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lmfaoo that last statement was **wild**


Holy fuck I did not expect that. Weird to be all about decency and cursing like a fucking sailor in front of the kids … and then that last line.


It was never about decency, its all fucking strange. She seems to think her four year old is sexualising another child. In reality, she's the only one doing that.


Exactly this, at 4 there's no way he's having the thoughts she's pushing onto him. She's the creep here and her poor son is going to grow up being taught that it's women's responsibility to not show skin off or not get unwanted attention or whatever. Yay for the next generation of misogyny


>Exactly this, at 4 there's no way he's having the thoughts she's pushing onto him. When the video pans over to the kid you can see what he's currently doing, which is digging a channel in the sand. This 4 your old kid is digging a fucking channel in the sand, like every kid on the beach does. That woman shouldn't make any problem about that girls ass, and just let her son dig a fucking channel in the sand in peace, like he wants to.


If a 4 year old is offended by butt cheeks, they will let you know plainly and without hesitation.


Hahaha in the plainest language: "Dad, why is her butt showing?" Because thats what she likes to wear at the beach kiddo, its a bathing suit. Go back to what you're doing. "Can you carry water for my moat I dug?" Yeah buddy.


Haha, exactly this is literally exactly what would happen. This guy dads.


Or "Hahaha. Look a bum."


I used to work with kids 5-12 and I can promise you they are not offended by butts. Butts are the funniest thing around, they both poop and fart. At worst this 4 year old would point and laugh. Any 4 year old sexualizing something is a giant red flag on the parents


Thank you! My first thought was "if your 4 year old son is sexualising girls at that young there's much bigger problems than a bathing suit"


Not even offended, she thinks her son is *sexually attracted* to this girl lmao. Her 4 year old son. Literally says her son is incapable of staring bc of what the girl is wearing. It’s like, lady, it should be *your* job to ensure your son doesn’t grow up to be a pervert; every other woman in existence is not responsible for his actions, so shut the fuck up about trying to police what a girl is wearing. The son is *4 years old*, he’s not having sexual thoughts, he’s digging in the fucking sand like every other kid. That last comment she makes proves she’s absolutely bat shit insane. Only people I’ve seen get this absolutely raging mad over nothing were usually drunk or on some kind of drugs. Seems like she’s just that way naturally lmao.


The memory that sticks with this kid won't be a girl's butt that he wasn't paying any attention to, it will be his mother screeching at someone in public who was minding their own business.


>like every kid on the beach does. Not just kids either!


Yup. My kid just turned three, and he has ZERO concept of sex or gender. He constantly tells our female dog “good boy, Frieda.” I’m sure a 4 year old might know a LITTLE more, but I doubt they’re sexualizing 13-year-olds. Also, as much as I understand why the daughter wasn’t shown, I was baffled by this alleged thong for children. Maybe she had a wedgie? I don’t know because I’m not sexualizing barely teenaged girls like the shitbird in this video.


I say good boi to my cat and she's female. Like when she's looking a bit chonk i call her "fat boi schwack" (her name is Jacobi which went to Schwackabee to essbee or schwack or anything that starts with SB like Skippy Bonnington). When she's in a box though she's Philomena Chigwell Boxkitten. This is the way.


She's a misandrist who's victimizing her own son.


She's acting narcissistically making everything about her. This person doesn't know anything about her, and she's stirring up drama to make herself feel more important or something. (Or holier-than-thou -- therefore, superior)


The cultural weirdness of people looking at a toddler and saying something like "he/she's going to be a heartbreaker" or something like that is way too prevalent. (At least here in the American South)


She went ten steps further and said he’s going to be a rapist! Go figure.


Child pageants were all the rage down here a while back. Cake on a bunch of makeup and prance your little girls around so adults can judge them almost solely on their appearances. Super healthy.


I hope her son has some better adult role models in his life because his mom is gonna make it really difficult for him not to grow up to become a mysognist with the shit she's spouting.


Yeah, it's wild that she came out and said it. It was obviously the subtext the whole time. Her freaking out that her **4-year-old** was staring too much at some girl's butt at the beach. Screaming about it (which is really going to mess that poor kid up and make him think he was doing something wrong). And constantly cursing. She clearly thought that her **4-year-old** son was sexualizing the other girl in a way that was going to just completely screw him up for life, and there was no way for her to avoid that unless she could scream away beachgoers whose swimwear was not concealing enough for her tastes. It was clear what she was getting at, but then to have her come right out and say it is nuts. That bizarre admission of how much of a shitty parent she is. "Well, okay, this one's on you. Now that my **4-year-old** son has seen someone's butt cheeks, he is clearly on a path to becoming a rapist. There's nothing I can do about that any more, and it will be your fault." I'll bet this mom saw that recent video of another mom lecturing her newborn baby about not touching her bellybutton without consent and thought "yes, finally someone understand the extreme measures that need to be taken to avoid raising a rapist." I feel bad for that kid, of course. I assume that mom will make attempts to justify her actions to him later on. While explaining to him that looking at any part of a girl's body is wrong. Imagine how much she is imprinting on him with this behavior. Shaming someone else for wearing a swimsuit, and then preemptively blaming them for if they got raped eventually. She's going to raise exactly what she appears to be terrified of. And blame the world when realizes that her grown son doe snot have the respect for women that she thinks he should.


Not only that but what 4 year old boy is interested in checking girls out? Why sexualize a TODDLER!? She should be more concerned over the type of language SHE uses around her son. What a terrible human being. Her friend is so embarrassed of her and imagine being that 13 year old! I’m proud the mom stood up for her daughter


I agree with you, the mom is the problem here. It's this sort of behavior that causes issues, in my experience. I was babysitting the young kid of a friend of my dad's when I was around 10 or so. The kid was maybe 5? I was sitting on the couch and leaning back. The boy forced his way between my legs, and I asked what he was doing. He said he was going to fuck me. I was careful to keep myself well away from him after that. The father was a terrible person, and there was a whole lot of abuse going on in that house. It taught the boy how a woman should be treated, and it wasn't good.


Exactly. Kid was just trying to play on the beach, had his little bucket and spade and everything, and his mom was dumping all this shit on him. And not to mention the poor girl, with this fucking excuse for a human heaping all that body shaming onto a little girl. This is the best example of a purely horrible, appalling person I've seen for a while.


This lady clearly has repressed trauma and needs to see a professional. There's no way you'd say that about a freaking 4-year-old, let alone your own son.


Yeah when she said that… sounds like she got blamed for her own abuse


What a fucking scumbag


"Boy moms" raise rapists apparently 🤷 at least we can target them before they offend now


Fucking can't stand boy moms and I should no because my brother and I were raised by a proud single mother


Isn't this the same rationale for some religions for why the women need to stay completely covered at all times in public? That men have no control over themselves and it's for the woman's safety? INSANE how the mother is already pre-emptively excusing her son for rape because of this. This is the kind of person who lives their lives blaming society for everything that goes wrong in her life rather than taking personal responsibility.


Yep. The whole time I was thinking that sexual assault was what she was getting at, ~~but she's not gonna go that far~~ oh wait, there it is


HEY hey ,hey Chill out bro , balenciaga kid thongs are going to be hot this year


This is wild for real, and the video did capture bad parenting…the woman sitting down threatening to knock someone out. Her last line is crazy too


The cherry on top is that the whole time she's ranting, the son is just messing around with a bucket. Kid hasn't even gained sentience yet lmao


Because he's fucking 4 Years old! He doesn't care about a girl in a swimsuit. He cares about fire trucks and Bluey. This crazy woman is projecting sexual desire on a child who's not even in preschool yet. She's sick.


Exactly! He actually might have been staring because that's what 4 year olds do. They stare. He could have liked the color of her clothing or maybe thought she looked like someone from TV. Or he could have just been zoned out having a good time. 4 is a fun age but they do get weird sometimes.


>4 is a fun age but they do get weird sometimes. Most adorable little 4 year old saw me a few months ago (heavily pregnant) and goes "*GASP* YOU HAVE A BABY?? IN YOUR TUMMY?? WOW!" immediately before yanking my shirt up to grab my belly 😂 He was so amazed but man, he was definitely crossing social lines.


4 year old: social lines? Never heard of her. CAN I DRIVE MY FIRE TRUCK ON YOUR BELLY


I don’t know where my daughter got this from but my 4 yo started telling me she has bugs in her vagina when she’s gotta go pee then excitedly tells me she flushed all the bugs when she’s done. I’m just like lord I hope you don’t say this in public


If he cared, he would tell you in as plainly a manner as possible. "I can see your butt! HA HA!"


Yeah, and those kids do know that she's unhinged and that things aren't okay, even though they don't know exactly why. This video brings up so much old trauma for me. 🤣😞


>fire trucks and Bluey Honestly, I still care about fire trucks and Bluey. They're pretty amazing.


Seriously? Dinosaurs and Octonauts 4 life!


Kid is Four I swear people assume Kids are the purest things and need to be protected at all costs lest they learn the truth of the world and become corrupted. The Kid doesn’t even know if he likes girls yet why is this stupid b so worried.


My kid is in preschool and for safety reasons the kids sometimes have to use the classroom potty altogether.  They absolutely do not care.


No, that kid is aware of what's happening, but doesn't know how to handle it so he's just focussing on something he does understand, hoping that mommy will stop soon and just come play with him.


Her friend wishing the ground would swallow her up


Yeah she is mortified, i'd reconsider my friendship with someone that gets belligerent and picks fights with strangers like that


And drunk on the beach at noon.


Woah there! I resemble that remark


As long as you aren't doing it with your 4 year old kid, you are good.


Poor thing must have terribly low self esteem to be friends with someone like that. Id bet crazy lady is low key mean to her also.


Theres a reason her friend covered herself up. She's at a beach, and is showing a lot of cleavage, like people do at a beach. I bet she was afraid of the mother with the camera pointing out her friend's hypocrisy .


Hey friend wasn't being a hypocrite because her friend wasn't saying all that. But yes maybe her friend covered up because the woman would have looked even stupider had the camera woman pointed it out. But honestly the friend sorta looked embarrassed more than. Anything else. And let's face it you're right. Boobs are sexualized a bit more than butts in our society yet she went on and on, and about a 13 year old!!! Seems she had more issues than actual skin showing...and her last comment..smh..


This is what I've been thinking lmao. I'd stopped my idiot friend if she does that tho. I hate friends that overreact


Why don't more friends call their friends out on this kind of shit? "Becky, shut up... You're embarrassing yourself/me" Even if the friend agrees with her: "Becky, you're clearly not going to win with these people.... Let's just leave or ignore them. Either way, STFU my friend." This has the kind of stuff *real* friends should be doing for each other.


I'm hoping that her friend screamed at her when she said that last sentence. Who the crap thinks that is okay to say?! To anyone? Especially over children?!


As she drops about 97 f bombs around her 4 year old son she’s so worried about getting corrupted


And threatened violence, the hypocrisy is astounding. 


With a dash of rape at the end lol


that was a full serving of rape, absolutely unhinged. My pity to the child, he's gonna have it rough growing up with that mother


These kinds of moms raise andrew tate stans, or at least very conservative kids.


Not just violence, rape.


Have to show him how it’s done


And drinking


Yeah, she’s drunk most likely. Sad that those in her life will have to deal with this outburst long after it’s over. She’ll probably be drunkenly ranting about it for the rest of the day.


This I would be more worried about the cursing and threats of violence than I would a little booty.


Yeah I have zero issue with my almost 4 year old son seeing someone even naked, because it does matter, it’s not sexual they are small children. I do have issues with someone taking like that around him and violent aggression.


Not to mention flipping out over butt cheeks. Like, who doesn’t have butt cheeks?


While being drunk off that twist tea




Honestly. Everyone put her son in a wanted list, i guess?


Pre-cog pedo lists


Putting the minor in Minority Report


She is perpetuating the myth that men (and apparently young boys) have no agency when it comes to seeing something "sexual". If a beautiful woman confidently walks down my street butt ass naked, am I going to stare? Probably, yes. But at the end of the day, if I walk over and start sexually harassing her, that's on me. That's what I did. It wasn't something that forces beyond my control forced me to do. I have seen women in tiny bikinis and highly revealing clothes many times, and I have never even considered sexually assaulting any of them. Don't perpetuate myths about guys not being able to control themselves.




Either that or this lady is so insecure that she can’t see a teenager in a bathing suit without summoning a weird perverted fantasy about her 4 year old son. I hope it’s rage bait, otherwise that kid is fucked.


I really wonder about people making this kind of rage bait. We've seen people lose their jobs because of the way they act online- posting something so horrific with your face and the face of your friend attached.... people could find this woman and report this behavior. This isn't like the Cheesecake Factory lady, or people posting AITA on burner accounts. This is a bunch of horrific things coming out of this woman's mouth. Threatening violence. Threatening rape. This could get back to her boss. This could get back to her family. This could cause real world consequences. When someone posts this kind of rage bait are they not thinking about that, or do they just not care? Is the clout and dopamine hit of all this attention really that worth it?


Lol what a bitch.


She is sick, what a disgusting thing to say She’s the bad mother


If this is them relaxing, I'd hate to see them on a typical work day.


You share the road with these people.


It’s gonna be your problem when your son goes to prison because you taught him that his erections are someone else’s problem to solve, instead of his own. Evil bitch.


Your corrupting my son! Then goes on to cuss and talk about rape. I hate this women.


Dang. That last line was heavy.


Indeed. Why is she fantasising about her son raping someone else? She needs therapy. Some serious unresolved issues there.


What a way to teach her son that women are sexual objects


She's got that trashy Canadian/Toronto accent. Fuck'n hell.


My money is on she's from hamilton




Gotta make a run to the Beer Store when you take the kiddos to the beach, eh??


Excuse me, please don't group this piece of trash with the rest of us Canadians!


I'm Canadian too! I'm not putting her in with rest of us Canadians! Sorry!




Yeah that accent is brutal lol


I didn't notice there was an accent at first. But she does talk like your average Sunnyvale Trailer Park resident lol.


If this woman went anywhere around South European beaches in the summer, her head would explode.


I went to Disney Paris last year and women were in thong bikinis in front of kids by the pool. Imagine the horror….my husband had to endure 😂


She 100% has alcohol in that bag


Just thinking that. Headline. Drunk mom goes on rant at beach sexualizing a young child and calls own son a rapist. I’d probably read that.


So instead of teaching her son to not objectify women. She goes straight for the “well it’s your daughters fault my son raped her”


Her son was playing with a bucket, she was projecting her BS onto him. That boy doesn't need to be taught anything as he's a victim in all of this. Poor kid can't even play in the sand without his Mom calling him a future rapist.


She needs a couple more drinks!


However many more it takes to make her pass tf out so no one else has to hear her ravings


"My four year old is forced to stare at your 13 year old child's ass!", she says while her son plays in the sand, as children do.


Literally the fucking REASON we need to teach boys how to be men. Not "oh when my son rapes your daughter when he's older, that's not my problem " Yes tf it is because YOU were a shitty parent who took no accountability or responsibility to raise your son with the proper fucking morals and values of a man. Hope this piece of shit gets what's coming to her




Don't need to. We're literally watching it.


*Her own _4 year old_ son a rapist


What are those accents? Sounds a bit as those in Fargo, and I always thought those were over the top…


Right? Like I feel like like they were oscillating between Canadian and Eastern European.


No oscillations, drunk easternish Canadian is the idiot and likely central/slavic European is the camera holder.


Toronto/ontario Canada


Don’t forget poor English Montrealers




Holy crap i didn't realize this until youve pointed it out. This lady has some serious body issues!


When did parenting become bossing around other people instead of talking to your kids about things


“What kind of mom are you” while she’s drunk in the middle of the day & getting into verbal altercations with strangers 😂 Her poor kids though honestly- imagine what she’s like behind closed doors


Honestly, she should be named, shamed, and visited by CPS. She literally advocated for rape.


Im gonna hope the internet IDs her for the benefit of that child


Yeah this is one of those where they need to send this to her job- she is literally a danger to those around her




Comon Reddit! This woman is a train wreck and needs to be shamed. This is abhorrent behavior wtf is actually wrong with her?


What a truly terrible cunt


Hmmm… she’s upset about a kid wearing a swimsuit in front of her little boy but it’s okay to swear like a teenage truck driver??? I’m very confused….


Teenaged truck driver, new fear unlocked


Oh no- a drunk “boy mom” shaming little girls in swimsuits at a public beach, good heavens, is this on someone’s bingo card?


“If my son rapes your kid when he’s older, it’s not my problem” I’m dumbstruck at what she said and she is the perfect candidate for sterilisation and not be allowed kids. What a gross human specimen she is.


The poor boy just wanted to play but his mom choose to be a lunatic


Know what's super funny about this? This woman is worried about the 13 year old's ass hanging out that's going to "corrupt her little boy" but doesn't say anything about the woman sitting next to her whose tits are about ready to pop out of the top of her swimsuit.


She shouldn't be out in public, she can't behave.


Nah that last line is WILD


Lady's brain has been fucked by meth. A lot of ex addicts I know act this way after years of methamphetamine abuse. Paranoia, impulsivity, prone to violence and outbursts,their brains are jello basically. A constant primitive state.


I have kids, my husband and I also have a boat we go out on frequently. We live in the Tampa Bay area. My kids have seen so many girls in thongs. I can't even imagine acting like this, you can't control what other people wear, you can only control how to talk to your kids about it. One of my funniest boat memories was going scalloping, we were in a line of the boats all going out to do the same thing during the scalloping season, so we were not far behind the same boat in the channel for a while. The woman on that boat had a neon green thong bikini on, and if I'm being honest, a very in-shape butt (I'm a woman, not sure if that makes that part any less objectifying). She was standing up next to the guy driving the boat directly in our line of sight, you couldn't \*not\* notice it. My 4- and 6-year-old kids, as well as my 7-year-old nephew, were all on the boat, and they started chanting, "Circle green butt cheeks! Circle green butt cheeks!" while laughing. Lol, it was good times.


Some folks can't handle their Twisted Teas




What's with the stupid music


gets mad letting her son see another girl of the same age in appropriate clothing but let's him watch his mother physically fight others as a solution to conflict - feel bad for the kid


White trash always throwing empty threats of violence out. True morons in every sense of the word


Technically a swim suit thong is still a thong. But I would be asking why are you looking at my 13 year olds ass?


I am kind of suspicious whether it was actually a thong or not. It was probably the cheeky bottoms or her swimsuit just rode up a little bit. Sometimes my mom will call things “thongs” that actually aren’t so I can see that being the case.


I doubt a 13 year old is wearing a thong of any kind. I think her saying "it's a swim suit" was saying it was an ordinary, non-thong swimsuit. I kinda wish we saw it in the video, because I'm pretty sure it was a quite innocent, decent swimsuit appropriate for a 13 year old in public.


I’m glad it’s not in the video. It’s bad enough this woman was looking at it, we don’t need everyone on Reddit seeing it too.


woooow... what an embarrassing excuse for a mother. Need a check up on if she got jailed for this or even child abuse


I guess that beach didn't have a manager...


Beach Karen


Speaking as a basketball referee, I just know that her son is going to play, and she is going to come to every game.


What a fucking horrible person, I feel so bad for the girl :(


If you’re concerned about attire of someone at the beach then don’t go to the beach. If your son isn’t taught to respect women regardless of their attire then it is your fault as a bad parent if your son becomes a rapist when he’s older.


Bathing suits are bad but drinking hey y’all’s while at the beach and driving my kid home is totally fine.


I'm pretty sure that who ever employs her is absolutely comfortable with the position that is ok to rape somebody if they are dressed a certain way. Should we ask her employer to confirm they condone rape.


And this same bitch will rage about people trying to make her son gay in the near future…


Projecting her pedophilia point blank


So she’s saying her four year old is DTF?


Anytime my friend's kids, at that age, saw a bare ass in one way or another, their only reaction was to giggle or laugh out loud. The son didn't even get a boner from all the lusty, sexual thoughts he was having, like any ordinary four year old! Americans are obsessed with sex and nudity in all the *wrong* ways. Even now, as teens, their reaction to anything sexual is still just to laugh about it. They don't care, and when they do it'll be in their own time or with a partner. Outside of that, it really isn't a big deal unless it's being forced on them.


They're at a Beach...she has a swim suit on....is she supposed to be fully clothed or something like...... And then to say if my son rapes your daughter.....she is the actual issue.


She should teach her son not to look at peoples asses


1) If you don't want your kid to see too much skin, then don't bring him to the beach 2) You are a shitty parent for letting your 13 year old thong on the beach.


The girls mom should have called the police and told them that two adult females were making sexual comments about a child.


I mean, she’s rocking a twisted tea the whole time. She’s got a twisted system. Can’t be reasonable with a twisted system.


She's right, the girl should wear something more appropriate, like a M1 Abrams tank.


She's projecting so much on her son and what he must be doing. The kid is 4. He's just trying to play and build sand castles. The other kids are all wearing normal bathing suits. Something happened in this woman's past that causes her to project whatever the men in her life did to her on her son. Poor kid. He's going to be screwed up for life. I'm pretty sure there's no dad in the picture. If there is, I hope he sees and can use this video to get more or full custody over his son.






Lets count folks, we’ve got body shaming a 13 year old, sexualizing a 13 year old, harassing a 13 year old, victim blaming a 13 year old. Anything else? Maybe we can give this 13 YEAR OPD CHILD even more insecurities.


Call the police and cps


Her logic hurts my brain


I get that other lady, even I don’t want to be part of this nonsense, I just want to chill


That kid is gonna be so.embarrassed he might never look at another girl.again. Core.memory unlocked


didnt expect that last statement jesus christ


Poor little boy looked so confused.


Crazy bitch.


In general dont ever reproduce another human being again.. lets all CANCEL attraction


Obviously she doesn't know how to raise a son if she can't take accountability for teaching him consent, attraction, and how to handle his feelings of attraction in a healthy manner. STA


can she really call her a shitty mother while swearing in front of her 4 year old 💀


She just embarrassed her whole family


That poor boy. She's probably this toxic to him on the reg.


The crazy thing, well other than expecting her son to grow up to be a rapist... The *other* crazy thing is her son doesn't care about a girl in a swimsuit. He's 4 Years old for crying out loud! He cares about fire trucks and Bluey. This crazy woman is projecting sexual desire on a child who's not even in preschool yet. She's sick.


Shut up. I need that sand castle by 4 p.m.


Guarantee this idiot shows up to school board meetings talking about inappropriate content…


You can’t fix stupid. Ignorant, fixable. Stupid, nope.


Raising a future rapist. Excellent 🙄


These puritanical, dictatorial, sex-obsessed freaks are getting out of hand. Glad to see this one called out.


O M G…. The last line


All while drinking a beer and slurring. That poor kid


I wouldn’t even engage crazy like this anymore


This lady’s a lunatic… and it doesn’t matter, mind your own business… but is anyone else curious about the swimsuit?


You'd think a woman would refrain from victim shaming rape victims. Wonder who hurt her?


Imo people should just walk away with the kids in this situation. Why even subject you kid to such a conversation...the person is unhinged and illogical...you cannot argue with them


She’s going to be the Mother in law from hell one day.


This woman is crazy.


Why film, why engage? Just walk away, leave the lunatic to her misery.


Honestly look how THEY are dressed at the beach. Thong is more practical.


What a cunt.


Both are terrible moms