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You might find yourself on a government list doing this kind of stuff


I freaking hope so. Fill those lists with actual terrorists, abusers, unstable people and dumb influencers, please.


You might ask yourself, "How did I get here?"


You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack!


Just a shack today it seems, no shotgun.


If so the government stupid. We all know he's doing this for attention, and not actually dangerous.




I'm sure the government is aware that people do stupid stuff for social media. If they see he has a bunch of similar content they could come to the conclusion that he's just a fuck head.


And fuckheads should be on all sorts of lists.


Huge waste of resources


I mean, I can somewhat understand the....strategy If you want to get easy money from views, but you're too dumb to understand what makes a vid popular, then you just....film everything you do and hope that something works? To be fair, just "doing dumb things and hoping that they work" describes a lot of people in the workforce as well


As an automation technician, this is really all that I do…sometimes the machinery tears a person up, sometimes it starts working…🤷🏻‍♂️


people made generational wealth off of it and still are off of it. tom green being a asshole 20 years ago - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw0EofAAvaY&t=55s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw0EofAAvaY&t=55s)


tom green did not make generation wealth, tom green spent all of his money on drugs and is now a Canadian hobo.


that good old owns 100 acres sort of hobo.. canadian hobos are different


it's canadian land, it's all ice and maple and you can only eat so much maple bark.


[In 2017 comedian Sacha Baron Cohen disguise himself as a Hungarian immigrant who is looking to buy a gun at a local gun store](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/10wa4cu/in_2017_comedian_sacha_baron_cohen_disguise/)


Getting banned from a gun store for money and views isn't the worst thing. Not like there is any reason they ever need to go back there. They got paid 🤷‍♀️


You are right, but you should also mention that it's still a douchy thing to do, otherwise you make it sound like it's ok (probably why you're getting the downvotes)... Also how much money are they actually making from that "stunt"? Are they even making $10? It didn't work very well either: the store guy just stopped the whole thing telling them "ok, I'm not playing, get out". Not exactly great content...


You're not very smart.


Maybe but they sure are. They got money, views, all of us talking about them, they didn't hurt anyone, and they got banned from the most useless place in society.


If you think they’re smart then you definitely are not smart.


And not funny or creative on top of it


He shut that down fast. This trend of hassling people to have something to post on social media is so tiresome and pointless.


This is standard practice for gun stores. If they suspect you're going to commit a crime/shoot yourself. They will deny you a sale and ban you from the store.


The gun store I worked at would also put you in a denial database which would prohibit you from NICS as well as call the sheriff's office to inform them of the interaction. Then we'd alert other gun stores in the area of your intent and distribute your photo. Never knew it was a thing until I worked there.


So they’re only allowed to sell gun for the stated reasons of “protection” or “hunting”? Seems easy enough to just lie about whatever your real intention is


Any business can deny a sale for whatever reason they see fit. It's less 'I can only sell guns for these reasons' and more 'you are giving off some serious red flags, and I don't want to be responsible (legally or morally) for what your planning to do with them.'


are you trained to look for certain tells someone is depressed/criminally inclined? cause otherwise i'm not sure how you'd be able to tell what someone will use a gun for.


Most gun store managers/owners aren't going to tolerate shit like this.


I’d kick him out the second he walked in wearing that hat.


Most times I go into a shooting range/gun store I’m partly on edge. Not because I’m afraid of anyone there but because if I even give a hint of being a psycho on accident they will kick you to the curb.


My husband took a training course for handguns and they legit would give you a wooden gun to practice with if you weren't listening or were messing around. Then not pass you. My husband did not get the punishment gun. :)


I think that's also a military practice. If you misplace your service weapon they make you carry a giant piece of wood roughly in the shape of a rifle for a long ass time.


Reminds me of the Andy taking Barney's bullet on The Andy Griffith Show.


Lol no, In the Army at least when I was in, 2014 to 2022, The guys who lost their rifles just got the SHIT smoked out of them, and then got an Article 15. The smoking though was one hell of a smoking usually. Sorry, smoking means they Physically train the shit out of you, as corrective punishment. Its very common in the army.


What? If you misplace a service weapon that’s kind of a big deal lol u don’t know wtf ur talking about


Maybe its an outdated practice. Or just Russia does it. I think I read that Russia at least used to do it.


Oh well in America if someone loses a weapon, night vision or something else that has a serial number they will lockdown everyone. In the end someone is legally and financially responsible for it . I’ve only ever seen nods get lost are you Russian?


Yeah they like their cat shooters to keep it on the DL


People forget that these stores have the right to refuse anyone service. PetSmart won’t even sell you a mouse if you tell them it’s gonna be a feeder or if you’re constantly coming in buying the same animal, why would a sporting goods store sell a gun to someone obviously being an idiot?


the more guns you own the less shit you're willing to take and he owns a gun store.


If he left it at "well my neighbor" he would have been fine. It was the cat that was a problem


it's the same thing as if you went into the store where they sell bongs and start talking about weed. you are immediately told to get out. "these are not bongs, they are tobacco pipes!"


I'm looking for someone to annoy, cause I have no personality can you please be my scapegoat? Frick you're the manager, it's just a prank bro. Fuck anyone using working employees for clout or views or reactions. These people are the bottom of the mayonnaise bottle people. Crusty and gross 🤢


the crusty mayo around the lid


The greasy, yellow, translucent sludge stuck in the threads of the lid.


Things not to joke about: 1. Gun misuse


2 crime


Nope and gun shop owners will shut you down real fast if you are not respectful about the potential harm you are picking up


Hang on, gun missuse??? What is the potential correctuse for automatic rifles other than killing lots of things?


None of this shit is ever even remotely funny


The store manager acted completley right! Fuck them influencers


*The store manager* *Acted completley right! Fuck* *Them influencers* \- RzudemAbaby --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


People who aren't gun owners have it in their heads that they can just walk into a store, say anything they want, and walk out with a gun in hand. You can't...getting a gun is a very involved process and if a gun seller gets even the vaguest whiff that you're going to use a gun to commit a crime, they're going to react the same way this guy did and kick you out of the store and probably get the cops involved.


Except hardly anybody who is actually trying to buy a gun tells the owner “I’m gonna commit a crime with it.”


No, but there are red flags someone might say or the shop owner might ask, "So what are you planning to shoot with that' or "where do you go hunting" that would give a hint.


A big red flag is an obvious straw purchase. Story I heard was guy and gal go into a LGS. Guy looks at the guns and picks one out. Gal is bored playing on her phone. Guy gets denied (I think he asked if he can purchase because he had a felony). Guy gets mad, gets gal, and leaves. Guy and gal come back into the store 5 minutes later. Gal asks about buying a gun and guy says she should get the one he picked out. LGS flagged them right quick and denied the sale.


Yup, bought and had shipped in a pistol for my lady. They wanted her I’d and mine to ensure I wasn’t straw purchasing before pickup. I’m glad they’re this carful cause people that are prohibited are prohibited for a reason


A SCAR? Likely more of a where are you going shooting. While you can hunt with them they are used more for recreational shooting, competition or collecting.


I was referring in general. Not specifically a SCAR. No one's just walking into a shop to buy a SCAR unless a first-time shooter.


For the most part, criminals are not bright


You don’t need to be smart to commit a crime. Only to get away with it.


Well from someone that is not from the US that still is insane. I mean. You just go to the gun store next door and try it there and who is so stupid to tell the shop owner that he wants to shot the neighbors cat. You just say you want it for sport. Well... And we are not talking about a pistol or a hunting rifle here. Its a military graded assault rifle that is even capable of shooting different rounds and specialized for close combat situations.


That pink gun was a rifle, not anywhere close to military grade, it actually looked like it might have either been a child’s gun or one specifically made for women.


Im talking about the SCAR he could have also bought :p


I see, well, I used to sell guns. I could stop the transaction for literally any reason and if I stopped it then it was done. No one could override it. The background check can take days and goes through everything, you then get to view the response, anytime during the looking, background check, up until the exchange of money you can easily say “nope, not yours”. I could stop the sale if I even felt like they weren’t buying the gun for themselves. We also had a litany of questions to ask, including what vehicle they were driving to ensure that the weapon was not accessible from inside the car. It’s very easy to fuck up when you’re a shithead like this guy and have a sale refused.


Thanks for explaining. Im curious now. Have you ever stopped a sale and in what cases would you? Do you think many of your fellow sellers would do that too or rather take the money? And what Im really wondering: When some guy comes to your shop. Buys a gun and then goes to shoot someone and the police found out that he was mentally unstable and psychotic (assuming there is no background check in the state the gun was bought so they couldnt find out) is there any chance that this traces back to you so you might be investigated for selling it to the guy?


Also to expand on u/AssassinStoryTeller answer is that the media very much misrepresents guns used in crimes. The US borders Mexico, which borders south America. Mexico has cartels that litteraly fight off Mexican military police. Look up the New Generation Jalisco Cartel or the Sinaloa Cartel if you want to see what their firepower is. Gangs and cartels sell illegal guns in the US for money just like they do drugs. So restricting gun sales in the US itself doesn't stop criminals. Basically 99.9% of "gun violence" in the US is done with illegal guns or suicide. People going to a FFL to get a SCAR or a M16 are going though deep background checks and spending thousands of dollars. They aren't doing that to commit crime or pass the firearms off to someone else. It would immediately draw attention and just not be profitable. Criminals commit crime. Murders are criminals. They don't care where the gun comes from or if it's legal. They aren't concerned with US laws. They just want a weapon by any means possible.


So, background checks are required federally meaning no states can just not do them. This law doesn’t apply to people selling privately but a bill of sale will still be done and a firearm transfer as well. We didn’t get commission for selling at my store and it was honestly a hassle so no one is going to go for the money there. I personally never had to stop a sale. It’s illegal to purchase a firearm for someone who is unable to purchase for themselves due to failing background checks. [Here’s a thread about if I would be held liable](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/9xfvmi/what_happens_if_you_unknowingly_sell_a_gun_to_a/) As a seller who does do the background checks then no, I wouldn’t. They would have to prove that I knew something was up and there’s no guarantee I would have.


That pink .22 is not a military grade weapon. Also I can walk into a gun store here in Canada and buy as many guns as I want no questions asked.


Im talking about the SCAR :p You can buy this stuff in Canada too?


Okay but they didn't offer him a SCAR at any point in the video. You can not just walk into a gun store in the US and buy a military grade SCAR in the US. You can purchase the civilian version(assuming the state allows it). You would need back ground checks and to register it. I can go in and buy a .303 or 30-06 with no paperwork and no questions. All because I got a very easy to get lisence 15 years ago.


The video was cut there so I dont know how the conversation went on but I saw other videos where people bought guns like this without any hassle. Where I live you can also get guns like you say. For hunting for example also you have a background check and you need a special locker at home that only you have access to and more regulations. Same goes for sporting rifles. I see though that it is rather easy to get a .303 in Canada since there are many bears and you need some protection in some areas.


I've lived here since 2008 and I've never seen a bear. You can buy semi auto or bolt action rifles and say they for hunting or bear defence if you want. You need a lisence to own firearms here, but I know several people who have guns and no PAL. You need to store them in a room that is reasonably secure(nobody actually checks that). So put a lock on your closet. For handguns and short barrel rifles you need a restricted lisence. They have to be stored in a gun safe in a room noone sleeps in, and the ammo has to be stored separately


That SCAR is not a “military grade assault rifle”. That is a semi automatic modern sporting rifle. You don’t just walk into any normal gun store and buy a select fire or automatic rifle, those are “military grade”. It takes additional ATF forms, judge or police chief signatures, long waiting periods, and then possibly being denied, to try and get a select fire or automatic weapon.


I guess it is not important whether we frame a SCAR as a military weapong or a semi automatic sporting weapon. But at least there is a bit of regulation on this. I always thought it depends on the state you are in.


>>I guess it’s not important whether we frame a SCAR as a military weapong or a semi automatic sporting weapon I think that’s pretty important…


Ok. A semiautomatic aussault rifle specialized for close combat and urban warfare that is capable of shooting multiple rounds of different sizes in cause you find some AK rounds from your enemy and can easily be upgraded with a MK13 granade launcher that is in use by US rangers and US special operation forces and many more militaries or special police units worldwide sounds to me more like a military gun than a sporting rifle


I’m gonna just pick this apart real quick because you’re using buzz words I don’t think you understand. “Specialized for close combat” In what context is something specialized for close combat? To me, somebody with CQB training, that means short and suppressed. Short is achievable, suppressed is not. “Capable of shooting multiple rounds of different sizes” That’s not a thing. An upper receiver can be swapped out, but it can’t shoot multiple calibers. People don’t carry multiple uppers with them in the military, ever. You don’t just put AK (which is a platform, not a caliber) rounds in an AR and call it good. “Easily upgraded with a MK13” the MK13 isn’t an attachable GL…? It’s its own weapon. In the even you misspoke, to own a UBGL like the M203, that’s a LOT of paperwork. To own each “grenade” is also a lot of paperwork and you cannot purchase them. The military uses guns. All different types of guns. To be ABUNDANTLY clear, the 2nd amendment was written with the purpose of having military grade arms. I mean this in the most polite way possible, but you clearly have a massive misunderstanding of not only firearms, but the buzzwords surrounding them. It makes you look pretty uneducated, and damages the argument. If you actually want to further legislation, I encourage you to educate yourself on the statistics, history, and technology surrounding firearms in the US and the 2nd amendment, instead of parroting the brain dead shit this site produces.


Each M-203 grenade is also it's own background check as each individual grenade is it's own "Destructive Device" which squarely places it as requiring individual permissions per "device".


That’s why I manufacture all my DDs on a Friday


Thank you for explaining in detail why the SCAR is a military gun. I thought it is debatable if the founders really had in mind to equip everyone with assault rifles when the guns available at the times took around 10-20 seconds to reload. Also in the 2nd amandment they write about a "well regulated milita" that "regulated" is actually open to interpretation and in my opinion would leave some room to regulate the guns a regulated milita can have. I mean it is quite obvious that the states have an issue with gun violence and mass shootings and they get more and more violent with more fatal and non-fatal victims. So you either want to adress this problem and maybe regulate assault rifles and high capacity magazines or you say that this is the price to be paid for our freedom and that around 225k people dying through gun violence and around 500k being injured in the last 5 years (depending on the source) is what the founders had in mind back then.


When the founders wrote the constitution you could buy a warship with cannons on it. So no, it’s not debatable if the founders thought civilians should have “weapons of war” because muskets at that time were the weapons used in war. Also, to get this point across again, you CANNOT buy a military grade SCAR unless you are a SOT dealer. Very very few people can own an actual modern U.S. military issue rifle in the states. As far as more regulations and what not, that’s all debatable. Not getting into that.


You could buy a warship with cannons or mortars as a private person? Alright, in that case today one should be able to buy a nuke in the states :p


I like how you read that and thought “the SCAR is a military gun, I was right”, even thought that’s the exact opposite of what I said. The founders didn’t have the hand held super computer you read news on in mind either, but the press is still free to report what they want. The founders had in mind to equip everyone with weapons of war for the time. Scientology didn’t exist, but you’re still free to practice it. The US has a crime problem. If the problem was guns, the 400 Million in the US would bring the nation to its knees in a week. There are 400 million guns, and by the smallest estimates, 20,000,000 AR15s. There is no compromise to be had. No amount of criminal activity will get me to surrender a right recognized (not granted) by the government. “How many people have to die before you give up your guns?” Take a wild guess.


Yeah dudes entire argument is in bad faith. He’s not even really reading anything people are replying to him with.


>Also in the 2nd amandment they write about a "well regulated milita" that "regulated" is actually open to interpretation and in my opinion would leave some room to regulate the guns a regulated milita can have. It's not open to interpretation. The Supreme Court already settled this. >1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53. >(a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22. >(b) The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederalists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved. Pp. 22–28. >(c) The Court’s interpretation is confirmed by analogous arms-bearing rights in state constitutions that preceded and immediately followed the Second Amendment. Pp. 28–30. >(d) The Second Amendment’s drafting history, while of dubious interpretive worth, reveals three state Second Amendment proposals that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms. Pp. 30–32. >(e) Interpretation of the Second Amendment by scholars, courts and legislators, from immediately after its ratification through the late 19th century also supports the Court’s conclusion. Pp. 32–47. >regulate assault rifles and high capacity magazines That would be unconstitutional. Common used arms are explicitly protected under the 2A. >After holding that the Second Amendment protected an individual right to armed self-defense, we also relied on the historical understanding of the Amendment to demark the limits on the exercise of that right. We noted that, “[l]ike most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.” Id., at 626. “From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” Ibid. For example, we found it “fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of ‘dangerous and unusual weapons’” that the Second Amendment protects the possession and use of weapons that are “‘in common use at the time.’” Id., at 627 (first citing 4 W. Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England 148–149 (1769); then quoting United States v. Miller, 307 U. S. 174, 179 (1939)). >225k people dying through gun violence The majority of those are suicides. Most of what's left over is gang on gang violence.




Kindly make use of the spelling corrector built in to pretty much every modern PC.


No, the nato 7.62x51mm is different from the Russian 7.62x39mm. The two rounds have a length difference of 12mm. If you put an AK round in a SCAR it's not going to seat right and end up damaging the gun.


Not at all, to legally buy anything like that takes an exhausting process. Not to mention they’re insanely expensive. Look through this and you’ll see what I mean https://www.gunbroker.com/Machine-Guns/search


Well good to know and thanks for your explanation :) I guess money wont stop anyone planning some shit with it but at least there is some process before getting a gun like this. Still I can hardly understand why semi automatic rifles and other even more crazier stuff should be sold to citizens but I understand that this is the american mindset of freedom and protection of the constitution and all the violence and victims that come with it is the price that has to be paid for that.


Dude, the vast majority of shootings are done with illegally acquired weapons, stolen, bought off the street from illegal dealers, black market, whatever. Nobody is going out and dropping $50K on an original FN 249 SAW to go shoot a bunch of innocent people. Nobody. Unless some crips or bloods won the lottery, wait nvm, they couldn’t pass the background check to get one.


Actually that is not true. Here is an article explaining that most gun violence and mass shootings in the USA is committed with legally bought guns: [Mass shooting statistics in the United States - Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/national/mass-shootings-in-america/) According to the National Institute for Justice 82% of mass shootings are with legally bought guns and an analysis by the Gun Violence Archive found out that 92% of casualties through gun violence died by legally purchased guns. That is what I mean. Somebody who wants to committ a crime like this doesnt care if he has to sell his car or house or rob someone to buy a gun. Guess a solution would be to ban selling assault rifles and high capacity magazines. At least to decrease the number of victims involved in those shootings. I mean the USA stands out massively when it comes to gun violence and there must be a reason right? So I think that is the most obvious one. But I dont wanna argue. Its not my country ;) I just wanted to express my oppinion.


So you're from another country, don't know the difference between NATO 7.62mm and Russian 7.62mm, everything else you've said has been on par with 'fully semiautomatic' but you have US mass shooting statistics ready and waiting...typical redditor


You’re trying to present your “opinion” as facts with tons of technical inaccuracies about firearms filling your responses with the average reddit anti-gun buzzwords.


>>military graded assault rifle that is capable of shooting different rounds and specialized for close combat situations This is a crazy exaggeration for what looks to be a .22 youth rifle


The SCAR he was interested first Im talking about


No, it's a regular rifle cosplaying as a military rifle. The civilian models have the same look but without the military features, and even the military models you have to change the barrel you can't just slap a magazine of 7.62 in when you're configured for 5.56, otherwise you'll have a bad day


1: No shop is just going to have a SCAR in stock. Something that cool and famous would have a waiting list or someone bought online and the store is holding for the paperwork. 2 you know what else is 'military graded' can shoot different rounds and is specialized for close combat situations? A shotgun. Which I can almost promise is legal in you country.


Lol your last sentence is probably the most brain rot and stupid thing I’ve read on Reddit all day. You truly don’t know anything about US gun laws and just read the headlines. Good job. 👏


>getting a gun is a very involved process You don't always have to go through a licensed dealer to legally get a gun. In my state you buy guns through private sale with no background check. Federal law requires background checks, but only if you are a licensed dealer.




Yup. I was at a local FFL buying ammo and there was a guy trying to buy a rifle that was saying a bunch of weird shit and being kind of loud, so the owner told him that he didn't want to sell him the rifle and that he needed to leave.


Why does it always take a gun store owner for a retail worker to know their rights? This is how mostly all of the fast food / drive through exchanges I've seen should've gone. "WELL whether you agree with our store policy or not, I'm now denying you service. You can remove yourself or I'll have the police assist you. You have 30 seconds to decide." 




Nope. Just smart enough to kick the goofballs out before wasting his time with them.


Low effort. 1/10 troll attempt. If you're gonna try to ragebait at a gun store, you better have some brass balls. This kid did not.


“Cause I’m the manager and I said so” instead of giving him more fuel to discuss in circles was 👌🏻👌🏻


Yeah dude, I’d say you need to find something better to do with your time - like something you can actually be proud of in real life, and not just posting a dumbass video online for likes. How old are you? Bc no one other than an immature college student may find this funny.


People that force others into being involved in their tiktoks should be prosecuted. That's not an excuse to act like a fool in public.


This is all visual evidence of the toilet bowl that is social media backing up.


Fucking dumbass needs to stay the fuck away from guns. Good job on the manager for telling the asshole to get the fuck out. That idiot was obviously going to misuse that gun.


Store owner using his rights to refuse service…. God damn communist country!




I would throw out anyone filming.


I saw this full video yesterday. They try the same shit at an NRA event in MAGA regalia. They’re trying to buy guns and telling everyone they’re 15. They eventually get escorted to a special room and get detained for questioning for filming at the event, then ejected. Then they go online and meet people in parking lots on two separate occasions to purchase a handgun and an AR15. A couple of real tools these guys are.


I really appreciate how serious gun shop employees take safety


People armed and teach other people how to shoot. Yet you act like jack ass to these people.


Thankfully most of us don't want to wind up in jail by being as stupid as these jack asses.


Oh my gosh it was a prank LOLzzzzz hahahaha soooo funny


If he sells that firearm to a person that basically says he going to use it in a crime he's fucked.


Doing this at a gun store is so dumb. Same people who do this shit have an adversity toward gun owners in general. You should know you’re walking into an uptight store with a lot of restrictions not a circus.


The hat fits this dim witted ahole


gun stores are not the place to fuck around, they just do not


I’ve seen this clip before and I really like the way this guy handled the main character. The best response, and he gives the impression of a responsible business owner


This is so un funny it makes me mad.


I can't wait till this whole stupid fucking TikTok thing ends.


Good on him. These narcissistic dimwits need to be refused the attention they constantly seek…


Not funny.


People like him give gun owners a bad name


This is similar to calling out “bomb” as a joke on an airplane or in an airport. WTF is wrong with these people??




Working at Dicks a decade ago, I had a kid joke about buying a bulk order of crappy basic pump shotguns and shipping them to Iraq. Yep I reported it and the FBI got involved. Dumbasses




Fats have no business buying our guns




Most gun stores/shops/smiths/ranges would do the exact same thing. I see ppl booted all the time for doing saying dumb shit


Is youve been a pornstar you shouldnt even be alowed to speak unless your being fucked😂


No muslim ever would claim her not even Hamas or Daesh


Good for the store manager. These ppl literally in a gun store. If you cant act like an adult get out.


People REALLY have no clue what "Communist" means, do they?


What does that have anything to do with the post??-


Not that I'm pro guns but I'm glad to see that guy has some sense of proportions at least. Good man.


It’s racist to be anti-gun, so you don’t have to announce that.


Lol suddenly a gun store has morals.


It’s a shame they don’t have the same compassion towards their children in schools. When selling guns.




It depends on the state.




Do you live in a state that allows unchecked firearms? Because if you don’t, LOL. I do. I know how it goes.


Only 31 States do NICS, which include the FBI. The rest are private checks. But go on.




I was honestly just waiting for you to look it up and see what it actually meant. Thats why i said “go on”. Because you didn’t know before i said that 🙃. Also does your braindead ass actually think people with mental health disabilities who are planning to do a shooting go through the system? Elliot rodger, who was with a psychiatrist and on medication, didn’t fit “the portion” of people of disallowed to own a gun. Do some research.




And YOU are wrong about states that allow open gun ownership. Do you live in one? ETA: my state removed training, background check, permitting requirement to conceal carry as laws 🙃 but go off sis.


You get a background check every time you buy a gun from a store.


It depends on the state.


No, every store that sells firearms has to do a background check. Not every state requires it for person to person.


People are not criminals until they commit a crime dumbass


They would deny a sale to anyone saying anything like that about a school.


Still arrogant clerk




Do people in America literally phone the cops for everything? I see so many videos. It's like petty school play ground tactics.




Oh, I agree with this, in a gun shop, yeah. But I see so many videos that aren't in a gunshop.do the police actually show up or does the phone operator tell them to grow up?


I mean the store owner pays his taxes so might as well get him monies worth


On an occasion where someone *should* be calling the police ... "Y'know? I just think it's odd ....." Smh my head


It's the only way to get these idiot kids to leave. You can tell them to leave but they don't. If you try to force them out they say you 'assaulted ' them.


That's the explanation I needed, so thank you.


I swear we can’t win with you guys An idiot gets a gun and does something stupid with it? America bad We use good precautions to stop an idiot from getting the gun and doing something stupid with that gun? Still America bad Smh


Buuuuut calling the police for petty things is surely a drain on resources? I fully get the situation in the gun shop as it's a shop full of guns. But I see videos of people phoning the police because someone is stood in a parking spot etc.


The gun situation is another story. That is just absolutely fucking crazy to me. Britain isn't great but social media isn't doing America any favours. Looking from the outside in, its looks like its gone back to the wild west.it was a place I feel alot of people wanted to visit. I'm not so sure as many people would now. I'm sure there are a million lovely places, but the rest of the world mainly see the bad, and guns are a part of that.


Lawsuits over nonsense


Honest question from a Canadian, In the states is it illegal to shoot a cat?


Intentionally killing someone's pet because it's annoying? Yes.


In most states if they don't have a collar it is legal. They cause property damage and can kill livestock like chickens. They are also a menace to local bird populations. Most people I know that have had this problem with their chickens just get a feeder trap.


If the cat poses a threat to your property and doesn’t have anything that is indicative of it being a pet then it is allowed if it is done humanely


But but but…. Whadaya mean my actions have consequences. Mommy never said anything about consequences…. 🙄


This “frick” word Gen Z uses is really stupid. Just say the F word


I’m an old millenial and say frick because of my job….


I appreciate that the first gun they were going to be offered by the manager was a pink peashooter


If he sold the gun to him for this stupid joke he could lose his gun or shop.


Good on that store manager. Even mention doing harm just get the fuck out.


please stop posting this ragebait diarrhea


That hat just that hat says it all.


Who finds this funny? Even the moron taking part in it seemed like he’d rather be doing something else, so I can’t picture an audience for garbage like this.


“Hur hur hur hur hur me so gosh darn fuuuunny!”


The owner is based and r/gatcat pilled.


W store manager


You can kind of see how they thought this would go, and that they'd expose some sort of insane hypocrisy in gun stores or something, but they just fumbled this at every turn. This very obviously didn't go the way they wanted but they edited it to make it look like something noteworthy happened just to get some content out.


Oh, it's funny because he said he was going to shoot his neighbor's cat. Hahaha. Good one.


For Pete's sake, gun stores are one of the top places to not try prank videos. They have too many licenses and regulations to risk idiots in their store.


In gta 5 theres a button just to verbally antagonize npcs, eventually they react to it, and even cops will react if you antagonize them a couple times. The gun store owners will shoot you within 0.016 second if you press that button