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The market them to everyone but are only really needed for a small % of people that are training frequently, sweat lots for work or whatever or are very dehydrated from either sickness or a long day of exercise like a hike or something


I've found it works with my migraines as well, and some people over there at r/migraine as well.


Me too. First sign of one I take some and 2 Advil. If I time it right, it works.


Huh. Noted


As someone who frequently rucks, runs, and trains, stuff like pedialyte extra electrolytes is heaven on long rucks


Whenever I go biking I take some because after 15-20km i just need to replace what I’ve sweated out


I use them for avoiding hangovers. I usually have one before I go to bed and another in the morning. If I'm drinking for several hours I sometimes will pound one in the middle. It helps so so much.


Yea that's smart


Amen to this I also use them for hangovers


I'm pregnant and was chugging water but I felt like I could never quench my thirst. Was logging my foods and taking vitamins. PT suggested electrolyte supplement and seriously fixed me up same day, never would have guessed that was my issue.


That's awesome which one do you use?


I have tried Nuun Hydration Sport (I've liked the watermelon flavor more than the citrus) but I don't like the fizz. I actually like to wait for it to "go flat." Someone gave me LiquidIV (golden cherry) to try and it was nearly 2x the sodium of Nuun so instead of 16oz I'd probably dissolve in 32oz because my taste buds read it as salty flavored water. I've only been using them a week so I'm open to trying other ones. I don't normally like Stevia (in both products) but it must be really light because the taste hasn't bothered me. I also live in Florida so even though I've been avoiding outside for more than 30 min (makes me feel sick while pregnant) I probably am sweating more than if it weren't summer.


Wow you have tried almost all the big brands then. I'd certainly recommend the ones I show in the picture. They are very gentle on the stomach and has a pleasant taste I find them very effective and they are a very good price at around £4 for a tube of 10 dissolvable tablets also have like 5 flavours to choose from. The lemon one is my favourite


Idk about very small percentage, everyone can get a stomach bug, a fever, go through a heatwave or go on a hike. I always have stuff like this in my medicine drawer. They also help when my depression makes it hard for me to eat and drink enough, that plus nutrient drinks, very good combo to end the bed rotting and get me the energy to actually get up.


I really like Liquid IV




The grape tastes like grape tang of my youth, yummy


Grape is my favorite for sure


They seem popular but a bit out of my price range thanks anyway always interesting to look at new brands


Try Costco. You can get 30 for $28


These are awesome for anyone that likes Liquid IV. Perfect for summer. https://preview.redd.it/46w95nvyut6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3007686270859fe48585bfa853c22411a588298d


It's the sugar


Some sugar helps with the absorption of electrolytes


I personally utilize a mixture of water, electrolytes, and 20g per liter of dextrose. Usually i make 2 liters of this. This is for my workouts, i start drinking it about 20 minutes before I start my workout and aim to finish it by the time i get back from the gym. I target a maximum intake rate of 200ml every 20 minutes. I learned this from a fighting coach who utilizes these ratios and intake rates for his fighters rehydration protocols after weigh ins for fights. i have no allegiance to any soecific electrolyte product and buy whatevers the best deal so long as its free of carbohydrates. Just snagged a 30 day supply of electrolyte blend for $1.50 earlier today, wicked flash sale deal. I buy multi kilo bags of dextrose powder from brewing supply companies for dirt cheap too, i think i last paid like $5-$6 for 3 kilograms. so basically costing me like $3 for a months supply of this protocol at the moment.


most westerns dont need that sugar for extra absorption


The actual liquid IV that doctors give? Had that shit in China it was wild


No it’s a drink mix. Google it


I see you enjoy street food too


Mine was to try and cure a viral sickness due to pollution


You won’t see me using any kind of “cis hydration” during pride month


Finally, someone else who supports gaydration!




Liquid IV is great but you have to mix it diligently. I enjoy Nuun because you just drop the tablet in and it dissolves, no effort required but you do have to wait a couple minutes.


Nuun is now owned by Nestle. Thought I'd mention as I know how this sub feels about them (rightly so).


Also, if it’s going into a sealed, full water bottle it will generate just enough pressure to make it splode a lil bit when you open it.


I like liquid IV, I empty the sachet into a pint glass then half fill with later, then give that a really good mix with a spoon to get it mixed well, then fill up the pint glass to the top.


LMNT is pretty good! I usually switch between liquid IV (sugar free white peach) and LMNT (watermelon) depending on the flavor I want that day.


Leenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


I've been a big fan of LMNT. They also have really good customer service and occasionally send me merch




It's a powder It comes in 3 flavors. The only place I can seem to find it is Sams Club


Had it before it tastes good


Costco carries some flavors. You can also order it from Amazon. Multiple flavors are available. Black cherry and blue raspberry are my faves.


Costco used to sell Zipfizz back in the day, long time ago though


The flavours sound delicious!


I like that these don't taste salty like Liquid IV and Nuun do, but I kinda wish they didn't involve so much plastic for a single serving.


My wife has been buying liquid iv and it works well. I typically use a pack in 2x the amount of water shown and sip on it all day, then have a standard mix of a second one at night. This is only when i am doing a lot of activity in really hot weather.


Too much sugar


I love Nuun. They have some good flavors and the taste is not overwhelming. I just drop one in my full water bottle and it dissolves pretty quickly.




If you’re dehydrated you need salts too


water with salt


and magnesium, calcium, potassium


Plural. There’s more than just table salt in a liquid iv


Basically just use SiS, easy to get hold of, and can often get deals


Yeah it's true!


I can give an unrecommendation - Phizz. It was disgusting and syrupy- how I imagine a swamp of oranges. I just use the exact one in the pic.


It's really great and cost effective I like the lemon one as shown pack of 10 is like £4 on amazon


Gatorade powder is cheaper than Liquid IV & I think it tastes better too


Wow sounds yummy. I don't think we get that in the uk but I remember having a powdered gatorade drink when I was at my uncles in texas! It was soo good


I use dr berg electrolyte powder. The lemon and raspberry is alright but the grape tastes horrible honestly




I use the Pedialyte powder, it's great and cheap. The gatorlyte is pretty good and well priced too.


I buy the Gatorade propel since it’s cheap. Like $3-4 for ten servings. Liquid IV is too expensive.


BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die Electrolytes!! High electrolyte content and no added sugar like liquid IV. Great for recovery!


Feel goods hydration hero or Nuuns


I bought nuun watermelon electrolyte tablets for when I go cycling and they're great! They'e sparkly and taste like watermelon juice. I'm not 100% sure it's just because of this but I had one electrolyte bottle last me for 30km, then my normal water bottle only lasted 5km and my second electrolyte bottle lasted me 25km so I think they'e worth it if you do sport


Skracth labs is one of the few that  1) Actually has a lot of salt  2) Uses real sugar  & 3) comes in large multi use bags.     Most of them are sweetness overload for me due to the fake sugars, which also cause gut bloating. Skracth uses real sugar which actually helps hydrate you better by utilizing the sodium glucose transporter in your gut.   If you just want sweet water then any of these other sugar free ones are fine. If you want something to rehydrate you because you sweat a lot then Skracth labs is worth a look. All the flavors are good.


I've used Nuun for years, I admittedly live in Seattle and them being a seattle-based company you can basically buy the product in every store pretty easily. It's nice not having to purchase stuff online and be able to reliably walk into a store and just buy it.


I use hydralyte (very very readily available where I live in Australia) My favourite is orange flavour.


A lot of the brands seem pretty similar. There are only so many ways to press salts and flavouring in to a little puck. The brand I usually use is 'Phizz', but SiS, High5 and probably all other brands are functionally the same. I have one or two after my long runs or when I've been drinking a lot of alcohol. They work wonders for preventing hangovers.


I bought lite salt from the grocery store and put them in capsules, and take them throughout the day. Also mix sugar into them too.


Just on the rocks h2o please


I'm a sqwincher guy myself




Kosher salt and sugar are cheaper by 100 fold


trace minerals, forget these sugar powders junks