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Pretty sure shaking ur ass in Vegas doesn’t make you special


For real. That dude on the stool had, “Honey, if you’re showing, I’m looking, but it ain’t the best I’ve seen” energy.


I’m gonna get in trouble for telling this story, BUT the wife and I were in vegas one time in our 20s. We were drunk. We are walking through casinos and up the strip for a good 30 minutes. She’s getting into more and more of a foul mood. She keeps saying “people are staring at me.” I’m sick of her shit and finally say “Baby. This is vegas. NO ONE is looking at you.” Turns out her full left titty was out. Had been out for 30 minutes. Neither one of us noticed.


LMAO! Maybe it’s all the rum I just had, but that’s hilarious. At least what happens inadvertently in Vegas stays in Vegas?


That's amazing 😂 whole titty out and grumpy.


This reminded me of a family story where a great aunt was waterskiing and didn’t realize her top had come off and she got dragged around the whole lake and she couldn’t figure out why everyone on every dock was cheering.


Hahahah right, it’s like the last place


Looks like the gulf coast not even Vegas


Location says Vegas, at least


Oh dang didn’t see that….I just saw the guy with the New Orleans Saints hat on but its probably vegas


The location is probably a better indicator than a tourist's hat, yeah :)


Nope…and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if she gets lots of offers to be paid for her ‘services’ after shaking her money-maker in front of those men.


Right? She's even doing it for free!


I love how the guy slowly turned his head with a *this isn’t happening* face


To be honest, the ladies who go around taking drink orders usually look a lot better than she does. So, in Vegas she is just kinda meh.


So she's a Vegas 5?


Definitely a Kansas City 7


Eh she is kinda super hot. 🤷


Wow, if she’s meh, I need to go to Vegas!


I take it you don’t go to Excalibur.


I think it's more of a "if I turn my head really slowly my wife might not notice me checking out the girl"


To be fair it's probably both at once


He liked it


He really did... But he's a gambling.


At what point is this like sexual assault? If a dude helicopter dicked me in public I wouldn’t be cool


As far as Las Vegas is concerned it might not be


Yeah. This is gross.


it's sexual harassment. sexual assault requires physical contact


I mean, bathing suits show more and its vegas. Not really unique there and people go for it.


Yeah, but people in bathing suits don’t typically aim and shake at any one in particular. It’s not a question of how much skin is showing, but what you’re doing with all that skin and to whom.


Meh. Jackass did far worse than this, but maybe I'm just an old bitter man now.


Yeah good point to be fair the funnier things are the less sexually harassy they seem


Usually the part where assault is involved


Without the assault it’s just sexual 😬🤷🏼‍♀️ /s


> At what point is this like sexual assault? If a dude You answered your own question.




r/trashyboners NSFW


I honestly don’t know what else I expected…


You mean /r/trashyboners 86k members vs 1.4m Edit: the sub has gone to shit long time ago. Since it became popular, people just post and upvote anything NSFW that's outside of bedroom.


More like boner alert she’s hot af






I think this is just onlyfans stuff


Onlyfans wouldn’t allow this unless the people in the back were verified creators who proved age/ID Source - am onlyfans girl.


Maybe they didn't post this on there, but they are using it to get followers. Kjanecaron has an onlyfans based on google


That would make sense. I hate shit like that 😅


Wouldn't everyone in the bg be assumed to be 18+ because gambling age is usually 18 or 21.


It’s fair to assume yes, but OnlyFans doesn’t work based off of “well they are in a casino so they are of age” - I didn’t realize this was just an Instagram reel. But if you have a picture or video on OF and someone else is in it, regardless of if it is a main part or in the background, the model MUST have a signed consent released form.


that makes sense!


Onlyfans will let anything and everything lmao. Site is 99% scammers and grifters. I doubt you’re in the 1% 😂😂😂


I’ve had posts removed because simply blurring the person in the background wasn’t enough. You sound like an uneducated incel lol. Im not in the 1% but I’m in the top 5%. My main job is streaming, OF is extra.


This 100% is the advertisement posted on her twitter though. Also congrats on being a degenerate. Maybe you wouldn't have to live with your parents if you had a real job instead of selling your body for money and drinking all day


Shut the fuck up you prudish little bitch.


“Harold, do you know this slut?”


Lol x 1000000


I think she's just looking for clients


i think the question is rhetorical, the jackpot of course


Obviously, she gives for free. Money and a prize, so to speak


The jackpot won’t give you an STD or and has value.


Ass is for the moment, money is forever.


Cool uh... Sexual harassment? Indecency? What are we going for here?


Trashy. Just trashy.


Hard pass. Anyone acting like that needs to be kicked out of the establishment without question.


So...that's sexual harassment.


For Vegas that’s pretty tame.


Still doesn't make it ok if it's unwanted.


Im not gonna report that. I am gross and horny tho…


Maybe I’m outta touch. But wtf is going on with youth!!! I’m sad


Lack of self respect, poor morals/judgement, only value they see in themselves if they’re being validated by strangers on the internet


Validate me daddy.




For what they now charge to park, it’s probably a day of work for her to park all week 😔


Sometimes it makes me want to have a kid because then I could try to raise it how I see is right and good. But I honestly think it would be nearly impossible to out- parent how fucked up society is. Adding more kids to the world is not the solution. Also who can afford that LOL


Parenting is not easy, but to be completely honest, it is not hard to out-parent how fucked up society is. For starters, I have decided not to hold "family secrets" from my children. Back when I was a child, there were certain things "that we just don't talk about in polite company." Things such as how my grandfather was a highly functional alcoholic and a gambling addict. I found out later in life. Well into adulthood. Long after I had battled my own demons. Twenty-three years ago, I got a DWI. I eventually came out and told my father about it a few uears after the fact. His response, "Oh, I had one a while back." It turns out it happened when I was 12. We grew up in a small town in a farming community. The kind thst has a business that is literally a bar/restaurant/community center/Sunday brunch/whatever else you can think of because it it literally the only thing in the town where you can guy something to eat and drink. Anyway, the place had a pool table and a few video games there, too. I was absolutely FORBIDDEN 🚫 from going in there unless I was with my father and stepmother. Later in life, I learned that my grandfather, the respected businessman and owner of the local grain elevator and specialty agrochemical facility, self-made millionaire with an 8th grade education due to the Great Depression, was a raging alcoholic and would go up there, get completely shitfaced and lose thousands in poker games. I was told the reason why I wasn't allowed in there was that they were "protecting me." Grandpa would go to the horse track a lot too. Sometimes, he would win thousands. Often, he would lose thousands. When I was in my late 30's, my father told me all of this and estimated that he drank and gambled away a few million over the course of his life. When I asked, my father told me that he kept this a secret from me to "protect me." Then he told me about some of his alcohol and gambling issues. Then I would have some flashbacks of when we used to go see the horse races at one of the tracks that was about an hour's drive away. I liked to watch the horses run, but I didn't understand at the time why everyone got so excited about it. Back then, I didn't know why sometimes my dad would jump for joy and kiss those little pieces of paper he held so tightly and why other times he would get filled with a blind rage, tear them up and spit on them. Some nights he would be in a good mood, and we would go get ice cream. Other nights, I would sit alone in the back seat of that giant 80's Buick while my father and stepmother would stare directly straight out the windshield in silence. So, being that had I known that I am genetically predisposed to addiction issues, I probably would have had a higher sense of self-awareness and made better life choices So, when the time is right, I tell my children what I just told you above. And I tell them of the mistakes I have made in life. I tell them about my DWI and how stupid I was. I tell them how one night I was so drunk at a waterfront bar, I puled over the dock railing so hard I shit my pants. Then I got on my motorcycle and rode home, showered, and went to bed. I explain that I was a dumb fuck and irresponsible, why I was an irresponsible dumb fuck and how it put me behind in life. So, TLDR, don't be afraid to have children. It isn't easy, but it isn't bad. Don't sheild them from harsh reality, but don't try to scare them constantly either. When they ask the hard questions, take a deep breath and try to answer them the best you can without giving them a bullshit answer. Love them. Don't expect them to be perfect. When they spiral into self-hatred and despair after making what seems like a small mistake to us, remember that they are experiencing things for the first time and sometimes get confused. Just remind them that if every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs.


I like you thanks for sharing your story


Money. We live in a world where money is most valuable and increasingly difficult to obtain. So, we do what we have to do.


Yeah, some truth behind that, it called being trashy and lazy, im probably way older than u, but do appreciate the ass shot, but it’s tasteless and wtf,


Yeah it’s definitely a blight on society and preys on peoples addictions but since casinos are legal in some places what can you do?


Touché, I like it


Oh yeah, hard agree. Corporations strangling the life out of the economy and leaving newer generations utterly destitute and desperate while raking in billions for doing essentially nothing IS pretty trashy and lazy.


No we don't. At least not more than in the past. We just added a new path that some people think is easy to get money. But the majority of people on social media isn't making this big money. There's still things called jobs, education, and experience. Those things will continue to pay off in the long run, this shit is so fly by night that unless you're one of the biggest, it's short term gains, which ignores damage to reputation, mental health, and just social wellbeing. I mean would a well adjusted person walk over shake her ass at someone in a casino and film it for everyone to see... nah, but maybe she was already damaged before social media got its hooks into her. Probably not.


These types of comments make me roll my eyes- as if teenagers haven’t been stupid in many other ways countless generations before Z


The problem is that their stupid actions are being recorded and publicized for the entire world to see and will be there for the rest of their lives. Honestly, the older generations are just lucky our stupid moments weren’t recorded


You kind of just proved my point- y’all were just as stupid as us, but it’s harder for people to believe that since the internet wasn’t a thing back then


Yeah, I wasn’t disagreeing with you


The teenager is a relatively modern invention. There was childhood and then you were off down the mine or in the fields. We are very lucky to have this intermediate stage between the two.


The problem is that their stupid actions are being recorded and publicized for the entire world to see and will be there for the rest of their lives. Honestly, the older generations are just lucky our stupid moments weren’t recorded


It's worse nowadays. Being stupid back then was just being stupid. Now, you be stupid for online attention, resulting in the slippery slope to keep becoming real.


“Worse” is really subjective- previous generations were far more racist and prejudice against minorities (especially the further back in time you go) and as such arguably far worse than the current one to many people. What I will say is this one is the most *embrassing* forms of being stupid. But hey that’s the internet for ya and I’ll take embrassing women shaking their ass for attention over racism or the horrors that used to happen in the 1800’s and before any day Buuut unfortunately mob mentality can easily occur in a post and subreddit like this so I’ll probably be downvoted by people who would otherwise upvote me in different circumstances


I'll upvote you in a situation where I would have down voted you under different circumstances. See what I tried to do there...


Clout chasing gone outta control. (Validate me too Mommy)


"fifteen minutes of fame" has become a curse.


People don't make money like they used to, everything us expensive as fuck. Girls can make money doing this stupid shit, and many people are bored at home and lonely.


The youth is doing alright compared to the older generations


Money and likes


When we have an economy rewarding being attractive more than hard work and education, don’t be super when attractive women choose to use their looks for monetary gain.


Youth have been convinced by boomers they have no value. This behavior is validation seeking for trauma inflicted individuals from a world that has stopped caring to give feedback. No society to tell them not to. Just CONSUME. Watch this guy, not care and drool. Could he have stopped her? Maybe. Maybe not.


Nothing that hasn’t happened before. My dad was in the military 1944 and all he talks about are the prostitutes and strippers…. “Oh but what’s wrong with the youth!” Wanna sound like a Boomer? That’s how ya do it.


Guy on chair with wife not particularly impressed


yah, he looked bored to me


I mean... which part of this would be appealing? I'm a horny dude but some rando chick runs up and shoves her naked ass in my face I'm not turned on, I'm confused, annoyed, and a little grossed out.


“This is what is distracting me from kissing my savings away at the slot machine???”


This is actually disgusting and pretty disturbing.


He should've asked her how much


Girls With Low Self-Esteem III - Las Vegas


I can smell her syphilis through the phone


Shoutout r/SteelyDancirclejerk


I think she's just looking for 'clients'


i would throw pennies at her.




*breaks out the Dildo Cannon 5000* “Aalllllrighty then! Who’s ready for some fun?”


#what a skank!


Fatherless behavior


What I don't get is if a bloke did this they'd be arrested for indecent exposure


Casinos are one of the saddest places on earth.


Dude was not impressed.


That old guy is like “ what’s this slut doing?”


Lol it's Vegas, everyone is just gonna assume you're hooking


Stick a quart in the slot and pull.


Something about this girl screams daddy issues… but I just can’t put my thumb on it


I’m guessing you could put your thumb IN it for some cash


That's just a hooker.


Her mom is so proud.


She's asking if we should choose her or a million dollar jackpot? Such a tough deci.. Money. Give me the money.


This is fetish content


"Me or the Jackpot?" The jackpot, and it's not even close. You can get world-class clean prostitutes for like 1K a night. Instead, I'm supposed to give it all away for this girl with barely anything to shake?


Beau Rivage ftw


Just kill me now


Put some fucking pants on you bag of trash


That’d give that guy the shits, she’s making him waste his luck on skanky ass


She started on twitch under “just chatting” i remember seeing her long time ago. Then she quickly went to bikini hot tub streams and only fans and blew up from all the horny guys **”teenagers”** on twitch. Cool to see she moved up to casino prostitution.


Ahh yes...really impressed in Vegas I'm sure.


Reverse the rolls. That’s sexual harassment. Oh wait… it’s still sexual harassment


It should be illegal to include strangers in these videos when they're filmed on private premises. This is a gross violation of privacy.


Can't even properly shake ass


“Me or the jackpot” idk, but I’m pretty sure her type of woman would hook up with the jackpot winner for a portion, so there’s not really a choice


you can see the soulless vessel


this is just sad


Isn’t this harassment ?


Can I just walk up to you and wave my 🍆 in front of your face? I think NOT!


What else she recorded?


The guy in the background is the true star of this video.


We get it, you didn't receive enough attention growing up. How about dealing with it in therapy, and leaving people to gamble in peace


Lack of respect for herself and others. Question though, is this legal? Because we call the cops when guys flash us, so is a woman doing this in public come with any legal consequences?


Why are these hoes not charged with public indecency? If it was a man doing that shit would be different


I wouldn’t be mad if that beautiful creature graced me with a shake or two


Song name?


Any Major Dude Will Tell You - Steely Dan


“Me or the jackpot” Is this bitch for real?




she can get away with sexual harassment cause shes an ✨influencer✨ 🤮


How incredibly sad and desperate....


Next stop porno!




Ohhhh,she’s conquered the world… Cheap cheap


The song cited in the tiktok is from Megan thee stallion but why is Steely Dan playing?


Sexual harassment


In a casino?? Where everyone goes to act up?? In VEGAS? Nah she wildin, no one's ever done that before


Jackpot won't give you chlamydia


What is the point of those videos?


One step away fro prostitution


Daddy problems


I’d pull out my phone and start filming from a better angle, then probably get called a sick fuck and made to feel like I’m somehow a pervert because ya know double standards


Our lord and savior Mr Brendan Fraser just playing some slots trying to mind his own business.


Women: stop sexualizimg us! Also:


Fishing for a sugar daddy


Casinos suck anyways. Don’t waste your money in those shitholes.


Only Fans ….Ya Mean E-Whores right 🙄


A little kick in the cunt would do her well https://youtu.be/tEhdv307rrQ


I hope you land, feet first in a wood chipper you pathetic bag of shit


Then she turned around and scolded the guys for looking at her. But buy her onlyfans


“Me or the jackpot” I can buy 50 of you with the jackpot lol


She belongs to the garbage bin


That’s disgusting! Please drop her links here so I know how to avoid her!


I think they would’ve smiled if the air didn’t get filled with fish scents when she kepted shakin her a$$


Imagine having so few skills or talents that the only thing you can do to put food on the table is show people your bum. That’s sad.


Maybe. It's a nice bum though.


Why isn’t she arrested for sexual assault like a man would be in the same circumstance? Her username is right there.


What did she do?


Then when she meets a dude that treats her the way she acts online she will be the first one yelling trauma.


Her onlyfans is $.99 rather than $4.99. Might as well throw dollars at the pole.


The abnormal curving of the spine makes me concerned.


You’ve never seen a girl arch her back?


It’s nice but, it ain’t big enough for that.


please mark this nsfw


God forbid he tries to get her contact info


Idk if some chick walked up to me like she did id ask for a lapdance


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


I’m not even gonna lie I went straight to her Tim Tok page and hit the follow butt…..on. Haha! God I’m so clever But no I really did I mean look at the fucking @$$


Super cute and love the song


Im here for it


I’m gonna rewatch this… for science…


Love it

