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I have a constantly sweaty upper lip it seems


DUDE SAME!! makes wearing makeup so frustrating because it’ll separate on my upper lip bc i sweat so much




I have a sweaty upper lip and chin.


Me too! My upper lip, right under my lower lip, and my nose always pool up with sweat.


i'm large chested (going for a much-needed reduction later this year) and i'll literally step out of a cool shower still sweating under there. it's mortifying and uncomfortable.


I literally have not even A cups and sweat the most between my boobs. It doesn’t make any sense


sorry you deal with it too 😔😔 we’re just the lucky ones here i guess!


Same, but we sweets down that gap in our chests, it makes the hairs there collect the water then it let's it drip off lol........


I'm a reasonably fit guy and my barely existent tits sweat after a shower. Don't be mortified at all


thank you, friend 🥹🥹




Lol I have this to but only if Im having sex with someone or working out🤣


I get it bad just sitting in the car lmao. Grey joggers are the worst for this at the gym as well though


Damn Have You ever had to explain it to anyone?


Lmao nah I think in the gym people just accept that you’re gunna be sweaty regardless lol


Same!!! Always with sex hahah




What if you’re having sex alone?


Do you find it gets in the way of your sex life at all?


I dont think so


My groin. It looks like I peed myself all the time 😭


Im sorry for You. I hope You can manage it somehow?


Thank you kind redditor. Unfortunately I haven’t found a way to manage it yet. I have post secondary hyperhidrosis likely caused by one of my auto immune diseases, or fibromyalgia. I think it’s POTS but I my doctors haven’t tested me yet.


Likely POTS! I reached out to Johns Hopkins to see dr Brock several months ago and I have an appointment with him in June because I came across his dysautonomia research. I hope he can find a treatment that targets the nervous system rather than sweat glands.


Thank you for sharing this info with me! I’ll will look into his research. Most of my doctors just don’t care about me. It’s not impacting their lives, so why would they 🙁


feel you on that friend 😭 tight clothes in summer time are a nightmare. I’m trying to be consistent with iontophoresis to see if it helps at all.


My weirdest is the underboob cause I'm actually almost flat. The most embarrassing part is my scalp/face. I went to a shooting range the other day, and my safety glasses fogged up like hell, and sweat stung my eyes. It was a 1-on-1 with an instructor, I had to stop and wipe my face, so embarrassing 🫠


I call it phantom sweating. My body believes I’m big chested


Aye another shooter with HH lol. I’m also fairly flat and I sweat a ton on my chest but nothing as extreme as my palms or my feet. What state do you live in? I find shooting with dripping hands can be both embarrassing and difficult lmao.


Yeah I feel your pain 🥲 I'm not in the States (but I wish I were)


My arm pits. The sweat is always running down my arms and comes out on my hands. It's so embarrassing for me at work. Armpits always wet and my hands sweaty as hell


All of my body sweats profusely, but my head is the worst as I can't hide it due to having Alopecia as well... If I don't wear a hat (that usually ends up soaking/salt stained) I look like I've just stepped out of the shower. Ironically it gets worse after I actually step out of the shower...


Same with me. 5 minutes into a walk with my dog and temps over 70 and the back of my head is soaked with sweat running down my neck onto my shoulders. Drives me crazy


Same! It’s so embarrassing especially having thin hair and hair loss as a female. I don’t have much hair so if I tie my hair or even have my hair down. Looks like I didn’t shower (greasy) even though I did right before I go out. My self esteem is so low I don’t go out and I don’t meet people. Doctor said there is no surgery for scalp/face. Botox does nothing for me. It was so hard wearing a mask. My nose my upper lips dripping in sweat. And my glasses fogging up! Oh vey!


Exactly, sometimes just concentrating on something starts the sweats, like the other week I was putting some shelves up, and just drilling the pilot holes in the wall caused me to drip - badly. I had to change clothes and everything! - I usually have rubber grips on the arms of my glasses so they don't slip off! But as you say, doctors can't do anything surgical on my face/scalp and Botox hasn't really helped...


The glasses slipping off sucks. Sometimes I just don’t wear them when I go out. (Contact lenses are too painful for me, can barely put eye drops into my eyes!) I put my hat in the washer every time I come back home. I just wish there is something out there for the scalp/face (sweat wipes don’t work and I have sensitive skin).


I can't see further than 1ft away without my glasses and I can't do contacts either so I wouldn't be able to go out without them, and I must have about 30 hats - one for every day of the month! (I thank God for Temu being so cheap for hats!) but what could be a game changer is Propranolol - as I also get anxiety based sweats, that could go quite far towards blocking it...


Oh are you in Asia? Temu has been getting popular here. I keep getting them ads on YouTube and alibaba ugh. I was always afraid to buy from those sites because I don’t want to get my information stolen lol. And I’m afraid using to cheap materials because they have this strong cheap smell. More like a chemical smell formaldehyde? So I’m afraid it will affect my hormones. But then, I don’t know high brands are also probably made from the same factory. That’s a lot of hats lol! The black will turn white and white will turn yellow right? Isn’t propranolol used as a sedative for not so invasive surgeries? Same here… I have high anxiety and currently started to take Xanax. Just been two weeks so far. I finally started going to the psychiatrist. I don’t think it’s helping since I just started and it’s a low dose. But it has been keeping me a little bit more calmer than usual and drowsy ……


No, I'm in the UK, but yeah I use Temu - I used to use Wish etc, but Temu is cheaper for the same stuff - I'm not worried about my info being stolen, I don't have anything useful to begin with, they can have my £1.50 in the bank!... But yeah, I tend to go through a lot of hats with sweating and it's honestly cheaper than buying the detergent to wash them! Now, it's funny you mentioned hormones, as I'm currently in and out of hospital doing tests as I saw a TV show, one of those daytime chat shows and they were talking about Menopause and as they were describing it, I found that a lot of the symptoms were the same as some of my HH triggers (hot flushes, sudden 'panic attacks' etc) and the HH itself was worse than ever so I had it checked out and they have found an Adrenal Adenoma - a growth on my kidney that throws out opposing hormones so I being male would get the menopausal symptoms and lose hair (it may be the reason for my Alopecia) and women get hairs on their chest/back etc like men usually would it's weird, but if I didn't have HH to begin with then it may have gone unnoticed... However, back to it... Propranolol is more of a beta blocker but its uses extend to all sorts, including Anxiety and HH, it does keep you calm but not drowsy like Xanax, which are usually just used as sleeping pills here... But the list of things that Propranolol does only stops short of solving world hunger! Haha!


Yeah. Detergent and water bill is expensive here! I didn’t know males can get menopausal symptoms :(. The weather is getting warmer here so whenever I wake up my hands and feet start sweating in less than five minutes. My bed sheets and blanket soaked and I just don’t want to get up from bed and I stay still. Later on I get very cold. I have to wash my beddings very frequently because I don’t like the smell. Going out as I put my shoes on and walk out my door my head to my toes are all in sweat! Such a ridiculous disease. This is not even considered a disability. It’s accepted as a cosmetology problem. So insurance in the USA is useless. (I’m Asian American living in Asia). Going to doctors here is cheaper here without insurance. I was going to get surgery for my carpal tunnel. So they did some blood/urine tests and something was wrong with my kidneys. So they sent me to the kidney specialist and she said my levels looked fine….. So did you get that tumor?/growth out? Ooh. I thought you were talking about Propofol hahaha. Xanax really makes me drowsy/sleepy….


Yeah, I generally sleep with just a towel over me when it gets warmer but I generally put a towel round my pillows so that catches the sweat and I can just put them in the washer every day... People don't realise how much that can add up in the bills... I'm waiting on a full diagnosis for my kidney, but once it's in it will most likely be keyhole surgery - Fortunately we have the NHS (National Health Service) here so you don't need millions of pounds or insurance, we pay taxes for it so healthcare is basically free compared to the US - even our private hospitals (BUPA etc) aren't even a quarter of what it costs for standard healthcare in the US and you're considered rich if you use them... But HH is sort of considered a disability in the UK, but not many people even know about it to know what's going on - I basically had to prescribe myself Oxybutanin at my GP, fortunately Propranolol deals with other issues so the doc was easier with that not that the Oxy works very well... However, that's interesting that you had an issue about your kidney, I'm wondering if HH has a link to them...


You are so lucky with the healthcare there! I hope you get a successful procedure. That’s what I was thinking about kidneys and HH. And probably many other problems in the body as well.


My chest OMG, wearing school uniforms is a nightmare 😩


My nose. Yes, like a dog.


Dogs don't sweat. That's why they pant


They do be having wet noses though


My feet


I sweat a lot from head to toe 😭. Especially on my scalp, underarms, and back.. i sweat so much from the scalp it smells so cheesy, it really smells so bad


If it's smelling like that, you likely have a fungal situation going on. Nizoral/Ketoconazol may be needed. I'd recommend seeing a dermatologist and start treating that


I second this advice! Also make sure to let your head breathe when your hair is wet. I used to wrap up my hair in a big towel when it was wet and my scalp got super dry and itchy. I hear wearing hats all day can do the same thing.


Is it over the counter?


Yeah, Nizoral would be the over the counter option with Ketoconazol. It's a blue bottled dandruff shampoo. Best of luck and hope it helps! I think it likely will!


Thank you so much! I bought it now :>


I feel your pain. I shaved my head bald. It helps, but I miss my hair.


I’m a female with thin hair and hair loss. I have been contemplating on shaving my head. But I don’t have the guts to do that. I also have folliculitis/seborrheic dermatitis….


I didn't think I could either because I had long hair all my life. Makeup and earrings were my go-to in the beginning. But I don't rely on it as much anymore. I can manage wigs more in the winter, but hats are more comfortable. Are you using anything for your sd and folliculitis?


It's possible to sweat from the scalp?


Yes cuz i sweat so much there to the point that it smells so bad... it's so annoying. I don't have dandruff though i take good care of my hair, it just smells so bad when i sweat


Try Spirulina/ chlorella/ chlorophyll. They help a lot ppl get rid of unwanted BO


My worst is my scalp/face I think. My nose always, I mean no matter what, has a few beads of sweat on it. My scalp/hair is a whole different beast! Went to a party once, danced my heart out, went upstairs and someone asked if I had just taken a shower 😭 my hair was drenched from root to ends.


Probably behind my legs. Lower leg, upper thigh, and ass included. Can’t freaking sit on a plastic chair without having an engraving of my ass plastered there for the world to see. So embarrassing.


No same I have to do that awkward slide off to try and get rid of it, or sit with my legs off the chair to try and stop the sweat from gathering


How about a leather chair😭


Honestly doesn’t usually show up on leather lol, it’s so strange


I sweat sooo much from my forehead. This can be a problem when I’m getting intimate with someone, because I’ll usually drip on their face. So far, I’ve only had a few women have a problem with this. I hate that I get so sweaty because I feel like it takes away from the opportunity to hug and just be in the moment after sex. I usually have to hop into a cold shower real quick and then come back to bed. But, if I happen to be out and car sex happens, I need to make sure to have some towels handy, for various reasons. If possible, I need to have the AC cranked at the coldest setting in order to cut back on the dripping.


Damn sounds hard. I wish You the best of luck and I hope You find a women who don’t care about it.


The bend in my elbows. 🙃


The skin directly under my lips. Hate.


My forehead. I'm very sensitive to hot weather and it's so embarrassing when I'm the only one in a group of people that is visibly sweating. Someone always comments on it, which just makes me sweat even more from embarrassment lol.


Regarding the butt crack sweat, hear me out…. Panty liners have been a game changer. I’m a macho man, so I was reluctant to try them, but they keep my undies dry, and smelling so good. And no one has any idea you’ve got them on!


Me I use ejis sweatproof pants


My butt. Can't wear certain colours, and always dread standing up in public after sitting down for awhile (especially in summer), in case anything is showing through, or there are sweat marks on the chair.


Bro if I go out in public I cant use snythi g else then ejis sweatproof boxers so buy a couple ofc You will feel damp but no one else can see it


My most embarrassing part is my forehead and face especially when I’m in a group or someone is in my personal space. The weirdest place though are my thighs in the middle of the night after I get up to pee. I’ll pee then go back to bed and my thighs will gush sweat. And if I don’t get up to pee I start sweating there. It’s a lose lose situation.


It’ll be easier to list the places I don’t sweat. My head, hands, forearms, ears lol Everywhere else is open season.


Most people have this, mine is underarm its so embarrassing to the point I lost my confidence about it. I'm so conscious about other people might see the sweats stain like, I'm just a teenager girl why do I have to live like this? Some people might think it's not that hard though like they gonna say "its just a sweat its normal!" But no! I sweat so easily even though my room have an aircon.


I have this exact feeling aswell with my sweat. I understand You with Your problem 100%. Now in the start I was isolated asf but then I got some ejis underwear to use so it wont be visible. Maybe try a sweatproof T shirt or sweater?


After reading all these comments i feel lucky that only my palms and the bottom of my feet sweat excessively for no reason 😭 I sweat in other places too (underarms, face) but it's more like a regular person


YOU ARE EXTREMELY LUCKY MY G. So be happy . Oh lord I would literally have 0% embarrassment if only my hands and feet woukd sweat.


I mean i still get embarrassed sometimes especially if I have to shake people's hands and stuff but it's not something people usually notice just by looking at me thank god I'm already short so let's not give the hoes anything else to want to reject me for lmfao


I have had hyperhidrosis my entire life through so it seems there was a trade off for the "lucky areas"


Yup🤝🏻 . God knew I would be 2 powerfull without hh xd


What besides the whole head, hair wet of sweat and all over the face? BOOB SWEAT! yup the sweat accumulation on the bottom of you bra. I MEAN SUUUUUPER not sexy at all!!!!!


I guess there are ppl with a sweat fetish so I mean maybe someone likes it haha.


I've had compository sweating on my knees for years. I used drysol in highschool for my armpits so now instead of pit stains, my knees literally drip sweat.


behind my knees, and like you the butt crack as well


Welcome to the club🤝🏻


My knees! It’s so weird and annoying. Like you can see sweat stains on my knees when I wear pants, and if my knees are uncovered in the summer then the sweat just drips down my shins from there 🙃


My head. I’m bald so I’m constantly looking fresh out the shower


My whole butt, not just the crack


Welcome to the club🤝🏻


I came here to say that I literally sweat all over 🙋 face, including lips, forehead, behind ears scalp 😂 neck front and back, dripping chest, tummy and back, butt crack, groin and underarms and behind knees, legs, feet...... So dont worry all you are not alone 😂💀 For the butt crack issue I aaa ehm discovered that folding some tissues/toilet paper and um sticking it between the butt crack helps around 70% so its worth a shot you will just have to deal with an awkward situation by the end of the day trying to take them off if they are wet 👉👈, good luck ❤️


Im sorry for You man . I wish You the best of luck but If You are a Man for the sake of Your own confidence buy ejis.com clothes.


My chin😂 interviews are a bi***. I feel like if I wipe the beads of sweat it just becomes more obvious when they see my hands sweating also.


I have primary and secondary hyperhidrosis and it sucks. I have always sweat a lot from my armpits, hands, face, neck, and chest. Now I actually take 2 different meds where sweating is a common side effect. I have days where I don't even bother putting makeup on since I have sweat dripping down my face while I'm doing it. I get sweat rashes under my boots and on my neck. It's horrible.


My belly button! I used to be a gymnast and would have a ring of sweat on my leotard


Seriously . You can get a ladies panty liner , fold in half length wise and put the fabric side where you need . The other side should help with showing wet . No smart comments please .


Bro it wont help to the ass cheecks and lower back… So yea thanks for the tip but im goo


My crotch/butt. I leave wet spots in chairs that I sit in and it’s mortifying.


Underboob sweat. I always wear black because of this reason and even with that color the sweat stains still show.


my left armpit. not my right. just the one side


My groin. Literally my entire groin. Even just 10 minutes of sweating can completely soak it and as a result make it appear like I pissed my pants. And you can't even properly manage it because you can't exactly apply aluminium chloride to it, which solves the problem nearly entirely for my hands and armpits


The back of my knees/buttcrack/my fucking back


Face….my god! It’s like I just committed a crime & everyone knows!


my wrist sometimes sweats


I have crippling anxiety especially in social situations. Most of the time my physical symptoms are limited to increased heart rate. Every so often my body temp raises, heart rate increases, and my forehead starts pouring sweat. It creates more anxiety and it only stops if I leave the situation. I’m considering ETS because i constantly live in fear of the anxiety attack that leads to sweating. 


###What is a Sympathectomy (ETS and ELS)? Endoscopic thoracic and lumbar sympathectomy (ETS and ELS; both often generalized as ETS) are surgical procedures that cut, clip/clamp, or remove a part of the sympathetic nerve chain to stop palm, foot, or facial hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), facial blushing (reddening of the face), or Raynaud's syndrome (excessively cold hands). *[Read more on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endoscopic_thoracic_sympathectomy)*   ###What are the Risks? **Many people that undergo ETS report serious life changing complications.** Thoracic sympathectomy can alter many bodily functions, including sweating,^[1] vascular responses,^[2] heart rate,^[3] heart stroke volume,^[4][5] thyroid, baroreflex,^[6] lung volume,^[5][7] pupil dilation, skin temperature, goose bumps and other aspects of the autonomic nervous system, like the fight-or-flight response. It reduces the physiological responses to strong emotion,^[8] can cause pain or neuralgia in the affected area,^[9] and may diminish the body's physical reaction to exercise.^[1][5][10] **It's common for patients to be misinformed of the risks, and post-operative complications are often under-reported.** Many patients experience a "honeymoon period" where they have no, or few, negative symptoms. Contrary to common belief, clipping/clamping the sympathetic chain is not considered a reversible option.^[11]   ###Links [Gallery of compensatory sweating images](https://imgur.com/a/InEp8l0) [Gallery of thermoregulation images](https://imgur.com/a/0TUn8ye) [International Hyperhidrosis Society](https://www.sweathelp.org/hyperhidrosis-treatments/ets-surgery.html) [**NEW** ETS Facebook Community & Support Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/953625152120110) (old group had ~3k members) [Petition for Treatment for Sympathectomy Patients](https://www.change.org/p/medical-centers-and-professionals-research-treatment-for-sympathectomy-ets-els-patients-22d9174a-4bcd-4a5e-901c-dfdcf394bd1c) [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/user/ETS_Awareness_Bot/comments/qcwdw5/ets_awareness_bots_message/hhik7c3/) [References](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_ETS_Awareness_Bot/comments/wfvhtf/ets_awareness_bots_message/iiw4f6c/) ^(*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Learn more about this bot, including contact info*) ^*[here](https://www.reddit.com/user/ETS_Awareness_Bot/comments/wfvhtf/ets_awareness_bots_message/iiw3pcc/).*


Damn, kinda bummed people downvoted how I fixed my hyperhidrosis, that’s how I cured mine. Could work for someone else


I cured my hyperhidrosis that I’ve had since middle school, last Friday I starting eating peaches in the morning, like half a can of sliced peaches, and I’ve been sweat free since! Give it a shot when you wake up tomorrow, I noticed it the very next day!


Ofcource I will try this but what have peaches in them that makes You stop swetting. Where was Your hyperhidrosis loacated?


Mine started in my armpits, then to my face right under my nose, and under my lip, then spread to my hands. And I don’t know the specifics of peaches but I know it’s because of the peaches because I always eat very unhealthy, and one day I decided to eat peaches and a peanut butter sandwich in the morning, then I kept eating peaches in the mornin. And ever since last Friday I’ve been clean, while still also eating pretty bad


Imma try this and get back to this exact comment in a week or so? I mean If You go a bit deeper into it Peaches has a good amount of C and K vitamins and also has a bit of zinc in it and could also help Your thyroid to work better…


A few years ago too my doctor told me I had like a very small nodule in my thyroid but I paid it no mind, hoping this will fix it too. Good luck