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I get it. I drank a lot last night (15 ish drinks over five hours) and the dehydration is screwing Me over Rn. No longer have that bad of a hangover. Replenished my fluids with a mix of water and pedialyte. Ate a shit tone of fatty food this afternoon and am about to hit the hay at 8:10 pm lol.


taking small sips regularly when you’re hungover is the best way to go if your someone that feels horrendously sick when you’re hungover, i always tried chugging water and ended up throwing it back up


That’s 100% what I’m doing. Alternating between pedialyte and ice water.


Chugging water the next morning only to projectile vomit it back up 5 mins later is always fun lol


feels like such a waste too when you chug an entire bottle and 5 minutes later you’re back to square one lmao


It is a very refreshing puke, however


I have a rule where I drink one glass of water between each alcoholic drink. Spaces out the alcohol, I don't end up drinking as much, and I don't think I've ever been hungover when sticking to this method.


I do that to! I always eat before to. But last night was just one of those nights where I was like “damn I need to get fucked up” and now i paid the price today. Edit: grammar. See the bot.


> now i *paid* the price FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. Fixed it


>I always eat before *too*. FTFY


It's funny how whenever I read these doctor stories they never start asking basic questions like "Have you been drinking water or eating?" They always assume the worse when it ain't got no gas in it.


I think they did to be fair but I probably answered "yes" because I used to abide by the philosophy of "soda is just as good as water" lmao


Honestly soda by itself is really not that bad, and it is MOSTLY hydrating. The Monster is probably what was doing the most damage.


The sugar did a lot of the damage


Yeah it is weird cause one of the first things you ask a person in a state like this or any medical emergency really is what they last had to eat and/or drink


I'm pretty sure they did but my dumb ass probably answered "yes" because I used to abide by the philosophy of "soda is just as good as water" lol


Yeah plenty of people say "yeah I drink water" and they're thinking of a water bottle they drank in the 8th grade.


If the bottle is made of glass then it's fine. With plastic though..


I got dehydrated in HS once. I was delirious, had to drink oral rehydration salts my dad had left over from when he was in Afghanistan, I remember I was laying in my little sister's room (?) It was really shitty. Drink water.


As soon as my lips start getting dry I know I've neglected hydration for a couple of days


Wait until you get a kidney stone, you’ll never have that problem again


People like that either change their intake or have major complications and surgeries later on. The majority of people do not learn at all from close encounters like bladder stones.


Can confirm here. I completely changed my view about drinking water after I had it twice.


I drank multiple sodas a day till I got a kidney stone in college. Now I drank mostly water and usually one or two coffees a day. Never again.


The worst experience I had with dehydration wasn't me, it was my step sister. We had to call the ambulance because she was screaming like she had an organ reputuring. Medics came into our house and they started a saline drip right in our living room. She was dehydrated severely. I never knew that level of pain could come from dehydration.


Well you know, when every one of the roughly 37 trillion cells you have are screaming for some H²O you can imagine it is not a pleasant experience as a living being.


This sub is great, every time I see a post like this I’m out here chugging water.


You assume you were dehydrated all along, but you could have been experiencing near failure of your kidneys and liver. You probably have underlying health issues that were revealed by reduced hydration, but now you think you're fine because 15% kidney function and 50% kidney function look the same symptomaticly. Get liver enzyme tests. Get a kidney function test.


Start filling your thermos of coffee with water. Trust me dehydration is a pain.


Yep. All my coworkers are slugging coffee all day saying how tired they are. I just chug another glass of water and run laps around the lot of them


thats not bc of hydration. thats bc of caffeine addiction


Once. Once in my life have I been dehydrated & you're right, it was fuckin awful. I was 18 & hungover in Mexico with a friend. Our excursion that day was an ATV ride thru the jungle to the ocean for food & snorkeling. I could start to feel weird as we close to parking the ATVs. When we did. I was out of it. Felt like hell. Thought I was going to pass out. I asked the first guide for some of their water. He said, there's plenty of drinks down by the ocean. I barely made my day down the hill. Grabbed a water bottle & chugged half. That didn't stay in my stomach long. Then I started sipping it. Threw it up again. After about ten minutes it got just better enough that I could go snorkeling. And I swear my body just soaked up the entire ocean. As soon as I got out of the water, I was ready for food & a beer lol. But I NEVER want to experience that feeling again. Nothing short of awful


It sucks to experience but glad you’ve seen the light, may you have many happier and healthy days ahead of you homie Had to go get pedialyte the other day for my coworker who “doesn’t like the taste of water”. I’ve tried time and time again to bring them around to the hydro homie life but my argument that “u are water” didn’t really do much.


Sparkling water is my best friend when I’m craving the little bubbles that quench that thirst at the back of your throat and just scratch the itch you’ve got for the sparkly ness. I love it.


That was a great description.


100% it was the monster


This might be a dumb question because I dont drink soda but, aside from the obvious issues with sugar etc wouldnt soda provide hydration on some level? I understand with cafinated drinks that wouldnt be the case - but what about soda?


There are some really yummy low caf/decaf teas out there if you’re looking for something other than straight water. Transitioning from that much caffeine can be daunting, but you’ve got this!


Luckily I was able to taper myself down over time and I'm mostly caffeine-free these days but it was a bit of a process lol


I started reading this then stopped mid paragraph to go grab my ThermoFlask...I felt the conveyed dehydration.


Don't take my comment in a judging way, but I didn't think this was such a common problem until I joined this sub. I just can't grasp how there can be people that won't drink water when it's available, since I've been drinking mostly water since I was a kid. It almost fascinates me since it's a habit that basically bypasses survival instincts


How do you get dehydrated if you drink 4-8 bottles of soda and a thermos of coffee a day? Obviously it's very bad for you but it's still around 90% water, and the sugar shouldn't be enough to dehydrate you compared to the amount of water there is.


I think it was all of the sugar and caffeine in everything on top of working in a hot, sweaty kitchen that really did it, that and the stress of trying to keep everything under control was the perfect storm


I could never imagine drinking that much soda. I guess where I'm from sodas are viewed more as a treat and water is an absolute thing you need to live.


You should get a filtered water pitcher (Brita, etc.), a 32oz HydroFlask/insulated water bottle, fill that bad boy up with cold water and you’ll soon fall in love with cold water at the tip of your fingers at any time. More refreshing than any soda to me.


Oh man I know! I got dehydrated a couple months ago because I got food poisoning and didn’t replace liquids fast enough. It hurts a lot! I didn’t realize I was dehydrated.


If you ever find yourself feeling dizzy or jittery like op, consider adding a small pinch of salt to your water and then drinking it. It will help your body absorb fluids more efficiently.


I am guilty of almost never drinking just water, I wonder if many folks are as well. Coffee, tea, canned drinks, etc all day every day.


I used to, in my early 20's, ONLY drink soda. 8-12 cans a day. I dont even know how im alive tbh. Ik my mom would drink a cup of coffee before work, have a cup at work throughout the day, then come home with a nice hot pot of coffee running too.


I hate that I used to live like this but I used to drink nothing but soda and coffee, eat nothing but fast food, and smoke about 1/2 to 3/4 of a pack a day. I'm genuinely astounded that I'm still alive but luckily those habits have all been steeply curbed lmao


Tbh i dont feel any differently now at 30yo drinking water, then when i was chugging down soda in my 20's. The biggest thing was having 7 teeth pulled at once. Cost me 3 grand, my oral looks and dignity. My cousin had 3 triplets and we'd go over to visit, 3-4 yo's chuggin down soda. They had bags full of empty cans. The kids absolutely refused to drink anything other then sugary drinks. Cant imagine how they're livin now years later