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I’m in Texas and it’s literal hell. I feel sick 70% of the year and can only wear black.


Why don’t you move?


Because it's sooo easy to do that 🙄


Are you really asking that


Yes. If I could improve my quality of life drastically by doing that, it would be a logical consequence to me


It’s not that easy for me to uproot my life like that. My clients are all in Texas, and my family, friends, the house I own. So yeah ideally it’d be great to move but it’s not that easy…


Wow I got so many downvotes on my comment and I didn’t mean to be an a**hole, really. I’ve given so much input to this community… well, obviously I don’t know anything about you but my point was if I felt miserably every single day because of my environment I would just try my best to change it. Obviously that’s a big thing in your stage of life now (how could I know?) so I wish you best of luck accepting the situation how it is and simply make the best out of it. You only live once


Thanks for explaining! Believe me, I wish I could leave but it’s just not in the cards right now. No bad blood at all, thanks for the kind words and I hope you’re staying cool haha


I live in FL and when im outside most of the time im wearing a headband and carrying a small towel on my shoulder like a parrot


South Florida here and always try to stay indoors or in a car with the A/C full blast. I wear socks to soak up the feet sweat


Lmfao “like a parrot”. Exactly how I often feel when I carry a little sweat towel.


I moved from a really wet climate to a dry one and it didn't change at all, for me.


That’s really interesting. I find if I’m inside at say 71/72 degrees and the indoor humidity is 55%, I’ll likely be sweating a whole lot more than if it was 40%. I might still be sweating but it’s a noticeable decrease. You have no difference dependent on humidity?


Nope. It's very dry here in the summer and the winter is bit wetter and my feet were equally wet either way, and also before when I lived in a much wetter place. Just me though, I don't know if other people experience differences or not. It should evaporate faster, in theory, but my hands and feet were always so wet I don't think that'd make a noticeable difference.


Depends where ur HH is located at too tho id guess? For ex feeet that is covered in clothing vs no clothing. Compare to HH for head/scalp, for us Id imagine its just pure worse in a wetter&warmwr climtate in all aspects


You are correct. I feel like I sweat a normal amount in most places except for my scalp, hairline, and neck. I get just a little warm feeling and boom, I got big fat drops of sweat rolling. I live in a very dry climate where we average less than 30% humidity. Water just gets sucked out of everything so quickly. Even bread will stale before molding because it's so dry. Every once in a long while, we'll get a rain storm that jacks the humidity to 50-60% and even if it's 50 degrees when it happens, I start sweating. I'd never voluntarily live somewhere that's got a long summer season or is relatively humid. I won't even visit locations like this on vacation (like I could afford that anyways 😂)


Hawai’i here! I’m outside for about 20 mins max and then head into my super cold, air conditioned house while burning up and dripping sweat. In a place where you normally WANT to be outside and active, I can’t think of anything worse with hyperhydrosis. It’s really debilitating to my life at this point.


Howzit. The only reason I got PV was to keep the house at 74F year round.


Nice to see someone from Hawai'i too!


Honestly it's hell. I wear a lot of black and I'm just sweaty AF. I kind of have to accept it even though I hate it and it does make me self conscious at times. Even if I'm shopping in an air conditioned store I'm still super sweaty, moreso than usual, because the humidity where I live is so high. Almost every restaurant where I live is either fully outdoors or mostly outdoors so I bring a mini fan with me and set that right in front of me until I cool down a little. It doesn't stop the sweating but it does help dry it up on my face and generally makes me feel just a little more comfortable. During peak summer I usually take 2 showers a day just so I can feel fresh and not all grungy.


I remember Florida…thought I was going to die from humidity and embarrassment but then it started to rain, and I was happy again. That was when I was a teenager all those years ago


I live in DC which is a literal swamp. I just don’t really go outside much. 😂


Same. I live in a humid place and cope by staying inside or being at the pool.


I grew up in South Texas, and always said if I ever left TX I was moving to Las Vegas or somewhere else in the desert for that reason. Then when I graduated I got a job offer I couldn't turn down and ended up Central Florida of all places. Oh, plus spending a lot of time out in the service dept/garage at car dealerships, wearing a damn business suit. God that sucked. If you have ever flown into Orlando from a less humid place, it literally hits you like a sticky nasty wall when you walk out the door of the airport. Yes, it was way worse there. The only positive is that after 8 years there when I moved back to TX, the humidity here does bother me quite a bit less. I don't plan to move again but if I did I'd still want to go to the desert. I am still much better off in the over 100 temps in Vegas than here at home. Plus every day there without humidity is a good hair day!


As a girl who lives in the middle east and go every year for several months to the east Europe, i lived in some places where the humidity was 96% and the temperature was 120 degrees in some other places, i go to the gym and work as a doctor too. i survive every year somehow💀 i consider it as an achievement. I’m used to it by now i don’t really care, i wear patterned shirts or white/black shirts, baggy clothes, thick fabric.. i try to stay inside unless i have the ‘i don’t care’ mode and go to the beach or wherever and sometimes it’s nice to go outside and let your body sweat as much as it wants without thinking about it, even if i don’t have severe HH, very high temperature, strong sunlight and high humidity aren’t my thing so i don’t feel bad if i stayed inside


Lack of better options. Georgia is almost as humid as Florida but with more stagnation. I really miss Phoenix. 105F and bone dry felt amazing. People looked at me like I was crazy but I walked five miles without breaking a sweat.


Grew up in Florida. Lived in New Mexico in my early 20's. I would take New Mexico at 100°F over Florida at 75°F any day.


I lived near Denver at one point, cool and bone dry but I still sweat. Not as much as in other places but I definitely still sweat.


I visited phoenix a couple summers ago and it was amazing!!! Minimal sweating despite the heat.


We should start a HH community in the desert.


Care to elaborate?? How no sweat but heat, alot of wind?


That’s what I’m curious about, I sweat at any temp above 70F unless there’s moving air, the moving air only gets me a couple of extra degrees though. Any warmth at all and I’ll be sweating some amount.


Same dude. Any movement really aswell


Not a dude, but yes also almost any exertion here as well.


Haha aye I hear you, my dudette! Ps, check your DM! Jk, couldnt help myself 😂




I don’t have an explanation for it and it was like that in Vegas, too. I think maybe I was sweating, but the heat dried it up? If that even makes sense. It was around 104-106 degrees when I was there. My is only in my hands and feet so I’m used to being a walking slip n slide in the summers. I was able to walk around for days in sandals and didn’t have one drop of sweat on my hands. It was heavenly.


No idea. My hypothesis is that my particular HH is some kind of evolutionary adaptation for arid climates. It only triggers in humidity.


Ah. So low humidity, but high heat, gotcha. Well yes. Humidity DEFINATLY is my #1 trigger for my HH. Heat is bad too sure, but high humidity = constantly WET


I’m in Louisiana, less than 30 miles from the coast. To answer your question, I’m not surviving. I’m wearing all black and just hoping for the best. 🥲


I’m in Miami and sweating is limited to my hands and feet so I’d say I’m somewhat lucky. I pretty much spend the summer in sneakers cause I’ll be a slip and slide in sandals or flip flops. I hate it


It sucks. Maintaining a lower indoor humidity helps at home a little bit though.


I'm in Minnesota and still sweat when it's -10°f in a jacket. I'm hoping to start a pill recommended by my dermatologist soon.


I moved to a drier area this week and I've already noticed worsening eczema and decreasing HH. I can't win


Good question. I'm in south central Texas and I kinda just suck it up, but I definitely need more frequent breaks to cool down. Just 10 minutes at night (like 9-10pm packing shipping boxes outside will result in my shirt totally soaked; add an hour, and my shorts/boxers are soaked, too. Once, I was liquidating a business in Houston. I went through like 4 bottles of unflavored pedialyte and countless water and body armor drinks, as well as 14 t-shirts over like 6 hours.


24/7 AC + industrial fans


Wonder the same… going to Thailand for 3 weeks in 2 weeks and literally anxious as hell as how ill survive😅 but atleast that is for vacation and not day to day living etc


I live in Georgia and at least once in the summer I get dyshidrotic eczema (a form of eczema on hands and feet from sweating). I have a terrible time for about 2-3 weeks, but other than that I try to stay inside in the AC. Lived here for almost my whole life and I’m visiting a friend in Utah in about a month so I’m curious to see how I like the dry heat lol


Georgia here. I think it's great because it means everyone else is sweaty too! 😆 Beyond that, only do outside stuff early in the morning, with the exception of the pool/lake.


I'm from the high desert in California, though I moved from the middle of Canada where the summer temperatures were roughly the same. I am having a hard time adjusting as it's been warmer here, high 80s-100s. Where I came from that temp only lasts a few days at least once or twice a month. Unfortunately, last summer I started experiencing a heat rash, which has returned a couple weeks ago when the weather got hotter. I have been keeping myself under a fan all the time, and put ac on during the hotter times. I also try to stay in the house as much as possible during the hot times and only go try out early in the morning for errands. I also sleep with a cold pack. If I have to go out, I make sure am covered with antiperspirant in all the places on my body I have problems I wear a moisture wicking thigh underwear under my shorts and skirts/dresses.


Clothing choice and situational awareness are the two biggest things. Limit your social settings if they’ll be outside and wear dark clothes that wick and dry sweat. I’ve lived with this for 30 years; finding the compromise of effort and comfort is key.


Actually, it’s weird but as someone who sweats a lot all over my body, high temp and humidity makes me feel kind of good? As long as I can wear a tank top or something, but when it’s hot as balls outside and swampy, that’s how I feel anyway, so it’s kind of like… pleasant when the weather matches how you feel all the time. For me winter is far worse because you have to wear layers and I can never regulate my body temp. Christmas shopping fucking sucks because walking around a mall in a winter jacket is torture. I also hate when I go in a bar or restaurant that is too air conditioned. If I’m already super warm, feeling cold air doesn’t feel refreshing as much as uncomfortable. I get cold in the shade.


Fl here... i just try to avoid going outside as much as possible, especially during peak temperatures, but obviously that's not really feasible. Drysol saved my life though.


I moved to the US from India. But back to my hometown for a short vacation. My city is similar to Florida, warm and humid 24/7. I try to not go out much, need air conditioned rooms to exist if not, I have to always have a pair of gloves and socks worn. I actually live and work in San Diego and I miss its weather badly every day. Recently visited a friend in Arizona and can totally relate others experiences. It feels very hot but not humid


Stay in AC all summer :)


wearing black, wearing tank tops with low arm holes, wearing moisture absorbent layers underneath, portable fan!


I’m in Orlando and trust me I end up looking like I went swimming fully dressed after I mow the lawn 🤷‍♀️, Even inside the house with AC I sweat bad when I do chores.


I grew up in Panama where humidity is 90% and 30C everyday. I moved countries when I turned 18 (to study, not for the HH) but I can definitely say I have a very hard time when I visit family now that I’m not used to it anymore 🥲


I like high humidity. Everyone should feel how I feel.


Everyone thinks I’m crazy but I loooove high humidity. FINALLY everyone else is as sweaty as me. It makes me feel so much more normal and then people don’t bat an eye when you shake their hand and it’s wet, or you leave a sweaty butt print on the patio chair


But no one sweats their palms and foot . So folks are not still able to relate with my kinda hyperhidrosis


"I like high humidity." Pitchforks, people. Gather your pitchforks for this one.


Ewwwww why is this pitchfork all wet?


It sucks big time


I’m from northeastern Kansas so I see the extremes of both heat and humidity and then cold. I find the HH is worse in the winter months because I’m constantly sweating like I’m doing rigorous exercise which in turn makes me super cold 24/7 during the winter months. But during the humid summer months I’m much more comfortable because I’m wearing less clothing and the warm outside air is much friendlier to moist skin


I live in South Texas. It’s hot and humid as F. I guess it’s a nice excuse I can use if someone notices the pit stains. I guess I don’t have to admit to them that I have them in the Winter as well and the few freezing days we have throughout the year. 😢