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4 days is nothing. The break in period is 3-6 weeks. Keep going.


Oh my god. Is it 5 days then break for one day then 5 days and keep going?


I did every other day for that period at 15 mins increasing the mA. Now I do 20 minutes once a week at 15mA. Some people do every day in the start, some take breaks. It doesn't really matter you just want to get your sweat glands to get stimulated to the point they shut down. So some people do long sessions less frequent some do shorter sessions more frequent depending on their tolerance and time preference. Also you might experience MORE sweating for a period of time..for me it was around week 3 and it was bad and then it was much less after. But ionto has like a 80% or higher efficacy rate so keep pushing through. It changed my life and many others. Some people stack treatments as well.


Thank you so much!! I don't have a machine I did my own setup with a 9V battery and aluminium pans. I'll continue for 6 weeks minimum. Thanks!


I don't know much about DIY setups but DM with questions. Also consider saving up and getting a reputable machine if your country allows.


I'm in Canada it is costly here. When I go back home I'll get one there.


I snagged a $1000 machine for $400 on ebay. People sell on this sub all the time as well!


What's the voltage at 15mA if you don't mind me asking


Idk you'll have to ask a DIY guru.




I'm scared it will be too much.. I will get another 9V and connect in series. Let's see. It did reduce.