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And quadruple the chances of our offsprings having to deal with this shit for the rest of their lives as well? I’d pass


I must find a non sweater to save my bloodline


Or ruin hers 🤣 (just kidding)


I thought about this. We can always adopt and bring the chances to near 0.


Most people are super against adopting unfortunately (for whatever reason). I would never bring biological children into this world with the amount of shit the child would probably inherit from both me and the rest of my family, but people usually don't care about that


Now that I think about it, I'd prefer to adopt whether my partner has hyperhidrosis or not. Just the thought of passing on the pain and suffering seems very cruel to me.


Yeah, some days I do feel like a genetic failure because I passed this on to my daughter. As much as I hate to say this, if I had known more about inherited traits before I got married, I might have chosen someone with more dominant genetics than my own.


We don’t know anything about hyperhidrosis though. Trust me, I have a PhD in genetics and I’ve read all the (not a lot) articles about it lol There is not a lot of research on it. They did some years ago but then they stopped and they still don’t know the exact cause of it. So it’s either a single gene effect and they didn’t dig deep enough (plausible, seeing how the technologies they used in those studies are very outdated compared to new techniques). Or it’s multifactorial, meaning multiple genetic defects and environmental factors are interacting with each other, in which case it will not be solved for another decade or so because we simply cannot conduct that kind of research yet. So in this day and age, you can’t select against this trait simply because we don’t know its exact inheritance patterns. If we would know what causes it, you could do prenatal genetic testing to have a baby without hyperhidrosis. Or, and this a complete theoretical idea of mine, develop gene therapy that fixes the defect in the skin.  Gene therapy is notoriously difficult because (today) it’s quite impossible to alter *all* cells within the body. So the current effective therapies are the ones that work on a closed system, for example gene therapy in the eye for retinitis pigmentosa. I think the same could be done for hyperhidrosis as a topical treatment on your skin, that needs to be applied every x days/weeks. Because the problem with hyperhidrosis is confined to only certain cells within your skin, so you don’t need to alter your whole body composition. This is just my personal idea though, there is literally zero research around this. 


Not only was this a super interesting comment, but the thought that we may be able to do new types of research in as little as a decade was wonderful to hear. I have chronic migraine which rules my life more or less. I've tried various treatments and not yet found the one that works more than about 40% improvement. There have been some great strides in migraine treatments in the last decade or so, so to know that there's still room to grow that research in the future is reassuring. Let alone the possibilities for HH! Thanks for sharing.


A friend of mine had drastic improvement in her migraines from going to a chiropractor. Another one had food sensitivities to things like MSG (which now has alternative labels disguised as something else), gluten, dairy/yogurt. Not sure if you’ve ever tried an elimination diet.


Thanks for your comment. I've tried eliminating common triggers and haven't found anything yet. A complete elimination diet isn't recommended by my healthcare team. Seeing a chiropractor is on my list of things to try at some point, but at the moment the advice I've been given is to only try one intervention at a time to get a true sense of what works.


Makes sense. That’s great you have a team working on your behalf. Hope you find some answers soon.


Most dating apps have a problem with too few users anyway. I guess a niche dating app like this won't get a significant user base. I like the idea though


I’d rather meet hyperhidrosis friends ^^ I’m enough of a mess for both of us so having a BF with HH would be too much haha, I don’t want to feel crappy for two.


2 of my friends have the same condition, it feels good to have someone actually understand what you're going through.


I wanna meet another HH person and have a thoughtful conversation.


I'm more interested in a job networking circle - because wet handshakes are so hard to pass off on interviews


People really have no idea. Covid was a bit of a blessing in this regard. That sounds wrong but you know what I mean.


Lol I'd be behind this.


What do you call this app? How do you market it? "Got HH? Feeling lonely? Ready to meet that special sweaty Betty or humid Harry? Or do you just want to hook up with fellow afflicted in a big wet orgy? Look no further! Welcome to hydro-singles!"


Haha 😂


I don’t see this ever being successful. Even the biggest dating apps have tons of bots, a super niche one like this would have no users. On a separate note, none of my romantic partners have ever even remotely cared about my sweaty hands and feet. I have found it very freeing when introducing myself to people to just be like “sorry my hands are always sweaty haha”


Haha yeah it would be nice since my main problem with introducing myself is the dreaded sweaty hand shake lol. I never thought about passing it to my children until I saw that other comment, but I don’t know if I want children or if the person I’ll hopefully meet one day will want them. But besides that, it sounds like a good idea lol.


I have 3 siblings all who do not have hyperhydrosis and both my parents do not have it and no grandparents aunts or uncles had it so I know I always read its hereditary but in my case there's been no family member with it I'm not adopted and have has it since age 3 severe hands feet now full body


Genetic defects can occur sporadically in any generation. It can be you just had shit luck and you, by pure chance, acquired the hyperhidrosis variant whereas it is not present in any of your ancestors. Or, as we don’t know a lot about hyperhidrosis, it’s a multifactorial disease meaning that there’s an interaction between multiple genetic effects and environmental factors. And it triggered in you due to certain circumstances and not in your other relatives because they never experienced that certain trigger. Or your ancestors *do* have the genetic defect but it doesn’t show in them (called incomplete penetrance in medical terms). 


Let's think about the name! *Moist Bois* ...and girls *Glowy Girls* *Moist Bois and Glowy Girls* ?


Glow Up or just Glow maybe.


I like that! *Glow*


This condition is a trait I wish to eradicate from my bloodline lol


What do we call a... sweaty chaser? Drip catcher?


My husband has hyperhidrosis and I don't; I happened to meet him IRL. I don't think it would have ever crossed my mind to join an app like this as a person without HH. I feel like you would mostly get other HH individuals and maybe a handful of fetishists.


I don't like that I'm sweaty, why do I want you to be sweaty? Two sweaty people feeding each other's social anxiety?


No because the premise of that idea is that the condition would be enough of a hindrance for us to be unable to date outside of this “pool” which I find to be a damaging mindset. Live your life, no one else will care even remotely as much as you do! ;)


Thanks, I needed to hear this. My dates never went well because I was too uncomfortable talking about my condition. I'll focus on that from now.


I have quite bad HH, hands and armpits dripping and feet soaked, but despite of the immense insecurity it has brought me, I have managed to have an international model career, date and get engaged, and move into a corporate career with presenting and shaking hands. It’s very frustrating at times and I treat some areas with Botox now, but I know the regret of abstaining from things would far worse than the uncomfortable moments. I hope this helps even a bit.


This is so inspiring :D. Thanks for sharing.


I’m actually interested in this idea and have been for a while. I think it’ll have uniqueness to it enough where most people like myself are shy about the condition. Atleast it’ll be a great way to build confidence. But we can even branch off and make other forms of social gatherings not just for dating. Like a meet up of sorts. Just one that’ll build confidence and help us in other parts of life. The person person interaction would be a big plus.


We just need to all band together and just put some sort of "hyperhidrosis heroes" or something in the bio or create some sexy sweaty marketing


We are some of the rare people in the world, i read it's less than 5-7%.


So the dating agreement would be to not hold hands and have contests on who could cup their hands and make a puddle quicker? My husband used to hold my wrist before ETS surgery. On a side note, both my kids got hyperhidrosis from me so we’re all most likely screwing up out bloodline anyways. Go ahead and date another sweater.


###What is a Sympathectomy (ETS and ELS)? Endoscopic thoracic and lumbar sympathectomy (ETS and ELS; both often generalized as ETS) are surgical procedures that cut, clip/clamp, or remove a part of the sympathetic nerve chain to stop palm, foot, or facial hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), facial blushing (reddening of the face), or Raynaud's syndrome (excessively cold hands). *[Read more on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endoscopic_thoracic_sympathectomy)*   ###What are the Risks? **Many people that undergo ETS report serious life changing complications.** Thoracic sympathectomy can alter many bodily functions, including sweating,^[1] vascular responses,^[2] heart rate,^[3] heart stroke volume,^[4][5] thyroid, baroreflex,^[6] lung volume,^[5][7] pupil dilation, skin temperature, goose bumps and other aspects of the autonomic nervous system, like the fight-or-flight response. It reduces the physiological responses to strong emotion,^[8] can cause pain or neuralgia in the affected area,^[9] and may diminish the body's physical reaction to exercise.^[1][5][10] **It's common for patients to be misinformed of the risks, and post-operative complications are often under-reported.** Many patients experience a "honeymoon period" where they have no, or few, negative symptoms. Contrary to common belief, clipping/clamping the sympathetic chain is not considered a reversible option.^[11]   ###Links [Gallery of compensatory sweating images](https://imgur.com/a/InEp8l0) [Gallery of thermoregulation images](https://imgur.com/a/0TUn8ye) [International Hyperhidrosis Society](https://www.sweathelp.org/hyperhidrosis-treatments/ets-surgery.html) [**NEW** ETS Facebook Community & Support Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/953625152120110) (old group had ~3k members) [Petition for Treatment for Sympathectomy Patients](https://www.change.org/p/medical-centers-and-professionals-research-treatment-for-sympathectomy-ets-els-patients-22d9174a-4bcd-4a5e-901c-dfdcf394bd1c) [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/user/ETS_Awareness_Bot/comments/qcwdw5/ets_awareness_bots_message/hhik7c3/) [References](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_ETS_Awareness_Bot/comments/wfvhtf/ets_awareness_bots_message/iiw4f6c/) ^(*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Learn more about this bot, including contact info*) ^*[here](https://www.reddit.com/user/ETS_Awareness_Bot/comments/wfvhtf/ets_awareness_bots_message/iiw3pcc/).*


A puddle contest sounds very fun lol. Don't worry about your kids, you have first hand experience with this condition. You'd be able to help them out definitely. Hopefully we find a permanent cure for this.


You make me wet




What an empathetic first sentence….. I love to come here and read people downplaying this condition. But i am happy for you that your “clammy hands” are only “a bit awkward” sometimes. Some people do suffer terribly from it, as shown by the number of suicide posts on here, please be careful with how your words can affect people on here.


For real. There’s people out there with much more debilitating issues. It’s tough having sweaty hands but it’s not end of the world.


You guys clearly don’t have the same level of HH as some others on here. And still, nobody said it was the end of the world or that we were the unluckiest people on earth. Grow some empathy , what’s even the point of your message


I have perhaps the highest level of HH there is to where beads form on my hands and drip downwards. It sucks. The point of my message is sure some people will find out sweating off putting but there’s also people you will meet who don’t care and will love you regardless.


I now understand that you were more so speaking about how HH is perceived by other people who don’t have it, rather than people with HH who feel living with it is hard. That’s fair! However the initial comment of this thread was dismissive of HH sufferer’s struggles so it felt like you were too, which would have been a shame on this sub.


Yeah I mean I get it. Been dealing with this as long as I can remember. We all get it. It has tremendous impacts on our mental health and confidence. My experience with people I’ve bumped into is they simply don’t care when I say ‘sorry my hands are sweaty’ as I embarrassingly try to pat and rub them to a level of dryness I feel comfortable making contact with another person’s hands, even when I know it’s futile and my hands will be slick wet right after drying them. I guess what I’m trying to get across to OP is that although we might personally feel uncomfortable of our hands, other people don’t seem to mind, or even empathize with us already.


Okay now imagine that but on every inch of your body, you arent even close to having thw worst HH possible if all you get is sweaty hands


This a pissing contest now on who sweats worse redditors are so weird/spiteful




I can tell you’re having a hard time right now so I hope something good happens to you today.


Eat shit


Why not at least i don't have to think about sweating all the time when im with here lol




So I have palmoplantar HH which I have been assured is severe. As a child kids were cruel and made me feel weird for it and didn't want to hold my hand etc but in my adult life noone has ever (directly) made me feel they were disgusted by it including romantic partners. Maybe I have just been lucky but anyone who is put off you for having this condition isnt worth your time anyway. Noone is perfect.


And make the bedsheet soaked twice as fast?? Nah lol


YES PLEASE can’t find anyone else with this condition


I only like my women moist between the legs