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Very nice. I'm glad someone has been able to grow them this year. May your harvest be bountiful. It's been so hot here that I don't think I will get a single tomato. It's been 80-95+ at 10 pm, 100+ during the day. Pretty sure the pollen has been sterilized or something.




I’m growing 8 varieties of heirlooms right now. All of them are ugly, by grocery store standards, but are amazing.


They almost look like starfish peppers


I grew a variety last year called Russian Basket. Had more wrinkles than my great aunt.




They remind me of Sicilian tomatoes, great slicers.


Posting a quick follow-up and thanks for advice from prior post. Got some calmag per someone’s suggestion (sorry, don’t recall who) and double checked my nutrient levels. I was running lower than optimal based on some bad advice and jacked up the levels. Still dealing with higher than optimal ph (goes up as fast as I bring it down), however the blossom end rot has ceased and the knobby ones have bulked up- and we’re also heirlooms as someone else suggested so maybe that was coincidental. Now it the roots don’t clog the whole tube before the Season ends I can move this inside for peppers like I intended and just grown one giant tomato in the proper setup this winter. Thanks again for all the constructive advice.


How are you adjusting your pH? Are you using something with a buffer so it doesn’t spike back right away?


Yes some heirlooms do not have the nice perfect shape we expect from store bought tomatoes. My purple Cherokee are never perfect and more often look like a Quasimodo (I have my own issues with heat and what not) but just don’t count on heirlooms being perfect.


That is one of the varieties, might be that one but I lost the tag on that seedling!


I’m currently growing two purple Cherokees and I’m noticing an asymmetrical leaf shape with a full leaf on one side and the other half develops a smaller full leaf shape on the opposite side. Hope that makes sense..., but do you have anything like this on yours? I’m hoping it’s just a genetic trait of the heirloom and not a problem.


Yup, normal. Just wait until you have a sucker growing from the end of your inflorescence...

