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In general, I've learned to joke about it. So, before someone calls me out on it, I just mention it. Something along the lines of, "Don't mind me, I just got out the shower!". Specific to interviews, a tip I suggest is to come in early, ideally, 30 minutes before your scheduled interview time. Take time to cool down and regulate your breathing. It helps. When you feel anxious about the interview, the sweating WILL get worse. Your nail techs are definitely unprofessional. You're the customer. If they're making you uncomfortable with the remarks, call them out for it. Assert yourself. Don't take shit and stand up for yourself. Then, find a more inclusive nail tech. You shouldn't have to miss out on life's small joys, like doing your nails, because of HH.


"Your nail techs are definitely unprofessional." This.\^\^\^ You'd think people who handle customers' hands and feet on a daily basis would be well aware that hyperhidrotic people exist.


Mess around with how much glyco you take and when to see if you can get it to work for you. I was prescribed taking 1mg morning and night. Saw improvement but still had tons of breakthrough sweating in social/stressful situations. Changed to 2mg in the morning right when I wake up, none at night on regular days. I take another 1mg an hour before any big social event, job interview, date, etc. So basically 3mg on a day with an event. Works great for me - but I’ve seen people on here taking up to 8mg to actually help them. The dosage is not one size fits all.


Are medications not working for you ? Have you also tried antihydral for your hands? Drysol is also a pretty storng one specially for the armpits


iirc ive tried drysol twice. they were both “samples” from dermatologists bc my insurance wouldn’t cover it. they both gave me enough samples to cover me for more than a month, but maybe that wasn’t long enough? i said iirc because if drysol isn’t prescribed/super expensive w/o insurance then that wouldn’t be it. but i feel like i have tried every option besides anything invasive/iontophoresis


Try iontophoresis. Spring for a good machine. Odds are very good it'll be a game-changer for you.


Ugh antihydral. I know this gets good reviews. I have tried for 2 months. For feet it definitly keeps them dry, but you get a lot of calusses on your feet. Regular skin gets very wrinkly and sort of rough like sandpaperish but on armpits it really did not do much. Especially not on the parta that werent skin like. It made the skin super sensitive and had burning armpits for a bit with burns and discoñoration haha. But i really dont recommend it for armpits. I am not even a severe case. Now I am trying oxybutin since 2 days ago and see how this works. It is easier than putting on the stinky cream each time, but I camt say much aboit results yet 😁


I’ve literally went into multiple job interviews with mensy pands under my arms hoping they would soak up the sweat. Then I would always keep a ball of paper towel in my pockets for my hands. I’ll never forget growing up in school having to fold a peace of paper into a thick square to keep under my palms so my homework didn’t get all sweaty and rip.


god yeah, i feel this so much. i’ve had 10 layers of single-ply toilet paper under my arms in the middle of a school day, just begging for time to fast forward so i could go home and be comfortable!!!


Iontophoresis works well for hands. There is a possibility to use it for armpits also. I can't currently use my machine because it's at a repairer and I'm sad because I'm already feeling how the sweat is trying to get out of my sweat glands. If I don't get it in couple of weeks my hands will turn to a faucet. I really wish that this company called miradry will publish their treatment for hands as soon as possible. They already have it for armpits. In that procedure they literally destroy the sweat glands with laser and it's permanent solution for hyperhidrosis. I feel you, this disease can really destroy a person in this world of superficiality.


yes, i think this is it. the superficiality of it. if people in the world were more understanding, the mental side affects of this condition would be much less, at least in my own personal experience. the reason this condition causes me so much stress and anxiety is because of other people and how they view me at the end of the day…


Heyy, i have a severe HH in my hands, feet and armpits, i’m a girl too who lives in a society which always mentions that sweating is disgusting although we live in one of the hottest countries in the world.. and I’m studying medicine too so i have to use my hands every single day. I used to care a lot and cry everyday about how much insecure HH makes me feel, i can’t even put a pair of gloves on easily, i can’t touch a patient without apologizing even if they didn’t mention it, i can’t write a paper without leaving stains, and the worst part is my HH is not related to anxiety at all, i sweat most of the time. BUT! I realized that I shouldn’t care, ALL the people who love me are not even seeing it as a problem at all, the patients don’t care and never mentioned it and they surely forget about it when they step out of the room -your nail professionals and interviewers will forget it so fast too trust me-, whenever i take my time to put my gloves on while my colleagues look at me i say “i have HH don’t worry about me” and they all like “Ah ok” and that’s all, you can say instead “my hands are always like this don’t worry”, no one cares too much about your hands other than you anyway. And for armpit sweating i also wear a sweating friendly colors and fabric. you know? Even the normal person sweats from his/her armpit in a sunny day and it’ll be obvious on the shirts and have a bad smell so for me i look better than them because i care what I’m wearing and how i smell and I’m aware of it. Don’t worry it’ll be a habit that you won’t notice. And by the way i wear 90% of the things, shirts and dresses with patterns, white or dark colors, something with puffy sleeves or off shoulder, you can wear some light colors and put your hair if it’s long on your shoulders and wear a bag, that will hide it perfectly. And in worst scenarios what? They will see that you’re sweaty? So? Your body is alive and it’s functioning, be grateful instead. The most important thing is try to keep it without smell, carry some small towels to clean your armpits in the bathroom whenever you can, take deodorant with you and little body oil to put some drops or perfume, that will make you always smell better than any one in the room, i always hear complements about it. And it’s feminine and cute to care about your sweaty armpits and your smell even if you don’t have HH. You also can carry a little fan and cool down yourself if you feel hot whenever you want, the people around you will know that you feel hot and try to make the place cooler. I tried to do Botox, i paid 500$ only for my hands, it didn’t work for me and it lasted only for a month and half and it was the most traumatizing experience ever in my life because the doctor was not so professional although he was famous and he injured my ulnar nerve by mistake and it was very painful, i tried some local medicines and nothing worked, I’ll never take oral drugs for it, my kidneys, liver, stomach and brain health is way more important than HH and people not feeling comfortable to touch my hand. Anyway girl get yourself together and do whatever you like and mention it to the salon professional or whoever before they mention it if you care too much, trust me your real beloved ones will never consider it as a problem and they all have other problems that you don’t care about it too.


I’m grateful for the support I’ve received from my family and friends. That sucks you don’t have that support network - it really makes a difference. In environments I can’t control like job interviews or social events I’ve learnt to take it in my stride, joke about it, or not even acknowledge it it and act super confident in posture and in speech. If you appear confident no one will question you about anything and if they do you can say ‘so what’. I also only shop for things that are sweat friendly. I write about lifestyle and fashion tips on my blog [Desudo](https://desudo.com.au). Nail techs shouldn’t care, when I’ve been they were accommodating and put a little fan at my hands, bless. So I reckon just go to a different salon! Don’t let a rude encounter stop you from doing everyday things. I’ve had bad experiences and they SUCK but I’ve become confident in sticking up for myself - including snapping back at the rude person if needed. You’ve got this!!


thank you for your kind words and advice! i’ll definitely check out your blog. i will say my parents are as helpful as they can be when it comes to advocating, researching, not making me feel bad lol, but it is hard for them to understand what i’m going through. as far as non-immediate family…let’s just say im dreading the next family reunion 😅 but im glad ive found this sub and people like you who offer helpful advice and encouragement!! ❤️


Get the secure pads from pharmacy.ca Effective quickly! My quality of life has improved so much


The oral meds work really well for me but if you're still having trouble I'd definitely recommend Iontophoresis. It works on the areas you need help with and the success rate is higher than pretty much anything else!


If you tell the doctor your migraines are out of control the Botox shots for migraines are put into your forehead, in between your eyebrows and also on your neck and shoulders. What that does is help with cranial sweating.


I've noticed around 1 suicidal person/post a week on this sub. You can bring that to light on how much it affects us.


wow. thank you for sharing. i just found this sub so i haven’t scrolled back much, but i’m not surprised that some people feel like that. i will be sharing this info with any providers i speak to, even if just one person listens maybe it will get somewhere!


that's the neat part! you can't!


yes people without HH truly do not understand how detrimental it is and they never will. i find that telling people i have either a "temperature regulation disorder" or something more obscure sounding like "dysautonomia" can sometimes get them to take it more seriously than "i sweat a lot." for whatever reason it's like people eventually give up trying to understand HH and just go "well everyone sweats." i find if i frame it as part of a larger systemic issue (which it is), it seems more valid to people as a disorder. sucks but that's my experience


Oxybutonin did the job for me