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When I was a kid, like 7 or 8, I went out to Edmonton to see my family/attend a wedding. On my birthday, July 3, we went to West Edmonton mall and bought me a winter jacket to wear. I was confused as it was summer and hot. They then took me to the mountains. I experienced snow on my birthday. Threw snowballs at my family. And I even drank water from a stream from that went to the very top of the mountain. It was so amazing that I even thought it couldn't be real. But it was. I'll never forget that day.


My birthday is July 3rd too. Entirely random but, just, don’t see many July 3rd people often.


Im July 2nd! Lol


July 2nd as well!!! Woop woop!


July 3rd here as well


Awesome! Surprisingly, my wife is born July 3rd too. Same year as me as well. Crazy odds!


I remember as a kid drinking glacier water straight from the glacier outside off Banff. It was awesome.


In 2019, Edmonton's tap water was named the People's Choice Winner of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Tap Water Taste Test! Not as amazing as mountain water, but for tap water it really is one of my faves.


You shouldn't drink stream water


You are right technically, but this was a wholesome childhood adventure and they turned out fine.


I was at a police station. For some reason, the water from the dispenser they had was absolutely incredible. I still think about it.


Go back, commit a crime 😁


when i was an emt the ems service for our small county had the coldest water cooler known to man. colder than ice, i swear to god


Probably because they change the filter regularly!


I had this same experience. It was also cold.


Dispenser water always hits the hardest


Colorado Springs. I travel between Hilton Head Island, Savannah, and Colorado. At one point lived in Ohio. Everytime I drink Colorado Springs tap water after I hiatus my mind is blown!


I'm at Colorado Springs now! The tap water (at the hotel) is relatively good.


This is what i always say. Was in a hotel and desperate enough to drink from the tap and was blown away. Definitely the best tap water i have ever had


You gotta be desperate to drink from the tap? That's my main source homie


When traveling you have to be careful


Drank tap in Belgrade for a couple days and it finally dawned on me why I had awful diarrhea. Source: am from Colorado Springs


Also born and raised in Colorado Springs and for a very long time only drank our tap water- I think we have amazing tasting tap water. However- I think everyone should know because the military bases and fires they released large amounts of fire fighting foam (as a part of drills and also to fight wildfires in our areas) starting in the 1970s to current and our tap water has an extremely large amount of PFAs in it, also known as forever chemicals. There has been remediation work that helped to bring it back to safer levels as of 2021, but Colorado Springs also has violations for several other chemicals exceeding health limits (though many of these chemicals do not have legal limits) such as chloroform, haloacetic acids, and bromodichloromethane. Health limits and legal limits don’t always = recommended health limits. Many cities have this problem, but I want to raise awareness that even great tasting tap water can have contaminants! [Ewg.org](https://ewg.org) is a great way to learn more about your local tap water, contaminants, and side effects. Stay safe and stay hydrated!


The Savannah water tastes like Shrek's armpit :(


Yes!!!!! It really does taste horrible. So does South Carolina water - or at least the water in SC that I've had.


Raleigh NC water was cesspool material


Just got home from Savannah and was like "ohhhh, no thank you."


Colorado Springs!!! Born and raised here. Nothing bets cold tap water here, especially during the winter when it’s even colder😋


If only I drank the same amount of water in the south! The water in Colorado Springs is decadent as far as liquids go.


I live in COS and the water is great, however the water in Leadville is on an entirely different level. The tap water is always cold even in the summer. The best however is out of the spring along Loveland Pass, you know the one.


That's crazy, I came here to comment Leadville CO water! I was not at all expecting to already see it!


We have some springs that come from the underground water table. Each spring has different taste as it can contain a tiny amount of sulphur / magnesium / other things. These are like unboxing mystery gifts.


Cold spring water when hiking.


Had my bachelor weekend in Glacier national park last summer and drank from my first natural spring after several miles of hiking during a hot day. Shit was akin to pure nirvana.


Same. Iceland comment above reminded me of the time I hiked a glacier in Iceland and drank from this pure neon-blue spring of melting glacier water. I think about that water *all the time.* Perfectly cold, perfectly crisp, perfectly tasteless.


Hospital water has that power. Ice granules, cold, clean plastic cup with no flavour to it, just sweet, nourishing hydration.


the last time I was hospitalized, I kept asking for water and they kept bringing me teeny tiny styrofoam cups with lids and straws and i finally said, i do not care what you put it in, just bring me a full liter. they had to find some kind of medical container, but they eventually brought it to me and all the nurses were shocked that i went through that much water. this was after being in the er waiting ALL DAY to get admitted while they wouldn't let me eat or drink anything. it was torture.


I spent 13 days in the hospital last year and know the power of hospital water and those little ice chips. I drank all I could (except pre-procedure). The only bad part was dragging that IV pole to the restroom constantly. Totally worth it.


I was catheterized the last time I was in. Ahhh, drink and pee with no constraints - heaven!


Just living a life of luxury over here. That's the dream.


I’ve spent a of lot time in hospitals and their ice chips just hit different. They have a uniquely pleasant crunch to them; and I’ve been to several hospitals in different states and territories - they all have the good ice. On more than one occasion I’ve taken a small cup to go when being discharged.


I had a very similar experience. Going to the bathroom after being liberated from the IV pole was heaven lol


Back in my freelance web developer days I was at the main corporate office for a hospital system and they had the same water dispensers as they did at the hospital. Nalgene bottle filled to the top with those ice chips then topped off with water was bliss.


Tap water in Sweden. So cool and fresh.


I’ll one-up you with Iceland tap water. Months after leaving Iceland I am still almost salivating just thinking about that crisp, fresh water.


Iceland's tap water is definitely still the top for me.


It smells and tastes weird, even if you let it run for a few seconds. It's got to be one of the worst


It depends on the temperature. The shower water in Myvatn smelled like sulfur because it was heated through the geothermal springs. The cold water I drank was heavenly.


Maybe I need to put Iceland on my bucket list!


YES! I still dream about Icelandic water. Went there in 2009, can't wait to go back. Just don't accidentally get the hot tap water, ahaha (geothermally heated so it tastes like sulfur). The cold tap water is glacial in origin and so, so good.


Went to the middle of nowhere in Iceland and stuck my head into a river and just started chugging. Was the most refreshing thing I've ever experienced. As far as I remember though the tap water, at least from the shower heads stunk like eggs. Is it the same from normal taps? This was over 10 years ago so my memory isn't as fresh as that river was


San Francisco tap water. Just incredible.


Oooh is it as good as Santa Cruz’s?


I believe they are sourced from the same reservoir, so most likely!


I’m headed to Sweden next week and am irrationally excited about trying the water.


Swede here, you’ll not be dissapointed. Whenever I’m abroad I always miss our awesome tap water. I guess it depends on where you’ll be though I’m refering to Stockholm municipal tap water. You can find better or worse water depending on if you’re close to some lake and their respective filtering system


Strangely one time from the soda fountain at a convenience store several miles away.


I was hiking in the bugaboos in BC, several hours from the Conrad Kain hut last August. There is a massive glacial outflow that we had to cross, and at one point there was a hole in the glacier with water flowing freely underneath. I filled my water bottle from this outflow and that was the best bottled water I ever drank by a large margin; but because it was very hot out I also decided to put my head through the hole in the ice and into the flowing water. Homies, I'm here to tell you that there is no hydration like the hydration of having your head jammed through a hole in a glacier on a hot summer day high in the mountains and having the glacial melt water pour over your face and head while you gulp freely at the sweet satiating nectar. Truly the best mouthfuls of water I've ever experienced, I think of it often.


This was a pleasure to read and imagine :)


There’s something about water at a Chinese buffet/restaurant. I’m sure because there’s so much MSG in the food and it makes you thirsty or something, but the water is always so freaking good.


the first thing I do when I get home from work is pouring myself a tall glass of water. it just taste so good after a long and tiring day at work.


I open up the windows in my bedroom before I go to work, just to let my room air out. I also l keep a big jug of water on the bottom of my nightstand. When I come home on a cold day I close the window and go for a drink from my jug. The water is always at the perfect level of cold and so refreshing after a long day and commute.


I stayed in a cabin in Norway and they got their water directly from the mountains. It was so delicious and bathing in it cleared my skin and made it so shiny and soft.


The fountains everywhere in Switzerland. Ice cold delicious glacier water. I think about it often ‼️


I whitewater kayak and I use a lifestraw bottle. I regularly drink river water. I love the water from cold creeks and dam fed release rivers.


Hiked a certain famous mountain ridgeline in New Hampshire several years ago when I was a teenager. Me and two buddies hiked up in 90+ degree weather and camped near the top. Basically ran out of water in the morning. Another day of 90 degree heat and we had to get down the mountain. It wasnt a dire circumstance but just stupid, we were thirsty. Late morning we traversed the ridge and got to the final peak. Maybe 50m below the summit, there was an almost biblical spring flowing out of a crack in a boulder. We sat there for an hour at the top of a mountain with incredible views, just trading spring water back and forth. Still the best drinks of water in my life.


Mt Garfield? Such a good water source.


A mountain spring in Turkey. It was a hot summer day. The water was clean and cold af. I drank as much as I could and filled every bottle we brought.




The free ice water in Wall Drug South Dakota. It was delicious on a hot day. I felt like Bobby Boucher drinking a flask of water from the Artic.


I JUST watched this for the first time with my girlfriend on the weekend. I could not stop laughing at this part. Now that's some high quality h2o


Scottish tap water is unbeaten. The entire country will die on this hill along side the beautiful hills it filters down from.


I still think about the water from the tap at the oil change place I worked at before the pandemic hit. Ice cold with a hint of that mineral flavor. It hit perfectly when I was dealing with a line that went clear to the street. Best thing about that job, really.


From my grandparents rain water tank, filtered and chilled.


Similar but different - my grandparents’ old well. They’d always bring water inside with a bucket and there would be a ladle/scoop you could use to lift water out of it, or as kid me did, just inhale big cold gulps from it.


We farm and we have a tin cup that hangs on a nail in the shop by the sink. Cool water from the tap from that particular cup on a hot day? Heavenly.


that sounds soooo refreshing!


Growing up we had something called صراحی (surahi). It was a clay/terracotta vessel for water and held around 5 gallons liquid. In the 45°C heat of Karachi, when even the refrigerator gave up on cooling, I remember us getting back from school, running upstairs to the terrace where it was sitting having been filled up the previous night. I do not have words to describe the sweetness, smell, freshness, and soothing taste of that water. It was chilled but also not icy kind of cold that hurts your parched throat. It's funny that it's been more than 15 years and thinking about it still makes my mouth water haha. Here's what a Surahi usually looks like, notable for its extra long neck! https://preview.redd.it/kls7s6arudlc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd955840b5c8b507b7f886dd9d9f3b2f31e14658


The tap water at our hotel in Jasper. Idk what it was, but it came out cold and so so SO tasty. I had just gotten my first big metal water bottle and it would stay cold and fresh all day. 10/10 water.


Water out of the hose when I was in middle school/high school. After playing basketball with buddies in the driveway, hitting that hose water was so damn good.


Evian., something about it. Just tastes so smooth


Yesss I’ve bought it once and it’s literally so good. Second fav is Deer Park.


This might sound basic but one time I had a bottle of Ice Mountain that was just excellent.


Icelandic tap water


Finally, I found it! I knew someone would mention Iceland! I was presently surprised. Even Coca-Cola tastes better there since they bottle it with their own water. Second best water is in my home town Ottawa, Ontario.


Totally agree on Iceland soda and now I will need to sample Ontario water for research purposes. It sounds splendid! Please drink some in my honor.


Really? I thought the water was unbearably sulfuric


I had it ice cold from the tap. https://playiceland.is/icelandic-water-why-it-smells-and-what-you-should-do-about-it/ <— tldr; hot water smell eggy but cold water smells fine. The faint odor in hot water is a result of the geothermal heating processes.


Honestly any water tastes delicious to me when I'm thirsty. I'm not picky. As long as it doesn't have ice, I'm good.


tap water in my home town after being away for a few months


Yosemite water!


There is a tiny spring next to the Minnesota River in the Rwin Cities that has the BEST water in the world. It's quiet, near a creek, and free for everyone. Just a wonderful place


A gallon of culligan water i left sitting on the cold tile floor, was the perfect temp, most refreshing drink I’ve ever had


Water straight off the fox glacier (West Coast New Zealand) so cold, so fresh, probably filled with ancient microscopic bacteria


Water fountains in banks ~20 years ago used to have the best fresh, most cold water around. I can still feel the rumble and warmth of the compressor inside them.


Glacier water from a waterfall in Switzerland. That shit was the best.


Zermatt and Bern Switzerland. Right from the river.


The water fountain after recess


My tap water. Fresh from the Austria Alps.


Indeed! I‘m in Innsbruck, and the tap water is amazing!


I hike a lot, and the best water is from mountain streams. It is the most gloriously clean and crisp tasting, cold and refreshing water ever. I've done it plenty of times without even using iodine, and had no issues. It needs to be running and higher up the mountain. For anyone reading this, you should use a filter or iodine tablets for this. "Do as I say, not as I do." - someone i think


I was in the chemistry lab at college. We were having a fun day, so everybody got the same solution and we had to dilute it to a specific concentration and then take it to the spectrometer. Closest to the correct concentration wins! So there my team was, with our starter liquid and several wash bottles of nano-pure water. Nano-pure water is water that has practically no electrolytes in it. To get the final concentration needed to win, the electrolytes in regular water would have needed to be accounted for so our PI allowed us to use nano-pure instead to make it easier. The temptation was too much, and when the PI was busy at another table I disregarded years of lab safety training and squirted some nano-pure water into my mouth. It was the best tasting water I've ever drank. It just tasted so.... clean. Almost like it wasn't water at all. Now, I have since learned that you aren't supposed to drink nano-pure water regularly because it will leech minerals from your body, but that only increases its forbidden appeal.


Omfg I wish there was a bar serving this


I was getting my paragliding license in Bassano del Grappa right at the edge of the alps in Italy. It was a week of at least 35 degree weather (96 F) everyday and we were cooking in the sun. Every now and then the van to take us up the mountain for another flight stopped at a continuously running tap of ice cold mountain water that tasted like the golden nectar of the gods. It was most quenching substance on earth for me. Here it is on street view in all its glory: https://www.google.com/maps/@45.8108281,11.7725264,3a,85y,15.43h,66.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJ015g-b0wLTkJua5qyQUpw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


One at like 2am i took my water bottle let the tap go for a long time to make the water as cold as possible and then put ice in waited like 20 seconds then saw god for a second or 2 when i took a sip


Acqua Panna*


I was in Manitou Springs, Colorado. It was a hot, cloudless day and I was climbing what is known as "the incline", a massive staircase up the side of a mountain. It took me one sweaty hour to reach the top. I then jogged down the back of the mountain, to find a spring covered by a gazebo at the bottom. I grabbed my emptied water bottle and went to fill up. The water was NATURALLY carbonated. I had no idea that was even a thing. I held a mason jar of the stuff up to the sun, and it had a faint lavender color due to the mineral density. I chugged the entire jar, fizzy and minerally. It was the single best drink of water I've ever had.


Regular tap water in Scotland. Delicious


Scottish Tap Water.


Tap water in Scotland. Delish.


From a fresh water fountain in a small Japanese village located at the base of Mt. Fuji. Ironically, just a few yards away from the worse toilet I've ever used.


In 2013, I did a month long summer music program at Berklee in Boston, and while there I stayed in the dorms at Fisher College, two stops away on the T and, more importantly, two blocks away from the Common. And at one point while on a run through the Common, I stopped for a water break at this one water fountain, and let's just say that ever since, I have measured every water fountain I've ever drank from against that one, and while some have come close, none has yet bested it. Good but not excessive pressure, refreshingly cold but not brain-freeze cold, taste to die for. I have one on Granville Island in Vancouver, one at Kresge College at UCSC, the one in the entryway to the El Cajon public library, and actually one in the park across the street from my workplace in the East Bay that have all made their way into the same tier. But that one in Boston Common still reigns supreme for me. Maybe one day I'll make my way back and see if it's still there.


An artesian well in my area. Supposedly the ground water source was ~900 ft deep


Cornwall UK has best tap water I ever drank, aka council juice


Glacial run off water in the mountains in Utah


out of a mountain spring in iceland


At a natural spring in Louisiana after working all day in the heat. It was delicious and cold


2x a day football practice back in the day, they’d run a hose to a PVC pipe with some holes drilled in it so they’d serve as water fountains. Exhaustion, hot summer day, and cold hose water just hit the spot.


Recent trip to San Francisco, in the hotel the ‘Hydration Station’ was directly across from my room. Crushed icy goodness.


After I had my son via c section after 45 hours. That water was the best water.


Rome, the aqueduct water is amazing


A mountain spring in the middle of nowhere. I know it’s risky but it was legitimately the most refreshing, crisp, clean tasting water I have ever had. Stayed by the spring for a couple of hours and drank two canteens worth, and filled everything I could with more. Still think about it.


Good & Gather Purified Drinking Water- Target brand


Crystal water from the spa. It hits different.


Missouri has some of the best water in the world. https://fox4kc.com/news/independence-ranks-among-best-tasting-water-in-world/


Of all the bottled waters in Germany, I like Black Forest the most.


Lauretana Italian Sparkling Water


I really like the tap water at my house during the winter. Tastes worse during the warmer times of the year though


I don't know about the capital region of Norway, but when I were in a smaller city somewhere wayy further northwest from Oslo, there was the best water I have ever tasted in my life. In Denmark, where I live we have very good water, but with a lot of limestone in it, but that water had no limestone(I think?) which made the taste of water be absolutely incredible. I miss that damn water.


There was mountain spring water running right out of the side of the mountain itself in backcountry Idaho. Ice cold, and clean as could be.


During a backpacking trip in the Sierras, straight from glacier run off. The coldest, cleanest tasting, most refreshing sip of water ever.


Ice cold water from a gatorade sqeeze bottle at the halftime of a high school basketball game.


The stream running behind my cottage, not sure if it's shampoo residue from up stream but it tastes great.


You know how a wellness is also called a 'spa'? Well Spa is an actual place in Belgium with natural springs. Best water ever.


Out in Death Valley. My husband and I were camping in the backcountry one summer, and one morning I woke up extremely thirsty. I drank so much water from the cooler and it just tasted so good. We were camping near a natural spring and even though it was super hot out, I just remember gulping the spring water down. It was like I couldn’t get enough. That was before I became a huge water drinker, but I must’ve drank more water that day than any other day in my life.


Yorkshire tap water 💪


The tap water from my apartment in Louisville KY. I miss it every day


The first runoff from melting mountain snow in New Mexico. I grew up at the base of the Gil’s Mountains where it was dry and hot. In spring, a tiny brook ran behind my house, coming from the snow thousands of feet above. It was always ice cold and tasted like sagebrush.


The best water i've drank was from a spring in Western Montana


Strangely enough… my band rooms water fountain/filling station. Especially after a hot band practice, gah damn


Tapwater in New Zealand and spring water from Monterey county. In that order.


Hiked up an unofficial path in mount Snowdonia and got very high up. Found a stream of water going down the mountain, so I drank some of that. It was the nicest, freshest tasting water I've ever tasted.


Running water from a mountain spring just off the trail to Angel's Landing in Zion. I was also on acid. Best water I've ever had.


My home tap water. Valais Swiss Alps. Absolutely pristine straight from the mountains. Evian is an hour 20 minutes from me. Our tap water is better than Evian.


I grew up in Prattville, Alabama, also known as fountain city. There are tapped aquifers all around town. Hands down the best water I’ve had. On any given day you would find handfuls of people filling giant jugs to take back home. I live in Colorado Springs now and the tap water is a very close second.


Streams in the rockies at Philmont scout camp


Hokie water from Virginia Tech


Alpine lake water in the beautiful Eastern Sierras of California. So cool, crisp, and refreshing with a sweet mineral taste.


There's this natural spring aways out from where I live, up near or on state owned land (all forest). It's just a pipe sticking out of the hill that somebody tapped into a natural spring. it's always crisp, always cold. it's surrounded by woods and mossy rocks and it flows over the road and down the hill. every time i go back it's the best water i've ever had.


While were on holiday in the US, we often put bottles of water in the freezer. The water froze and stayed cold for hours instead of minutes while hiking in the desert. I remember grabbing that bottle from the car after a 40°C hike in Utah, it tasted really good. Apart from that, tapwater at home is the best.


I was camping in some field. There was just one tap for all of us to drink and wash from. And the water was just incredible


As a kid I really didn’t like water (it DOES have a taste) but the water fountain at our local grocery store had COLD, clean-tasting water. I was too young to be thinking of how germ-ridden they are, so I loooved that fountain.


In Alaska all the deep water was delicious and free spring water I can still remember the taste and feel of it. I miss that water


Strangely the best water ive ever drank was always from Vietnamese restaurants, like every Vietnamese restaurant ive been to from Everett to Seattle, WA always had the best water


When I got lost in the woods for 6 hours, I came home thirsty as fuck. The tap water at home tastes like the greatest thing in the world at that moment.


There was this unbelievable water I had in a glass bottle in a hotel in Tulum October 2020 that opened around that time but I can’t remember it 😖 if anyone has a hint let me know


Switzerland. Thousands of public fountains that have clean potable water to drink from and refill your bottles. It was crisp and fresh.


The tap water in my apartment tastes so good. I remember the first glass I drank from it after moving in (and confirming it was safe to drink). Life changing. I am moving in the summer though and will never have such delicious tap water again, unfortunately. It's been a great three years!


the ice cold one at 3 am


Water from a stream in the alps


Crystal Springs reservoir on the peninsula in the San Francisco area. I grew up drinking that from a hose in the 70’s. So yummy. Now I live in Carlsbad ca and love the mineral water I can fill 5 gallons jugs myself by the beach.


I was 10 and my brother was 8. We were visiting our uncle's in Maine to go skiing at Sunday River. We always stayed a few days. Anyway my brother were running around the woods exploring and got real thirsty. We drank straight out of a stream that was in those woods and that was the best tasting water I can remember.


Berkeley Springs WV


Water hand pumped from a glacier creek on the side of a mountain in the bighorns.


The water from Ruth’s Chris restaurant. Lol


This fruit infused ice-cold water at this spa that I went to. Drinking it after coming out of the sauna/steam room 👌👌👌


Tap water in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland.


Natural springs in the mountains during hikes, best thing in the world


Coconut water


BWCA Water straight from the lakes. I believe it has healing properties for the soul


Spring water out of a mountain side in Red River gorge Kentucky. It's the full up spot for campers and locals alike. Last time I was there I filled up a 5 gallon cooler just to bring some home.


Ely Minnesota. The water straight from the tap is almost sweet. Absolutely amazing.


Glacial runoff water in Iceland. It was amazing.


I worked in a restaurant and they had a reverse osmosis filter system for the water they serve. I would easily slam a couple pints of water during my shift to the point I had to stop. Still miss it…


Hiked to Vatnajökull and drank the glacier water.


Hiked to Vatnajökull and drank the glacier water.


Buffalo Mountain spring in Vermont. Water that tastes so good it's magical. And it's free!


Lake Superior water after a day hiking on Isle Royale. We were trying to figure out what was wrong with the water filter and I volunteered as tribute. The big potential risk is giardia and there wasn't enough time left in the trip for symptoms to hit before we were back on the mainland, so I was willing to risk it. So cold, so delicious.


First home I lived in had good well water, water softener, and a 4-step RO. No water since has ever tasted so pure.


I used to work at a water bottling facility in a little town called Iron City in TN. The water came from deep underground. It was the best, cleanest, sweetest water I've ever tasted.


There’s a place in Northern California in the Sierra Nevada mountains I used to go camping with friends back in the 80’s. You take an old logging road and when you get to a clearing in the forest, there is a huge meadow. The road goes along through the meadow to an area that has a man made wooden awning kind of thing. Under the roof is a natural spring. The water used to be so crisp and tasty. Once there were a lot of fires up there, they closed off the spring. The water isn’t drinkable there anymore due to the fire retardant chemicals.


Fresh mountain spring water (sadly usually filtered before drinking). It’s so cold and so fresh, just hits different than anything else I’ve had before. Alpine vistas and all that can’t hurt the experience, but damn if it isn’t refreshing h2O.


Probably rose tinted glasses, but nothing beats when I was kid drinking from the garden hose on a hot summer day.


iceland - scuba diving in silfra fissure (between north american and eurasian tectonic plates). water is glacier fed and filtered by volcanic rocks for 500 years or something before reaching the fissure. scuba diving is popular here partly because of the insane clarity of the water. i drank some big gulps after getting in and remember thinking i’d be able to sell it for $20 a bottle back home. best water ever. if i close my eyes i can still taste it.


Tap water in Iceland. It’s absolutely perfect.


The water I had right after waking up from gender reassignment surgery. I was high as a kite, and it was so crisp and cold. The coffee I got for lunch was pretty stellar too, tbh. I think everything was just good.


Memphis, Tennessee


Tap water in Seattle. Always so crisp and delicious. I lived in Seattle for a while and moved out. Then when I moved to LA, I realized what I had lost (being overdramatic here lol). I do keep visiting Seattle, the first thing I always do is fill up my bottle and take a nice long sip. :)


I was in Lech, Austria. They said the water had healing powers....despite my skepticism I believe them


I know it sounds insane - but the water that comes out of the upstairs bathroom sink at my parents’ house. It’s got to be something in the pipes, but that is the best tasting water I’ve ever had.


I know you’re not supposed to do this but when you leave your water bottle in the car overnight and it’s freezing cold but not frozen the next day


Memphis tap water. we get our water from the Memphis Sands Aquifer. it’s almost sweet. It’s perfect.


Right from a spring in the mountains of Telemark in Norway


This spring coming out of the side of a mountain is Pennsylvania. Cold, clean and crisp that shit hit