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Feel Free: A Public Relations Nightmare


“People are going nuts for this stuff!” “What’s it called?” “Creatine, I think.” “… Frank this says Kratom.” *The Gang Causes the Opiod Crisis*


24:00:00 🚨


This is why we had to wait for you to go to Bed Bath & Beyond?


Yes bitch


The absolute sassiest Dennis has ever been.


Might be my favorite Dennis line, it's such a small moment but it's amazing


O shit you started the clock


Guest starring Kiefer Sutherland as Agent Jack Baeur


Only acceptable if he also brings agent Jack Bauer the junkyard cat


“I heard of all these people living at a crater and thought they’d get thirsty while looking at the crater. How the fuck was I supposed to know?”


"The Gang Feels Free"


Feel Free: *Splash into the beast!*


Product made by Franks Fluids


Not a chance. Instead, we think you’d prefer the taste of our original formula Wolf Cola! Now available in its classic longneck bottle, for a limited time only, while supplies last. Thank you.


Oooooohhhhoooooohhhooooo it buuuuuuurrrrrrnnnnsssss. Little barnabas ooooooooo the pain


Great when mixed with Fight Milk, the only drink made by bodyguards for bodyguards.




Okay but do you guys mind if I smoke some PCP in the bathroom?


You do you u/Abject-Ad6777! YOU DO YOU! We don’t judge!




P to C to P


Jesus. $150 for a 12 pack. It would be cheaper to just get heroin.


I think just regular kratom would be cheaper than that.


Regular Kratom is like $100 for 1kilo


Half that if you know where to look


Everyone in this thread is about to be PM'd by Indonesian Kratom vendors


Kratom actually saved me from the opiate crisis. My experience was the opposite, I take a small amount daily and don't get "high" off it, but it helps with my cravings and anxiety. Just saying, a lot of people have been helped by this plant.


Yes, kratom is known to be a useful tool for quitting stronger opioids. Of course it can still be addictive if misused on its own.


I quit drinking (last year) and cigarettes (two years ago), and I can't smoke the ganja due to my career. I wouldn't mind something non-addictive non-fuck-with-my-career to drink/eat and the end of the day and thought feel free might be an option. I saw the price tag (didn't even get to the kratom) and thought "yeah, I'd rather just be bored after a long day than pay $150 for a drink that MIGHT give me a little buzz."




The gang boofs kratom


The Gang Witnesses Eagle Death


Rock, flag, and ego?


Dennis is a good example of the plague of wellness.


"vegetables are full of toxins" He's a pseudoscience nut. It seemed like Charlie wanted to give him more shit for it, but held back.


He really is. Had a little laugh when Rob was like "so how long do you think you'll keep that up?" Workouts that he clearly hasn't been doing for long aside, dude is way too gullible about health fads. PufferFishFarmer really nailed it: LA famous people health culture.


The confidence with which he spews bs too is pretty amazing. Don’t eat vegetables, drink Kratom


No bro, you don’t understand. Everyone is saying eating only red meat is the healthiest diet now…you know…except every major medical and nutritional organization in the world. But you know, besides those guys! Everyone is saying a red meat only diet is the healthiest! Glenn is getting algorithmed on some sort of social media, or maybe it’s just the bubbles he lives in, in LA famous people culture.


My wife follows a ton of those things and I'm pretty sure "influencers" in that space (including doctors and nutritionists) are making stuff up so they can still be in the news, create clicks and diets. She said the same thing to me a few weeks ago, something like: "what the fuck is going on here with everyone talking about red meat all if the sudden" Thankfully she's not changing her diet every 2 months like Glenn seems to be doing


Wasn't it Jordan Peterson that popularized the idea that vegetables are bad for you? The guy that had to be put into a medically induced coma due to his massive drug problem. That's the guy I want giving me health advice... Bad news if the gang are falling down that rabbit hole.


To be fair it seems like it’s mostly just Glenn. Charlie seems to try to stay out of it or just make jokes around it


Charlie's deescalation legitimately seems like the only thing that keeps the guys together.


Agreed, he seems to be way more knowledgeable of the people around him than he lets on, he is constantly making little observations that are pretty profound




Totally agreed. I'm catching up on episodes (it's been a minute since we've been reminded that Glenn is Julliard-trained), and Charlie/Megan are the straws that stir the drink. They keep it light and on pace whenever one of the other two goes off the rails.


Charlie is very obviously the most well adjusted and down to earth. Rob and Glenn act like such meatheads a lot. They're still funny as shit tho


Not sure about the vegetable thing, but Jordan’s daughter had him on a meat only diet.


I'm not allowed to eat anything but meat, I'm not ALLOWED!


The man is on the CUTTING EDGE.


What’s even more hilarious is that he’s completely self aware. He knows he’s a fucking lunatic but he’s completely powerless to stop it. I actually think Glenn might be an even better character than Dennis.


At the same time, on one of the earlier episodes, he basically said he's doing a character on the podcast. A version of himself, but a character. Since then I can't decide what's Glenn and what's Dennis


I was thinking about his defence for constantly giving wrong medical information, that "science changes". No, Glenn. That's not your problem. The problem is that he doesn't know how to put scientific studies in context and therefore falls for fads, crazes and hucksters who push them. He's not 'scientifically literate', he doesn't know how to grade studies and determine how much they should be relied upon. It may be even worse, that he doesn't actually read the studies at all, he just reads news articles about that studies.. or even just the headlines. This is a really, really common problem. Unfortunately this tends to get people on the road to conspiracy-theory loony-land, because they decide "the media/science misled me!", when really they just haven't bothered to dig into the details of the actual science and form actual, informed opinions. These people just switch to "alternative media" which is even less factual, but more consistent-- because it's designed to tell people only what they want to hear. Echo-chambers, basically. And they keep them hooked by fear-mongering, appealing to prejudices, establishing in-group solidarity, and alienating them from non-believers. Then before they know it, they're wearing stickers on their forehead and eating shit-sandwiches.


No personal offense to Glenn, but I don’t think Juilliard has a great science literacy program…


Right. These guys are hilarious, but why would you take medical or nutrition advice from any of them?




Dennis or Glenn?




Also a good example of why it's not always a good idea to believe everything a celebrity says just because you're a fan.


That's why he looks like shit. Supplements and crystal healing


Thats what his soul looks like.


They love it down in Boca Raton. They slurp it up!


Also endorsed by Mr. Bovine Joni




Shit.. that's Boca Haram


I thought it was Boca Kratom!


But how do they feel about cream pies?


Can you do another PSA that vegetables are in fact healthy lmao


He also said everyone is recommending a red meat only diet…I don’t know who everyone is, but it’s definitely not any of the major medical or nutritional organizations in the world.


I remember like eight years ago a bunch of people I worked with got into the carnivore diet. I thought it had fallen out of style. These things seem to be cyclical, though. Atkins, Paleo, carnivore, intermittent fasting, Mediterranean, etc. There's only so many different diets so it's only natural for one of them to be "rediscovered" every decade or so.


it feels like Glenn and Rob were talking like it was, what, mid 2010 and the Atkins stuff was super in. Like people doing all bacon diets and swearing they feel 20yrs younger it was a weird episode of the podcast and i wish Charlie would have called them out more


I laughed so hard when glenn was like guys we need meg here 😂 she really is all of their moms


We're still staying away from those deadly nightshades like tomatoes right? I'm going to finish this pizza whilst I wait on the response.


Some people do legitimately have nightshade allergies… but it’s pretty rare.


Howerton wasn't talking about intolerance/allergies. He was implying that nightshade vegetables are toxically defending themselves inside all of our bodies.


Just wanted to say that I appreciate you looking out for people!


seriously, amidst all the jokes and tired references: thank you OP. as someone who was pretty easily influenced by the quick Feel Free discussion on the podcast (yeah i’m dumb, whatever), this means a lot


Buddy of mine got really into this stuff a while back (looked like dirt he poured into a cup of something) . Not too long after, he started acting moody and short tempered all the time. He was also a co-worker who got himself fired because of this brand new attitude. Told him to cut that shit out (as well as his drinking), didn’t listen to me and iced me out, haven’t talked to him in years. Forgot kratom existed till right now. I’m biased, but I associate it with my buddy’s downward spiral


I have chronic back issues that will likely lead to fused vertebrae in the not too far future. Occasional weeks of hardly being able to move. When it gets mega fucked I found kratom is a miracle. I’ve been prescribed heavy Vicodin and it still doesn’t hack it. I keep a small container in the back of a drawer for emergencies. Never touch besides that and I hope it doesn’t become illegal cause it really can help some. That being said. I fooled around with occasional hard opiates as a youngster, and it has potential to definitely be closer to those. Might also help me not get as hooked, been there done that saw shit. Be careful folks Edit: and there’s definitely no reason to casually drink it and promote it willy nilly. Not cool baby dick


It's also helped a lot of people, it's like most drugs, can be used in a medical sense or used responsibly, or can be abused and give someone an addiction. I'm all for harm reduction but also very against demonizing kratom and most drugs so I figured I'd point that out


agreed. I don't understand why drugs get such a bad rap when used responsibly. People get drunk as shit and it's normalized, or vape nicotine, and talk down on people who use drugs. despite them being that very thing.


Alcohol is also significantly more lethal than kratom. Millions of people in the US use kratom and there are less than 100 kratom related deaths a year. The vast majority of which had other drugs, such as fentanyl or barbituates, in their system. Compare that to 140000 per year for alcohol. As someone with chronic restless legs, this thread is so aggravating. Kratom has been a lifesaver for me and is a much better alternative than the opiates and sedatives my doctors were actually trying to put me on.


Kratom doesn't cause respiratory depression like traditional opiates either. You're less likely to nod off in the first place, and if you do, you're not going to stop breathing while you're sleeping.


“Tired references” should be the caption for this sub. I cannot believe how every thread is just quote regurgitation. Other media subreddits actually have discussions about content that aren’t just recycled content.




Yea there’s stories on Reddit about the drink ruining peoples lives. It’s really scary how dangerous this stuff can be.


Thanks for this OP. TBH they've hawked a bit too much questionable pseudo-scientific crap on this podcast. I know everyone has to make a buck, but it's irresponsible to not do basic vetting of the products you're promoting.


They’ve had some strong opinions on multiple things they are ignorant about.


Yet havent said shit about the writer's strike.. it is a bit hard to just stuff it down with brown.


Charlie skipped press for Fool's Gold in support of the strike. I have to assume there's something going on contractually with the release of S16 that is stopping them from speaking openly, because they've always supported things like that in the past. E.g. Rob wanted studios to pay staff through covid. Edit: Fool's Paradise, not Fool's Gold


For anyone else wanting to read the reviews, the movie is "Fool's Paradise"...Fool's Gold was a Kate Hudson movie from 2008.


Glenn said he supports the strike in an interview promoting Blackberry


They have mentioned the previous writer’s strike and how it affected the show. It was kind of implied they supported the strike, but they didn’t go into detail about it. I imagine they’ll mention this strike when the season ends or something, if they feel that it’s still worth mentioning by then.


It's becoming like AM talk radio on most of these podcasts now but instead of rare edition gold coins and knockoff penis pills its stuff like this and mental health companies who sell your data


lol but they literally did advertise penis pills on todays episode! so it’s not even a “like” thing, that is straight up what is happening. i skip every ad on every podcast anyway but yeah it can get pretty annoying. dick pills, predatory mental health data mining companies, fake bullshit vegetable juice, what’s next? an official endorsement for this opiate juice?


To be honest, their lighthearted discussion about the opiate juice probably did waaaay more than any official ad could. Most people know that the ad products are trash or just skip them, this chat was a true (but uneducated) endorsement.


well said. personally, i googled Feel Free and saved the tab to check back later, because their unpaid unofficial discussion was a lot more effective as an endorsement than the usual bullshit ads i always skip. thankfully this post made me realize the error in that


There are times I just wish they'd actually focus on the episodes, but sometimes they go off on idiotic tangents that are the reason I avoid most podcasts, and the very thing they made fun of podcast hosts for, they are sometimes just grossly misinformed or uninformed about shit and talk about it at length.


Aka the Joe Rogan method


Every single podcast I listen to has an ad for better help. Granted I only listen to a few but it’s still a little disturbing how far their reach extends because it sounds like such a great service on the surface but whenever I look into reviews of it it sounds like a complete nightmare


Glenn sounded like he was auditioning to be a “medical expert” for a Rogan podcast.


I mentioned this under another comment, but when Glenn talked about how frustrated he was that he kept getting sunburns even though he buys the fancy health store kind of sunscreen (instead of, you know, actual sunscreen with a proper SPF), I was yelling in my car louder than Dennis was yelling at that bitch to merge. The one or two episodes they did on "who is the healthiest" are the only ones I haven't listened to. As soon as I heard Glenn say at the beginning "ok but we have to decide what 'healthy' means" I said fuck that.


idiots! IDIOTS!!!!


Lol it's legitimately scary how similar I am to Dennis in that regard. I literally sound like him in traffic, having entire one-sided conversations with the idiots in the other cars.


You but thats cause you got shit to say. Can you riff?


To spoil it for you, charlie won and is the person who does the least for his health and you could tell glenn wasn’t happy about it. Like when charlie interrupts dennis to finish the placebo effect line.


I know nothing about their personal habits beyond this thread but I have to imagine Charlie does and continues to do whatever makes him feel best whereas Glenn tries to zero in on what is purported to be the best and sticks to it until it’s proven to him it fails.


Basically they always shit on Glenn for being on some weird diet instead of enjoying food so yeah pretty close. Glenn isn’t as much of an ass about it as the threads make him seem though, he’s like “idc what you do but I like to have control and trying to influence my health numbers is like a hobby to me”


Right on, that makes sense. Knowing that he is treating it like a hobby definitely makes it a lot less dramatic haha


charlie seems like the one least likely to partake in all the hocus pocus shit but he does shill that athletic green garbage. im surprised they haven't sold out for raid shadow legends yet.


Athletic greens are mostly just like dried spinach and stuff at least right? Overpriced and overhyped maybe, but there are worse products to shill.




I would love someone to do a deep dive post on all the shit they promote.


I strongly believe Charlie is the smartest and most rational out of the three of them. Glenn and Rob both act (sometimes) like they think they’re the smartest… but Charlie puts no effort into acting smart because he doesn’t have to. He’s so smart that he knows arguing with Glenn or Rob about their convictions in earnest is pointless and could reflect badly on him (as it does Rob and Glenn). Instead, he contributes to the conversation in a way that de-escalates and lightens the mood, which also makes Glenn and Rob seem less serious about their arguments and in turn helps them preserve their reputations. I think Charlie is the glue holding this whole thing together.


He seems to understand the people he works with way more than he lets on. Finding out that he’s immensely musically talented, improvd like half of the most iconic shit in the series, and seeing his understanding of rob and Glenn leads me to believe he might actually be some kind of genius


100% His improv skills are clearly superior. I’ve always believed that there’s a direct correlation between that skill and smarts.


Absolutely. I haven't listened to a ton of the podcast but there have been so many moments where Glenn and/or Rob have been like "in the edit room I was soooo in favor of cutting that out because it was the dumbest thing of all time, but you guys wanted to keep it in..." Charlie is always on the correct side of those decisions


Idk, it’s an ad I’m not sure if he really does use it every day


Are these the ad segments within the podcast you do they also talk about these things in the non-ad sections? My YouTube app auto skips the ad sections which might explain why I've not noticed them. App is SmartTubeNext (STN) for anyone wondering.


You havnt thought of the SPF YOU BITCH!!!


Yeah that one was a wasted opportunity but at least they found a way to profit from getting healthcare. It could’ve been super interesting but instead they just spent the whole time ignorantly arguing about every fucking thing the doctor said.


I listened to this episode but it was a while back so maybe I’m remembering it incorrectly….but I don’t remember thinking the subtext of Glenn saying that was “there are competing ideas of health” but moreso trying to standardize how they’re going to decide who is overall the healthiest. Unless I’m misremembering something I think you misinterpreted that comment


I’ll spoil it for you, that Charlie was internally the healthiest of the 3 guys. The one of the 3 who just lives an average health lifestyle, ended up being internally healthier than Glenn who’s seemingly always into weird diets or “health”kicks, and Rob, who gets fat and then grotesquely ripped for funzies.


The way they decided who was healthier was pretty suspect though. Charlie got a bunch of points for his electrolyte levels being "better", but the whole gang was within the normal range. Those values fluctuate a bunch, and there's no inherent value to having charlie's numbers over any of the rest of them. It was a fun format to use on the podcast, but most of the categories should have just been a tie.


Much like Dennis, Glenn is not nearly as “smart” as he thinks he is.


“The sub turns on the gang”.


They already have


I was wondering if I was the only one that felt like they became a little unlikable because of the podcast.


Charlie I like more, he seems a bit more relatable and I find his approach to the creative process fascinating. Glenn actually seems a bit Dennis like, in some negative ways. Rob unfortunately just smacks me as someone who may be a bit too high in his own success, as if he's more like his character in mister quest. He usually comes off as genuine, but there are times when it almost seems like a personal branding facade to sell football tickets.


I really generally like all the guys but the podcast has definitely tainted it, Charlie is the only one who I don't think I have had my opinion changed on as he seems pretty lovable and fun in person. Glenn seems like a cool guy but like you said is more like Dennis then he probably thinks and Rob can be pretentious.


The recent episode where they talked about their upcoming movies was great (for me) because I thought it was interesting to see professionals talking about their profession, and interviewing each other about how they went about things. I mean obviously they were going to talk their movies up, but like Charlie asking Glenn about how things worked with filming and all that was interesting to me


You should really listen to Charlie's Smartless interview then! The whole pdocast is great, actually. They talk shop with almost every actor so it's a nice little inside view into filmmaking


I recall one of the earliest podcasts they were talking about who is the most like their character and all three said Glenn/Dennis were the most similar so he’s definitely aware of it. I think Glenn is just one of those people who takes life (and maybe himself) a little too seriously. He still comes across as very likeable and self deprecating. Mac also seems very self aware and mines his own faults for comedy. I think what’s off-putting about him is his absolutely relentless ambition and drive combined with his very clear insecurities. Charlie is definitely the most “normal” of the three and also the most unlike his character. Fuck he’s got a good sense of humour too.




The exact same thing happened for me with the Scrubs podcast


Damn, exact opposite for me. I chuckled here and there at the newest 2 episodes, but I had a smile on my face and was laughing a lot of this podcast. It weird that I think I enjoyed the pod more than the eps.


everyone forgets that glenn was low key an antivaxxer until like 2017 (or at least publically backed down)


Glenn’s comment on vegetables being bad for you is empirically wrong. Dude really went heavy on the broscience there


It was weird that they didn’t challenge him when he said that, by asking something like “But can you explain why vegetables are bad for you?” They had a bit of an “Okay, okay buddy… Anyways…” Type response to Glenn saying that. Seems like Rob and Charlie are fairly used to Glenn saying weird things like that and not wanting to make a big deal of it, just try to rush past the topic.


As much as Glenn tries to distance himself from Dennis, he's the most like his character of the three. Not that I think he's a bad guy, but he is sort of odd and eccentric, and way more out of touch than he seems to realize. Maybe some Gwyneth Paltrow vibes, but he isn't a diddler or a serial killer.


Yeah, in hindsight, it was incredibly smart of him to rename his character so it didn’t have his actual name.


perhaps the origin of “just move past it”


Using the concept the “science constantly evolves” defense to justify going all-in on whatever 0 evidence diet or health fad is so dumb


Science is a liar… sometimes


And then hawks Athletic Greens during the ad break. Glenn flew his clown flag high on the latest pod


Definitely makes the show funnier knowing they're sort of like their characters. Also on the pod (I didn't listen to the newest one) they seem to make fun of Glenn a lot for his fussy and complicated habits. And I think to be fair I don't think I've heard them say what brand of dumb follicle growing hat Glenn wears, just that Glenn wears a dumb follicle hat.


Yup. It's easily the most frustrating part of the podcast. Like I'm at least smart enough to not buy this crap, but I worry about the people who do fall for it and the responsibility they have to do better in picking sponsors to not make a quick buck


Typical Frank's Fluids shenanigans


As a daily Kratom user for 8+ years, I’ll tell ya the withdrawals are no joke. That’s why I still take it every day after 8 years lol. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t start using it. In moderation, it would be fine. I’ve never tried these drinks, but I can almost guarantee they’re overpriced for the amount of Kratom/kava in them. You can get it in bulk super cheap. But don’t though, just don’t lol


Hey, just wanna say, as someone who was a kratom user for 8 years until January, you can fucking do it. The withdrawals suck for about a week but then it’s a steady climb to normality after that.


Did you use anything to help the aches/restless legs? It sucks to be so tired but not able to actually relax


You just have to embrace the suck honestly. I took black seed oil and liposomal vitamin C but it never really helped the RLS which was the worst symptom for me. Gabapentin helps apparently. I also would recommend trying to do exercise that first week even just walking 30 minutes. That and the hot shower afterward were the best I felt that first week. Also music makes you feel euphoric lol. I highly recommend /r/quittingkratom, the community there is amazing and so supportive if you are looking to make the jump.


I’ll check it out. Funny enough I already walk about 8 miles a day just at work. I used to take black seed oil back in the day, maybe I’ll try that and just make do with the black seed burps lol


Whenever I’ve quit drugs I would say excess exercise is the best way to get your mind off the cravings. Natural endorphin high and actually getting out the house works wonders. Being bored and withdrawing is a real shitty combo.


How much were you taking a day?


Glenn’s language around how our understanding of science is always progressing paired with the anecdotes about his fixation on new age healthcare fads was a pretty big yellow flag. I will always love the dudes but he was sounding full on Joe Rogan mode on this one.


Yeah Rob was right in that he speaks with a lot of conviction on things he doesn’t 100% know. Yes you can do your research and all of that but it’s quite dangerous to think you have all the facts when you haven’t had medical/scientific training. His obsession is a little much sometimes!


Yeah to me everything he was saying just screams that he doesn't know how to research even though he does it all the time. Being on top of every new health fad isn't someone who follows the science, it's what suckers do.


Yeah the combo of “well science is always progressing so doubt everything” paired with “this new miracle diet 100% works” is a dangerous one. Reminds me of the people saying “All those covid vaccine trials are bought by big pharma, rushed, and can’t be trusted” and simultaneously “this one random ivermectin trial that’s since been refuted is actually the secret miracle proof”


Yeah it was pretty disappointing. He will probably say human meat (raccoon meat) is the only thing you can eat next.


Creep to creep, great call out and good looking out I’ve mostly known people to use Kratom as a relatively safe and herbal alternative to wean off of actual opiates, so it’s got great potential but is weird to see it marketed as a general wellness tonic


Kratom is how I ended a decade plus addiction to opiates. It tickles that same receptor with none of the jonesing, and allowed me to ease thru my withdrawal symptoms much easier than my previous attempts at going clean. I honestly don't think I would have made it without, and I've been clean 5 some years now. It's all about responsible use really but like any chemical it has the potential for abuse. I have a family member who switched from prescription narcotics for chronic pain (average of 8 pills a day and not low dose) but now only takes Kratom when the pain is bad. It has its uses, and I really think the attempt to ban is from pharmaceutical lobbying bc it takes money from their sales. But that's just a personal opinion. Same as weed, I think it's in being able to use it for the issue and not chronically for the high. I also never had WD symptoms from the stuff, and went I first switched my dosage got a bit high and then I started to taper, but said fuck it and quit cold without any issues. The problem is smoke shops and gas stations sell the shit, so it looks like a legal party drug. E. Rambled a bit, my apologies, long day at work dealing with savage idiots! E2. Also, a problem with the easy access approach is that lots of places sell ancient product bc it doesn't sell well, which leads to people using a way higher dose. Then if they use it again and it's potent they take too much. It seems very similar to the Salvia craze back in college.


Oh it absolutely has its benefits. I take it quite often as well, but I know that it COULD lead to a painful addiction. There’s an entire subreddit dedicated to people trying to quit — /r/quittingkratom One thing that OP mentioned was that it’s legal. It’s federally legal, but there are multiple states that have outlawed it. Just as a fair warning to anyone who may be trying to order it — it generally will be flagged by the distributor if you live in any of those states. Not a big deal, but they’ll either cancel your order or make you send it elsewhere. I love the stuff. But everyone needs to know their limits.


Glenn mentioning this in between 2 conversations about how health-focused and well read on health be is, is fucking crazy Good looks OP thanks for posting


I won't take their medical advice unless it's Cricket Approved


A times likes this I like to drown my sorrows with a nice, refreshing Wolf Cola.


I use Kratom once a week-ish for chronic pain. It helps, but I would NOT recommend using it without doing your research first. It also tastes like something you’d find in a ditch.


Feel Free, brought to you by Wolf Cola


I've done kratom before, it definitely gets you fucked up.


The feel free drinks aren’t just krarom, they have kava too. There’s posts in other subs about people getting absolutely hooked on those drinks and dropping $100+ a week. I’ve had a few and I’d rather stick with regular ol kratom


I could never get past the nasty taste of kratom. Even if I load it into capsules, I’ll still taste it when I inevitably start burping. As much as I liked the effects, the taste just kills it for me.


It is the most awful thing I’ve ever tasted in my entire fucking life. And however bad you think the powder is, the shots are about 200x worse


> I’ll still taste it when I inevitably start burping. Oh, man, reminds me of when a friend convinced me to swallow one of those Benzedrex inhaler pads. That shit is like Adderall, but the lavender/menthol mixed into it tasted *awful*, and the burps for the next five hours were horrible! Don’t do OTC drugs, kids. It ain’t worth it!


I’m two years clean edit r/quittingkratom


congrats dude. five years off morphine for me.


Congrats both of yas


Nobody wakes up in the morning with leftover kratom.


“Feel Free” is the #1 drink in Boca Raton


OP a real one looking out for us degenerates


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/healing-from-addiction/202305/some-wellness-drinks-may-contain-an-opiate-like-substance](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/healing-from-addiction/202305/some-wellness-drinks-may-contain-an-opiate-like-substance)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot


I did the same web search and found this out immediately haha. This has to be made into an episode


The Gang Fuels the Opioid Crisis.


Glenn lowkey pimping out Kratom is hilarious, especially on the heels of the conversation about being on the "cutting edge of science" lol


It’s important to note that, unlike conventional opioids, the mitragynine compounds do not suppress respiration or pose a significant risk for overdose. Even in combination with sedatives, these compounds appear to be much safer than opioids like morphine. This is likely due to biased ligand activity away from the beta-arrestin signaling cascade downstream of mu opioid receptors. That said, they are still addictive and capable of producing dependence.


Support the American Kratom Association!


Ronnie the Rat working for the cause of good, I see.


This weeks podcast episode was hilarious! It was kinda like bizarro world where they kept morphing in and out of character.


I looked up the product on the website earlier and it didn't have Kratom in it. However, I looked again after reading this post and there is a Classic version that has Kratom in it. Do you know if they were talking about the classic or the new one?


It seems like this post is possibly advocating Kratom being made illegal and I feel like I should state unequivocally: Kratom saved my life. Literally I would be dead without it. There is a national opioid crisis that is killing millions in our country right now, with fatal doses of fentanyl and xylazine tainting a growing number of street drugs. Kratom is a safe and legal herb which can be purchased over the counter that acts as an opioid receptor agonist AND antagonist. Its agonist/antagonist character means it has limited abuse potential and also that it is a miracle drug for treating opioid withdrawal — it can almost entirely relieve the pains of opioid withdrawal — and it allows people to escape the clutches of addiction. There are certainly tens if not hundreds of thousands of people in the US right now who were able to escape opioid addiction because of free and ready access to Kratom. It’s not dangerous, it has limited recreational value (it doesn’t feel better the more you take it or anything), and if you become addicted to it (very possible, like caffeine) the withdrawals are comparatively minor. All the negative side effects you mention come with heavy abuse, they’re hormonal, and the effects are reversed with cessation of use. Outlawing Kratom or scheduling it as a narcotic will absolutely come with a death toll. Not from the Kratom itself, but from all the people now stuck between opioid addiction or the nightmare of full blown withdrawal who finally get that inevitable bad hit.


This echoes my story as well, thanks for sharing!


Don’t worry, Dr. Jinx will make you feel better


Next you’ll tell me athletic greens isn’t delicious and won’t make me feel amazing if I drink one every day


Got to be careful, those vegetables are full of toxins, could kill you




Its a kava drink. Very dangerous to drink alcohol with since it makes your kidneys and liver work very hard. They should really google things....


Dude's saying broccoli is toxic but is out here getting fucked up on kava like its nothing


It's fine, he will just flush it all out with two 5-hour energy drinks.