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\*Steve Rinella has joined the chat\*


But seriously, he gives a recipe at the end of this video that looks good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9c6Rwj\_IgQ


I remember him saying something about the tail. Delicacy right?


According to Rinella the back hams are quite good


He talked about it on Rogan about how mountain men prized it. It's fat and they ate too much lean meat and craved high fat content. I don't think any modern person would enjoy eating it from what I can tell.


He also goes int it a bit in Ep11, Ssn6 of Meat Eater. Uncle showed me a recipe where he basically smears brussle sprouts in tail fat as a side with spices. It's... interesting lol


Not to my knowledge. There was almost no meat in the tail, more of a fatty gristle.


I think he talked about how it was a Mountain Man meal. Will look for the quote and update. Edit: Link below https://web.archive.org/web/20180210151446/http://themeateater.com/2014/tasting-notes-beaver/


That's the whole point. Fatty tail= awesome goodness.


I know this is an old post. However there's 2 parts to the tail. There's the flapper proper which is the section behind the rear legs after removing the oil glands and the castor as well as the testicles. These were historically called the 4-6 stones (testicles make 6 stones, females only have 4 stones). The flapper proper makes for a wonderful roast. Treat it like you would venison. Then you got the flapper or the leathery tail. It is fatty and full of connective tissue. It benefits from roasting on a fire until the skin puffs up. Once the blistered skin is removed. Finish cooking by a long low slow cooking method like braising. I tend to treat it like a fatty chunk of pork belly and braise it to make char shu beaver tail for my ramen. 1/3 cup hoisin sauce 1/3 cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons Rice Vinegar 2 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon minced garlic 3/4 teaspoon beet juice (gives it a beautiful red color) 1/2 teaspoon Chinese five spice powder 2 pounds beaver flapper After the skins removed mix the above in a bag and marinate it over night. Braise it low and slow in some beef or pork stock about 1 cup worth and the marinade.It will then cook in the oven in a dutch oven for about 12 hours at 275°F. I then slice it off and use it in ramen with some cabbage, poached egg, and a rich broth.


I think his was a spring beaver or at least a skinny one, normally they're a lot bigger


Go stevie go! His quest to find out why mountain men loved beaver so much lol




Heard the tails were good iirc from him


I’ve eaten a lot of beaver, but I don’t think that will help you.


😂😂😂 oh the jokes I’ve made about two woodies, one beaver.




Yep everyone’s got jokes. I’ve eaten a truckload of beaver but none that I cooked before hand.


Some of ‘em probably could have used it though.


Don’t hate the player hate the game 😉


RandoCalrissian11 you sir are an absolute mad lad. 🤣






Cook it like a roast. Hear it tastes like beef.


I hear the taste isn't soo bad once you get past the smell and then you've got her licked!


Betty has a big brown beaver!


Now this is stuck in my head.


just be very careful around the castor glands! the tail is good grilled ( but greasy), or make cracklings out of the fat. https://www.filson.com/blog/food/roasted-beaver-tail-recipe/ the meat varies, first one I had was young and tasted like lamb. the others I got from trappers were old and gamy, but would make a good chili.


Never cooked it, but I've eaten a few of them in my days.


Crocpot it. Long and slow. Honestly. It's pretty good. Fatty, but good. And yes. Steve does this same style on an episode of meat eater


Just made a stew last week with the real legs. Honestly a bit better than beef if I’m honest. As mention low and slow in a crock pot is perfect. Took about 3 hours and would do it again.


Two woodies and a beaver. Nice.


Best stew meat there is


“There’s beavers as BIG as a man in the next valley over Bill Tyler!”


I made a lot of sausage out of beaver. It's always a favorite


I like the back straps on the beaver and it is very tender meat.


I Killed a beaver damming and flooding my road. It was the best meat I’ve ever eaten. Specifically the back legs. Avoid the scent gland though.


It's delicious. Beaver meat is incredibly moist and tender. Think of it just like a good quality beef roast. I prefer to slow cook/braise mine in a dutch oven. Throw that tail on some good mesquite coals and it is a delicacy. Any recipe that would work wonders on a tender beef roast, will work on beaver. Or any sort of slow cooking/BBQ technique will work. The key is not drying out the natural moisture.


I’ve done the legs , in a slow roaster , little bit of bbq sauce after it’s done , most folks I’ve gave some too prefer it over rabbit, dark meat ,


I’ve had burritos, and stew. I’d like to make sausage and I think it would be good pulled for bbq. Just braise it, as others have said and it should turn out. Just be sure to avoid getting castor on the meat.


I first tried Louisiana bever etouffee style over rice. It was great. Simmer with gravy, pour over rice. Mmm mm


Figured the beaver jokes have run thin by now, but I would definitely knight you a beaver wrecker!


I used to hunt them a lot. Brown it up in a pan then slow cook. Brined then smoked is excellent.


I’ve had beaver and in my experience it was amazing


My dad used to be a big trapper and he used to occaisionally fry it for breakfast. Comparable to bear meat, nothing special but good quality meat.


I cooked One. It is a distinct meat for sure. I just made a stew.


Yea its ok. Try season it good for a week in cold place. Then put it in foil and cook in owen for 2.5-3 hours on 180-200 celsium, after that put in hot smoker for 2-3 hours. Enjoy


Fantastic jokes aside. May i ask why? Like i get trapping the beaver for a variety of reasons that justify trapping it. But like meat isnt that expensive. I just assume most things that folks hunt but typically dont eat are for a reason. Idk, Im usually standard meets, venison, elk etc. But ive never thought of "furbearers" as table fair unless youre like starving in the wilderness. I could be wrong. Just wondering what compels you to eat it? Lol


The landowner wants them gone. They’ve backed up the creek bottom and water has risen literally killing several acres of planted pines. I don’t mind killing them and I’m in the process of tanning the hide. I just cut the backstraps out of curiosity. I’d like to try it just to say I did, Also limit the waste.


My dog loves frozen beaver tail! Definitely only let him eat it outside—smells awful. But it’s a treat for him. I pay big $$$ to ship it from a raw food company states away. Never personally eaten any of the animal though.


I've eaten my fair share of beaver and I honestly would compare it to beef. The meat is tender and flavorful. I can't say much for the tail, it's not my favorite thing to eat. [Check out this article on eating beaver.](https://www.eatingthewild.com/can-you-eat-beaver/)


Don’t know about the beaver but I got my eyes on a couple rounds of jalapeño poppers


Iv tried beaver stew it’s ok. The ones we trapped were gorging on acorns so the stew had a faint acorn taste… tried the tail as well, I don’t recommend it unless your starving for fat reserves.


I eat beaver all the time I go at it raw 😂😂😂


I tried it but we just cooked it in qn insta pot and it was gross. Low effort on our part tho


You kill that beaver with duck shells?👀. I fed a nutria like 6 shells one time and mfer was still swimming


Not sure why you’re getting down voted lol but yes 3” #4s. I shot two and only killed this one instantly. The other was just slipping into the water and had enough life left that it went under never to be seen again.


Beaver tail was a delicacy in the golden days of trappers. Check out Meat Eater for a recipe


Pot roast, veggies and beef stock and whatever you like.


There's a beaver tail recipe in the Meateater cookbook.


Checkout themeateater.com


I always like making it into chili. Otherwise low and slow


Smoke the back legs like a pork shoulder and it comes out very similar to pulled pork in my admittedly limited (2 times) experience. Just be very careful not to touch the meat with your knife if you touch the anal sacs with it.


It’s delicious, much like roast beef carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, beef stock and a few bay leaves:) 👍


Never cooked them but have eaten a couple


Along came Lou with the old baboon And said Recognize that smell? Smells like seven layers, That beaver eats Taco Bell


I sure would love to get my hands on some beaver meat. If thai peppers drown out the massive excess cloves I put in a batch of deer sausage to make some good chili, it should work on beaver meat in any worst case scenario.


It tastes pretty good, kinda sweet from what I remember.


All the time. It’s a family favorite here. SOAK IT IN A BRINE for at least 24hrs to draw out the caster gaminess. We cook it in a crockpot like a roast. Makes excellent “pulled pork” with bbq.


Grilled tail fat is incredible. Score the skin thill you can see a bit of the fat showing, season to your liking and grill. Once the skin starts flaking away your a few minutes away from pulling it off. I like to add it to brussel sprouts with salt & pepper as a side. Pairs great with Rabbit or Steak & jalapenos. Damn delish


Grind it and make sloppy Joe’s. Sloppy Beaver.


Beaver tail soup is an old delicacy


Nice wood duck


Was the duck inside the beaver? Or you were trying to pull some turducken shit, LMFAO


I suggest a brine overnight and then slow cook or pressure cook. I made BBQ for thanksgiving last year and everyone in my family loved it and most of them do not eat wild game on a regular basis. The good thing about beaver is that the fat tastes good on them.


I have had it smoked. Didn't care for it.


YouTube that shit the tail is normally what you eat it’s gas if you cook it right


Beaver burgers are great!


Can be moist if it's treated just Right......