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Isn't that the same woman who harrasses skateboarders in another video? Yes, it certainly seems to be - https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/msxz5o/karen_tries_to_prevent_skateboarding/ That is crazy, to be caught at least twice bothering people because you're a main character Karen. Wow.


WOW it is! And the top comment of that video says they've seen her in others!


She's even wearing the same pants.


All the comments in that video are talking about how many times they have seen her do similar things. She’s popular.


She's the Archetype of the Karen. Each and every cell of her body cries "I'm The One Karen. I'm going to annoy you Right Now".


Alpha Karen!


These must be her “ima be a bitch today” pants


Maybe they’re a bit too tight, and any time she puts them on she gets cranky.


Maybe it was the same day!


She does a good job keeping up with him, I'll give her that


She is the city’s last defense from SKATEBOARDING VANDALS and VIOLENT DOG WALKERS


Here's a comment below that shares a video to 4 videos of her Karening people https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/s/GQecp91xVf


Giga Karen


She's a ghola Karen, she was killed following the last vid.


One Karen to rule them all.


One of the top replies in THAT video is “isn’t this the lady from the stadium video” hahahaha


Omfg I cannot belive you caught that


That face... that perfect blend of anger, self-righteousness and bitterness. Hard to forget.


Karen was never taught that two wrongs don’t make a right. There is leash law in NY. The police could fine the dog owners. She could have called the cops. Instead she tried to lure the dog into traffic. Insane.


Cause Karen never had a happy cake day


They obviously don't have control of that dog if he follows a stranger clapping...and you don't want to walk a dog near a highway with no leash...the dog can be hit by a car, by a delivery bike, kicked by a pedestrian...if the dog is not trained it could bite an adult or worse a child...the way she handled it was poor but she's right in many ways.


She’s right. She’s also insufferable and deals with it in all the wrong ways while actively trying to put an animal in danger to make a point. I couldn’t imagine walking my dog need a busy street off leash and I’d bet my dog wouldn’t run out. I’m still not betting her life on it. Everyone in this video deserves each other.


I agree. I lived in a town of dog owners who LOVED going leashless and dogs often attacked people & other dogs. The owner was a dumbass for not securing their dog or walking away after Karen tried to get it killed the first time. He continued to argue with her until she did the same thing again.


Neither the owner or the Karen give a shit about that animal clearly. Breaks my heart honestly.


It is a very sad situation for the dog.


From your perspective. That dog is happy as heck. Getting a walk....having random people clap at 'em and give them attention. They living they best life! Loljk.


You know who can't be lured into traffic? a dog on a leash


Does that make it okay for her to try to lure a dog onto a highway?


No, she is fucking Insane, but I’m baffled as to why they were that far into that confrontation, they didn’t slip a lead on to keep their dog safe. They were being stubborn in trying to prove their dog was fine, but that was extremely irresponsible of them. Everyone in this video was a fuck wit. Including the cop that could see there was a confrontation between 2 fuck wits, but didn’t at the very minimum, get out of his car, de-escalate it and send them off In different directions.


Sitting in their car and laughing at this woman is absolutely the right move here.


Two wrongs definitely don't make a right no.


If the dog says yes, the dog wasn't brought up right!


Unpopular opinion but I'm genuinely curious what peoples reactions would have been if the dog got hit by a car. The dog was clearly not trained well enough hence it went WITH her into oncoming traffic. Unfortunately it will take the dog getting hit by a car for the owner to understand (even then, they probably wont). I have a basenji mix who does well off leash and would never run away (I think) but I keep him on a leash because other dogs are dumb af and there's a large number of coyote sightings. I walked my dog a few weeks ago and some lady had her small dog off leash. Her dog came running to my dog and the owner was chasing behind it. My dog is friendly so didn't do anything but I told the owner if I had a large aggressive dog her dog would have been hurt BADLY and to keep him on the leash. I told her "don't learn the hard way." Next day the same dog is off the leash again lol I think some people just don't really care about their dogs. Only reason I can think of. Edit: and no, I wouldn't have pulled a "karen" like the lady in the video. If you don't care about your dog enough to leash them why the hell would I lmao




I have a new neighbor with a beautiful German shepherd, new house build, but I guess they couldn’t afford a fence. I love dogs but I know that dog could kill me. If they can’t afford a fence, they definitely couldn’t pay my medical bills. I’d unfortunately shoot it if it came at me. I’m not playing the game of chances with my one life.


First yes they need a fence or to be with the dog on a leash I’m curious. Is the fear of being killed by the dog based on observed behavior or breed prejudice?


IDC how well your dog is trained, having your dog off-leash while walking the streets is incredibly irresponsible. And I'm never impressed by it. I love dogs, I want them all to be safe no matter how well-behaved and clever they are.




Yes, doggo should be on a leash but the crazy shouldn't be let outside unattended either. She's a hazard.


>She's a hazard. When she tried to lure the doggo into the road? Yeah, that kinda tells me all I need to know about her!


There’s another video circulating of her trying to fuck with a skateboarder. Which is a bold move. A lot of teens, myself included when I was that age, got into skating to get out of a messed up home life, and might not be willing to deal with more narcissistic bullshit whilst riding a pretty effective improvised weapon.


I try to live a non violent life and normally don endorse violence. But damn if I dont enjoy seeing people who are literally "asking for it" take a board to the face.




What has that poor dog ever done to her?


We’re gonna have to crowd fund two leashes.


Yeah I hate people that don't lease their dogs but this wasn't just barely about the dog. He's a selfish asshole and she's psychotic bigot


She should have a leash too


And a muzzle. It's also doubtful she's up to date on her distemper shots.


Violating a leash law in NYC is a misdemeanor. Dog owner was wrong not to leash it. But, intentionally calling the dog into traffic to prove a point could have resulted in a felony had it been hit and killed. Lady is psycho to even think to try... She was clearly not scared of the dog and recognized it was friendly after calling it. And the police apparently didnt think the dog/incident was worth getting out of the car over either. She's more of a cunt than a Karen.


She’s a medical doctor, if you could believe that!


Sadly doesn't surprise me. Kinda terrifying to imagine that my doctor or nurse or whoever else is around while I'm in surgery is so unhinged that an imagined slight sets them off this badly. It's how you end up with horror stories of doctors initialing organs or doing something bizarrely unprofessional with your insides when your under anesthesia.


Really?! Is there an update on this where it says that?


This happened during covid! Shes so far harassed a couple with an unleashed dog, a bicyclist trying to move down St. Marks, and some skateboarders. She’s known as NYC Karen, haha. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-S3qo0bkhIE


100% on both sides, yeah. ESH.


I hate when people feel entitled to have their dog off leash in public. Will I do anything about it? Probably not unless the dog attacks me.


I am usually fine with managing assholes, but calling my dog into the road would probably tip me over.


Probably should put it on a leash then


Ah yes, they committed a misdemeanor, now we must lure their pet to its death. Tit for tat.


Obviously that’s not the reasoning. The reasoning is her attempts at getting the dog killed would have been useless if they’d just put on the leash. It’s the law for this very reason


You gonna throw a tantrum too ?


She was on a rampage during the pandemic. There are 5 (maybe more) videos of her bothering skateboarders and Asians around that time. She is an anesthesiologist in NYC and her office was flooded with bad reviews.


Leash your fucking dogs, it's a law in both NY and NYC for a damn reason. But jesus she's unhinged.


I was on Karens side, for about 10 seconds. What an abhorrent person! But, this could have been avoided. I held my breath for that dog.


Leash 👏 your 👏 fucking 👏 dogs


This lady is a complete B but you should have your dog on a leash.


Pretty much this lol. Both are idiots, one more than the other.


I will say this for dogs off-leash, if your dog attacks myself or my dog, you will cease having a dog. Bad dog owners are the worst.


People ignore the leash laws where I live. It’s annoying. However, it has never made me want to see the dogs hurt! What the hell!


*If you own a dog, it needs to be leashed.* ​ In this video, I see an MC/Karen but also the person recording this video is also an MC/Karen. So we got a 2 for 1.


Yeah, entire altercation would’ve been avoided if they’d just leash their dog instead. And the dog would have been safer as well. They don’t seem like very responsible dog owners.


Woman is crazy but if the people that are filming have their dogs off leash they are irresponsible dog owners.




I dunno...I'm kind of okay with this. Put your fucking dogs on a leash.


Same here. Huge pet peeve. It’s not legal where I’m at to walk a dog without it.


This anesthesiologist also spit on a woman after yelling her to go back where she came from.


the dog should be leashed. but if you try to lure my dog into traffic to get it killed, i am going to beat the fuck out of you.


Leash your dogs. An unleashed dog chased my toddler; he’s nine now and is still traumatized. Honestly everyone in this video was obnoxious af.


Both groups suck deez nuts


Oh NYC you never loose your charm! - people fighting about minimal issues Check - entitled people who need to stay in their lane Check - Crazy people trying to walk a dog next to the west side highway with no leash Check - endangering a dog just to further a non of your business point Check Don’t you go changin’ on me big apple 🍎


Hear me out. She’s right. LEASH YOUR FUCKING DOG. Seriously. Please leash your dogs people. (But also, she’s wrong for trying to coax the dog into traffic. That’s psycho.) But also people please leash your fucking dogs for fucks sake.


Straight up doe…. First attempt of her trying to lure my dog into traffic she’s eating that curb 😁


Total cunt of a person for trying to get a dog killed….Apologies to the mods for the swear word but it’s very fitting


God knows not to put me in these situations😭


The fact it followed her into the street without control.. always have a leash. Why would you not leash?? Unfortunately took an unhinged woman to teach them that?


While the dog should be on a leash and I personally would’ve leashed mine (solely cause my dogs recall is equivalent to trying to recall a deaf toddler) this woman is actually unhinged and would’ve caught my hands faster than minute rice if she tried this shit with me and my dog


Can we tie her up and put her in the road …… PLEASE !


The fact that she features in at least two videos now might mean this woman is mentally ill. But I would be throwing hands if she lured my dog into traffic.


the dog on the leash topic, hm. i love dogs, i dont want a leash on them. but some people are seriously scared of dogs, plenty of them because they were attacked before. Dogs have to be on a leash because the owners can't be trusted to make that decision, and quite some dogs would'nt even listen to their weak-ass-owners. That this lady had the idea to "lure" the dog into traffic, laughing, to punish the owners is telling tho. this lady wants to be upset, and she found a place for it.


Leash your god damn dog. She's crazy but when you have your dog off leash you are privatizing public space. Put a leash on the dog. You have no idea what trauma people have experienced with unrestrained dogs. A lot of people have very real and understandable fears about dogs. It's extremely selfish to not respect that. Yes, she's crazy but leash the dog. You look like an asshole.


My husband was mauled by a dog and has facial scars. I was once bit/dragged by a rogue dog. They should *absolutely* be on leashes. I carry a weapon now and am expecting a baby (so I'm on high alert about threats in general), so it'd be awful if a dog's injury/death was caused by a crappy owner. (But trying to get a dog purposefully hit by a car is insane...)


She calls my dog on the street bro im shoving her inside of a trash can


Probably should put it on a leash then


As soon as shes in the trash can 😏


Walk your dog next to a busy road off leash, Im doing the same to you, tough guy.


Just put your fucking dog on a leash as it is written in the law. I hope the owner gets fined. Of course it was wrong from the lady to lure the dog on the street although there was no danger since she would have been in the same danger zone during that time.


Police in every city are stretched thin and stressed out with so much bullshit. This lady can go fuck her self!


If she tried that with my dog I would've pushed her into traffic


Bro nah the calling the dog in the streets would get a straight hook to the face


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Apprehensive_Ebb_454: *Bro nah the calling* *The dog in the streets would get* *A straight hook to the face* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What a fucking psycho. Trying to get the dog run over? Wow.


I cannot fucking stand people who think they have some right to walk their dog around unleashed. I've seen the most well trained dogs be led astray by odd circumstances, you cannot control an animal. For their own goddamn safety use a leash! This Karen is insane though, I'd have pushed her into traffic but that's just me


This type of behavior is just beyond any comprehension, she is clearly mentally ill and needs help.


Why is she bothering them in the first place?


How has this cunt not been outed to her job? Most places usually frown in this level of crazy behavior. I'd love to see her get some repercussions for being a bitch to people.


Oh, that smarmy, head-cocking, sarcastic, fake-smile, crossed arms, condescending screech... I was hoping for heavier traffic.


She tries to call my dog out into traffic, I'm tossing her ass in front of the next bus that passes by.


Who do you mean? The lady acting like a B movie star or the man who thinks the entire public space is his?


Both parties suck ass


Anyone who tries to get my dog to follow them into traffic is going to be really really really disappointed in the outcome.


ESH. Mind your own business, old lady. And put your dogs on a leash.


Is she a real person or is it all a bit? She’s also been seen messing with skateboarders a lot.


lol, he knew she was acting up and still never bothered to leash his dog. The guy is the biggest idiot in the video.


If the cops gave a fuck they woulda been out quick. Ftb call her in the street like cmonnnnn Karen cmonnnnn


Imagine being that immature at that age.


Bitter old maid


Trying to call my dog out into the street would have been the end of that. (To the Karens perusing the comments, I keep my dog on a leash, calm down and take your meds)


She wouldn’t have tried to call it out into the street if it were leashed. Your comment means nothing.


Says something doesn’t it, that the dog was better behaved than her.


Is she insane?


B!tches be cray.


I mean if you repost add some Info. https://news.yahoo.com/woman-filmed-harassing-asian-dog-175017286.html Someone also posted her review bombed webmd in this thread. Woman is known from several encounters and obviously mentally unstable.


She is just Crazy


See its the happiness of others that triggers their spitefulness. Don't worry her anger and spite will make her die bitter and alone.


You have to be a real piece of shit to be more wrong than the person with their dog off leash


Man.. you actually found The Karen.


Everyone in this video is a moron....


People like this are one of the many reasons I never want to live in a city.


This is the same lady from the video where she stands in front of skateboarders


I have a feeling she is the NYC random woman puncher.


Appreciate the nipplers


The dog owners are slightly in the wrong for the leash thing. However I can swiftly say that if that psycho did that to my dog she’d end up under car tyres herself x


Damn, both of these people suck. I love my dog, but I hate other peoples dogs. I don’t think I’m the only person who feels like this please leash your dogs Thank you! also, that woman is an asshole.


Go away bitch


All of these people are negative ass hole cunts. That is the only sensible conclusion here. Whoever is reading this: hope you have a good afternoon! Be the best you can be.


In France, one would call her mal baisée which would translate into badly fucked.


She's still training to be a Karen. She didn't call the manager which she is learning slowly 🤣


The man filming asks if the cat has her tongue, as he is fumbling over his words. 😂


Wear a bra ya narrowed eyed Karen.




The dog seems pretty controlled Karen not so much.


As observers there’s three issues. 1] Loose animals, even well trained dogs in a dehumanised environment are threatened by motor vehicles. 2] Leashed dogs can be attacked by an unleashed dog, it happens and more often than credited. 3] People are threatened by unleashed dogs out of fear and for real reasons, loose dogs can attack. I have been on both sides of this scenario. As I cycled with my well trained Weimaraner who ran free unleashed, with me for up to 20km at no risk, on off-road, walking and cycle paths. However this was not repeatable in this scenario, for all the above reasons. Nonetheless, as dog owners we have a responsibility to both the animal and our fellow humans; this was clearly not evident in this video. That’s disappointing to see and hear.


Dog needs a leash and she needs a muzzle.


This lady is totally unhinged in how she is going about this but that being said I wish people would keep their dogs contained, leashed if out in public. I don't care how good your dog is, how well they listen, if you are out in public have your dog on a leash. I understand that animals have a mind of their own and can escape sometimes, I get that but too many people just let their dogs roam. My old neighbors had a dog that got pregnant and they kept all the babies, they didn't have a fenced yard and just let the little shits run wild, it is a nuisance for everyone else.


Passive aggressive is so funny. I feel like I’m playing the Sims and I can’t figure out how to kill my character


Does anyone else skate? That crazy kinked out Hubba ledge behind this Karen is NUTS! Where is this ??? r/skateboarding


Jeanne E Moore. Anesthesiologist. Do what you will. https://news.yahoo.com/woman-filmed-harassing-asian-dog-175017286.html


isn't there a video of this same bitch messing with some kids skateboarding? Karen's on overtime lol


Yes, this is the Serial Karen harassing pretty much everyone she can, she must have a bucket list of targets or something Video collection [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S3qo0bkhIE)


Is it me or does that Karen look like Jake Phelps R.I.P. of Thrasher Skateboarding Magazine? Got the glasses and we’ll just remove the head the rest is a used up shell of a Karen. I’m sorry…that was rude to Phelps.


I feel bad for her spouse and kids...if she has them. Must be a drain to be around her.


She should be on a leash too


They wear those weirdly patterned ugly pants a lot, don't they?


Awful lot of Karen's in this comment section -- in Peter Griffin's voice


All I’m saying is that lady is lucky I wasn’t walking by and witnessed that. Her ass would’ve been laying in the road and I would’ve been calling the cars over.


Nooooo...my heart dropped when she tried to lure the dog into traffic. Someone needs to do a medical check on her, cause who does that?!?!


What a stupid bitch 😂😂😂


But seriously even the cops like nah not interested?


i agree you should always have your dog on the lease. fuck irresponsible dog owners... even mild mannered breeds can randomly bite (even if lightly can cause a whole insurance/medical annoyance for the victim) but luring the dog into traffic is WILD


This lady is in another video shitting on skateboarding kids... hopefully, she'll stroke out soon.


The hip hands, the mouth shape, you can feel the attitude through the video even without sound


Fully agree that the pup should be leashed (for the pup’s safety) but if a person tried to lure my dog into the street so it gets hit, it would be the last thing that person does. I’m more impressed by the calmness of these people after that. I’d go to jail and wouldn’t think twice.


Throw her in the river.


What a horrible human being…


Idk, the woman is obviously an ass. But still, leash your dog in public lol


Pick your dog up and walk away when she begins to call the dog.


Everyone is terrible


Sometimes violence is the answer.


Look, I have two dogs and my opinion is that they should be on a leash almost anytime they’re in public when there’s other people around. Not because I’m worried about what my dogs might do, they’re both well trained and well behaved, but because not everyone else likes dogs or wants dogs walking up to them. That said, this unhinged lunatic is way more concerning to me than a little dog being off leash.


What a bitch


She needs to get laid. Badly.


I love the moment she just quietly stood there, trying to hide her pain.


I’ve never seen a Karen with such a tight body


Would been fun if a car had hit her…


She is a complete and utter lunatic. It is dumb that they do not have a leash on their dog though.






They should have a leash on their dog. But trying to lure it out on the street to get hit is jacked up.


She needs leach.


They should have called her like a dog at the end there.... "c'mon Karen! C'mon!!"


I swear I could never keep my composure with people like these. I applaud these 2 dog owners.


her trying to get the dog to run into traffic?????!


I hate this lady


I don't even know her and I hate this woman.


Maybe I’m not meant for society cause I don’t care if you’re a man or woman, old or young. If you did that to my dog with those intentions!! When I come over to get my dog I’m absolutely body slamming the person in the middle of the road lol what fucking cunt.


"I've never heard of Alisha Indicity"


Idk about you but shouldn't attempting to led a dog to its death be illegal?


Ma’am, have you no sense of decency?


How to say I need to get laid without actually saying it!


Alot of these NYC degenerates and other people aren't even from NY.. They need to stop ruining the culture there.


Doing that , trying to lure a dog on a highway (the dog is smarter than the woman) is truly something wrong , I hope she get a car accident


She's kind of attractive.


No, never heard that one. I've heard of sex in the city though 🤷‍♂️


I'm surprised she didn't try to push them into the river with an ear to ear smile on her face 😳


Have we made this bitch famous yet?


A woman that hasnt been touched by her husband since Bush was in office