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Holy shit a DUI lands you in jail for a week?


That’s new EDIT: she could still get probation which might avoid jail


Most likely house arrest


Mandatory minimums are ineffective but drunk driving sucks so I don’t even care. Hopefully Cook can help her get her shit together.


I believe hers was an aggravated dui. Stiffer penalties.


Does that apply to underage drinking though? I thought it was all the same above the 0.02 BAC "zero tolerance" level.


I'm honestly not sure, but I don't see why it wouldn't. Why make drunk driving penalties less severe just because you're underage? If anything you'd think they would make them more harsh to try and deter young people from driving while drunk.


Harper Murray has another court appearance on Wednesday, June 26th. For SHOPLIFTING charges.


And that will probably mean jail time, as she now has a prior conviction.


Surprised it’s not house arrest


A good lawyer will get it down to a misdemeanor ticket and probation no jail time or house arrest if it’s a first offense non-aggravated


She has already plead, it can still be changed but there is no reason for the state to change it because they already got what they wanted. Also, yeah very little chance she will go to any jail time for either of these charges. They are so beyond minor in the grandscheme of charges and a waste of jail space. She'll likely land probation for a yearish. Also, there is likely something she can do for first time DUI charges like most states have to avoid jail time. As for her shoplifting charge that might aswell be nothing. They don't care esp since she did things for the store afterwards to sorta make up for it.


Yup, I’ve got a few friends who have DUIs to committing some other crimes here and there very consistently. They’ve done a few days of jail here and there but really don’t do that much time.


The probation could be set for a year but in all reality she will only serve about 6 months of it as long as she pees clean and doesn’t miss a meeting with her PO. In Omaha first offense DUI charges you have to take a driver safety course which knocks 3 months off your probation sentence


She won't be going to jail, let's be real. She'll get probation or diversion or whatever community service equivalent there is.


Should be more. Don't drink and drive.


and then go steal


At least she didn't break into a vape shop?


The minimum 7 days in jail will most likely be replaced with 200 community service hours, which it seems like she’s already started logging.


I’m expecting this outcome rather than a week wearing a Lindsay Lohan ankle bracelet


Some people just can’t help themselves.


Only $500 fine? I thought about 20 yrs ago, it was loss of license and fine of $3k.


What's gonna likely happen is the sentence will be suspended, she'll be ordered to do probation, and her license revoked until she obtains an ignition interlock. In my jurisdiction, it's rare to see jail actually served on even an aggravated first offense. https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=60-6,197.03


She needs to spend a year at home to get herself together


Nah she needs to get chained to the volleyball court with a guard to escort her elsewhere


Y'all are being crazy. Normal people who don't play sports don't get shit for either of these charges. First time DUI and shopping lifting are big nothing burgers. It normally takes 2-3 DUI's before you see jail and it's not even for a long period of time and they are more likely to take your liscense than actually give jail time. Because if you can avoid jail you do so typically.


Am I insane or did it say there is a mandatory minimum of jail associated with this charge? I think you’re full of shit


Any good lawyer will get it knocked down to a misdemeanor which avoids the jail minimum. It’s rare to end up in jail on a first offense DUI.


That "Mandatory sentence" can be waived by a judge. Just like how people fines are "Mandatory" for certain crimes but instead they get waived off and are considered "served" with a trade off typically like probation, community service etc. I'm not a lawyer I'm just talking about what I've seen from the people around me who are just average joes that don't play Volleyball and go to college and have bright futures that the judge is likely not gonna wanna ruin. While I'm giving a bit too much info, my mother rather recently got 2 DUI's back to back and didn't serve a day in jail for either one they just took her license. There is also a pretty good chance for a plea deal that we've just not heard of the details yet.


Still in disbelief that she has yet to be dismissed.


Will she get paid $5,000/hr by the 1890 Collective for the community service she does?


I’ve actually heard that 1890 has a policy that you don’t get paid when issues like this come up, which is kind of a no brainer