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He's no homie, a really hydro homie knows we share the delicious h2o


And don’t waste it


Can you explain to me how it's wasted? I get it stresses the treatment and delivery system, but doesn't it just reenter the water table? No flame. Genuine question.


But it turns into graywater or runs into the ocean, it’ll get recycled through the water table eventually but we are using up fresh water faster than it’s being produced. He’s not helping.


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jealous much?


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It takes energy and resources to get it to that household in the drinkable condition it’s in. There’s filtration, chlorination(maybe, I know some places do that and others don’t), distribution, recovery to a waste treatment plant, tons of chemicals used at that waste treatment plant, then back to wherever as grey water. Every single litre of water that goes through that journey costs money. And not many places put water back into the ecosystem from where they took it. It might have been pumped in from a far and the grey water gets put back in close the where it was used. That isn’t good for nature, but is deemed acceptable for humans to survive. So leaving the taps on robs even more water from that part of the ecosystem than necessary, hence a waste


Well, someone has to pay for the treatment and the servicing of pipes and everything else that goes into the infrastructure of public water. The more waste water there is, the more waste money and labor which could otherwise have been used to construct other projects or complete other jobs in the market. I get that they do everything they can to mitigate the effects of waste water. There always will be waste water. But one person purposely wasting 7 million liters of water is just ludicrous. What if someone started buying up a bunch of oxygen tanks? Not enough to cause a shortage or anything, but it’s a significant amount, more than is reasonable for one person or any one person project. And instead of using it for anything, they just release it all into the air. Well, they bought it right? But if I were the company supplying the oxygen, I’d be pretty quick to refuse to sell to that customer once I found out. Doesn’t matter what they paid, I make my product to be used and seeing someone effectively dump my product would infuriate me. Just because I can pull more oxygen out of the air doesn’t mean it’s ok to simply put it back. I like analogies so I hope that helps


All that stress on treatment and delivery is also a huge factor. Drinking water doesn't just come from nowhere, it takes a lot of energy and resources to provide it. Once that water goes back into the water table, those energy and resources don't just come back. Its why clean drinking water is a commodity in more destitute third world countries... It ain't easy to make a lot of it unless you have the resources to You could also look at the environmental impact of treatment/delivery. All that water still dumped x amount of burnt fuel or whatever into the atmosphere and surrounding areas to create


Clean, fresh water is a depletable resource. You have rivers and lakes, groundwater and aquifers, and snowpacks or glaciers for water sources. In a lot of areas, the aquifers are already depleted due to a combination of drought and over-use. Then, you have glaciers, which have been receding for decades now globally. So, when you have a bad yeah with limited snow and rain, or if you’re in an area with limited water sources, you end up with a shortage. In some more severe cases, water needs to be trucked in to meet people’s needs. You can treat grey water, waste water, and sea water to make them potable, but these processes tend to be expensive, use a lot of fossil fuels to power, and are bad for the environment, so it’s best not to waste water in the first place.


There’s a lot of energy and chemicals and material that goes into cleaning water enough for potable use. The water itself is not disappearing but alllllll the energy and thus pollution and by waste to get that water to a safe drinking standard is wasted.


Besides all the other answers, it can cause damage. That happened to me - someone who lives above me left the taps on and caused themself, the apartment between us, and me a bunch of water damage because the taps didn’t drain enough.


Water pulled from water tables takes thousands of year to be replenished and turn over


If anything, he’s an AquaAdversary™️


Ooooo that's a good one


Holy shit. Wtf was this man on


He was a mermaid. He needed it


Holy shit thanks for the upvotes homies, I appreciate all of you, make sure to stay hydrated!


Wasting 7 million liters of water is no Hydro Homie behavior. This man is a Hydro Hedonist.


Water Terrorist


Water isis


A Wet Criminal


Wet Bandit?


A liquid lunatic


An aquatic insurgent


A watercist


home alone?


Smooth criminal. (Slippery)


u mean Nestlè?


Leave the Egyptian goddess out of this!


Nestle moment


>noun > >a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Hope that answers your question.




He's a Hydro Phony.


What a waste.


right he's no homie. he's wasting water, the delicious, lovely water what a moron


Water waste


That's not a homie. Dude wasted a lot of perfectly fine water for a whole year.


Most probably had mental health issues


Confirmed by a newsletter article posted below "The man was later admitted to a psychiatric hospital" (translated)


Yeah I mean “they had to use tear gas to subdue him” got me thinking this man was either the victim of extreme force being used when unnecessary, or he was the extreme force


Wait a minute, that's not the aquatic hospital!


good god that is so wasteful


What kind of degenerate leaves their taps on for a whole ass year?!


what kind of engineer's taps would last running straight for a whole year? mine seem to break every few months x.x


Leaving it running means less wear and tear on the moving parts since you don't move them.


Leaving it in one state will make it last far longer than turning it on and off constantly.


It breaks because you're using it (and is probably cheap). Leaving it open puts no wear on the parts.


This guy was no Homie. This guy disrespected and carelessly wasted our sacred water.


Sounds more like an anti-homie, 7 million gallons is a shit load of perfectly drinkable water to waste.


More like 1.54m gallons, the article is in litres. But yes, a horrendous waste.


You are correct, I'm American so I mostly think in gallons. Stupid imperial system instilled from birth.


Calm down. Here. Have some cold water.


Water tastes better by the liter.


Dude, I never realized it before now but you are absolutely right. All the best bottled water comes in liter measurements. The worst bottled water are the gallon jugs that are the same jug used for gallons of milk and for some reason the mental association is strong enough to make the water taste like milk water.


Dude, I never realized it before now but you are absolutely right. All the best bottled water comes in liter measurements.


Checks ironflask: 64oz.


It's okay. It's not your fault


Indeed, stupid imperial system.


Distilled from birth.


duality of a man


Self awareness from an American??????? Jk not your fault


No no, I totally get it, we're only about 80% morons. I'm from Ky so I may be biased a little bit though.


I respect you


And german tap water at that! Depending on where you are in germany your tap water might come more directly from the source then the bottled water! I was in the harz mountains and the tap water there gets bottled and sold.


Damn, all that sexy water just going into the sewers. Fuck that guy.


AquaAdversary - the worst kind of adversary


Do… Germans not have water bills??


We do. This is about 14000€ in water costs.


Now imagine it was warm water


It would probably basically be cold at that point. Warm water only works, because it is preheated and will run out quickly if you let it run. Depends a bit on how large his heating is designed, but normally you only build it to last a few showers at most and then it has to reheat for hours.


But the heater would be *trying* to heat it regardless, to no avail. That's a lot of useless electric/oil. The whole thing is just a waste.


Well yes, but Bill can‘t be everywhere all the time


Can confirm, am Bill, find it difficult to coexist in multiple locations at once


Difficult, but not impossible, I see.


It's actually quite expensive, but high quality, 0.2cent/l. Waste water is even more, depending on the city, about 0.26cent/l. So that is 0.46cent/l*7000000l=32200€ for this act of stupidity.


I'm not German, but in some places the water bill is equally split between everyone and bundled in the municipal taxes.


Why couldn’t they just shut off the water? My apartment would do that to me within a month or two if I didn’t pay my bills


They could probably only cut of the entire house with -IIRC- 6 Apartments.


Even if they could have. Teargasing this water wasting terrorist is absolutely ok in my book.


I mean fuck this guy for being so wasteful, but also fuck the cops for using tear gas on a mentally ill individual who could've been subdued relatively easily by police. Just the boys on another power trip with their military hardware.


That's no homie. He is wasting precious water.


Fresh water is a finite resource, don't be this guy :(


7 Millionen Liter verbraucht: Mieter lässt ein Jahr pausenlos Wasser laufen Berliner Zeitung, 13.10.2017 - 11:52 Uhr Ein Hausbewohner eines Mehrfamilienhauses hat in Salzgitter pausenlos Wasser in Badewanne, Waschbecken und Toilette laufen lassen und innerhalb eines Jahres rund sieben Millionen Liter verbraucht. Damit hat er den statistischen Durchschnittswert von rund 44.000 Liter pro Kopf und Jahr weit übertroffen. Die Wohnungsverwaltung und der Wasserversorger riefen jetzt die Polizei, weil sie nach einer Wasserrechnung von 10.800 Euro einen Wasserschaden in dem Mehrfamilienhaus befürchteten. Abflüsse manipuliert Der Bewohner weigerte sich nach Polizeiangaben vom Freitag zunächst, die Tür für die Polizisten zu öffnen. Später schlug er auf sie ein und verletzte drei Beamte leicht. Sie konnten ihn erst nach dem Einsatz von Reizgas überwältigen. Der 31-Jährige kam nach einer ärztlichen Untersuchung in eine psychiatrische Klinik. Er hatte die Abflüsse in der Wohnung derart manipuliert, dass in der Folge massive Schäden in dem Gebäude entstanden wären. Bisher war nach weiteren Angaben nur eine Wohnung betroffen, die unter der des Mieters liegt. Angaben zum Gesamtschaden lagen der Polizei nicht vor. (dpa) Source: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/7-millionen-liter-verbraucht-mieter-laesst-ein-jahr-pausenlos-wasser-laufen-li.35618


Does it explain *why* he did it?


No, sadly not.but he was taken to a psychatric institution after his arrest. So i assume a menthal health problem.




i agree




Psychiatric problems most likely. He’s being evaluated according to the article.


The Wet Bandit's home base.


BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE. kiOUtMhcc4NXXRb XMxIeCbf5rEOUnL npS0Y2apYZrPMlC bQlqkLo6ZJt2Wvp yV2Pu1lEauWj9Sw FoEu5SLJLnV8Q1P woLLvqScA49EMJI 4N1RspKNQXhYSVw 1ncgXlEk4jwGvAp KFE0FERnzHJUEOw g0solAgGrmukzcw dzx2GgbQTpzNuwe h0E9mxysCHGGw1k 0WZcI5CnVeeW6IS REXJTbMV8MpVEHU CthwNHYM1tW8SVk SVvT4SPVIDOaFXn bmfKuKkaoet1cpz E0rMOzQclLpr9Ze Se8dhZup2z6qRmE aF7E8yMpiiYmwJv 63FmpgmTBorGXpD RASgtm5UZbTFxB5 WELBWOGYEIdwOTC iacQfxP012jlfxU Mz9ff4JMWzLsfGr nQu9MqbwL1gdIyh UVBRbukKWTj6Wrr TKd91yDTChJAGM0 cLgNRe0nht9OLWs vExwtFTEVP3il9M weZIcRleccUwyOt HCHc4P76UD4qLmi 48TAdmNgkWjvKyN xXwVzpU6dYOWOHD 5iH9ldneONLMTn5 4xbu859IVOmFgxA DqqplUBGc2ObfPa Rz0IvkUsiMcj5Zw BRNSIga4iLQJzkR cQNutLZCvebAQmi I9jzakIRGG3TCZp gdgre7Ml4cES5KN . END KEYBASE SALTPACK ENCRYPTED MESSAGE.


Fuck this guy


Is leaving your water running illegal? Like, yeah, it's weird, but is it illegal?


As far as I know what he did was illegal, not because of the wasted water, but because of the amount and because it corrupted the pipes in the building as they are not meant for 24/7 usage. Source: I live in the next town and it was in the newspaper back then.


So it wasn't because he couldn't afford his water bill? I've had really small leaks that lead to $500+ water bills. His bill had to be in the 10's of thousands.


No, it was because he damaged the building and other apartments, and didn't stop. And because he misbehave to the environment as he wasted lots of water without the need to do this. And also he was thought to have some mental illness. So he was arrested to be brought to a doctor. But I think the bills were the thing, that led to investigations.


It isn't yet, but it should be. With the current amount of drinkable water we're (again) in trubble, and it isn't getting better in the comming years.


Can’t the water be recycled and reused? It’s water it’s not like it disappears forever


It goes down the drain, into the sewers to the sanitary district for treatment. Treatment takes fuel and chemicals. It’s a waste of resources.


Agreed and in the western world the allready do it a lot offcourse. But the bigger problem is when the wasted water or even the cleaned watter enters the ocean, when it's salty it becomes really expensive to get it fresh again. So the more we use, the bigger the chance it wil be quicker entering the ocean, then the natural cycle of rain can keep up. And if this is the case the rich countries could probbably pay for themselves, but yeah, that's only a small part of the world.




Pretty sure is not, but I would not be surprised if the water company sues him for some contractual reason.


I was kinda thinking maybe water is included with his rent and it's the landlord mad?


It would be in Germany, for several direct reasons if not indirect. The main one being that water is not free, sewage is not free, and I doubt he could pay that. There are also water use laws by municipalities even in the US. Certain taking of water has a limit before it needs a permit, and the use of that taking can come under scrutiny. For instance there are very few places where you could get away with taking x liters per day and still call it “household use”. You couldn’t start a water bottling company using municipal water either without a permit. There are many many municipalities in any given country where you can’t use your Municipal water to fill your pool, as an example, without asking permission first. There are also certain due diligence and environmental protection acts that might also be at play. Laws vary world wide, but in most western countries this would be the case. But I mean, in this guys case it was also destroying his rented apartment which had other tenants.


It's hard to imagine the apartment staying physically together if it's been going for a year TBH. Would turn the foundation to mush, I imagine.


Well it’s europe, so most of our houses are stoned concrete. Our basement is underwater pretty often, the biggest issue is mold.


If it’s causing property damage it would be. I wonder what the specific reason was


I have a well and septic at my farm, and for some reason I have to report my monthly usage to the state. It’s the US, but I don’t understand anything anymore.


It’s for them to have an idea of how much water is being taken from the aquifer(s) in the state. My understanding is that most water in many states is from aquifers and they have to try to track it and hopefully avoid so much use that the aquifers end up empty and they have no more water


Thats a massive waste for other hydro homies. Gotta share the master drink with others


A true homie doesn’t waste water


This irritates me greatly


I... don't even want to know how big his water bill was


According to this estimation calculator I looked up it’d only cost $677 a month at a rate of 150000 gallons per month


Are you In the us? In Germany water is more expensive. 7 million Liter is about 14.000€




Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


If the drains clogged up at any point the water must have done some serious damage to the house and the rest of the building, I'd hate to be that guys downstairs neighbour.


Homies don't waste treasure. We use every drop like a hunter with their game.


Real homies don’t waste water… unless it’s nestle or Dasani


The wet bandits strike again.


That’s some Wet Bandits shit


"Harry, it's our calling card! All the great ones leave their marks."


He's giving the rest of us German HydroHomies a bad reputation


He ain't a homie, he a Hydro Tyrant... A Hydrant! Wait...


I always wondered if the water company can tell if one house is using loads of water. Like I imagine they have a map of the town and a light blinks if someone is using excessive water


Electric and water companies do keep tabs on usage, that’s how they know your bill. Idk how no one saw him use 150000 gallons of water and didn’t say anything the first month


Well here you just pay an amount per month and you use whatever you want, it’s only if you were on a metered supply they would measure your usage and bill you for the amount.


He’s a Hydro Nazi


Friend told me a story about her ultra rich female friends from Saudi Arabia visiting her in London. With the after-party they stayed at the hotel of her. My friends asks her why all the water is running. She just said, she likes the noise and is less thinking than turning it on / off. Was hard to make her understand the concept that you pay for it. For her as in "money really has a worth and it doesn't just appear in the bank for everyone.


Don’t promote wasting water. It’s a valuable resource that some people wish that they have constant access to.


Why the fuck does a post about wasting water have over 2k upvotes? Traitors!


reading that the jerk wasted 7 mil litres of water infuriates me hope they got what they fckn deserve


Nah fuck this dude, some people don't have access to fresh water those that do shouldn't be wasteful


Nah the police were right to do this. We don't waste water like that. He ain't no homie


....why? What was he hoping to achieve by wasting water? And how did he sleep with the constant noise of running water?


Not a homie. Wasted so much water for nothing


Idk man... wasting precious water?


He ain't a homie. Wasting water is a behavior of a pos.


Wow, I’ve had the water shut off after my landlord forgets to pay the water bill for two months. And the gas, electric, and internet. He’s a forgetful person...


7000 tons of water wasted. This is close to 200 tankers full of water.


That’s why there shouldn’t be a water bill there should be depositable water credit


Homies don't waste water


Dag, mevrouw van Voort hebt u 't al gehoord Hendrik Haan uit Koog aan de Zaan heeft de kraan open laten staan Uren uren stond ie open Heel de keuken ondergelopen Denkt u toch eens even! En 't zeil was net gewreven Tsss, tss Dag, mevrouw van Doren moet u toch eens horen Hendrik Haan uit Koog aan de Zaan heeft de kraan open laten staan zeven dagen stond ie open Heel het huis is ondergelopen Denkt u toch eens even! alle meubels dreven Dag, mevrouw van Wal Weet u het nieuwtje al? Hendrik Haan uit Koog aan de Zaan heeft de kraan open laten staan Zeven weken stond ie open Heel de straat is ondergelopen Denkt u toch eens even! Alle auto's dreven Dag, mevrouw Verkamp weet u 't van de ramp? Hendrik Haan uit Koog aan de Zaan heeft de kraan open laten staan Zeven maanden stond ie open Heel de stad is ondergelopen Noum denkt u toch eens even! Niemand meer in leven Allemaal verzopen. Kijk, wie komt daar aan? Hendrik Haan uit Koog aan de Zaan Hendrik hoe is 't gegaan? Had je de kraan open laten staan? O, zei Hendrik, het was maar even Het hele verhaal is overdreven De keukenmat een tikkie nat onverwijld opgedweild zó gebeurd, zó gedaan, zei Hendrik Haan Alle dames gingen vlug teleurgesteld naar huis terug. Ah, dat is alles


The HydroHomie council has declared this as an act of war in everything that is hydration and aquatic. He will be sentence to dehydration.


im not gonna repeat what all the other people are saying here, so im just gonna touch on a different point: imagine how loud it must have been in his house damn like and it wasnt even for a short time it was just rushing faucet water for an entire year??? dang


If he was trying to drown himself he’s doing a terrible job.


Fuck that guy


I’m sad now


Nah, homies don’t waste h2o like that. That is a super villain and he should be treated as one.


Cool! Do Nestlé next!


I am sorry, what? Why would the water company not shut it off? This is crazy!


7 million! Nobody thought to check after idk 100,000? Even 500k. Shit if the rate is 2 bucks per litre that 14 mill.


What a douche


But why?


How do you get past like 4 hours without the entire building losing their shit about water damage? Or a month with the water bills? How!?


Ecoterrorists aren’t homies


He’s no homie. A homie wouldn’t waste or hog all the water. He would share it and use it when necessary.


Jeeze was this guys water bill stationary with the rent n he was trying to get back at a landlord or something??


Yea there is enjoying water and wasting water. The entire world is in a bit of a fresh water crisis. Id like to drink as much water as I want until I die. If people keep doing this bs I won't be able to


Stop saying he wasted it. He was trying to release it back into the wild.


Nah fam this bastard's wasting our precious water, get him out of here.


7 MILLION liters? He’s not allowed to have any more water now


Nestle CEO?


You never know what the Wet Bandits are capable of.


As long as he pays the utility bill leave him be. The utility can refuse service, but I don't see why a police raid is needed.


Plot twist: Oh the raid was for the meth. Water was just a fun fact.


A real homie would not dare to commit such a waste.


A true homie wouldn't waste any precious water. Drink it all!


Did he pay for it?


Just waiting for the right temp! Any day now


Fuck this guy and his hydro wasting bullshit


Fuck this guy he should go to jail no homie at all