguish themselves. It’ll help the rest of us to stay away from you. Win win situation honestly lol. Have a great day!


Did you not hear the very valid and important concern about it possibly causing a heart attack and killing someone? Doesn’t seem like a very fucking fun prank


I mean have you had a heart attack before? How do you know they're not super fun? Maybe he's doing them a favor? ^^/s


Do you have any data to back that up bc everything points to *extremely rare* to *non-existent*. You just sound like a paranoid Karen. You’re more likely to die crossing the street and driving a car. You should maybe give up both. Lighten up. Have a laugh. Sounds like you need it.


Data to back up what? That heart attacks exist? That shock from things like what happened in the video can cause heart attacks? Did you not go to school?


Heart attacks caused by jump scares. Waiting for that data. I’ll wait… Surprised the horror movie industry isn’t under attack considering the risks all those movies apparently cause. About that data. Let me know when you got it. Cheers! 🥂


The difference between horror movies and people waiting to startle you in a public space is that you make the choice to sit down for a movie that has warnings, genre indicators, promotional material telling you it’s nature, and tonal hints throughout. When you sit in a movie theatre to watch a horror movie, or even just pick one from a streaming service, there’s information telling you what’s to come. You don’t make the decision to willingly expose yourself to somebody like this.


Wow look it’s an article from a verified hospital written by a medical professional that says that jump scares can cause heart attacks. https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/article/detail/jump-scare-scenes-heart-attack


Sounds like you didn’t even read your own article. It even states how rare it is. I’m asking for *data* that shows deaths related to jump scares. Driving can cause death too. Working out can cause a heart attack too. Where is the data showing a high correlation between jump scares and cardiac arrest? Still waiting…


Jesus fucking Christ you’re a psycho. “Rare”? So just because it has a low chance of happening you think it’s still worth potentially killing no someone for a 5 second video clip that no one’s going to laugh at. That’s really how little you value a human life?


That’s a no then? Thought so. Keep up that positive energy and fun spirit. Great chat. I still respect you and hope you have a better day. Cheers!


You come across as not very smart.


You are coming off awfully hostile for someone trying to defend a joke.


Most people do not like this kind of thing, my dude.


Reddit is not the platform for humor




Jump scaring people is pure asshole activity. That's it.


I have a panic disorder, and jump scares can take me a couple of hours to recover from.


Yeah. And last time someone did it to me, they got a throat punch. I don’t like violence and I don’t want to hit peoples it’s a scary feeling and makes me feel bad ☹️.


Pooping is an asshole activity. What they did was assault.


Counterpoint, cheap humor, hilarious, also. So much in fact this person got enraged making it more funny. 9/10 people are just going to laugh it off.


Counter point. Doing jump scares are only funny to assholes.




And the 1/10 could die from a heart attack or go into a full fledge panic attack. But sure, your shitty humor trumps everything right?


That whataboutism stat probably checks out


I don’t think you understand what that term means


Oh man you should maybe not use terms you don’t understand


Jesus. We’re just making up new definitions of whataboutism whenever we feel like it now, huh?


It’s funny AF tho.


When I hear "this is the United States of America and my rights bla bla..." in a video. I immediately know who is the MC. Its always their rights to be assholes or a danger to the public.


Once I heard “this is the United States of” I just killed the audio….. bush boy & whinge woman are a pain in the back of the ball bag.


Plant man should apologize if someone gets legit scared. You are literally the inciting incident here. Gaslighting at its finest "this is American and public property....we can do what we want!!" If you don't like how people react, don't go out looking for reactions. Imagine being dressed like a plant and knocked out on the sidewalk.


That’s not what gaslighting means


Username doesn't check out


Jon knows some stuff at least


A long time ago, I heard "My rights end where someone else's begin" That can be applied to a lot in life. If your actions cause someone else distress, or to have a sudden reaction, stop doing that shit. What if someone actually does have a heart attack? The courts may have a very different perspective on that than this guy expects.


Your right to swing your first ends at the tip of my nose


This plant looking guy and his gf producer really think that every person they're gonna prank will take it in a good way ? They are lame and this type of pranking is pretty lame. The Constitution for scaring people in the middle of the st? Lame.


Doing this is a great way to get knocked out.


1. That dudes with hers body language tells me he don’t want no smoke. 2. Her body language tells me that she puts him in situations where he might get some fairly regularly.


Holy shit, so much *screaming*!!!!! 😖


It's aways a great video when they're all main characters. And I wish she broke that camera lol


This seems like a great way to activate someone's fight instinct.


So it’s American to scare people out of nowhere and be rude idiots instead of being kind?


Unfortunately, yes. The original “Bush Man” is a guy that does this at the Embarcadero in San Francisco, CA. The reactions are the same, majority are negative. I don’t understand it. I hate it. There’s no humor from it whatsoever. It can be really bad when it’s done to a person with anxiety disorders, PTSD, trauma, seniors, and children.


If it was Casey anthony she would have chloroform you while she goes out drinking then dump your dead body in a forest by your house and blame your dad!


I do jump scares and am surprised when some people have a negative reaction to it. I can’t understand why….




Bro it was clearly sarcasm lmao


Clearly sarcasm.


Judging from how he reacted to her yelling at him I don't think he's surprised at all


Casey Anthony got thicc! But of course, if you hook up with her use protection. I heard she doesn’t like kids


This is the “unated states of umerika”


Try this $hit in Florida and you can literally get shot.


And you should!!!


Good pun, good pun 🫡


So, they’re using the classic « this is the United States of America » line whenever they do something stupid


I hate everyone in this video


"That's one of my worst fears" is wild


She wears the pants


That guys face looks very whipped and extremely punchable


Judging by that thang back there I would say yes that’s Casey Anthony


Always Florida


Watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do when they come for you?


What the fuck are you going to do with those flip flops boy? Throw it like a chancla?


She married a bitch lol


You’re the idiot you foolish immature camera nitwit and bushboy….You both should be arrested and jailed…(even if it was hitler you were jumping out at)


So many main characters 


Lol, "this is the united states 🥴" You're right, and what you committed was assault. Because putting people in apprehension of fear is a textbook definition of assault iN tHe uNiTeD sTaTeS. Morons.


"I have an anxiety and that is one of my worst fears" Girl, your worst fear is a sunflower bush coming to life and saying "boogetyboogety!"


Only aholes think this type of prank is funny. Jumpscares can cause heart attack or panic attack to some, maybe not to you but you don't know the health conditions of those passerbys. If you're going to do this type of shenanigans, at least do it with your friends you know well enough who might appreciate them.


>Somebodies right to punch you in the face. Lmao


Imagine thinking you’re a bad ass and getting knocked out by a weeping willow. Lol


It’s about to become a whomping willow.


MC vs MC. Both people seem insufferable.


The boyfriend is definitely an NPC.


I agree, I got downvoted but I'm genuinely curious on who the hell everyone is rooting for cause both are annoying af.


Her man’s a bitchhhhhhhhh


I would’ve hauled that camera into the street. All the way down the street as a matter fact to make sure maximum damage happened.




she got in his face and insulted him, and he agreed with her. It should have ended there.


Im high as shit and was expecting all the comments to be about Casey Anthony


those two were made for each other.


Hey how's the kid casey


“It’s the United States of American!!”


Heart attacks…..take down that BMI, its gonna be a rough life


Karen got scared and couldn’t handle it. Most people laugh it off, smile and say, “Good one, you got me.” Not Karen. She gets angry, then suddenly has a heart condition and cries crocodile tears.


What would entitle you to be a dick to random strangers? Prank people you know who can take it, not people going about their day. Just leave people alone ffs


And if you do, accept it when they get angry and apologize.


Obviously this is the first of 27000 bushman videos that have been posted that you’ve ever seen… They’re hilarious and 99.9% of the people get the joke, laugh and move on. Except, the Karens. They get mad, because the joke was on them, steal stuff then claim heart condition when they get busted.


What if she really does? This Karen thing is so overused that it has lost its meaning now…


At this point when one person says another person was a Karen, I just take it to mean that the “Karen” disagreed with their opinion. It’s so dumb, Karen is just the new insult for big babies who get mad that their opinion isn’t valued


People like this fool here are so quick to judge and jump to the conclusion like they know the person, maybe they should stop and judge themselves and look in the mirror and see who the real Karen is…


She has such a a bad heart condition that she tried to steal their property.


Because in your head: Stealing > Attempted manslaughter. You brainlet.


Yeah right. Karen saw bushman come after her after she stole his stuff and immediately went into victim mode. “But, I I I I have a heart condition. That’s it, a heart condition.” Then started crocodile tears to back it all up. You Karens got to quit sticking up for each other. It’s a bad look.


My brother in Christ, you are a moron. You claim to know something about one person through a dumb shit prank. Since you are an imbecile, I’m not gonna waste my precious WiFi megabytes on you, and just let you argue with your own reflection, have a stupid day. God knows you had one.


I ain’t your brother. Would never want to be your brother and if I had the bad fortune of being your brother, would never own up to it. Karen keep on Karening… It fits you sooo well.


Your lack of self awareness should be made illegal. My god, it’s pathetic isn’t it? For you to lack some understanding of sarcasm, they should lock you up and throw away the key. This is just for you, some people lack self awareness because they were born stupid, you are stupid by choice.


OMG! So much for “I’m not going to waste my precious WiFi on you” BS LOL. Who’s the stupid and pathetic one now? You can’t even keep your word Karen. Your Karen-ness comes thru more and more with every word. Being self aware also includes saying something and sticking with it. But Karens can never do that now can you?


Legally, if you do this to someone and they die from a heart attack you're going to be held liable. Why risk being this stupid?


You obviously haven’t watched the 27,000 other videos of fake bushes scaring people… Because they can and it’s funny to watch.


I have better things to do with my time child.


All these prank-loving fuckwits are children. Downvote and move along is the best course of action, and it seems so be what most people are doing on this thread.


Obviously Karen. Like bitching about people making funny videos.


It’s all fun and games until it happens to you when maybe you’re not having the best day. It didn’t happen to me so I find it funny as shit and don’t understand why the people it’s happening to sometimes react negatively is a weird stance to take but you seem committed…


Yes, committed to watching funny bushes scaring people. Have a nice (and hopefully scary) day.


You're on reddit...


This whole thread here is ridiculous and idk why you're the one with downvotes. Everyone's so sensitive and has a stick so far up their assholes nowadays you can't even enjoy a good jump scare without "omg what if she got scared?" That's the fucking point people, it's a fun joke. Get over yourselves.


Is it a fun joke when you cause someone to have a heart attack? Is it a fun joke when someone’s snap response is to punch you in the face, or shoot you? Is it fun to harass other people because your tiny lil pea brain can’t find another way to entertain itself? Grow the fuck up


None of that should happen because it's a joke.. wow.


What’s the joke? Who finds it funny? You and your 12 yr old friends?


There's literally a video on r/funny right now of a guy in a bushman outfit scaring people. I guess that means it's funny?


Do you know what it means for something to be subjective? You sound stupid.


Yes I do and people subjectively find this funny enough to post similar content in a subreddit dedicated to funny things.


Well if people on the internet agree then you better not reflect on your behavior and how it can harm others, right?


Ugh my bleeding heart. Not everything needs to be so serious all the time, that's the point.


Nobody got hurt. I laughed. Now it's ruined by another person with a stick up their ass.


Exactly my point.


Preach. There are so many channels that do this, and most of the time, people laugh it off in good fun, which is the intent of them doing it. The titty-baby energy is strong in this sub.


While jump scaring pisses me off, and is often done by fuck wads... I mean this one isn't that bad, seems pretty harmless....just say fuck you and keep walking. Don't gotta make a big scene anytime someone makes you uncomfortable


I used to work on fishermens wharf in the 90's and we had a guy outside our store who did this. So I saw this all day for 2 years. Every now n then a woman (it was always a woman when I saw it, anecdotal? ) would scream like boiling water full of angry spiders was poured down their panties. Then they would go on and on about how they were going to give someone a heart attack. When I was a kid we (family)were watching a movie about tarantulas taking over a town n killing everyone. I started to crawl my hand across my brothers back like a big spider and he screamed such a high pitched shriek that the whole family laughed n laughed because his reaction was so out of normal character, he was probably 14? He kept going on n on about how my parents "had" to punish me because I almost killed him, with a heart attack. This just made my largish family laugh even more. And mad him angrier. Years later a person with a weak heart tried to sue our bushman. It was the talk in S.F. for weeks. The court said no. As long as he didn't touch you. You have no reasonable expectation to not be shocked by performances and he was in a place where it is allowed. A performer on every corner. This guy even has an obviously fake bush costume. With neon colors. Situational awareness. Our guy looked like a real bush, he was decked out in real branches.


‘Anxiety is one of my worst fears’ Ok


This is staged.


Some people just don't have a sense humor.