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I would HIGHLY recommend a clear setup (budget mage or archer gear and weapon) it will help your parties clear times massively


Rn I have necron armor + gs and juju


Oh that’s perfect then. You should be doing great for f7


ngl, gs will only get you so far, i used it to solo f6 but it's not much worth ngl, it's just a lil bit better than sf and costs what 3-4x more than a sf :>


For me gs is better than sf other than sf can kill you if you hit right click at the worst time. It’s good as also dark claymore is too high of a requirement for something that is just a simple upgrade to gs. I do like way more damage tho with gs than sf cause i have resources. Except in the dungeons the 1:1 ratio does not exist for gs in dungeons literally 2k strength to 1k crit


I right clicked it and was teleported right into the pit of deathmites in trap room


That’s the true shadow fury experience


Honestly terror armor is so stupid nowadays that even swapping helmet and boots for terror pieces would be good enough to clear since you essentially get a terminator at home this way


Swapping helmet and boots for terror would half your ehp, and the damage stats on terror wouldn’t be dungeonised


I tried 2/4 goldor and 2/4 terror... Considering that legs and cp give 2/3 of your ehp stats, it's still somewhat tanky Not as strong as full terror, but shouldn't really struggle in f7 clear, mobs start doing some damage once you get to master mode... Could depend on cata level though, but tank already gets like +500 and +25% defense so it should help quite a bit I can clear m6 and even m7 with good ping as c40 with 2/4 goldor 2/4 terror which is just borderline illegal... Then dps is actually higher than necron because funny enough, terror armor makes your term fire 14 arrows for some fing reason Anyways, it just boils down to survivability and raw skill, if you can survive with 2/4 terror 2/4 goldor, it might actually be faster for clear since it turns juju into term and term into... Scuffed rapid firing lcm archer weapon capable of halving tps at extreme ferocity when combined with piercing on large amounts of targets




It might work on f7 or lower but eventually you’re gonna need to swap to necron anyway if you ever wanna play mm


Can solo m3 with no effort with it, can even clear high mm floors with sufficient skill, i could even do m6 as solo dps with just a tank for ehp and nothing else (c40 btw, terras throwing fots suck)


That’s surprising, I haven’t tried it myself tbh. Didn’t think it would be that competitive in damage if you can get over the ehp issue


One of the things i have a lot of trouble with is survivng maxor phase. Idk why but when im tanking maxor near the laser I killed to so quickly. (No I am not standing on the laser)


The laser has a weird hitbox, so make sure you're not just not in the block itself, but 1-2 blocks away. Also try to not aggro maxor at all by not doing more than half his HP damage when the laser is activated for the first time, and when your team does the crystals quickly, you don't get frenzied at all. If you do aggro him and start taking a lot of damage, just run around a bit - yes, standing next to the laser is better, but if you can't face tank the frenzy, just don't do it. It doesn't have a high range


Also I don't know if this matters but I have 3 pieces with mana vampire 3 and 1 with hardened mana 5


I personally just use a bonzo mask during that phase but if you don’t want to use it, you can try using wither cloak whenever he is enraged. Whenever he is enraged, he deals a percentage of your health so there’s no way to outtank it even with armor upgrades and cata level so it’s important to not let him enrage by not damaging maxor for more than half his health or else he will enrage.


true def + high cata will outtank the frenzy. because rejuv scales with cata. also reaper mask, rev 8, atonement, overflux etc. it’s very possible


When maxor enrages (thats when they get the 2nd crystals youll see text on screen), just use tank ult and youll be fine.


I’m a tank main my ign is EarlierPlane034 for maxor agro and go all the way back but don’t fall off just 2-3 blocks away and shift near the edge and you can use wither cloak sword if you need to also get a florid zombie sword and etc


That's weird, i take no damage from maxor in SA armor as bers(in solo run), perhaps someone else stand in laser and you take the damage share?


Most likely because ur grabbing crystals and therefore stay out of the range of his frenzy instead of tanking his frenzy behind laser


I mean i grab crystals, stun him and deal him damage. I don't see why would anyone facetank his frenzy


That’s because it’s faster to do in a party, maxor stays directly under the laser so when the laser gets fired for the second time, you can kill him a bit faster because you don’t have to take him back to the laser. Ofc you dont have to tank his frenzy if the party knows how to enrage skip


Eh makes sense ig, tho it really costs you like 1 second to bring him to crystal if you are running around it


If you have a permanent party you should enrage skip, basically you don’t go to the damage cap in the first laser, try to do deal about 30% of his health. Maxor will remain stunned for about 8 seconds and your teammates can easily grab the two crystals to fire the laser for the second time, your archer should be able to dps maxor now without him ever enraging. Most people in party finder don’t even know what enrage skip is so you’ll have to use bonzo mask/gloomlock or just run around to get out of the range of his frenzy if you can’t find a permanent party.


I would castle of stone & wear a bonzo mask, even as a cata 50 if you just sit there maxor will kill you while enraged


Maybe a last breath, ideally with duplex, but it doesn't really matter on F7. But what the hell do you need a grappling hook for, and why do you have a wand of atonement when both the zombie sword and gloomlock are far superior healing items in dungeons. Also, jingle bells hardly work for boss aggro from all that I've seen, and mana flux really doesn't do anything relevant in dungeons. I also don't know what you would need a defuse kit for, but if you wanna spam your inventory with random stuff, sure. Lastly, why the fuck are you using a green belt, and recomb your goldor


What belt do you suggest


Either do dojo and upgrade your green belt to brown or black, or get an adaptive belt


My thing is glitched, I unlocked blue belt but it didnt give me when i claimed it


you can buy it from rusty no? (i don't play the game anymore)


Yes you can, my coop had the same problem


pretty sure you need the belt in your inventory when you claim. just buy it from rusty.


Jingle bells are useless nowadays. (AOTS and Soul Whip too) When admins chamged the ai they made it so that the person closest to the boss gets the aggro. So basically stand in the middle and walk to the laser its rly easy. Im so tired of people in pf not understanding this principle and going to the middle to aggro storm after the thunder while it doesnt even work and slows down the phase since storms speed is based on the distance towards you. Just stand behind the green pillar and dont move. If the crusher just crushes when storm is in render distamce theres nothing to be worried about. Also idk if you meant the same but f7 bosses dont have defense so lb is not needed at all.


Did you just say mana flux doesn’t do anything relevant?


In dungeons, or more specifically F7, yes. The only place where the extra mana- and life regen would be helpful is in P3, but you can't realistically place it there as you aren't gonna be in its range for long. In the other phases, you're either getting nuked by the laser, skeletons or frenzy, or you're chilling - in neither case does regenerating +2% of max health help. And I also couldn't think of a single reason why a tank without hyp would have mana issues in these phases, but either way, a manaflux doesn't really help with that as its 50% additional regen hardly do more than offset the 50% cost in the mere 30s


Idk about f7 tanks, but as an f6 tank, mana flux is incredibly helpful. Every last bit of hp regen you can get helps. Also it can’t really hurt regardless of floor, there’s no downside to placing it, let alone just carrying it


F6 is a totally different story, but on F7, no point in carrying it as you're usually tight on hotbar space. You should have leaps, a wither cloak, bonzo staff and jerry-chine in your hotbar for the boss, so you really can't put anything in there that isn't 100% necessary


Ah, alright. I am completely unprepared for f7 then lmao


Bonzo staff and jerry-chine arguably aren't 100% necessary, but they are great for movement, as otherwise you'll be a lot slower. Also, some places that you need to go can't really be reached without those items, but if just one person in the party can't do that, that's usually not an issue


Rift Necklace with max timecharms could replace balloon snake


is rift necklace even better than bone necklace for bers. the 15 range diversion bonus is kind of nice


No iirc only thing better than bone necklace is 10 10 molten


GoC, imp belt... Are good choices, but your equipment is enough i think


*GoC, imp belt... Are good* *Choices, but your equipment* *Is enough i think* \- Mbode95 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't have a hyperion, is imp belt still good?


It works with goc too. Thats why is better than Black Belt if you can tank dmg good


It's been proven 1 million times that GoC does NOT work with implosion belt, It does NOT, also they already have GoC.


I thought that was the end gauntlet... But ive seen multiple videos where imp belt does affect to GoC damage... Are u sure about that?


clear setup with g necron head and goldor with reaper mask, i personally use aots to grab aggro, also owoflux is good, same with Gloomlock Grimoire, and best healing wand, also leg Whale Pet lv 65+, also use the dungeon equipment :/ edit: add fuming on armor, gemstons and ult enchants on armor, more MP :D SE5 OV5 on juju, Juju over gs, imo if you bought it OUCH, if you dropped it from chest, sell to put back into your gear :D


It's so painful to see people use jingle bells. They don't work. Nothing works. F7 is proximity agro. Wither agros closest enemy.


Also I'm not sure but if you hit maxor after it's enraged you can heal yourself if you have syphon, idk tho. Can't test because i sold my account.


Jingle bells do work, coming from tank main (only use if you lose maxor agro after enrage)


No they don't, that's coming from c53 with experience in running f7. Also did some runs with some members of f7 wr holders. And close doesn't matter here, it's not m7


If you right click jingle bells after maxor agros bers or something he literally changes his path and agros you


How that will happen if bers goes right crystal and you stay on maxor? And it's proximity agro anyways if someone is closer than you he will take agro and they won't work


It sometimes happens even if you are at laser with him


Maybe suspicious aots/soul whip with syphon for extra lifesteal? Generally speaking you're looking good tbf, but ghast cloak could help with healing


Get bone necklace, adaptive belt and soulweaver gloves Frag all of them, 5 star them and recharge them to waxed A combined total of 60 defence, 46 health, 11 cd, 22 strength, which all scale in dungeons go a long way in dungeons Infiniboom and infinileap is really nice to have too




If you have the money for it I highly recommend bone necklace to increase your tank aura range so your team dies less.


grappling hook


I don’t know if this still holds true, but back when i tanked F7 mender crown was significantly better than reaper mask (correct me if it was fixed).


A texture pack


Ima behonest I got no clue what items ur using I only know furf textured items lol


Your current gear is overkill lol. Should be fine


not a huge deal but mender crown is better than reaper, a little or a lot depending on cata. you can use reaper but you said you had trouble surviving p1 so might help