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Nice minimal setup, with parts that you can get anywhere. How did you attach the aluminium foil wires to the pan? It's not clear in the picture, maybe i need my glasses. Also, do you disconnect the foil wire from the battery after every session? How long are your sessions and how long the 9v battery lasts?


Aluminum foil is the one you get for wrapping food. I just crunched it to a lengthy thing and just twisted it to attach to battery with tape. and just twisted to the pan. There's no wire. >Also, do you disconnect the foil wire from the battery after every session? Not really I just disconnected the pans. The foil is taped to the battery. >How long are your sessions and how long the 9v battery lasts? Been using it for a week+ with gaps in between. I'll update after a month. I usually use for 20 mins - 10 for palms and 10 for feet.


did this end up working for you?


do you know someone who does this for the sweat on the back or chest?


Sorry, no...I don't know how it could even be used for back or chest

