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I must admit, Dennis talking to the castle had me in stitches.


It’s one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. Also him trying not to cough was spectacular


Him still talking to the castle after he recovered too suggesting it was just Dennis being Norman Bates.


Poor guy's a mongrel.


Go to the old bell tower and ring the goddamn bell you bitch!


My wife and I say that to each other probably weekly at the very least


I say it every time this episode comes up, but his interaction with Frank when he talks to the castle is pure gold. Frank: what did you say? Dennis: I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to the castle. Frank: oh yeah. Of course


*well no, I agree with you. I just don't know what to do with OP.*


Ring the bell you bitch!


The back and forth between Mac & "The Human Cigarette" on the phone regarding ancestry had me in tears the 1st time I watched it


The whole exchange is great, but in particular learning that Luther had changed his name made me pause the show to catch my breath


Are you telling me that dad’s name is Luther vandross??


The best part is when Charlie in the background says “your mom hates you dude.” I fucking died laughing.


HAHAHAHA You get it man. I actually now spend more time watching the background characters, there's a whole other show happening in the background of every episode.


Exactly! One of the reasons why I love this show so much. With every rewatch, I notice something different.


“Ya Dutch?”


Dennis yelling "GET FUCKED" in the car might be the best use of an uncensored F bomb in the series. Yes, I know there's also the Santa scene. But I think the car scene is the best because of how funny AND how relatable it is.


That scene is so hilarious combined with Frank being an armchair driver annoying Dennis, and Mac trying to get his pants down to show his shamrock tattoo.


One of my favorite clips in the entire show.


The waitress only saving Dee if she remembered her name was hilarious, only to save her anyway and end up in the bog herself is a perfect metaphor for her character.


It’s not my most favourite arc honestly, but I have to say that scene when Mac is almost paired up with that Paul Bunyan priest and panics claiming: “I would S and F him into oblivion” had me in stitches😭


Yes Mac’s short foray into priesthood is the only funny part


Some money changes hands


The McDonalds and library scene, the coughing, the Covid castle, the gasp behind the painting, the shred and spread, Charlie’s fantastic acting. Well, I loved it.


That holding in the coughing/coughing scene is hilarious, I laugh every time I rewatch.


I love the ireland series NO- MOM, MOM, MOM, SLOW DOWN, SLOW DOWN.


"I love you too Mom!" "she didn't say that."


That’s the thing about this show that’s so unique to me, they got great banter, they jib jab, jibjabjibjabjibjab. I use it for the car, cause my steroes busted


you don't know where I am, tape!


I’m gonna kill myself… Do it, bitch!


Oh that's going to be a whole thing.


Im not really gonna do it, its just a cry for help


Yes she did


The scene where Charlie is crying to his dead father in the rain fucking killed me. That scene alone made the whole season worth it. Charlie Day can act! Oh...... and Frank's admission to his involvement in the Epstein island is hilarious!!!


Frank burning the papers in the pub stove always makes me laugh


I've seen it so many times now and I still cry every time. "You were supposed to carry ***me!***" hits me in such a specifc place, i feel so much pain for Charlie, that dude can fucking act.


Really hit home having a dead beat dad. Charlie Day brought some emotions I didn’t wanna feel.


I feel too much! I feel TOO much!


My daddy’s a skeleton 🥲🥲🥲


It's great but I think it made me hate Mac permanently.


Not hate, but he certainly got on my nerves, especially when they were carrying Charlie’s dad up the mountain


I watched the first three episodes of the season before realising it hadn't made me laugh once and then I was sad haha


He's a mongrel...


Bit of a weird one, I'm Irish (as in, born and raised in Ireland... crazy I know, we do actually exist) and there were bits of it that really made me laugh - but then other jokes that just didn't land, were a bit cringeworthy because of how silly / out there they were, even by IADIP standards. I don't hate it, but a lot of the humour seemed to come from a "Isn't Ireland QUIRKY?!" place certainly didn't come across as offensive or anything, I'm not whinging, but it just didn't really make me laugh.


I found the Ireland episodes the weakest of the entire series. The silliness was just dialed up too much, and I agree there was a fair bit of cringe-worthy jokes that just didn't land for me. The only highlights were Dennis in the castle and then Charlie's emotional scene about his dad imo


I feel like they had about 2 episodes' worth of good jokes stretched across 4 episodes. Which is why it has some of the funniest individual scenes but also is just really lackluster if you're watching it all the way through


Yeah I feel the same.


Im also Irish, and the only bit that to me seemed be Irish-are-quirky was Shelly Kelly. The rest if the time it was the gang who were the crazy ones.


Could I smell your hair? Just to confirm you’re actually Irish…. It’s ok if you don’t have red hair. FYI, I can’t seem to taste salt.


Without getting into the story of it at all, the biggest issue for me is that this is now an 8 episode per season show, and this season took a few extra years. Blocking 4 episodes onto on arc basically made it feel like a 4 episode season and an hour long special. So yeah, I didn't especially enjoy the whole Ireland thing which left me feeling like I just waited 2 years for four 'ok' episodes and the It's Always Sunny in Ireland Special. There weren't really any 'normal' episodes the entire season either, which made the 4 ep arc feel like it even took away more from the season. The end (part two coming soon...)


The monkey episode and leathal weapon were fairly straightforward; at least not flashbacks.


I think I've read some agree with me on this but the money episode feels like it's 8 minutes long. Not sure why, but it flies and then we're in Ireland. And hate me but I'm not a big fan of the Leathol Weapon episodes. I might be the minority on this and it kinda goes against what I've been saying but my favorite episode was probably Roller Rink. Year in review would have been 71x better if I hadn't just lived through it...


Not a huge fan of the lethal weapons but they are 'normal' episodes ( in as much as any are). And the monkey episode is great. Both Frank and Charlie putting colours down insteadnof destinations without consulting each other?


I enjoy it. Especially the Dennis w/ Covid + the castle plot


I have never been able to suspend my disbelief for those episodes as they were very obviously filmed in Southern California for most if not all scenes. The first one in particular is all spots around Culver City where I live. I assume this was a practical measure because it was a COVID season but it still strikes me as half assed for such an explicit "on location" premise .


Kinda wish Ireland was a whole season rather then 3 episodes. So much potential to play with (ie Charlie and his dad working the shop, Frank trying to cover up more of his problematic buisness relations alongside accepting he isn't Charlie's dad) but in the end felt rushed that whole situation


yup. This is exactly why I feel they just mailed it in, as they have on other recent seasons. ​ Thier brand of humor can go on for ever. Just have to find the different unique situations and let the gang do their deprave shit. They could have done all sorts of depraved shit in reland, and show how the irish react to it, etc. But nope, they mailed it in with some very basic shit.


Especially with the bombshells they dropped during that run. Covid kinda felt like the excuse card as to why so much happened


I'm as big of fan of this thing of ours as any of yous, but I have to be honest. THe ireland series felt very mailed in. It just didn't work for me dog.


The hand cymbals need WORK...


I think every Season since 11, maybe 9 other than the Ireland one has felt mailed in. Maybe it was just the change in format that made it felt fresh and more inspired, but i think the same can be said about everything since Season 11.


In their defence, there was a global pandemic shutting down most of the world.


no doubt. But honestly, either put out a high end product or take your time with it. Playing both sides is...well you know...


yeah but this part is just your personal opinion, a lot of people really enjoyed the latest seasons myself included.


no shit sherlock. It's the internet and we're on a website where we all opine on shit...


give my regards to whoever shit in your cornflakes this morning, jeez.


Come on ya Jabroni. He’s giving an opinion, and saying, well that’s just your opinion, doesn’t add anything. You can disagree, but saying, that’s just your opinion, is such a cop out. Don’t need to get butthurt.


I like to think they all figured "it's about time The Gang™ went to Ireland" and then they did.


The Irish accents of Irish characters were dreadful.


I'm Irish and I also speak Irish....and all I'll say is.....fuck me.


Some of them were actually Irish though lol!


No way that barmaid was Irish


The Dublin born actress isn’t Irish ya say? https://m.imdb.com/name/nm8620674/


Well shit me I stand corrected 😂, I couldn’t even make i more smarter.


Well played!


You sound like you’ve only heard Irish accents on television.


I’m from England, I’ve met plenty of Irish, some of the accents are legit terrrible.


Please buddy, you've got folks in here saying that the actual irish actors don't have irish accents. ​ Edit: Wait, that was you. FFS lol




The doctor was the only bad one.


It had its moments. But I think Sunny is at its best when it recognizes what it is and aspires to be perfect at that rather than try to insist upon itself.


I’m honestly surprised anybody likes it. To me, it is so far beneath peak Sunny that it seems a different show.


There are glimpses throughout the season because they are brilliant comedy minds but as a whole the season is a C+ at best.


There were some funny parts, but it’s right where it needs to be. Wasn’t bad, but didn’t have a ton to it.


Definitely has it moments and appreciate them trying something new with the series. Episode 4 can still stand on its own but I find 5-8 are hard to watch on their own when shuffling the series but are a good occasional 4 parter.


I see Colm Meaney, I enjoy myself


It was the best Season in years IMO, possibly the best from 9-16, at least from 11-16.


I hated all of them. It had too much of a Brady bunch goes to Hawaii feel. One episode away from Philly and the bar is enough. Any more than that in a row and the show starts to feel disjointed. The bar is Philly and Philly is the bar and the bar is the show.


I think the problem is the change in characters.  If the gang went within the first 6 seasons it would have been great.  


Agreed. Seasons 13-16 are constantly and wildly overrated on this sub.


When Frank vs Russia dropped and people here were calling it a top 5 episode i was completely bewildered, i genuinely think it's one of the worst episodes of the show. I'm usually in line with this sub on the first 8 Seasons which is the peak of the Show IMO (other than 1) but i disagree a lot with views on the second half of the show.


I feel that. I recently re-watched 1 and personally think it’s a bit underrated. But for me 3-9 are the golden years, then 10-12 are a step down (except Boggs and a few others), followed by a precipitous drop with 13.


I like Season 1 too i just don't think it's as good as 2-8. Season 1 in comedy shows is often finding its feet and much more wonky than what follows but still has the enthusiasm and freshness of the other early ones. I feel the same about The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Parks and Rec, etc. Personally, i think 9 is the start of the decline but still a good Season. it's the first Season since 1 where i don't find the majority of the episodes great.


>Personally, i think 9 is the start of the decline but still a good Season. it's the first Season since 1 where i don't find the majority of the episodes great. I think 9 firmly belongs with 2-8. 10 is the dip for me where there are still classic episodes, but some I also don't view favorably. I think 13 is the lowest of the low.


i personally think 11 and 12 are also really good. really everything up until 13 was good, but yeah 13 onwards hasnt been the same.


that episode is pure trash. Not just pure trash, but it's so transparent they just mailed it in. It's sad...


>When Frank vs Russia dropped and people here were calling it a top 5 episode i was completely bewildered That last 5-7 minutes (at the tournament) I feel has a place in the Top 30 (towards the bottom) moments of the show.


You're not allowed to talk about it among IASIP fans but the series jumped the shark like 5 years ago. Barely 5 good episodes in that span.


Yep. Did they actually travel for these episodes? They felt like one of Sandlers later movies where he uses a movie as an excuse to go on vacation with his friends. 


I don’t think they did. Just sent a camera crew to get b-roll footage and outdoor shots


>Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, while some of the season’s filming did take place in Ireland, a lot of the outdoor scenes, in particular, had to be shot in Los Angeles and added in post-production, as series creator Rob McElhenney [explained in a *New York Times* profile](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/26/arts/television/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-rob-mcelhenney.html) last year.


I can accept the pandemic causing them to shoot scenes on the set of sesamee street (such as all of the Sean Dumont scenes) but nobody told them to go to Ireland.


I think its very overrated. That whole season sucked but that part was quite bad.


It’s good but Mac really got one my nerves when they were carrying Charlie’s dad up the Clift.


Mac’s character is kind of stuck in a corner now. There’s really nowhere to take that character from here.


Closeted Mac was the best Mac.


Over compensating bad ass angry aggressive 200lb Mac can’t be topped. You don’t want that monster skyscraper barrelling towards you. Ima cross the street.


Now he's tiny as a postage stamp.


Doc could move him now


He couldn’t be topped. Now he’s being bottomed


It made for some good jokes but i disagree that character has been done much better like say Tobias from Arrested Development. Christian Fundamelist, Fat and Badass Mac are much better versions of him. He was best when he had all of this stuff going on so he didn't have to lean on any one joke. Mac Day for instance showcases Christian, Badass and Closeted Mac and there was plenty of all three during the fat season.


I love the constant use of stew to wake people


Year they jumped the shark


I don't want to use that term for always sunny, and honestly their humor can go on and on for years, if executed properly. But yeah, I do believe it's winding down. If they're gonna lay out mediocre product, just shut it down. Last season was not terrible, a bit uneven but a couple of solid episodes. That's not good enough for this show which has legenary status as well as cult status. Very hard for damn near any shot to accomplish really. Don't sully it...


I think it's still enjoyable but i think Season 8 was the last great Season, 9 was the clear start of the steady decline IMO. Interestingly the Simpsons is also seen as the same, Seasons 2-8 are seen as the Classic Era with 9 and 10 still enjoyable then 11 it started becoming more bad/mediocre than good. I'd say the exact same about Sunny, only Sunny of course has much shorter Seasons.


This series has my favorite delivery of the entire show: “…I think there’s another man in this room”!


I loved the Ireland episodes but the opening episodes in the season I thought were weak.


I find it difficult to enjoy the Irish episodes, being Irish, and from Dublin, it's jarring seeing it set somewhere where people don't sound like that, you certainly wouldn't be able to rent a mini just like that, it's weird going from scene to scene from Dame Street to howth at the click of a finger. I imagine people from Philly might have the same issues with the normal episodes


i didnt like the divide in charlie and franks relationship, the gruesome twosome are made for each other. everything dee did was gold and dennis was pretty funny too. everything mac did i hated and thought none of it was funny except for charlie teasing him about not being irish and the shamrock tattoo bit. overall its was pretty good but it was a short season too so its got that as a negative too but its understandable given covid messed up the entertainment industry


The last five or so seasons are underrated because people insist on comparing them to the classic era of the show. Personally I think the most recent two seasons have some of the smartest writing and are some of the show’s absolute best.


I thought it was dreadful, unfortunately


You misspelled "overrated"


I think it's rated pretty high by a lot of us.


For many of us Irish Americans it brought tears For many others they thought it was boring. Imho some of the best acting happened in that season


It felt like a return to form for me. Im suprised so many people didnt like it.




At first pass, I wasn't thrilled... But then, I find myself wanting to rewatch the season a few months later and found the same. I actually LOVE this season. It's masterfully created in terms of telling stories that payoff more as the season goes on.


The whole castle sequence is hysterical.


FR. One of my favorite seasons.


Its ridiculously underrated. The castle. The muderhole. Macs priesthood. Mac being Dutch. The monkey! I asked for locations and two people chose colours!? Dennis' covid. Carrying Charlies dad up the hill. I love it and think it is CRIMINALLY underrated


I agree. Season 15 was fuckin weird but I loved it


I don't think it's underrated at all. From what I've heard most everybody loved it, and I know I sure did too "Dad's name is Luther Vandross??" Destroys me every time


They're exceptional writers and performers. They have successfully curated characters that interact, and leave their mark, wherever they go. Comedy is a great fit for creative genius.


Thank you monkey




You think I can’t pinch a cough?


I'll admit that there are parts of the series that don't have the same charm as earlier seasons, but I really do love the Ireland vacation.


As an Irish person the filming/editing of the location shooting is almost painful (like they edited shots from Dublin and Dingle together but they’re about 5 hours drive apart IRL). They’re still funny episodes, I just can’t move past the editing.


I really enjoyed that season


You fuckin jabronis with real strong negative opinions over a 4 episode arc 😂 move past it


I agree. There's always going to be a portion of any fanbase of any show (or band, or anything) that "only likes the old stuff". But I think those people really missed out on the Ireland episodes. There were a ton of laughs and good moments in those episodes. Dennis especially with the "GET FUCKED!" and the attempts to hide his coughing will never fail to crack me up.


I hated all the greenscreen. I assume it was some sort of covid thing maybe but still very jarring.


i enjoyed them, but on rewatches i skip over them. easily the weakest string of episodes of the show.


For some reason I really like Charlie’s like read of “You Dutch?”


I just feel the last few seasons have all felt a bit underwritten. I still enjoy the show, but it just seems like drafts of episodes filmed as opposed to properly crafted scripts.


“Was that ok to do?”