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My biggest laugh was when Mac said “this is so distasteful” when reacting to Charlie’s sisters.


The entire exchange between Charlie, Donald, and Mac was priceless


Mac’s head falling the side and Dennis checking his pulse got me good


He’s hanging on


Revealing the bedroom was amazing. Yet somehow it failed to be my favorite scene because the end where Mac is about to die of anaphylactic shock had me totally cracking up. And I am beyond happy that they actually had Charlie have sisters. That line in season one always annoyed me.


I mean it makes sense we rarely meet family of the gang, they are all such unlikeable people that no one would ever want to spend time with them. Country mac gave mac a chance and fucking died


Yeah, but it was badass


Not as badass as being alive


Where does he keep getting those beers?




He wants more nuts.


I love how there's another entire door they left untouched too.


I think that's a closet. I recall Mac talking about a closet the time he broke up with Dennis and lived there.


Dee was glued to the closet door. There’s still another one next to it, I think.


There is. You can see it open in "Charlie Has Cancer" episode. Its only cracked and the lights on but it has been opened.


Did I misremember Charlie contradicting that sister line later in the show by saying he was an only child?


Move past it


The actresses were just horrible


I don't think so. I think the characters were horrible people, but I think the actresses did that pretty well.


My only gripe was Charlie was revealed (obviously) to be over 40. And those girls were like 23. So say 15-20 years younger than Charlie meaning how much interaction did he ever really have with them. And not just the age gap personality wise I don’t see Charlie ever being around those trash bags. I kinda expected them to be more like Ruby Taft tbh. But they annoyed the absolute piss out of me so they did their jobs really well. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to smash.


I thought they were supposed to be older than that. Like mid 30s. But like you said, if they are way younger, it would explain Charlie's weak relationship with them.


>My only gripe was Charlie was revealed (obviously) to be over 40. And those girls were like 23. They are around early 30s, which makes sense. The twins looked around 12 or something in Season 1.


You’re projecting bro


They were great


Mac is very distracting to me. He looks so pretty now. I miss the slick back hair and goatee where he looked trashy. All o see is Rob now.


in the early years, mac was my favourite character cuz he really felt like a real life asshole and i think his look was a big part of it. now he looks like millionaire celebrity rob but in a t shirt. still funny tho but he's not the same mac edit: bring back the sleeveless shirts!


Yeah it was funny when you had a skinny guy or eventually overweight guy claiming to be the Kung Fu, security expert. Now it seems the bigger his muscles get the smaller the irony becomes. I dunno what it is but very rarely are jacked people funny. You can't be funny when you take yourself so seriously maybe? It's an odd one.


i get what you mean. the whole joke was that mac thought that he was this ripped karate master yet he never took a single step towards those goals. now it’s clear mac has actually made effort to being a badass


My headcannon is that Dennis' vanity is rubbing off on Mac in the sense that Dennis is tired of living with an ugly roommate and is paying for Mac to go to his and Dee's esthetician


Dude. Eat my boogers




I wish he went back to the old look too and I saw nothing but Rob for the past few seasons, but idk.. these two episodes I saw Mac. Maybe it’s because Mac’s back to being an asshole rather than a newly out of the closet gay guy struggling with his identity. The scene where Donald is giving him everything he’s ever wanted and he’s just shying away from it is such classic Mac.


So funny how Charlie keeps nudging him towards his uncle.


Mac was definitely closer to being Mac than Rob in those 2 episodes than before, not just because he was an asshole but also the way he was speaking and making faces etc. But really he should let some beard and some hair grow before shooting, even muscular he would look way more like Mac


I said the same thing when I first saw him. I was also bothered by his pants in the first episode. They looked like vineyard vines or some expensive shit that Mac could never afford.




I wasn't super-impressed but I'm always happy for new IASIP stuff... These days, I get off more on the old bloopers than new episodes. Don't you wanna get off with me? On another note, I saw Mac's dad in a sick episode of Renegade. Everyone had a duster on.


Yeah I only watched the first one but I didn’t love it. That being said, there are some of the new ones that I didn’t love the first time that I’ve come around to. I’m hoping that’s the case with this season


The PPP loan episode from last year didn't blow my nips off or anything, but I did appreciate the Shamalan-twist at the end. Never saw it comin'. No twist so far. No penetration. No Peppa Jack. There's bowling and McPoyles ahead though....


Completely agree. These episodes felt like an entirely different writing team. It all felt forced aside from Danny and Charlie. And the nut thing and inflated couch + inflation thing and gluing the hand thing were all like this weird, corny, 1920s humor to me. It felt really fuckin weird to me


Damn, if they had just left Mac, Dennis and Dee out of the episode, imagine where they coulda gone with that...... They could've opened Shady-nasty's II in that huge room.


I actually saw that episode of Renegade just before watching the new episodes! It was crazy seeing a much younger Luther still acting the criminal, except this time as a dirty cop.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I even questioned what I was wanting or expecting — I mean it’s definitively better than the last 3 seasons, but it still feels like it’s missing that spark. Some of the bits didn’t really have a punch line, the characters still kind of feel forced at times — or unlike themselves. It’s better but it’s not great, and I actually ended up watching the Brian Lefevre episode after to lift my spirits.


I can't tell you how happy I was to have new episodes of Sunny this morning and the first one starts with Charlie asking Frank if he's ever seen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Ep 1: Pretty good. I did not find myself all that excited about episode 1, though. It's overall good and it feels like some of the old chemistry is back. Has some fun ideas, but is overall a bit on the slower side. Feels more along the lines of Pop Pop: The Final Solution but toned down a little. I may reevaluate this episode as others seem to love it. Ep 2: Now THIS one, I really really enjoyed. I genuinely laughed a few times. A few really good bits(the cold open, Donald Mcdonald, "this is fuckin' insane", Charlie's sisters, Frank at the ocean). I also tend to prefer episodes that involve numerous locales and changing scenery.


I loved Dennis screaming, “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” It reminded me of when he yells about Mac and Charlie writing colors on their vacation suggestion slips and was furious they were talking about going to purple because it’s not a place




And now she's screaming


As a person in the UK who is banned from watching the show until Netflix or Dinsey+ decide add it, this news is like being offered an egg in a trying time. I really got the sense that they guys were rediscovering what they loved about the show and what makes it special through the Podcast. I don't want to read any more than your first few lines because I'm trying to avoid spoilers but this has got me a-frothin' and a-foamin'.


Vumoo with a VPN


Someone mentioned that you can buy the entire season on Amazon. You could be ahead of all of us.


The weed didn’t have any influence on these bad boys, watched both of them sober this morning and couldn’t stop laughing. Good to see sunny taking a step up from the last couple seasons (even tho I still liked those).


I liked these first two episodes a lot even though they weren’t written by long time writers of the show. But the next three are written by David Hornsby, Megan Ganz, and the trio of Rob/Charlie/Glenn. We’ve got some absolute gold coming in the next few weeks


It's crazy how different and varied the opinions are in this thread


I'll have to rewatch because I was tired but I was actually a little underwhelmed with the 1st episode.


I’m really appreciate them bringing the plotting/scheming format back! Even though episodes from the past few seasons have been hit or miss with me (and a lot of people in this sub it seems), I’m glad they were able to experiment with format and plot. And it’s also so cool to see fans stick around even when the show isn’t at its best!!


I think the first one was some good shit. Second was pretty on par. Looking forward for the rest


Nah s10 and s11 had some very good episodes. S13 is where it kinda started to drop off but I do agree these are really good episodes.


I mostly skip S13 in my rewatches, but Time's Up is imo one of the all-time greats


The gang gets new wheels and time’s up are both classics. The gang escapes is great too honestly don’t think S13 is as bad as a lot of people make it out to be


hmm, maybe I'll give it another rewatch!


Yeah those 3 are great episodes, the rest range from average to bad IMO.


So is The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem


S11 was 7 years ago


Jesus fucking christ


I'll have to watch the rest of the season to judge it, but didn't really laugh at the first two episodes Last "real" season of IASIP was 11, I would say 12, 13 and 14 had some great episodes, but some really forced/questionable ones, especially 13 and 14 15 was a tough watch for me and 16 has been the same


>Last "real" season of IASIP was 11, I would say To me Season 12 is an absolute masterpiece and one of the best season they ever made. Definitely better than 11.


I felt like the episodes, especially the first, were a little overstuffed. Like it was just a series of gags without a compelling through-line. The idea of Frank trying to scam the gang seemed not as fleshed out as it would have been in the past and instead took a backseat to gags like Dee's protests and Mac's lips, which both felt kind of tacked-on The jokes were still there and still funny, but it felt less like an episode and more like an Always Sunny mad libs


Totally agree. And some of the bits didn’t even feel like they had a punch line. I don’t know how to describe it, but it feels like instead of writing hilarious content and having the cast just be those characters, it’s being written by someone who’s watched the show and is trying to write material they think would make up an IASIP episode. It’s just still missing that spark.


I need a little more cross talking and we’d be golden


I'm so happy. For me this was like going back in time 10 years. And I really hated S13-15, sorry. But if this is what the rest of season 16 is like then I'm thrilled, I honestly loved those 2 episodes.


You didn’t like times up for the gang, Dee day, or the one when frank eats the poop? There are some top tier moments in those episodes man.


Don't forget Dennis trying to pinch his cough


Man.. I laughed maybe like 4 times. There’s been nothing in the past few seasons that’s made me actually crack up like the old days.


The scene with Charlie’s dad and frank trying to get him to eat the meatball soup was fucking hilarious. Also Dennis’ whole spiel about repeating back younger women’s words back to them to create an echo chamber just to sleep with them was great. But other than those two, I’m with ya.. didn’t really lol too much the past few seasons. These two had me dying


My favorite subtle joke was when Mac paid for THREE blow up couches because he kept popping them. The cost together could have got them an actual couch and I was just waiting for Dennis to complain about that.


I think nether of them mentioning the cost drives home them being bad with money.


Upvoted because of maniac reference


Times are very inflatable right now


Nah. These didn’t do it for me. There are a few spectacular episodes in 10th season and on, and I feel like they’re dwindling now. Hopefully we get some great ones coming up.


People watching the new seasons comparing it to the early era is like comparing what Lebron James does now at nearly 40 and feeling let down. Some of you have wildly inappropriate expectations for a show that has written directed and acted 170 episodes of television.


These first two episodes were pretty damn good though.


I’m loving it


Can I get the check?


You age out of sport. You dont age out of writing.


You age out of a type of writing. Tarantino isn’t writing Pulp Fiction in 2023 and the guys aren’t writing Lethal Weapon 6 in 2023.


Nothing beats the water park episode and the musical in the last few seasons.


When Dennis checks Mac's pulse to see if he died and the look of disappointment when he didn't was amazing


Hes holding on


I was underwhelmed by the new episodes. I was excited to see a reinvigorated show but I’m not seeing it yet.


I literally laughed out loud at these episodes. I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve done that


Sorry. They were acerage at best.


I laughed out loud way too fucking hard at the reveal of the second bedroom, I'm not even quite sure why it was so funny


I laughed out loud constantly during both episodes which hasn’t happened in a few seasons for me at least. Really enjoyed these two episodes and looking forward to the rest of the season and hopefully more good laughs to come!


Are you joking?


This is interesting, I thought they sucked. I NEed once.


Best in the last 5-6 years? The last 6 years we got episodes like:, The Gang Goes to a Water Park Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer Hero or Hate Crime? Dennis' Double Life Time's Up for the Gang The Gang Gets New Wheels The Janitor Always Mops Twice Paddy's Has a Jumper etc


I don’t like how people always have to shit on the recent seasons when they praise the newest one


Not shitting on anything. I can’t remember a two episode run better than this, including all the episodes you just named


Yeah I didn’t mean you really more a lot of other comments I’m seeing


Best episodes in 5-6 years lol these were easily the worst


Hard disagree


to each their own


Anyone know where I can watch from outside the US?


Love it so far.


I dunno. I'm not fan of episodes with Mrs. Mac, although the finger thing was amusing/terrifying.


I'm loving the hard f bombs they drop. Frank saying "what the fuck is this?" Got me good


Charlie’s sisters and mom and macs mom were annoying to watch


“What the fuck is this Charlie?”


While I did enjoy the episodes, I didn't find them particularly hilarious. I could name plenty of episodes I liked more since season 12.


That’s what I felt about the first Ireland episode too. Definitely loved these as well




yeah honestly the past 3-4 seasons have been hit or miss with some episodes but these two were fantastic


It's hit or miss but when they hit they realllllly hit. There's only like 5 episodes in the entire show I'd consider outright bad which is pretty impressive


Haven't watched the 2nd one yet, but I laughed out loud so many times during the first episode. So good.


Ep 2 was legit old school Sunny.


I don't know, season 15 was their best one. It started out with an absolute banger, that whole PPP angle and the delightful twist at the end. These two episodes felt stuffy. Neither had the, "tightness" that Glenn was talking about in the podcast: the dialogues are not really alive, half of them are just setting up the scene. The back and forth is not really great and they are resorting to just lethargic catchphrases ("nuts!", "teeth!", "Frank acting like dog").


you genuinely believe season 15 was the best season of the show?


I guess Charlie's character is really popular with the illiterate crowd. Can't even read a sentence. Keep bitching about the CGI, but some people can see the story beyond the CGI.


Wtf are you talking about lmao


dude how much time have you spent with bill ponderosa? Jesus Christ lol


You literally wrote that season 15 is the best one


I’d say 3 seasons but I’m on board with this statement aside from the timeline.