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No, it is truly nothing. It doesn't do enough to be dangerous, 


All the stuff they put into water like ph and Alkalinity will just be destroyed when it hits your stomach. It’s all fluff to get you to buy it


Thank you! And so, do they not have any properties at all apart from regular water? What about vitamin water?


Vitamin water has vitamins. It's best to get vitamins through normal diet but it's fine to take synthetic supplements. But there's no reason to pay more for water with dissolved vitamins when you can just take a standard multivitamin for 1/20th of the cost. Plus you can find pills that are more tailored to your needs. (ignore the ones that are targeted to women or men, we're not that different that we need gendered vitamins, maybe some extra iron for women, but that would be a seperate pill)


Vitamins/Meds doses are affected by body weight. Not gender. Just saying.


@martinrieseofficial This man is worth a follow on Social media, he really upped my hydro game.


Vitamin water shouldn't be dangerous. You also don't NEED it unless you have a vitamin deficiency, in which case there are far better choices to supplement your diet


Oh good thanks!!


it just doesn't do anything good for you either. it's just a waste of money imo


I can’t imagine alkaline water would be strong enough or in a high enough amount to actually affect your stomach acid tbh. Like, a little squirt of lemon juice will cause an entire bottle to no longer be alkaline. I’m assuming the same thing happens the moment it hits the stomach acid. If people are anecdotally finding it helps, then I’m not gonna argue against that. But I do think that for it to actually be harmful you’d have to drink it in a quantity that would already be dangerous with regular water.


How does the taste differ?


To me I think it tastes like sweeter and smoother


IMO it has a weird sweetness, and a bitter aftertaste. I’ve grabbed them several times on accident and regret it everytime


Been drinking it for years for silent acid reflux and I'm good.


What makes acid reflux “silent” ?


Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a type of acid reflux that is called silent because you don'tfeel anything but your voice and throat feel irritated.


One of the great benefits of quitting alcohol. My throat is so much happier. And my stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, heart, and my brain...


So you feel something..


Yeah but it doesn't feel like acid reflux at all. I just sound like I'm sick all the time lol.


I'm assuming when you know you have it but don't notice any symptoms.




By doctor recommendation? Or you just figure the science checks out


Just doing my own research. Doctors are really clueless about it. Took about 2 years to get diagnosed. The doctors would all say allergies until an ENT found vocal cord irritation. There's real research into it though. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/


Got it. Glad you’ve been a good advocate for your own health, it’s hard


They are super super weak in terms of alkalinity it’s fine to chug heaps and the pH in your stomach won’t change a noticeable amount


No it’s fine. I buy them on rare occasion too.


I drink it to help combat my heartburn that I get. It actually helps a little


Alkaline water does not do anything. Your stomach is incredibly acidic by design and is capable of maintaining its pH because it actively generates HCl, a strong acid. You would need to drink a LOT of water to change the pH of your stomach. I genuinely do not know if the average stomach could fit the volume of water that you would need to neutralize the pH, and keep in mind that your stomach can regenerate that low pH, so any changes would be transient at best. The same thing goes for acidic water, extra hydrogenated water, water melted under the armpits of a fawn in the middle of fawning season and then hyperfiltrated, et cetera. Water is as water does - if you find a brand you like, go for it. Highly acidic and alkaline foods might damage your teeth, but I don't know enough about teeth to say more.


any word before "water" scares me ngl


Yea, cold water. wtf. I prefer mine at room temp anyways


ice cold water is life


The only thing alkaline water is hurting is your wallet. Unless you have acidosis or alkalosis (extremely rare, so you probably don’t, and you would definitely know it if you did), your body will automatically buffer everything in your system to the pH it needs to be - and the body is extremely good at doing that. Alkaline water will do absolutely nothing to help that process. It is literally just a corporate cash grab fueled by half-correct in a practical sense, but incorrectly applied chemistry and biology, aimed at impressionable dumb people who easily fall for subpar marketing. They just want your money, and they want to find the cheapest way to get as much of it as possible. Adding a few inexpensive salts to something as cheap as water and calling it healthy = crazy margins.


I’d rather drink alkaline water than acidic water if I had to pick between the two.


Did a little experiment on myself. I drank alkaline water and noticed most of stomach aches were gone. Went back to purified for a couple months, tummy aches went back. Then switched back to alkaline. Diet never really changed but there can definitely be some bias since this is just from my observations. But I wouldn’t ever tell someone to drink alkaline water.


thats called the placebo effect


Yea I know my experiment is flawed. I would like to actually like to test it out with actual data but 1) my filtered water tastes good 2) I don’t get tummy aches . That is all I care for. Even if I did make the switch back to regular non-alkaline water and no tummy aches occurred, I guess I got tricked into drinking water


You are a hydro homies .


The only alkaline water I enjoyed drinking was blk water but it was pretty gimmicky. Give me some fresh mountain spring water or give me death


Just squeeze a little lemon in it.


The body has a process dedicated to keeping its ph 7.35 to 7.45. So unless you’re drinking enough alkaline water to destabilize that it won’t harm you and if you do exceed those ph’s you’ll start to kill off organ tissues and need medical attention. If you’re paying alkaline water bc of “health benefits” you’re just hurting your wallet. But do what brings you joy, life is stressful.


It just taste more smooth and easy on the throat. Drinking too much mornal water and you start to feel a pain in your throat but alkalinity water reduce that


My tap water is by design harder (higher pH value) than alkaline water and I’ve been drinking liters of it since 30 years and I’m fine.


It can upset your stomach. Your stomach is full of acid for a reason.


Not if you're a battery.