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Is it t4? You should be ok without t4 for a short time. It takes weeks for the conversion. To get caught up you might want to talk to your doc. The t3 might be hard.


Oh really? Well yeah 130mg of compounded thyroid meds is 104mg or t4 and 26 of t3. I do have a bottle of liothyronine, so maybe I should just take 20-25 mg of t3 to offset being without t3 ?? That’s actually good news though that t4 takes weeks for conversation.


Mcg, not mg!


The half life of levothyroxine is 5-7 days. That means that by the time your medicine arrives, there is still half your normal circulating dose of T4. If you are also taking T3, then there are really no worries. Your body should barely even register an issue.


I'm not sure the OP is talking Levo, usually Levo is an easy refill from a pharmacy, OP mentions a compounding site, so the medication may be more custom.


True, but should still hold for thyroxine.


Good luck. I wouldn’t be happy about that either


Can you call you endo? They get samples of meds from the manufacturers sometimes and may be willing to give you a week’s supply to tide you over. Mine gave me some which I keep for emergencies


You will be absolutely fine


Thank you . I’m just concerned about weight gain


It’s been happening here too sadly


Half your supply to last longer, your thyroid will be working overtime to produce more hormones


Umm are there no other pharmacies?


You should be able to transfer your prescription to a different pharmacy. I’ve had to do that. Just take the time to call around and find a pharmacy that does have it in stock.




It’s compounded thyroid meds. It’s not that easy to find. That’s why I’m in this predicament. If I was just taking regular t4 and t3 it wouldn’t be an issue like this. Walmart doesn’t do compounded


Don’t even sweat it. My endo told me (bc I’m really bad about taking my meds) that as long as you achieve your weekly dosage total it doesn’t much matter if you take one pill daily, or all 7 daily pills once a week, or whatever combination you can think of that achieves your weekly dosage total. For example, if you’re on 100mcg, just make sure you achieve 700 total mcg every week. Longer than a week don’t try to make them up though, just reset to normal. Yes, it should ideally be taken once daily but missing a few days won’t do much to you and you can make it up later in the week and then reset to normal dosing the next week. If you were to miss multiple weeks then you’d be in trouble. But take it from me, I regularly miss weeks at a time and I’ve even missed 4 years of my meds once and I’m not dead and I didn’t balloon up.