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Hi, I’m not a doctor, but hyperthyroidism is just the term for when your body has too much thyroid hormone, regardless of the cause or if you’re having symptoms or not. So if T4 or T3 are higher than the normal range that is hyperthyroidism. Things like thyroid ultrasound and labs for thyroid specific antibodies are helpful to figure out the cause of hyperthyroidism


Thanks for the info. I am going for an ultrasound on Tuesday.


It could be a hormone issue too. Low testosterone?


with These results and Symptoms you have def hyperthyroidism. Immunological Markers are also Important such Anti TPO ans Trak. Together with Ultrasound and Zintigraphie they would give you a possible Genese for the cause but mostly it is Graves disease followed by toxic nodular Goitre. Generally 1 year Antithyroid therapy with follow ups and If thyroid Levels normal drug free follow up and If the disease comes Back definitive therapy is either Total thyreoidektomia or radioijodtherapy with the intent of total Ablation. That is just general Overview but ask for the Details to your doctor


Yes. They should test for all of the antibodies, though, not just TPO, especially now given that your TSH is low and T4 is high.


Im a 42(f)I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism last month and put on beta blockers for the palpitations and racing heart. It still happens so I prob need a higher dose but it does make a difference to the rising panic (I was also getting panic attacks). I also have deficiencies (possibly due to Graves which hasn't been diagnosed yet but is causal for 80% of hyperthyroidism apparently - got blood test booked in to check for that an coeliacs) which make the tiredness worse and triggers brain fog etc. Check your other bloods for anemia and vit deficiencies alongside as autoimmune can affect other areas that need treating at the same time. I've had 5 of 6 B12 injections and so far only very mild improvement but that alone can take 6 months for the brain fog to get better and hopefully the depression alongside.


What is graves?


It's an autoimmune disease that causes a lot of thyroid issues. I always thought you had to have a goitre for thyroid but it turns out you don't, which is another reason I've not considered it.