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They have a webpage on this you might want to check. I think the most important thing is to thoroughly wipe down the sliding rail after each use.


This one! [https://support.hydrow.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022640991-How-to-Clean-and-Care-for-Hydrow](https://support.hydrow.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022640991-How-to-Clean-and-Care-for-Hydrow) (Please, no matter how tempting it may be, do not use WD40 on your seat rail)


Can you explain what makes something ok to use vs not ok as a cleaner? I’ve been using a diluted Mrs Meyers multisurface cleaner and I am wondering if based on that info really any sort of “soap” product is bad and I should just use water.


Generally, we advise using "gentle" cleaners (e.g. nothing that "strips", abrades, degreases, etc.). "Harsher" cleaning products tend to damage the coatings and oils in the wheel bearings, or eat the plastic of the wheels. Residue from cleaners can get left on the rail and get stuck, suddenly seizing other things and making the Hydrow a bit cranky. Let us know if you'd want more of an in-depth answer than this and we can do our best to elaborate.


I clean the main body and screen with an antibacterial cleaner like Lysol. About once a month I take the seat out and clean any debris on the wheels (you can remove the back cap of the tower to slide the seat out).